Interview: Reiza's Simioni on Automobilista v1.5, Upcoming Features & Development Processes

Automobilista 2 Renato Simioni Interview Mitsubishi Lancer RX.png
Automobilista 2 is getting the long-awaited v1.5 update very soon, promising to take another big step forward - "possibly the biggest we have taken so far", says Renato Simioni, the founder of developer Reiza Studios. RaceDepartment has sat down with the AMS2 Lead Developer to chat about the new update, the past and what is still to come. Read Renato's thoughts on...

Image credit: Reiza Studios

...Multiplayer Improvements​

"We have had some progress with multiplayer elements. We do regular multiplayer tests, but they are always in a controlled environment, with mostly the same people and on a server we know is reliable, so they tend to be better than what they average experience can be for other users. So we will not know how much of an impact they have until the update is out.

We have made some adjustments to the netcode prediction, and it is looking better during our tests. We can confidently say that it is a good improvement. I would not go as far as saying that we have everything at the level of the best sims in terms of multiplayer, but it’s a good step up.

We have some more options as well, such as the one to auto advance the session, which was a common complaint – people would often get stuck as the server was not advancing the session. Now, there is a mechanism that will automatically do that.

The chatbox will now be present in the results screen – this and other such quality-of-life improvements are part of the update. There is more we were working on for this release, like the extension of voting options, but they will not make it in time for v1.5. They are expected for the next update in a month or two.”

Automobilista 2 IndyCar Mod Indianapolis Road Course.jpg

Installing and maintaining mods in Automobilista 2 will be less cumbersome once update v1.5 is released - and even more possibilities are on the horizon.

...Improved Modding Support​

"It used to be really cumbersome as the engine was not really designed for modding. We are working on lifting some restrictions and limitations. The most important one was that you don’t have to install everything again with every update nor mess with bootfiles as there are dedicated user vehicle lists and driveline records – that’s already taken care of for 1.5, with some more resources planned for making car modding easier. Unfortunately for tracks we don’t foresee support being possible anytime soon.”

...Community Requests​

"There were four fronts people have been pointing out as the main areas in need of an upgrade, and these are the ones that we ended up focusing on for 1.5.
The Multiplayer, modding support, physics – I think we have a really big step up, I am really happy with what we have got now – and the fourth factor is AI.
The AI still has some issues, even with the updates we’re making now, but it’s another big improvement in terms of AI calibration both in dry and we weather, so you can keep things more consistent going from class to class and from track to track.
Up until recently, we were always chasing moving goal posts, because the physics were changing all the time. We didn’t have a consistent base to calibrate against, because you would change things, then the physics would change, and everything would be out of whack again with the AI.

We are in the process of redoing the AI lines for about 30 track layouts. There is more consistency for most classes, also with weather. Some series were good when it was dry, then it started to rain and they were too fast or too slow relative to the player. It ensures you get a quality race with every combination of car and track you pick, and whatever your skill level is.

More are to come, as we are talking about over 200 layouts and over 70 classes of cars in dry and wet weather, so the number of combinations is high. It is going to be a much higher standard of consistency, also for pit stops and tire strategy.

We also have spotter support. It is using the native assistant from Project CARS 2, but with our own voice material. It is not a full engineer, just a spotter, but it is already good value for having a native spotter system for oval racing, and even for Rallycross, it is important."

Continue Reading​

Physics and the Development of v1.5
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About author
Yannik Haustein
Lifelong motorsport enthusiast and sim racing aficionado, walking racing history encyclopedia.

Sim racing editor, streamer and one half of the SimRacing Buddies podcast (warning, German!).

Heel & Toe Gang 4 life :D


At this point, just give me multi-class scoring in championship mode and I will give up on all the other features and fixes that will never happen (or happen but be barebones and incomplete).

I could go on, but I dont know if I will get banned on here like Reiza bans people on their forums for telling the truth.
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Great to see Automobilista 2 growing and getting better every single day. Reiza is the best development team in sim racing.

I hope that the small things are not forgotten. Most formula cars are still not drivable in VR because of the bugged VR sparks. It would be nice to have that fixed or removed so that we can all enjoy the new physics with all cars, also the VR racers.
At this point, just give me multi-class scoring in championship mode and I will give up on all the other features and fixes that will never happen (or happen but be barebones and incomplete).

I could go on, but I dont know if I will get banned on here like Reiza bans people on their forums for telling the truth.
there’s a lot o criticism there in the forums, ppl only get banned if they go toxic or keep repeating nonsense like the guy that kept complaining that the game have too many open wheelers every time a new one got added
Annoying they are saying they cannot support mod tracks. That would be a game changer and bring it up to the level of AC by being able to add tracks to the game
I have a nice set of track mods in my AMS2 installation, and they are preeeeety good..

just they are not supporting them with features as they are doing with cars.
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Thanks for the article, nice read. :)

v1.5 should be another significant step forward in AMS2 development.
It's obvious Reiza are working hard and making steady progress.
I bounce between sims depending on my mood and time available. Currently installed on my pc i have PC2, iRacing, AMS 2 (+beta), ACC, AC, rF2, and Raceroom. The driving/physics in AMS 2 1.5 is to my tastes amongst the best of the lot. For multiplayer I'll continue on with iracing, but AMS 2 1.5 is really excellent. Highly recommend anyone who wrote the game off in the past to give it a go when the update rolls out.
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More historic content! That's basically all i need to know! A good read and i like their way of working. They started as modders and went on to purchase licenses for the engines to do their own games. Honestly even besides developing a great software product, they also faced the challenge to build a whole business with a lot of faith and they are still in business after all those years. Reiza got my respect for everything they accomplished so far, on the developing and the business side of things. And i still wanna know what you guys are going to do with the license from the Senna Foundation. :D
I hope Reiza manages to unlock the track mods. I would love to have Surfers Paradise, Singapore, Anhembi, Toronto..., some old street circuits like Phoenix, Long Beach, Detroit and some more ovals.
Look up how many mod tracks have been developed for Madness Engine games (PC and PC 2) to date... Aside from the already mammoth task of developing a modern high quality track mod, AMS 2 tracks also contain four seasons and the full range of weather and track rubbering. I am pretty sure if there was a library of tracks out there ready or ones able to be converted, mod support would be a priority. Since there are zero... :(
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rF2 track modders implement track rubbering. If it can be done on rF2 what is stopping them from doing it for AMS2? Lack of interest? I don't know, I am not a modder.

I really do have faith in Reiza because AMS1 was brilliant. I hope they can do the same with AMS2.
Great to see Automobilista 2 growing and getting better every single day. Reiza is the best development team in sim racing.

I hope that the small things are not forgotten. Most formula cars are still not drivable in VR because of the bugged VR sparks. It would be nice to have that fixed or removed so that we can all enjoy the new physics with all cars, also the VR racers.
Erm..really? I have driven a lot of formula cars in VR and never noticed this, let alone it being undriveable? Honestly baffled by this one?
Erm..really? I have driven a lot of formula cars in VR and never noticed this, let alone it being undriveable? Honestly baffled by this one?
Drive any Formula Classic car + 15 other cars on any bumpy track like Long Beach in the evening/sunset for example. It's impossible to not get irritated at the sparks that go all over the place. The sparks are rendered in 1 eye at a completely different/inaccurate place(10-15 meters away, and they are HUGE and flicker because of the single eye rendering) than at the other eye. It ruins the experience for every VR user that tries it except you maybe and a maybe few others and MAYBE (I didn't investigate it) there are some HMD's that don't have this problem?? I only have experience with two HMD's in AMS2(Reverb G2+Pimax Crystal).

If you read the VR thread on the Reiza forum, then you can see that this is a major issue, I'm not alone with this, the sparks also have issues with triples and replays and many VR users complain about it. Every week there's a new post by a new VR user about it. Such scenario's as I described are definitely undrivable in AMS2 now because of this bug and there's no reason to keep the sparks as they are. They could be disabled until they are fixed, or they could be added to the visuals as an option to enable/disable them if they are not fixable.

But yes if you drive Formula Retro or the recent Formula cars on a not so bumpy track like Hockenheim historic where you also have more distance between the cars, in daylight then you only see it sometimes(because they don't generate much of these sparks in that scenario). So it depends on what Formula car you drive and where and when.
Drive any Formula Classic car + 15 other cars on any bumpy track like Long Beach in the evening/sunset for example. It's impossible to not get irritated at the sparks that go all over the place. The sparks are rendered in 1 eye at a completely different/inaccurate place(10-15 meters away, and they are HUGE and flicker because of the single eye rendering) than at the other eye. It ruins the experience for every VR user that tries it except you maybe and a maybe few others and MAYBE (I didn't investigate it) there are some HMD's that don't have this problem?? I only have experience with two HMD's in AMS2(Reverb G2+Pimax Crystal).

If you read the VR thread on the Reiza forum, then you can see that this is a major issue, I'm not alone with this, the sparks also have issues with triples and replays and many VR users complain about it. Every week there's a new post by a new VR user about it. Such scenario's as I described are definitely undrivable in AMS2 now because of this bug and there's no reason to keep the sparks as they are. They could be disabled until they are fixed, or they could be added to the visuals as an option to enable/disable them if they are not fixable.

But yes if you drive Formula Retro or the recent Formula cars on a not so bumpy track like Hockenheim historic where you also have more distance between the cars, in daylight then you only see it sometimes(because they don't generate much of these sparks in that scenario). So it depends on what Formula car you drive and where and when.
Ah ok, I'm using an Aero. Not seen that but I've not driven at sunset that much.

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Yannik Haustein
Article read time
9 min read
Last update