What is The Goal For rFactor 2 Online in 2024?

rFactor 2 Corvette.jpg
Studio 397 revived rFactor 2’s online mode for players in October 2023 with a new ranked mode. But what can players expect in 2024? And what’s the goal of its new online mode? Player numbers have dwindled and content has been repeating itself

Screenshot 2023-11-07 120659.png

Image Credit: Studio 397

What’s The Goal of rFactor 2 Online?​

I think the goal of rFactor 2 Online is simple. Create a reliable and structured online mode and ranking system that could be implemented into Le Mans Ultimate when the title is released next month.

Studio 397 put a lot of effort into the rFactor 2 version, which is clear. But the final goal of its ranking system is more than likely to see how its community would react to an iRacing style ranked mode.

The Motorsport Games licensing fiasco had a sizable impact on rFactor 2’s game content. The loss of the BTCC and IndyCar licenses is a prime example – the BTCC races on the service have been hastily renamed ‘Touring Cars’. Studio 397 doesn’t appear to be releasing any more base game content, nor DLC packs, for rFactor 2. Le Mans Ultimate is just over a month away and the pressure is on to deliver.

The goal of rFactor 2 Online was always to run a prolonged test to see if their format worked over a longer period. This is hinted at by the nomenclature. The service is called ‘rFactor 2 Online’, but it’s powered by ‘RaceControl’. Why have a separate name for the service and the tech, if the tech wasn’t going to be used elsewhere?

The lack of fresh base game content and repeated combinations has slowly declined users’ interest. But this is far from the end for rFactor 2 Online. Studio 397 won’t let their new mode die after just a few months. The dedicated rFactor 2 player base will utilise the variety in their sim even when Le Mans Ultimate is released.

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Image Credit: Studio 397

What Could We See From rFactor 2 in 2024?​

Don’t be fooled, Le Mans Ultimate will be Studio 397’s big push in 2024. We hope rFactor 2 won’t be forgotten about, but new cars and tracks are unlikely in the first half of 2024. A consistent update to the online mode and any bug fixes will surely be present.

The re-establishment of lost licenses seems almost impossible at this point. But once Le Mans Ultimate releases, it isn’t out of the realm of possibility that rFactor 2 could get a sizable GT3 update. More cars from series that have nothing to do with Motorsport Games would also go a long way with the community to build back that trust. An expansion to the karting offerings or even something new like racing trucks or junior formula series would go a long way.

In terms of tracks, there is a possibility that rFactor 2 could receive updated versions of tracks already in the base game from Le Mans Ultimate. An update to Spa and the Nürburgring would be a huge addition to the title.


Image Credit: Studio 397
rFactor 2 has limited potential with the content on offer. But the end is far from near. Despite Le Mans Ultimate being released in just over a month, Studio 397 has released nothing official about stopping the development of rFactor 2. Le Mans Ultimate will be received in a similar way to Assetto Corsa Competizione. It’s a single-discipline title, and some players will have no interest in WEC or sportscars in general. This isn’t the end for rFactor 2, we hope...

What do you want to see added to rFactor 2 after Le Mans Ultimate releases? Let us know on X @OverTake_gg or down in the comments below!
About author
Connor Minniss
Website Content Editor & Motorsport Photographer aiming to bring you the best of the best within the world of sim racing.


Have to think rF2 online was only a LMU test bed.

While DLC for rF2 can be utterly fantastic, the choice of online cars and tracks for the bronze feels like 10 year old mods from rF1. They insist it has to be free content only, and I can understand no mods allowed for licensing reasons. But they released it at a time in the game's evolution when the only free official content is uninspiring and grossly outclassed by other games.

rF2's biggest problem is incoherent content. There's not enough concentrated content to run any kind of series, except maybe a euro based gt3 or endurance thing. And since LMU will (should) do exactly that, only better, rF2 is really left with one-off races here and there, with random cars. The one exception, in my view, is the BTCC/PCCGB cars and tracks. It's worth getting rF2 for those alone. However they need to devote some dev time to rebalancing the tire wear situation, fwd vs rwd. And they have repeatedly said that isn't happening anytime soon, that nothing is happening anytime soon in rF2.

So if you like endurance racing, fingers crossed, the situtation could be rosy. But the rF2 eco system seems to be left to the modders. And while a few are quite good, the vast majority don't offer the same physics and ffb feel that make me want to spend any time with rF2 in the first place.
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I totally love the BTCC contents on rF2! The bronze series are with free contents so everyone can try the sim (now you can buy the sim with few euros), but for players who own all the contents (like me), you could race in silver and gold in few races, if you drive with this focus. (You need only to stay on the track and don’t touch noone). And the series are very nice. The new 992 Cup is fantastic too
Have they fixed the AI in rf2 yet?
Depends on the cars and tracks. Sometimes the AI can be very convincing with the right skill and aggression settings, other times it's a clown show. I'd argue the same can be said for most sims, even AC AI can shine on the rare occasion the right cars, tracks and AI lines align. The rF2 AI still struggles with reaction time sometimes where sudden stops/pileups are concerned from my recent observations.
Honestly rf2 is not going to get the attention it once had, LMU will continue to get new cars and tracks. RF2 will suffer again in 2024 maybe some content here and there to try and appease rf2 users. The company has definitely moved into another direction, proof is look how many original S397 staff have left recently. Bought the sim 1st day of release ISI should and could have done more, luminous s397 started to go in the right direction, MSG and the new s397 team are more invested in making new sims/games, just look who the CEO is, that's what he is use too releasing new content every yr ( code masters). I bet if this sim/game LMU fails he will bench the RF2 engine and move to another. I really hope at worse RF2 goes open source and the users will take it to the next level.
I dont need to be ranked and denied based on a algroritme if i can or cant join.. if i want to race le mans prototypes then i dont need to have driven 200 hours in cars that i dont like to race with before i can join servers with races i like.

If the next day i would like to drive f1 cars.. i dont need again to run 200 hours in a car that i dont enjoy before i could enjoy something that i want to do from the start.

Thats why i dont like "games" like gran tourismo that you need to buy/earn positions and or cars to race the things you like to race.

I have raced since 1994 with games/simulators.

I know how to use a gaspedal i know how to steer and i know how not to be a prick and crashing in every corner in to the person in front.

Why the F in every freakin game title you need to prove your self to the game/server system that you could drive a freakin entertainment simulator.

Next stop would be car insurance for your online car.

Did you hear me geico or allianz direct...a hole in the market.. online car insurance for sim racing....

While we are at it... online driving schools, you need to pass before you could buy the simulator/game.
Why not.. people are allready paying millions of bucks for something you could not hold in your hands and only buy a piece of paper you could show that your the rightfull owner of the first ever tweet was put out.

So why not a online driving school where you get a license to buy the game/simulator. Like in the real world you need to have a license before you could drive the car. If you want to simulate the real world then you have to simulate that also.

And you need a insurance even for race cars ask people that didnt have insurance while crashing at nordschliefe.. its expansive...

So come on dont need ranking...
Because you dont need to take sim racing for consumers that seriously

In games and in real life sports you have cheaters... like they say in nascar if you dont cheat you dont try hard enough to win.

So why creat a cheat free sports any way.. if they want to simulate the real world motorsports i cant be without cheating because then you dont simulate the real thing...

Ranking well if you look at verstappen as a example.. in his f3 periode he was beaten by ocon..now ocon gets rear end whooped in f1.
While in f3 the cars are more similar then in f1..

Or take alonso indy 500 attemps for example.. first time he could have won of his engine didnt let him down.. the next try i could not even qualify...

Or when your Lewis Hamilton cruizing a round like every thing is clear sky.. untill he cross paths with Pastor Maldonado.. that was not in the script of sir Hamilton that day and probably also not in Maldonado's thoughts when he stepped in the car.. sure with that driver was a question not if it would happen more like when it would happen.

Aka "bad" drivers you have every where.. you need bad drivers to have good drivers. Because not every body could stand on the top spot at ounces.

So how much is ranking mean any way esspecially in gaming.

That a few people would shout up
And not nagging because that are in a collision... while thats a part of racing any way... the danger of crashing out if they taken that also a way what would simulating mean any way... so every bodies feelings are protected? Is wokeness creeping in to simulated motorsports?
Not tried it of course, but I assume that if you were to rent a RaceControl server you could have any S397 track and car combination and not require any specific safety or driver ratings.
It might be nice to have Open events but unless drivers are ready to accept they might get "punted off" by a first time racer and NOT get upset or annoyed that wouldn't work.
I've seen plenty of racers complain of poor driving standards; only get to the first corner when a late-braking novice takes them out.
All those that organise online events set rules for driving standards and perhaps will more forgiving of mistakes made in races for novices.
AMS2 on the rise, ACC and AC is thx to LFM very well populated in MP, Rennsport/LMU/GTR Revival/AC2 to be released. rF2 will just become more niche. It’s such a shame good engine was taken down by a crap game. Some fans may not like to hear this, but good simulation may not be enough to survive. Good example that hardcore simulation may survive are MSFS or DCS - great simulators, but for very specific target audience. Content for these games is very expensive, because only very limited number of customers may buy it. But rF2 without licenses to sell expensive new content just can’t survive. LMU is their only chance.
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... Good example that hardcore simulation may survive are MSFS or DCS - great simulators, but for very specific target audience. Content for these games is very expensive...
These two survive because there is no competition. DCS is a very good analogy for rF2. It's a great cockpit simulator and fun to fly. But as an overall game, it is mediocre (bordering on rubbish for single player). Happily for DCS, its only competition is a 25 year old game that has been kept alive by modders. Unfortunately for rF2, it doesn't have such protection.
Even if easy, S397 never will use a ripped mod from a S397 game in the Race Control, also it will be a no-no here on RD by the rules or even in the steam workshop... Leagues may use, but no relevant event will do so. Those models probably will fly in other sims where the community is more used to ripped content anyway.
I will use with AI....
Have they fixed the AI in rf2 yet?

Jimmy on 5 year old VR and AI :x3:
I actually thought I was watching online.
Point I reiterate endlessly which Jimmy hinted at.
Find combos that work, not ones that don't :coffee:

I know what you thinking, you can drive any other sims any other combo any conditions and have good races.

What does that tell you ? :coffee:

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the biggest problem is that they can't use mod content in the system
system works great but because of that it lacks compared to what LFM offered since base content in this game is very limited and there also is not that many tracks even if we will count DLCs
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the biggest problem is that they can't use mod content in the system
system works great but because of that it lacks compared to what LFM offered since base content in this game is very limited and there also is not that many tracks even if we will count DLCs

Public servers ?
People get tired of the same thing they go public.
Surely would be a better class of open racing now.
The thing is not to have too many open servers defeats the purpose.
2 good ones on each continent would do to start.
Man you only need 6 / 8 decent drivers to have a race.


On the system that would be a engine wide problem.
No system caters for mods.
Till we get collaboration on engines and systems that won't change.
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AMS2 on the rise, ACC and AC is thx to LFM very well populated in MP, Rennsport/LMU/GTR Revival/AC2 to be released. rF2 will just become more niche. It’s such a shame good engine was taken down by a crap game. Some fans may not like to hear this, but good simulation may not be enough to survive. Good example that hardcore simulation may survive are MSFS or DCS - great simulators, but for very specific target audience. Content for these games is very expensive, because only very limited number of customers may buy it. But rF2 without licenses to sell expensive new content just can’t survive. LMU is their only chance.

Being easy makes it easy to rise up the ranks... Good simulation isn't for the casual gamer, forgiving driving models with nice visuals are... The new Forza is a great testament to that whilst Reiza have gone in the opposite direction to Turn 10 with just as many bugs...

ACC will see it's numbers effected far more by LMU than rF2, especially after the GT3s are released... AC has AC2 but will be around for a while due to it's core fanbase and modders... That same thing will remain true with rF2... They aren't running off to other titles because they have their own tribal reasons for sticking to their favourite that they've spent so much time working on their mods for... The exact same could be said about the AMS1 die hards... They won't be swayed by the other options until it ticks the simulation boxes they need ticked...

I think you'd be greatly surprised at how many modders have written off AC2/Rennsport/GTRev as even being worth looking at in 2025...

The same can be said about a large portion of the rF2 league racers, as long as there's more people signing up than available grid slots forcing races to become driver swap races or 2nd servers to be used it'll continue to be a popular league racing option...

As it stands rF2 is still the best option outside of iRacing for ovals and endurance racing and has the most believeable tyre model in the right modders hands... Whilst S397s tyres are what they are...

The MSGS continuing debacle is concerning for rF2's future and that cannot be denied, however even if they go belly up and go into insolvency... rF2 and it's code will be bought by another developer...

Or if MSGS shelve rF2 and focus on LMU only it'll become another AC with a dedicated crew of modders improving it until it becomes more popular under the communities guidance than it was under the developers... 2024 might be slow for rF2s development and we'll spend most of the years waiting for MSGS's demise... But when that demise happens it won't be the end of rF2...
Being easy makes it easy to rise up the ranks... Good simulation isn't for the casual gamer, forgiving driving models with nice visuals are... The new Forza is a great testament to that whilst Reiza have gone in the opposite direction to Turn 10 with just as many bugs...

ACC will see it's numbers effected far more by LMU than rF2, especially after the GT3s are released... AC has AC2 but will be around for a while due to it's core fanbase and modders... That same thing will remain true with rF2... They aren't running off to other titles because they have their own tribal reasons for sticking to their favourite that they've spent so much time working on their mods for... The exact same could be said about the AMS1 die hards... They won't be swayed by the other options until it ticks the simulation boxes they need ticked...

I think you'd be greatly surprised at how many modders have written off AC2/Rennsport/GTRev as even being worth looking at in 2025...

The same can be said about a large portion of the rF2 league racers, as long as there's more people signing up than available grid slots forcing races to become driver swap races or 2nd servers to be used it'll continue to be a popular league racing option...

As it stands rF2 is still the best option outside of iRacing for ovals and endurance racing and has the most believeable tyre model in the right modders hands... Whilst S397s tyres are what they are...

The MSGS continuing debacle is concerning for rF2's future and that cannot be denied, however even if they go belly up and go into insolvency... rF2 and it's code will be bought by another developer...

Or if MSGS shelve rF2 and focus on LMU only it'll become another AC with a dedicated crew of modders improving it until it becomes more popular under the communities guidance than it was under the developers... 2024 might be slow for rF2s development and we'll spend most of the years waiting for MSGS's demise... But when that demise happens it won't be the end of rF2...
Can rF2 run outside of Steam? If MSG removes rF2 from the Steam environment, is there any way to boot and run rF2 without Steam?
I dont need to be ranked and denied based on a algroritme if i can or cant join.. if i want to race le mans prototypes then i dont need to have driven 200 hours in cars that i dont like to race with before i can join servers with races i like.

If the next day i would like to drive f1 cars.. i dont need again to run 200 hours in a car that i dont enjoy before i could enjoy something that i want to do from the start.

Thats why i dont like "games" like gran tourismo that you need to buy/earn positions and or cars to race the things you like to race.

I have raced since 1994 with games/simulators.

I know how to use a gaspedal i know how to steer and i know how not to be a prick and crashing in every corner in to the person in front.

Why the F in every freakin game title you need to prove your self to the game/server system that you could drive a freakin entertainment simulator.

Next stop would be car insurance for your online car.

Did you hear me geico or allianz direct...a hole in the market.. online car insurance for sim racing....

While we are at it... online driving schools, you need to pass before you could buy the simulator/game.
Why not.. people are allready paying millions of bucks for something you could not hold in your hands and only buy a piece of paper you could show that your the rightfull owner of the first ever tweet was put out.

So why not a online driving school where you get a license to buy the game/simulator. Like in the real world you need to have a license before you could drive the car. If you want to simulate the real world then you have to simulate that also.

And you need a insurance even for race cars ask people that didnt have insurance while crashing at nordschliefe.. its expansive...

So come on dont need ranking...
Because you dont need to take sim racing for consumers that seriously

In games and in real life sports you have cheaters... like they say in nascar if you dont cheat you dont try hard enough to win.

So why creat a cheat free sports any way.. if they want to simulate the real world motorsports i cant be without cheating because then you dont simulate the real thing...

Ranking well if you look at verstappen as a example.. in his f3 periode he was beaten by ocon..now ocon gets rear end whooped in f1.
While in f3 the cars are more similar then in f1..

Or take alonso indy 500 attemps for example.. first time he could have won of his engine didnt let him down.. the next try i could not even qualify...

Or when your Lewis Hamilton cruizing a round like every thing is clear sky.. untill he cross paths with Pastor Maldonado.. that was not in the script of sir Hamilton that day and probably also not in Maldonado's thoughts when he stepped in the car.. sure with that driver was a question not if it would happen more like when it would happen.

Aka "bad" drivers you have every where.. you need bad drivers to have good drivers. Because not every body could stand on the top spot at ounces.

So how much is ranking mean any way esspecially in gaming.

That a few people would shout up
And not nagging because that are in a collision... while thats a part of racing any way... the danger of crashing out if they taken that also a way what would simulating mean any way... so every bodies feelings are protected? Is wokeness creeping in to simulated motorsports?
That's why unranked races are such a mess. ;)
That algo is picking the best drivers to compete against for your skill level.
If i really want to compete, i need to put some time in the car/track combo.
Otherwise im doing laps on my own.
As in too fast for the guys that crash every 3rd corner.
Too slow for the aliens that headed to the horizon.
Can rF2 run outside of Steam? If MSG removes rF2 from the Steam environment, is there any way to boot and run rF2 without Steam?

I've run 24 hour races on rF2 without steam...

rF2 didn't start out as only on steam and there's many games where steam bypasses exist...

IF it came to that there are already measures in place... rF2 isn't just going to disappear... But MSGS will milk every last cent they can be they are forced to sell...
That's why unranked races are such a mess. ;)
That algo is picking the best drivers to compete against for your skill level.
If i really want to compete, i need to put some time in the car/track combo.
Otherwise im doing laps on my own.
As in too fast for the guys that crash every 3rd corner.
Too slow for the aliens that headed to the horizon.
Thats the problem your taking it too seriously... proven my point
That's why unranked races are such a mess. ;)
That algo is picking the best drivers to compete against for your skill level.
If i really want to compete, i need to put some time in the car/track combo.
Otherwise im doing laps on my own.
As in too fast for the guys that crash every 3rd corner.
Too slow for the aliens that headed to the horizon.
Never experianced that either just racing at "online clubs" dont use the Official ounces.. much more fun less pressure and no nagging of people that think they are as great as sir hamilton or super max
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Never experianced that either just racing at "online clubs" dont use the Official ounces.. much more fun less pressure and no nagging of people that think they are as great as sir hamilton or super max
Sure, leagues, a bunch of guys you know, whatever is a good way to do it. Some prefer other times or to race more often than their trusted group.. Some want both.

Ranked gives you the option to have better then a public lobby when you can't run with your group. It is by far the best most consistent way to get good racing with people you don't know. If its too much work to get your license class or what ever the ranked server want then for sure, just to the open lobbies, those options are still there. You may even get a good race on occasion.
...ACC will see it's numbers effected far more by LMU than rF2, especially after the GT3s are released... AC has AC2 but will be around for a while due to it's core fanbase and modders... That same thing will remain true with rF2...
Of course ACC will be hit harder. It's a popular game with good average number of players, so it may loose many more players. rF2 players are a tight family and it will probably remain in it's comatose state. I just wanted to say it has zero chance to rise and get more love from players or devs in 2024. Like Raceroom it will keep it's few hundred hardcore players no matter what ;)

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Connor Minniss
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