Not great.. its AWESOME. Excellent work on the suspension tuning.
Had a blast driving it on the Lydden Hill and Knockhill rallycross tracks . Got the inside front wheel to lift on Lydden and it looked great in replay, just like the real cars. Best part is that, this car and very few others really make my old G27 come alive. This old crap is really a fantastic "litmus test" for suspension. If its poorly made or not there at all in the physics , it will rattle like a snake or be as numb as a MAGA voter ;-) But I got 2 tiny complaints. Nr 1. Just repack the car with the Kunos files, including the sound. There's are hundreds of cars like that here and everywhere already. Nr2 Include 2-3 setups. I found the default setup way to tail happy, on Lydden. Lowering the dif and soften the suspension helped quite a bit. But I have no doubt you can do a better job with the setup than me. Hope you can do more cars, especially Rallycross types, like a beefed up Escort MKll. Anyway. Its 10/10 stars from me :-)
If you did all that and it didn't work, make sure you have the latest CSP installed (version 0.1.78).