PC2 WTF? Handling has computer "always on" assistance?

So I cancelled my refund to give this another go and I've actually got it running quite well.

I've spotted something that's really shocked me though - and I've not seen anyone mention it so far and that's the glaring issue with the handling model.

Take a GT3 car out on a wet track for a race, and pay attention - deliberately and I mean DELIBERATELY floor the throttle round turns....brake hard into corners....TRY to upset the car, and you can't. I DEFY you to have to "feather the throttle" or "dab the brakes" in wet conditions. Racing in the wet in Pcars 2 is far easier than in the dry in rF2, GTR2, AC, AMS or even F1 2017.

If you manage to get the car into an oversteer just fling the wheel back the other way and be amazed as the code takes over and your car is righted again. And do try and tell me that this is because of the "huge downforce"...it's not.


This is obviously a load of bullshit code for the console and gamepad users to make it easy for them. I have checked ALL the settings and there are no assists I have on...everything is as "hard core" as I can make it.

I've just run 3 other races in different conditions in different classes to see if this was a one-off and sadly it's not.

The code in this game is controlling and balancing your car all the time...making you think you're far more in control than you really are. The cars are in reality on rails and you're just there for the ride.

So I'll play this "for fun" and treat it on the same level as burnout paradise or NFS in terms of the handling model, but it is by no means even approaching the same universe as a simulation at this point.

EDIT : I have now also noticed a few times where the car brakes for me...if I try and crash and then steer quickly in the other direction the brakes come on all by themselves and the car rights itself.

I've also noticed that that there is a single axis around which any car moves, not 4 contact points as you are being told. This is a retrograde step back years in time...and no doubt the reason why they had time to add a lot more tracks and cars.

EDIT 2 : Also noticed that when racing in snow you can lock the wheels and still steer round corners.....what wonderful physics we're being blessed with....

"We need to add a lot more content Ian...what should we do?"

"Simple Jim - dumb the physics way down and stick a **** ton of code in there to make them assisted handling and we can spend time on the fancy skins".

" But Ian....won't people notice?"

"Don't be daft Jim...look at what we got away with the first time round....besides half these dumb assed gamers will believe what the paid reviewers will tell them".

"Wow Ian....that's genius....."
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In your tach graphic, you probably see the ABS logo and the TC logo. You have to press J and K to toggle them off. Lights will turn off. You will hit the gas and you will spin. At least that's what I noticed on the Super Trofeos. Also, never had the car brake for me.

When you were in the car setup menu, did you tune down the ABS and TC in the bottom of the ECU menu?

Anyhoo, now that we all know how you feel, please go back to your hole until PC3 comes out.
LoL :roflmao: what an absolute load of utter toss ... you have a totally different version to mine or like Ryan said, check the vehicle standard assists are not kicking in ... you sure Nibiru didn't land on your head ? :D
There are no assists either in general settings or on the car.

I'm quite correct about my observations but if you're happy believing that there are "anything approaching real" physics going on here, then I'm equally pleased for you.

I have obviously much higher standards in terms of what I even consider an arcade racer but as long as we both have fun then that's the main thing.

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There are no assists either in general settings or on the car.

I'm quite correct about my observations but if you're happy believing that there are "anything approaching real" physics going on here, then I'm equally pleased for you.

I have obviously much higher standards in terms of what I even consider an arcade racer but as long as we both have fun then that's the main thing.


The most likely scenario is that it is a bug where the assists are turned on even if the UI shows them as turned off. I'm not 100% certain, but I think I've seen reports about this internally.

In that case, your analysis is correct in the sense that your observations are consistent with the SC/ TC/ABS assists doing their job. It's just that your assumption that they are off might be leading you to the wrong conclusion. :)

I encourage you to try to hit the button assigned to both SC and TC and notice what it says on the HUD. Once they both get turned off (even if this is not what the HUD says!), you should definitely be able to observe a difference.

EDIT: Again, IF you *think* the ABS is off (because the UI says so), BUT in reality, the physics engine has it switched on (an intermittent UI<->physics hookup bug) and the ABS allows for a bit of slip (which is configurable), THEN that explains why you can both slide (allowable slip), brake 100% and steer at the same time -- especially if you are on studded tyres.

EDIT2: An alternative way of confirming that what you saw was indeed the SC/TC/ABS assists kicking in is to make sure to turn them ON in the UI and drive the car in the same way you did when you thought they were off. If the behaviour is the same, you can conclude that what you originally saw was a simple UI bug and not a nefarious plot where the pC2 physics engine is secretly shared with Mariokart.
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