Gnoo Blas Motor Racing Circuit

Gnoo Blas Motor Racing Circuit 1.01

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Can't believe I hadn't reviewed this, but what a superb contribution to vintage AC - with period cars, this is one of my favourite tracks, thanks for all the work you put into it.
really great track and adaptation into AC
Fantastic looks, old school type country roads, great drive in the 50s-60s GT or Formula type cars.
The creek is deadly so don't go wide there. You will fall into the void.
I'd like to point out (and I can do that for many AC tracks) that the dirt on the side of the road has too much of the dampening effect and slows the car down like it's a deep sand pit and not just dirt on the side of the road. Over time in a racing league we figured out those surfaces should be just less grippy, almost none dampening, and to clean off the dirt from the tires should take a bit longer than the usual Kunos setting.
look great track too,thank you.
It's great to see my hometown's old track in the game, I love driving it and screaming around roads in a I've driven a thousand times in real life in a classic F1 cars is brilliant. I love these classic circuits that are long straights and tight corners on a thin, bumpy road. There's something appealing about maxing out your limiter as you struggle for control you just can't get on a proper track.

But because I am so familiar with the roads. There's just a few issues with length and height mapping. The distance between turns 7 and 8, as you approach the railway crossing, is just a little too long and should be shorter. And the bridge crossing after turn 5 should be in quite a dip, as the road falls down quite a bit there. The following hill, too, should be much steeper, as it climbs quite a bit in that section coming towards the hospital. But it's a wonderful conversion even with these minor issues. It's very difficult to get height maps to feel correct in simulators, I think because the scale used to input it is "correct" but the scale of the game is off. I think content creators ought to exaggerate the height map just a little to get the feeling right.
This is a re-creation of a real-life Australian circuit -which ran car and bike races from the 50s to the 60s.

The actual track re-creation, as far as I can tell, is very very well done and probably emulates the real-life track perfectly. Track, off road, and background textures are all of very good graphical detail and quality. The trees and country-side are unmistakably authentic Australian-esque. The A.I. cars (and sometimes I as well) do have a little difficulty exiting from the gravel pit lane through the very narrow apertures in the fence...onto the main race track. It would help if the pit exits were somewhat wider.

The reason why I don't quite give this track a 5-star rating is because the circuit design, itself (no fault of the modders who "re-created" this ciruit) is quite blaise: The track mostly consists of very long and straight fast stretches of somewhat narrow asphalt; there is very little variety or creativity in the track design itself.
Master Class :)
clearly top class
I love that track. Great for racing.
I made a video in German about it. Have a look - even if you might not understand what I'm saying :D
Very well done, thank you so much! These are my favorite types of tracks in AC!
What a wonderful track! Took some early 60s F1 there and so much freaking fun! Even if I did end up getting spun out into a wet end!
Well done. I made a hotlap in case you´re interested:
There's a great feel to this track. Thank you
There's always more room for historic content in Assetto Corsa, and this is another fun one to drive with stuff like the 20's grand prix cars.
Nice mod =)
Thank you for adding this great historic track to the Assetto Corsa track list. Great work.
I have a little ask, is it just me or the cars are creating too much dust, trying to follow a group of cars is almost impossible as you see nothing in the dust.
Thanks for the feedback. I'll take a look, but I'm pretty sure there isn't anything I can do about how much dust gets kicked up.
Thank you so much @Lavalamps641 for doing this conversion for me.
I have no idea how to convert from RF2 to AC and you have done a great job.

The best thing is the amount of cars that AC has in the 1953 to 1961 years when Gnoo Blas was active.

I hope to have Lakeside here soon and also the 1969 version of Lakeside later in the year as well.
Thanks Mike. Really glad you are happy with the conversion. Excited to get Lakeside Park out as well :)
Just beautiful work. The road surface is incredible. Thanks.
Thank you :)
This an amazing piece in history in Australian motorsport. Awesome stuff mate. Well done!
Thanks very much, really happy you like it!
Great stuff! Very well done. Just reading the new Jack Brabham biography. Good background on the track here:
Thanks for that, I will make sure I check it out :)

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