rFactor 2 Q3 2022 Update and Content Release! Surprise New Car!

Not only has the new build and content just dropped but, S397 have added yet another surprise car to their ever growing roster of automotive treats.

Along with the free Caterham, paid DLC Austin Mini Cooper S & Hyundai i30 there is now a fourth touring car on offer with this content drop, the Ford Focus ST NGTC!

This should certainly keep touring car fans happy, especially with S397's previous announcement stating that they intend to include the full grid of current BTCC cars in the simulation in future releases!

New track updates

There is also a new track in the form of the Worldwide Technology Raceway available as paid DLC, which offers a great mix of banked kerbs and challenging infield section with both road course and oval configurations inculded.

Aswell as the new track there are updates to many of the existing tracks such as Donnington, Le Mans, Indianapolis, Zandvoort and Nordschleife!

New features

Probably the biggest and most long awaited new feature to Rfactor 2 is Real Road 2.0.
This brings fully dynamic working track temperatures to the build which will in turn affect heating of your tyres and also change the way rubbered in sections of the track behave in wet conditions, forcing drivers to change their lines to account for the way in which grip changes on these sections in different conditions!

There are many other improvements such as updated ABS & TC systems, new tires for some of the cars like the GTE's & Oreca's, track limits calculations, sounds and much more!

For a full list of improvements check the update list below!

Let us know what you think of this new build and content in the comments

Client: 9261937
Dedicated Server: 9261942

  • Updated Track Limits System taking into account many factors to award warning points for infringements with drivers given a short amount of time post cut to give up any gained time or positions in race.
  • Ability to set Track Limits to None/Default/Strict
  • Ability to configure number of Track Limit Points before a Drive Through during race sessions.
  • Improved calculation of infringement during time off track, taking into account, time gained, distance travelled, throttle application, time off track, speed differentials, positions gained during race, wall riding and more.
  • During all sessions invalidate current lap and sometimes next lap, based on how close to the end of the lap and the size of the infringement.
  • During race sessions earn warning points, if 3 points are acquired in one go or you pass the cumulative point limit threshold (5 by default) a drive through is given. The size of penalty increases for extreme cuts.
  • Pit Lane Exit violations are now logged and penalized accordingly (May require content updates)
  • Disabled Pit Exit violations by default on Ovals in none race sessions and added ability to customize which sessions have Pit Exit limits enforced via GDB or RFM.
  • Wrong Way Driving calculations have been tweaked to be more lenient when far from the track.
  • Strict mode intended for eSports, has harsher thresholds and invalidates all off track laps in non race sessions.
  • Improved logging options and ModDev options for analysing cuts.
  • Support for up to 16 input devices
  • Added chat message indicating when there are latency issues and collision is turned off.

  • Added current Track Limits points to Penalties MFD Page in Race Sessions.
  • Driver labels now correctly depth buffer regardless of display mode
  • Added Light Dust Particle Profile
  • Expanded Decal Features on IBL Road Shader
  • Fixed orange ambient bug
  • The first launch wizard controls configuration can now be re-run from the “Calibrate controls” page
  • Moved “Electronics” setup settings (TC and ABS) under the “Engine” heading, which has been renamed to “Engine & electronics”
  • Fixed damage multiplier setting description in singleplayer session settings
  • Moved damper setup settings to their own tab
  • Fixed sporadic empty car list on server join
  • Added “Track Limits Rules” singleplayer setting
  • Added “Track Limits Points Allowed” singleplayer race setting
  • Added Tender Springs to suspension setup page
  • Added description/tooltip to Tender Springs setup
  • Improved description/tooltip for Traction Control and ABS
  • Fixed alphabetical sorting of opponent filters and opponents list
  • Fixed race countdown timer format for duration longer than one minute
  • Updated Aston Martin logo
  • Added a button to refresh the setup list
  • Added two settings into the “Visuals” column in graphics settings to adjust the vertical and horizontal position of the Track Limits Info (TLI) screen
  • Fixed alphabetical sorting of car selection list
  • Dynamic track temperatures based on weather conditions and cars driving on track
  • Added a toggle to load temperatures from real road files on main game/moddev/dedi
  • Added improved anti-lock braking and traction control systems. (Only available on the TEST version of the McLaren Senna GTR)
  • Added Traction Control Power Cut map to control the amount of TC to apply. (Only available for the new TC)
  • Added Traction Control Slip Angle map to control the target (maximum) slip angle before TC activates. (Only available for the new TC)
  • Added ABS/TC dash LEDs which show the amount of slip and show when the systems activate
  • Added Tender Springs functionality (Only available on the TEST version of the Porsche 991 GT3 Cup)
  • Fixed ABS/TC aid through settings
  • Cars that lag too much or teleport will have collision disabled for 5 seconds.
  • Network speeds now enforce the player limit to max out at the highest acceptable number the connection can support
  • Fixed loops not restarting correctly
  • Fixed loud audio spike when loading into multiplayer sessions
  • Fixed random shift sounds in the garage
  • Separated TC and Pit Limiter events
  • Fixed audio loop points
  • Fixed spotter and start lights not playing or being delayed
  • Fixed game startup without audio device or with +nosound enabled
  • Performance: Sound system now uses another thread, eliminating random frame time spikes and improving game performance
  • Fixed tracks with lots of ambient sounds not playing any sound at all in some conditions
  • Fixed other cars crashing online playing crash sounds on the player car
  • Fixed HRTF selection
  • Fixed a rare crash when crashing sounds play
Live Stream Overlay
  • Updated broadcast overlay live timing page
    • Fixed live timing page not loading
    • You can now customize the styling with custom CSS (custom_livetiming.css)
      • Added CSS classes: car class for each row and last sticky row
    • Added car class and team name columns
    • Added car livery images
    • Added tire icon
    • Added configurable scrolling and multiclass mode
  • Batched loading warning pop up messages together for fewer popups (Dev Mode/Scene Viewer)
  • Added warning popup for assets exported with default LOD Out for optimization debugging (Dev Mode/Scene Viewer)
  • Added cancel button to show no more messages that session (Dev Mode/Scene Viewer)
  • Fixed various content issues with Showrooms and Joesville (Dev Mode/Scene Viewer)
  • Added Sideview_UI showroom to ModDev for UI screenshots of cars.
  • Fixed an issue in MapConverter where it would crash with textures named *_M_<type>.TGA
  • Added “FarLight” parameter to IBL Shaders in Material Adjust section. This allows us to set materials to be in shadow beyond shadow cascades.
  • Fixed crash when no AIW file present
Known Issues
  • UI – Steering lock second bracket is cut off
About author
Tarmac Terrorist
If I can drive it, I'm Rocking it!!! Besides writing sim racing articles I am running my own YouTube channel called Tarmac Terrorist


Here's a thought about this. Since rF2 incrementally only installs what you buy (or subscribe to in the Workshop) you currently need to own all the content. But really, the requirement is that you need to have all the content downloaded to your machine (like is the case in ACC and RaceRoom IIRC). Surely there'd be a way to only allow users to select content they own in the UI BUT have other content downloaded in order to join the server. Anyway, doesn't matter, cause they haven't done it.

Anyway, as per Kenny's wishes, I need to learn to restrain myself from spitballing these ideas in the article comments :redface: So I'll say no more here.
There was/is a survey active currently in the official rF2 forum where people can take part and right comments and wishes for the future online racing system in rF2 - this should be the first adress for the die hard criticizers to voice their concerns. So they are most likely evaluating things going forward like the content requirements and there might be a chance that this get's changed. That said, there are games like AC that do it similar, but just the price point is lower. So it propably becomes less of an issue once the prices for content start to drop.
Here's a thought about this. Since rF2 incrementally only installs what you buy (or subscribe to in the Workshop) you currently need to own all the content. But really, the requirement is that you need to have all the content downloaded to your machine (like is the case in ACC and RaceRoom IIRC). Surely there'd be a way to only allow users to select content they own in the UI BUT have other content downloaded in order to join the server. Anyway, doesn't matter, cause they haven't done it.

Anyway, as per Kenny's wishes, I need to learn to restrain myself from spitballing these ideas in the article comments :redface: So I'll say no more here.
This is a topic that has been 'spitballed' often. Don't worry about raising it again. From what I've gathered reading here and elsewhere & my own opinion, is that ISI is the cause of this. rF2 precedes DLC. One of the most common forms of cheating from the first online forays with Nascar 2 & GPL through GTR2 & rF1 was memory caching. A user would enter and leave a session repeatedly during the practice and or warmup sessions. This would allow them them sneak a hacked car into the race.
So ISI built rF2 to inspect each car and have it match the server's car. Since there were no car packs, there were no eSports, one assumed everyone joining was using the same sourced cars. Thus it was not a problem, BACK THEN.
S397 moved the platform over to Steam and consulted with them about the Workshop and Store so that modded vehicles/tracks would be available in-game. They have discussed internally and with STeam if there were ways to both reduce pack prices if a user already had one of the cars or find a different method of distribution/packaging so that you didn't need all the cars to join a server. Neither of those two options ever bore fruit. We don't know why, but it was something that was looked at repeatedly over the years when S397 owned rF2. You would think there should be a solution...just doesn't seem to be feasible yet for rF2.
I don't know what you guys are doing but I don't find the meaty cat too bad for a car with "broken" FFB. Now just give me those two front wheels and I will not only feel and and hear, but also see once I scrub the curbs. :p

Gateway RC is suprisingly technical and hard to master. Throwing the car through those fast chicanes in 4th gear is blizz. Highly recommended :cool:
So you admit that they lack manpower but at the same time don't like it when I bring up QC issues because of lack of manpower? :)
They made the new UI for 5 years, I know it wasn't about the UI but the underlying packaging system but still... :)
And yes I believe they consciously don't fix those problems otherwise they would've fixed by now in the time they introduced new features. When half of the complains is about the AI then they have to know about it (if they read the forums, comments) and consciously not fix it for this long of a time because of something higher order or goal in mind.
Nope, I can’t agree.
Programming is not just “wanting”.
You need highly qualified manpower available for many hours to dive deep into code done by other programmers and that costs a fortune.
The packaging system that is so cumbersome is deeply in the core of RF2 and S397 did not have the means to change it.
Basically S397 were kind of a large scale modding group outputting content and tweaking and improving what was possible to improve and tweak in the “outer layer” of the game.
They did bring RF2 up to DX11 and implemented VR, which, on its own, is a huge development and brought contents which refreshed the sim and allowed it to be used for Virtual LM.
To accuse them of consciously keeping RFactor 2 hindered by bugs or unstable code is as believable as the flat earth theory.

And I understand the frustration of long time users waiting for changes on things that feel like thorns on their backs, heck, I play RF2 only since the 1st of December 2020 and I can imagine how I would feel if I were in those shoes, but facts are facts.

“Consciously not improving the product” is an insane conclusion.
For the benefit of the people thinking of buying Q3 content to race online: My experience is the hourly races have zero or <5 participantion even in "the best time". The few races with large participation, the weekly ones/season i tried to join failed to start 50% of time. The "race of the season" is a series of Q sessions in the CS and its very hard to find out in CS when the actual race is, so little suprise fewer people turned up for that. The LeMans thing had >30 people joining and waiting for a server that didnt come up. This whole CS is allegedly going to be redone/fixed in 2023 until then its semi-functional. At least the track cut improvement is a step up and should be nice for CS.
If everyone takes your advice, lobbies will remain empty.
On the other hand, if people make an effort - note, sometimes it’s not easy to join and the system is far from streamlined - one week there will be an average of 5 players, then 7, then 9, etc.
But the CS needs major improvements, that’s unquestionable and it’s not only ratings or packages.
Marcel Offermans said in a S397 blog post that they have an idea how to fix the AI slipstreaming. This was years ago so they could fix it if they wanted to.
Marcel is a good guy, but frequently he said stuff that meant nothing in concrete and were wishful thinking exercises.
So I finally got a chance to try out the Caterham. Does anyone know if it was updated? The front wheels are missing, which is quite bizarre, but I gave it a go at 100% ffb, normally I set cars to 75% and adjust from there (Accuforce V2) and the feedback was actually pretty excellent. I dropped it down to my normal 75% after maybe 5 laps or so and gave it another go and it was just right.

I do wish Multiplayer was worthwhile as I love the way RF2 feels. I also agree with many that the AI isn't great. Perhaps I should read up on these json files some of you mention. It's a shame I mostly use this sim as a hot lap simulator and it is great for that.

I think the real 'dream sim' would be if all the major developers somehow collaborated on one sim to rule them all :p. That would be something.
Gateway RC is suprisingly technical and hard to master. Throwing the car through those fast chicanes in 4th gear is blizz. Highly recommended :cool:

Been driving on Gateway and I still don't like the road course. Maybe I should try it with a Caterham. It sucks with faster cars.
As a longtime user I resigned myself to what rF2 was 10 year ago
If you ever used gmotor you would know it still has bugs from GTR up so why should everyone have expectations that would change.
I think the real 'dream sim' would be if all the major developers somehow collaborated on one sim to rule them all :p. That would be something.

I been saying that since GTR2 lol

It's like one country trying to build the space station or CERN :rolleyes:

Does not mean studios have to become one.
They form a separate company same as Unreal did
Build a motor they can license to others
Each studio involved would still make their own titles while
constantly developing motor.

Can you imagine the positives, too many.
Going from one title to another where all settings are the same
Tweak FFB in one sim then drive another same experience
Tweak graphics on one same performance in another
Same VR
Isn't that what we all want ?
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3 cars and a laser circuit under licence 16euros too expensive I hope you are joking...:rolleyes:
I didnt specify which DLC. rFactor2 are happy to charge high prices. That's fine if people are happy to buy. As far as the DLC you are quoting, no I am not interested in that specific one, on sale or not. Have a good day ;)
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This is a topic that has been 'spitballed' often. Don't worry about raising it again. From what I've gathered reading here and elsewhere & my own opinion, is that ISI is the cause of this. rF2 precedes DLC. One of the most common forms of cheating from the first online forays with Nascar 2 & GPL through GTR2 & rF1 was memory caching. A user would enter and leave a session repeatedly during the practice and or warmup sessions. This would allow them them sneak a hacked car into the race.
So ISI built rF2 to inspect each car and have it match the server's car. Since there were no car packs, there were no eSports, one assumed everyone joining was using the same sourced cars. Thus it was not a problem, BACK THEN.
S397 moved the platform over to Steam and consulted with them about the Workshop and Store so that modded vehicles/tracks would be available in-game. They have discussed internally and with STeam if there were ways to both reduce pack prices if a user already had one of the cars or find a different method of distribution/packaging so that you didn't need all the cars to join a server. Neither of those two options ever bore fruit. We don't know why, but it was something that was looked at repeatedly over the years when S397 owned rF2. You would think there should be a solution...just doesn't seem to be feasible yet for rF2.
You are right about this topic coming up often; essentially since the introduction of paid content by S397.
ISI did not cause this, as they created what worked for them in a dedicated server environment that had no real plan of paid DLC or CS.
S397 chose to not change the system knowing that their CS and paid DLC would benefit from the change. S397 also chose to use the Steam item store rather than the traditional Steam DLC system(which was more than capable content numbers wise by the time the first piece of paid content was released).
S397 also choose to package up series in their CS requiring all tracks upfront for the quarter, even when you own the track for the current session. Something most leagues running dedicated servers tried and stopped doing a long time ago due to updates to build, mods etc.
Many suggestions on how to help alleviate these issues, have felt to have fallen on deaf ears and blaming previous teams for a change to the system they possibly did not envision. Suggestions as simple as offering all single pieces of content at sale prices during sales and setting up CS system races per track(not per quarter) would help numbers(along with rankings etc). Also suggestions as complex as including DLC as part of the main game and only content you own is available to drive(thus negating the double up of workshop cache for the official content and makes more sense if they want to push the CS that only uses official content).
So I beg to differ that the cause is ISI. That belongs to S397, whether due to lack of forward vision, or choosing the easiest option.
Interesting how people are saying rf2 contents are refundable... I purchased 2 BMW M4 GT3, yes not one but two I don't know how a single click could add two same car into the kart without any problems, so I now see "2 BMW MD GT3" in my content. Found it as soon as I paid and wanted to send one to my friend no way. Refund, no way. Maybe I've used that already? No way. And how can any one judge I've used both the two same contents not one of them:roflmao:

By the way I saw some people saying the tracks/cars are overpriced. I don't want to say price is too high (although steam regional market price is wrongly set as I said before, another problem of not using steam's DLC system to release contents). It's high indeed but considering how many people actually play this game, the price is fairly reasonable as S397 is NOT charity organisation they need to make money. Imagine you don't get paid enough for your own job, unacceptable right?
And for those who don't like rf2, don't be surprised if rf2 is rated positive in this forum because this forum has almost all the people playing it and they sometimes call themselves simracers, which means they don't care much about game quality, but only the physics
How bad is the mirror adjustment in this game??


I just leave em at default now even though I can't see out of the side ones ,I always can't get the kb commands working or forget them.
One of the worst parts of RF2.

I know they are trying to make it like real life but in real life it takes two seconds.
Steam offers a 48hr refund, if the item has not been used. IF you use the item, you have two hours. I've done it, it works.
I probably did something wrong but I've tried that twice, both times Steam thought I wanted to refund rF2 as a whole instead of only the DLC I bought. I did however refund a lot of games through Steam, which always worked.
What are the commands used to move them?

I reckon they are shithouse.
Ctrl, Alt + Shift and the seat adjustment controls you can set in the options. While it could use less fingers, for setting them once per car it's not that big of a deal.

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Paul McCaffrey
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