Assetto Corsa Competizione v1.8.10 Hotfix Released

Assetto Corsa January HotFix 01.jpg
An update for Assetto Corsa Competizione has been released on Steam which brings improvements including BoP for the M4 GT3 and 720S GT3.

A hotfix has been released on Steam for Assetto Corsa Competizione. Version 1.8.10 isn't a major update, but it's significant for players preferring the 720S or M4.

Memes had been circulating about how the BMW M4 GT3 and McLaren 720S GT3 were overpowered versus the rest of the field in ACC, but Kunos has caught wind of this notion and made adjustments in kind. Kunos also tweaked a few other items, which are noted in the changelog below.

Presumably the next big news from Kunos will be the release of Assetto Corsa Competizione on Gen 9 consoles, which is scheduled for late February. PlayStation 5 and Xbox Series S/X users will be able to enjoy an improved experience playing ACC on their respective platforms versus the previous generation of consoles, which could position the sim as the best non-PC sim racing experience on the market. The release is schedules for February 24th, so just 37 days remain until we find out.

Did the new BoP updates affect you? Are you going to be playing ACC on your Gen 9 console? Let us know in the comments below.

- VR: TAA5 area mask optimization in stereo rendering now defaults off to remove artefacting.
- Fixed asymmetry in some Audi R8 GT3 Evo setups.
- Tweaks to the BMW M4 GT3 aero model.
Balancing tweaks for the following cars and track categories:
- BMW M4 GT3 - all track groups.
- McLaren 720S GT3 - all track groups.
- Zolder regrouped as D1 for 2021/Open season for better overall balance.
About author
Mike Smith
I have been obsessed with sim racing and racing games since the 1980's. My first taste of live auto racing was in 1988, and I couldn't get enough ever since. Lead writer for RaceDepartment, and owner of SimRacing604 and its YouTube channel. Favourite sims include Assetto Corsa Competizione, Assetto Corsa, rFactor 2, Automobilista 2, DiRT Rally 2 - On Twitter as @simracing604


Did update get pulled?

No matter how many restarts of steam I get no update.

Still on 1.8.9

nvm stupid steam.
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Would be interesting to know how these BMW balancing tweaks look like.

I can't recall if it was stream or not but it was said that bmw m4 was lacking drag or had too much.

My bet is that they use some type of multiplier to adjust.

If they got base aero map from BMW no way is BMW sending them aero map updates like 1/1000 chance.

Probably ACC uses some type of multiplier to make slight tweak. Difference to us will probably be very tiny.
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I can't recall if it was stream or not but it was said that bmw m4 was lacking drag or had too much.

My bet is that they use some type of multiplier to adjust.

If they got base aero map from BMW no way is BMW sending them aero map updates like 1/1000 chance.

Probably ACC uses some type of multiplier to make slight tweak. Difference to us will probably be very tiny.
I wouldn't trust manufacturer aeromaps one bit. At least I've never seen one that's not hilarious. Some are just linear.
" - VR: TAA5 area mask optimization in stereo rendering now defaults off to remove artefacting."

Artefacting is fixed for the biggest part at least. But it's unusable since it causes an ~25% performance drop.

ACC is close to unplayable in VR since the 1.8 update at acceptable resolution/90hz, even with the 3090.
I can't recall if it was stream or not but it was said that bmw m4 was lacking drag or had too much.

My bet is that they use some type of multiplier to adjust.

If they got base aero map from BMW no way is BMW sending them aero map updates like 1/1000 chance.

Probably ACC uses some type of multiplier to make slight tweak. Difference to us will probably be very tiny.
It's a BOP tweak for balancing the cars in the game. So mostly that means a bit more weight, or a bit more aerodrag.
Sometimes reducing the amount of fuel.
Has not much to do with the real data or BOP the cars get in real life.
does anyone like to share their CSL DD settings for ACC? i am using the fanatec recommended ones but maybe there is something better?
what i struggle with the most in acc is to get a feel for the connection between tyre and tarmac.
i can feel the bumps in the road and the suspension movements mid-corner, but i dont feel the tyre itself moving or doing its thing, there is just a nothing inbetween the suspension movements.
usually i am not really feeling the limit, i just know it and drive accordingly, but i am not sure thats how its supposed to be.
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I can't recall if it was stream or not but it was said that bmw m4 was lacking drag or had too much.

My bet is that they use some type of multiplier to adjust.

If they got base aero map from BMW no way is BMW sending them aero map updates like 1/1000 chance.

Probably ACC uses some type of multiplier to make slight tweak. Difference to us will probably be very tiny.
But I've been told only Kunos have the Super Sekrit Manufacturer Data that no other sim dev have so ACC has to be the most realistic sim and there's no denying that... until the next major update when suddenly the cars drive completely differently.
wil iemand zijn CSL DD-instellingen voor ACC delen? ik gebruik de door fanatec aanbevolen, maar misschien is er iets beters?
waar ik het meest mee worstel in acc is om een gevoel te krijgen voor de verbinding tussen band en asfalt.
ik voel de hobbels in de weg en de bewegingen van de ophanging in het midden van de hoek, maar ik voel de band zelf niet bewegen of zijn ding doen, er zit gewoon niets tussen de bewegingen van de ophanging.
meestal voel ik niet echt de limiet, ik weet het gewoon en rijd dienovereenkomstig, maar ik weet niet zeker of het zo hoort.

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Mike Smith
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2 min read
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