Graham Laing
Retired Staff
Please note that these guidelines are for leagues run by our members for our members. You will receive your own league sub-forum to enable you to organise and manage your new league.
This league forum is not to be used to advertise or recruit members for your own league run on any other external racing website or blog.
General League Guidelines
Behaviour - Normal forum rules regarding acceptable behaviour, and respect for other participants apply at all times
Format - A fixed format for clean posting - Each race MUST be left as a thread so articles and other links stay live.
Each race must be set up in the fixed format :-
e.g F1 League - Silverstone [04/06/13 @ 20:00 GMT]
Rules - must be clear and not bent for any reason, mods of threads must monitor their threads for issues and log on regularly.
Races - must be run on a reliable host and on a reliable basis (No missing races or changing calender halfway through a season)
Sign-up - You MUST have a sign up thread in the league forum, and it must be clean layout and easy to follow.
Calender - must be clearly displayed in 'sign-up' thread - the calender MUST not be changed mid-season. As this effects what people may have arranged to enable them to participate in the first place - RD Staff may be approached prior to the event for a possible exception
If you need any help please feel free to ask away!
If you see a post which is offensive or bullying, please hit the 'Report' button at the bottom of any post.
The F1 Team
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