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ferito-liveCarTracker 0.9.5

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Exelente! Como comentaron en ingles, me falta la opción de quitar los titulos de la app... pero funciona fantasticamente! Gracias!
Great, much better than the default AC App.
Great app. It helps a lot to control your pace and to understand how close you really are to the other cars. Thanks.
I love this app, but it needs an option to hide the title bar and maybe even the Pos/Driver/Lap/Diff line of the table.
So as it would only display the actual info.
Awesome, thanks!
Really useful app. I appreciate the frequent updates and improvements too.
Wonderful app!

Btw, why aren't colors changing as they should?

updateThreshold = 0.1
blueFlagThreshold = 2.5
numberOfCars = 1
debug = 0
decimals = 3
opacity = 1.5
fontSize = 20
defaultColor = 0xFFFFFF
playerColor = 0xFFFF00
aheadColor = 0xFF0000
behindColor = 0x006400

Behind should be green and ahead should be red?
Fernando Deutsch
Fernando Deutsch
It worked for me. You use a kind of dark green. What are you getting. You can respond on the Discussion topic
Thanks a lot
Gracias, Ferito. Muy buena App!
Un gepelero ;)
Great app. , thanks !
thanks update but checkered flag always, other flags no popup
and ahead car + second, behind car - second
As far as I know ahead car -second, behind car +second
Fernando Deutsch
Fernando Deutsch
The application is based on the iRacing relative panel, where cars ahead have positive values and cars behind negative.
I have not experience the checkered flag always, unless the race is well done.
Some problems with retired cars, but after you cross the finishing line of the lap, in which they retired they're gone. Update will fix it, right?
Fernando Deutsch
Fernando Deutsch
Hi, I will just need a more detail description of the problem a retired car generates, if they show incorrectly on the list or what is it.
Can't color change?
what is color cod 0xFFFFFF 0xFFFF00.....
Fernando Deutsch
Fernando Deutsch
0xFFFFFF is a hexadecimal number that represents a color value. This is kind of an standard in computer industry

0xRRGGBB where RR is the red part, GG green part and BB blue part. Range value goes from 00 (0) to FF (255). So white would be 0xFFFFFF and full red 0xFF0000. Gray would be 0xCCCCCC and so on.

This table may help you look for a particular color
This is exactly what I have been wanting in an app.

Thank you

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