Version 2021.1 of the Z1 Analyzer is now available! This version has loads of new features and improvements.
You can now display as many traces, data tiles, scatter plots and histograms at once as you like.
(Previous versions limited this to 9 traces, 20 data tiles, 8 scatter plots and 4 histograms.)
There is now an option to delete your laps in the Open lap Dialog.
Menu options for traces, data tiles, scatter plots and histograms have been standardized so they all work in the same way regardless of the type of object.
New Data Channels: Wheel lateral patch velocity, Wheel longitudinal patch velocity, Wheel lateral ground velocity, Wheel longitudinal ground velocity, Wheel toe, Velocity X, Velocity Y, Velocity Z, Brake Bias, ABS Setting, Traction Control 1 Setting, Traction Control 2 Setting, Front Anti-Roll Bar, Rear Anti-Roll Bar, Left Weight Jacker, Right Weight Jacker, Differential Entry, Differential Middle and Differential Exit are now available as data channels.
You can now 'scrub' a trace by moving the mouse with the control button.
You can now use the mouse wheel to zoom in and out on a trace.
The External Data Import now supports the Porsche PCM data format.
The new Control settings tab lets you customize mouse controls.
New users can get the demo here:
Existing users can get the update here:
Here is the full list of release notes:
* You can now display as many traces, data tiles, scatter plots and histograms at once as you like. (Previous versions limited this to 9 traces, 20 data tiles, 8 scatter plots and 4 histograms.)
* Menu options for traces, data tiles, scatter plots and histograms have been standardized so they all work in the same way regardless of the type of object. See below for more details.
* Popup menu updates - when using the popup menu on traces, data tiles, scatter plots or histograms, they will all now have options to maximize, restore, and close the object. This is under the popup's 'Trace Display' option for traces; 'Data Tile Display' for data tiles, 'Scatter Plot Display' for scatter plots, and 'Histogram Display' for histograms.
* All objects (traces, data tiles, scatter plots, and histograms) can now be changed using their popup menu. Right click on the object to view the popup menu. You'll then see various options for selecting the type of data displayed by that object. For traces and data tiles there are multiple sub-menus. For scatter plots and histograms there is just one sub menu.
* All objects (traces, data tiles, scatter plots, and histograms) are now added in the same way. There is an 'Add...' options under each main menu. Choosing this displays a sub-menu of the available objects that can be displayed. For example, the 'Traces->Add Trace' menu option shows all available traces that can be added; 'Data Channels->Add Data Tile' shows all available data tiles that can be added. 'Scatter Plots->Add Scatter Plot' shows all available scatter plots that can be added. 'Histograms->Add Histogram' shows all available histograms that can be added.
* All currently displayed traces, data tiles, scatter plots, and histograms now appear under their main menu. Selecting one of these from the menu option will bring that object to the foreground and highlight it in a teal color. For example under the Traces menu by default you'll see traces 1-9 displayed. If you select one of those options that trace will be displayed on top of all other objects and highlighted. This is the same for data tiles, scatter plots and histograms. This makes it easy to find objects.
* All objects are now closed by either clicking on their close icon, or by right clicking and choosing the close option.
* You can close all of the same type of object by choosing the 'Close All...' menu option under the appropriate main menu. For example to close all currently displayed traces choose 'Traces->Close All Traces'.
* Improved the speed of the lap scan process.
* When re-opening the video display, the previously loaded video will remain displayed. (In previous versions you had to reload the video every time you opened the video display.)
* When moving or resizing any object (traces, scatter plots, etc) that object will redraw as you move it. Previously only the green outline was drawn, with the actual object not being updated until you finished moving or resizing the object.
* When changing your language setting from the General settings tab, the menus will now update as soon as you exit the Settings dialog. In previous versions you had to restart the Analyzer for the change to take effect.
* Added additional translated items - the popup menus on the traces, data tiles, scatter plots and histograms are now translated into the appropriate language.
* There is now a "Delete Lap" option in the Open lap dialog. Right clicking on a lap in the Local Laps section display the popup menu. The bottom option is the "Delete Lap" option. This lets you delete the selected lap. Deleting a lap will remove its file from your hard driver and prevent it from being recreated during future lap scans. Note you can only delete local laps, and not server laps.
* New Data Channels: Wheel lateral patch velocity, Wheel longitudinal patch velocity, Wheel lateral ground velocity, Wheel longitudinal ground velocity, Wheel toe, Velocity X, Velocity Y, Velocity Z, Brake Bias, ABS Setting, Traction Control 1 Setting, Traction Control 2 Setting, Front Anti-Roll Bar, Rear Anti-Roll Bar, Left Weight Jacker, Right Weight Jacker, Differential Entry, Differential Middle and Differential Exit are now available as data channels. They can be selected for a standard trace, custom trace, data tile, math channel, scatter plot or histogram. See this page for which sims supports these new data channels:
* The Laps->Pause Lap menu option has been replaced with a 'Play/Pause Lap' option. This will toggle between playing and pausing the lap playback at the currently selected playback speed. The space key is the shortcut for this function. The Play Lap option still plays the lap, and slows it down by half every time it is clicked. The Stop Playing lap menu option stops playback and resets the playback speed to 1/1.
* You can now 'scrub' a trace by moving the mouse with the control button. So control-click the left mouse button and then drag the mouse with the control button held down, and the cursor will follow you on the trace, displaying the appropriate data on all traces, data tiles, and scatter plots.
* You can now use the mouse wheel to zoom in and out on a trace.
* There is a new tab in the settings dialog called 'Control'. This lets you specify how certain controls work within the Z1 Analyzer. For this version, you can specify what the mouse drag option does within a trace. You can specify what a basic mouse drag does, what a control-mouse drag does, and what a shift-mouse drag does. The three options are 'highlight/zoom the trace', 'scrub the trace', or 'shift the base lap'. (Note the shift base lap functionality requires a Track license or higher.)
* Trace scrollbars - If you are zoomed in on a trace then a scrollbar will appear at the bottom of all displayed traces. You can use this to scroll through the entire trace at the current zoom level. The color of this scrollbar can be set in the Screen Colors tab of the settings dialog.
* Updates to the Screen Colors and Print Colors settings tabs to include more customizable color options.
* Import External Data Dialog - you can now use the Tab key to move between the five text fields in the Enter Lap Information section.
* Import External Data Dialog - there is now a Separator drop down to the right of the Select File browse button. This determines the separated used when parsing the imported data. By default it is set to 'Automatic' and the Analyzer will attempt to determine the separated being used. However if the data does not display properly in the preview, then you can try selecting a specific separator from the drop down. The currently supported options are comma, pipe and semi-colon.
* Import External Data Dialog - there is now a Hertz option drop down. This is located to the right of the Mappings options. This hertz option lets you specify the hertz for each row of the file. This is useful if the file to be imported does not include data on the current session time. By default the hertz value is set to 'From File'. This default setting uses whatever is specified in the file column assigned to the Current Session Time. Most of the time this will be sufficient. However some files may not include data in the current session time, in which case you will have to assign a hertz value to the file. A setting of 1 hertz means each row is a second. A value of 60 means each row is 1/60th of a second. The hertz value is saved with the mapping.
* Import External Data Dialog - the import process now recognizes lap data created by the Porsche Sport Chrono PCM. There are two pre-defined column mappings for this data, 'Porsche PCM - Imperial', and 'Porsche PCM - Metric'. You first need to export the data from the Porsche PCM to a csv file. Then select that csv file to open in the Import External Data Dialog. The Analyzer should auto-recognize the format. If it does not then you should select the semi-colon separator. Then control click on the column names row (usually the second row). Then click on the first data row (usually the third row). Then Load the Porsche PCM mapping, either the metric or imperial depending on your data. Then click the Import button.
* Track Edge Check Analysis Screen - There is now a button to redownload the track edge from our servers. Track edges are downloaded automatically when you open a lap (if the track edge exists on our server). As you can flip or rotate the track edges using the icons on the track edge check analysis screen, there may be a situation when you accidentally adjust the track edges to a state where you can no longer get them to line up with the track map. The solution is to redownload the track edge. Clicking this new button will redownload the track edges.
* Automobilista 2 is now officially supported. To connect to this sim turn on the Shared Memory option within Automobilista 2, and set it to Project Cars 2. Then in the Z1 Analyzer Live Telemetry tab make sure the Madness Engine option is checked and set the drop down to Automobilista 2.
* Dirt Rally 2 is now officially supported. To connect to this sim you will need to edit the file 'hardware_settings_config'. This file is located in Documents\My Games\Dirt Rally 2.0\hardwaresettings. We suggest using Notepad for this. Open the file in Notepad and set the udp entry line to: <udp enabled="true" extradata="3" ip="" port="20777" delay="2" />
Then in the Z1 Analyzer Live Telemetry tab make sure the Codemasters option is checked and set the drop down to Dirt Rally 2. The Z1 Analyzer connects to the sim when you are in the car and press the handbrake before the session starts. This is because of the way in which DR2 sends out data.
* Project Cars 3 is now officially supported. To connect to this sim, select Project Cars 3 from the Madness Engine drop down in Z1 Analyzer's Live Telemetry tab. In the sim set the shared memory option to Project Cars 2, and set the UDP Mode to Off.
Download the demo today: