Rennsport: Always-Online? & Everything-In-One | Discord Q & A (Part 2)


The Short and Concise

Rennsport held a Discord Q&A session recently. In it, some questions were answered by Competition Company GmbH CEO Morris Hebecker and Game Development Lead Krzysztof Szczech. This is the second part of our Rennsport Discord Q&A Articles.

The Short and Concise Paraphrasing​

25. Can you hit other people in the pitlane?
Morris Hebecker: We need to discuss this. No decision has been made, but both are technically possible.

26. Will driver swaps in endurance races be supported?
Krzysztof Szczech: Yes, we definitely have that on the roadmap. Not for the closest releases but we plan to add it once we have some more mechanics for endurance.

27. Is creating an in-game team possible, e.g. one team owns a lot of cars and gives them out to drivers for series?
Morris Hebecker: Yes, you can just manage a team as well.

28. Any news on the ESL partnership and where it’s going to lead? And a brief description of the competition aspect you’re planning on?
Morris Hebecker: ESL has been one of our earliest partners. There will be a league starting in February together with ESL.

29. What features and content can we expect from the closed Beta?
Morris Hebecker: New race tracks and some new cars.

30. Will there be VR implementation during the closed beta?
Krzysztof Szczech: No, we are working on VR implementation, but we are not happy with it currently.

31. What is some upcoming content?
Morris Hebecker: We've got the Audi R8 coming up, which is just the first car in the new Audi partnership.

32. Rennsports sounds like everything for everyone. What is the primary goal of Rennsport? Which Epics have the highest priority in your Jira?
Morris Hebecker: Our main goal is to create a state-of-the-art technology that can be used without problem for the next 10 years or so. Also community involvement is the 2nd big aspect we are focusing on.

33. Can we trust a guy to make a game if he is struggling to connect to discord on his laptop? (referring to CEO Morris Hebecker having troubles connecting to the call)
Morris Hebecker: *Jokingly* No you can't.

34. Will drift competitions be possible in Rennsport? Like GamerMuscle did…
Morris Hebecker: I would like to do it but it's not currently available with our physics.
Krzysztof Szczech: Yup, for now, no.

35. What about Hillclimb tracks? Will it be possible?
Morris Hebecker: Yes and we are, we have 2 Hillclimb, and I’m not talking about Goodwood, we have 2 hillclimb tracks on our list and we will have them for the release in the game.

36. How will pitstops be done? Automatic or Manual, as in the game takes over?
Krzysztof Szczech: How it’s done right now is that you do everything manually. And we are not looking to change that.

37. Will off-road stuff also be on the cards?
Morris Hebecker: I want to, but most likely no for beta as well as final release. Maybe later.
Krzysztof Szczech: Yeah for the near future, we are focusing on doing normal racing on race tracks.

38. Could you enlighten us with a broad roadmap (now or via site) from closed beta going forward? Maybe even a voting process?
Morris Hebecker: There will be more race tracks and more cars coming during the beta phase. Q2 or Q3 next year should see us publishing more features of the platform.

39. Voting: Public can vote up a feature.
Morris Hebecker: Community engagement is really important for us, for now, we are going to do votes via discord.

40. How will track limits be handled?
Krzysztof Szczech: Like in other games, keep the tyres between the white lines.

41. How are the settings saved? Via config file or different?
Krzysztof Szczech: Settings, set-ups and the like are all being saved on our online platform to be reachable whenever via the game, ecosystem or mobile app.

42. How is the stability so far with multiplayer racing?
Krzysztof Szczech: I would say pretty good.

43. Is split-screen a considered option?
Morris Hebecker: No, it’s not a thing we have on the list at the moment.

44. Will the subscription be like EVE Online or iRacing? As in Subscription gives you all content or do you still have to buy DLC, even with the subscription?
Morris Hebecker: Subscribing brings you into the online ecosystem, where you then can buy DLC.

45. Will there be seasons where you have to stay in the same car to not have everyone choose the meta car for each track?
Morris Hebecker: Everyone can set it up as they want.

46. How will BoP be dealt with?
Morris Hebecker: We have 2 guys who are super close to motorsports. They deal with that. It's an important topic and we have been working on that for months.

47. Can people compete online against cars that they do not own?
Morris Hebecker: 100% yes.
Krzysztof Szczech: I don't see any reason why not.

48. When will Closed Beta start?
End of the year. 50% of the keys will be first come-first served. the other 50% are randomly selected. You will receive an email if you signed up for it.

49. Will closed beta be under NDA?
No. You can share everything you want on social media or the like.

The un-paraphrased details of this can be found on the next page of this article.

What is your opinion on this news? Let us know in the comments down below!
About author
Julian Strasser
Motorsports and Maker-stuff enthusiast. Part time jack-of-all-trades. Owner of, a sim racing-related service provider and its racing community.


All this sounds like they're aiming straight at the (semi-)professional esports drivers, not at anyone else. But that's a niche iRacing owns for many, many years now. Let's hope for the Rennsport devs they'll find enough players for their concept and can keep them over the years.

From what i've seen and heard so far this isn't my type of sim at all. I'm playing racing sims because i enjoy driving, not for the competition. Also i like to play a lot of other stuff (not just racing related), so i don't want to tether myself to a subscription AND dlc at the same time.
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I have a feeling Rennsport is gonna be "the people's sim" in the future, just like Automobilista 2 is, in the present day.

The publishers/ teams behind it seem very opened, truthful and down to earth (kind of like SMS , Konus or S397 but above all like Reiza, Reiza where the devs help you and reply to you on Discord any time you have a question or a suggestion).
It's true that we still need to know what it's really about, in terms of driving, handling, sensations, netcode, physics etc.... And it may be all very good (or not) but just knowing that it will be subscription plus DLC's completely lowers my expectations, I've never paid for iRacing and I won't pay for this one either.
No Vr.... ok... so they do not understand how this nowadays works.
Creating new sim(?) and not implement VR just from beginning is for me a complete fail.
Additional to this their strange subscription model is a complete no go.
I do not regret anything because i didnt had any expectations to this.
On a serious note, does point 44 really say we'd have to pay a sub to be able to buy dlc ? Pay to pay is definitely a ground breaking / hilarious business model.

I remember seeing a really successful movie about this kind of business model, IIRC it was called The Producers.
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Still very early so we can't come to any type of solid conclusion.

My main hope is that they get VR running smoothly and looking as good or better than current sims.
And more importantly, being able to run on low/medium spec PCs too.

ACC was unusable for me in VR (G2 3070TI) and even though this will use unreal 5 , a little thought in my head thinks this might still be a bit like ACC and require a minimum 3080ti

I believe as long as the Sub model is better than iracing this sim will be popular and all of those who say they won't buy now will most likey get it.
Still very early so we can't come to any type of solid conclusion.

My main hope is that they get VR running smoothly and looking as good or better than current sims.
And more importantly, being able to run on low/medium spec PCs too.

ACC was unusable for me in VR (G2 3070TI) and even though this will use unreal 5 , a little thought in my head thinks this might still be a bit like ACC and require a minimum 3080ti

I believe as long as the Sub model is better than iracing this sim will be popular and all of those who say they won't buy now will most likey get it.
I gave up already. If you look at it objectively then you can conclude that it's not going to happen. Exactly because of what testdriver77 says here:
No Vr.... ok... so they do not understand how this nowadays works.
Creating new sim(?) and not implement VR just from beginning is for me a complete fail.
Additional to this their strange subscription model is a complete no go.
I do not regret anything because i didnt had any expectations to this.
It's a missed opportunity indeed. They don't have the basics right so the end product will fail for sure.
My suspicion is ACC level of VR performance, basically non-existent. Hopefully that proves to be wrong.
I suspect even worse from what I've seen in the video's. Major pop-in blur/even way more then ACC on flatscreen. Kunos really tried to make the best of it and now with the 4090 I I even got ACC running at 90fps/hz and looking better then on pancake(I thought that this would be impossible but it isn't), but this with an insane amount of tweaks, absolutely insane. So I expect the worst for Rennsport.
Everyone complains about iRacing's outdated graphics and "i skating". Maybe this will be a suitable alternative.
Exactly. This game isn't really my cup of tea (not into esports or GT3 cars, myself) but I don't understand the negativity from many people here. A moddable title in 2022 with popular tracks, the most popular class of cars, built-in tools to facilitate esports stuff like broadcasting, years of dev support? A pricing model similar to iRacing, the most popular (by far) title in the hardcore sim racing space? And another player in the sim racing space to offer a different, potentially enjoyable take on how a car feels to drive in sim?

Maybe the cars will feel like crap. Maybe the track modelling is poor. Maybe the game will unfinished or have half-baked features. We'll only know once it comes out. But until then... there's plenty of reasons to think Rennsport has potential and is not too far out of step with other games in sim racing right now. Perhaps the devs will get it wrong... but perhaps they won't!
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So just like RaceRoom, a forced "always-online" DRM where you can't play if you don't have an internet connection? If so, no thank you. In the Steam era, it's amazing how some devs really think aggressive DRM is the answer. Assetto Corsa, Automobilista 1-2, ACC, rFactor 1-2, all work fine without an internet connection.

And all of them except RR are available on shady websites because they get cracked day 1 because Steam su*** :p
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27. Is creating an in-game team possible, e.g. one team owns a lot of cars and gives them out to drivers for series?
Morris Hebecker: Yes, you can just manage a team as well.
they mean a guy can buy lot of cars and make his own team and let his cars to drive by other drivers?
that weirdly brought me up to crazy idea that lot of people wont like xD
but imagine a simulation when u pay subscription and then buy cars (as iracing and soon rensport) but thing is u crash your car and must pay real money to have it repaired lol
i mean for reasons why iracing is best for mp cause ppl pay money to play it so they take it more serious. now imagine sim where every crash or damage makes u pay for it with real money, that would be most fair mp gameplay, also no more aliens who crash a lot while making crazy physics braking setups or drive during championships too much confident cause they no risking them own lifes as real racers do. imagine that
I just bought a couple more years on iracing with their black friday special... So based on that I can't really condemn them on using this model.

We are well away from the models of buy a game and thats it, now its all just base content and DLC over and over. Even RF2 at first tried to charge you for online - except that was to just let you join online, they didnt even give you any competition structure or servers.

They will have a free base so you cant complain too much if you have to buy some content on top.

What interests me more is how much will the size of the market accept this model from more than one sim. I use multiple sims but for the others its buy once and use it for some different things when I am not using iracing. Will I subscribe to two services to pay yearly and DLC on top? Not sure that I will TBH.
The comments were interesting and some felt as if it was me talking, but I have some tweaks:

A- The business model:
Rennsport devs should sit and discuss what made iRacing print money for continious 15 years and copy it. My Iracer friends are 1- too invested financially (hardware or software- wise) to let go, they even paid money for settings. 2- Probably they're in the US where people can afford V8's while we're here driving around with our VW Golf's? And probably Rennsport should think about the Chinese market where the economy and the power are going to be in the near future?
Long story short: I don't think iRacing is the best sim, and I think it reached its limitations more than a decade ago, but from an economical standpoint, Rennsport should analyse whatever made iRacing successful in making people pay loads of money for years, and copy it, I hate to say that, but I want to give an honest advice.
The last example I have is: the pc tech in my country: where, no matter how much more performance for the same money AMD offers, our market only offers Intel and Nvidia laptops. Like, there are no laptops shown in the major stores with AMD inside, zero. So it's not always about what makes sense to you, it's about what makes some popular.

B- VR performance:
History repeats itself, right. I have two examples:
Konus is (according to me) one of the smartest and most successful actors of modern sim racing. They had a difficulty of Unreal Engine 4 almost impossible to perform in VR. And tell me how is the situation now when you fast forward 4 years?
Reiza is (according to me) one of the most hard working studios in sim racing. They keep changing things until they become near perfect. They released AMS2 but the physics had special arcadish feeling due to the Madness engine. How is the physics and the driving feel now when you fast forward until today and after a thousands updates?
Long story short: It's all about the engine. And after that, history teaches us that the improvements are usually sadly very marginal.

C- Personally I tend not to vote to make Rennsport copy features that I like from other sims. Why not be opened minded and accept variety. Let them bring something different. We might like it. Why the negativity so early? I actually had some wishes that aren't in other sims when there has been AMS2 wishlist that I'll copy and paste them in a Rennsport thread or forum or Discord, (for example ideas about seeing your wheel as mixed reality in VR, seat FFB or pedals FFB). It's a new sim and only your imagination is the limit to what you can ask for. Then it's up to the devs to be able to make your dreams come true or not.
Long story short: No need for negativity now although I know 99& of what we wish for doesn't come true. I'll be happy however this sim ends up being. And I'll use what suits me of its features to my advantage. Example if it ends up to be expensive and annoying to rent, I can rent it in the months where I am on vacation and have time to race everyday, or if I can buy all the past and future content at once for a huge discount example 50$ instead of 500$ (say like Raceroom but plus future content), I'll do it... etc

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Julian Strasser
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