WTCC mods

WTCC 2007/ 07 seasons.

Still in the process of exploring everything GTR2 has to offer with regards to content/settings/configurations. I've come across both the mod and another one at which covers 2006-2010 seasons. Both packs cover the WTCC 2006 and 2007 seasons and both packs seem to use the same car models for these seasons. The first pack was completed and fully finished in 2015 and the latter pack still being updated in 2020 by GTR233.

I want to use the best versions of the 2006 and 2007 season - is there a reason why both mods are covering the same seasons with the same s*mb*n models and is there a reason to use one or the other pack. I know I could just try both which briefly I have and visually I *think* they both look the same in the cockpits, but if someone knows which is the one to go for for whatever other reason (physics, fixes etc..) that'd be great. Would save time swapping both packs in and out if there is a concensus that one pack is the one to go for.
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kbb version is designed for their online league : I have made few patches for this mod but this is not my mod, it was made by deepstrike and maintained by Fin since his death.

Personally I prefer eSR version from SiGi :
eSR World Touring Car Series v1.01
(by the way eSR SCGT GT3-GT1 Edition v1.01 is great too, and all eSR badged mods in general)

but there is also a huge FRM mod (3gb) at EEC forum.
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Okie dokie. When I read the read me of the WTCC pack from the pilsbierbude site and saw your name (HQ Anniversary author) with a 2020 credit, I was thinking does it have better compatibility with your HQ patch. Anyhoo - I'll go for the eSR one now. Thanks and thanks for the HQ patch - really good and haven't booted up AC since!