iRacing Previews Weather Editor Ahead of Tempest Launch

iRacing Previews Weather Editor Ahead of Tempest Launch.jpg
While the interminable wait for dynamic weather (including rain) in iRacing continues, the platform has teased some set-up options.

Images: iRacing

According to a 1999 advert for Guinness – where a surfer stoically anticipates a large wave – good things come to those who wait.

Let’s hope when it comes to dynamic weather within the popular simulator platform iRacing, this expression is prophetic.

Following the August 2021 announcement that rain is in development for the platform, there has been a significant wait. Bit by bit, though, the American service has been drip-feeding its members information. Pun, very definitely intended…

Today, 23rd January 2024, a timeline editor for the Tempest system was unveiled. A short video of it in use was shared via social media, showcasing the ability to select certain weather conditions within blocks. Each block represents a portion of a race.

In theory, then, you could customise an event to start dry, then go foggy, then heavy rain, then dry again at the end – with the track evolving to match.

In principle, the ability to select weather conditions across different race portions seems analogous to the options available in Automobilista 2 or Gran Turismo 7, for example (and among others), when setting up a race.

iRacing weather tempest editor conditions

In the clip, we can spot the following nine condition options, plus the ability to change temperature, wind speed and wind direction:
  • Clear
  • Partly Cloudy
  • Mostly Cloudy
  • Overcast
  • Flog light
  • Fog Heavy
  • Rain Light
  • Rain
  • Rain Heavy
Notably, changeable weather conditions will be rolled out initially on a car-by-car basis, with this demonstration using Lime Rock Park and the Ray FF1600 as an example.

Historical weather data​

Alongside the timeline editor, iRacing claims there will also be an option entitled ‘Forecasted Weather’. With this enabled (we’re once again reminded, on the surface, of the Madness Engine tech currently used by Reiza Studios) the conditions will be based on archival data for each venue.

While the sight of the system is new, the ability to edit conditions and use prior real-world information was previously discussed.

iRacing weather tempest editor

When dynamic weather does hit the service, it is expected to consider the rubbering-in systems and, should the volume of water exceed the abilities of your selected tyres, aquaplaning could be a concern.

While the release date for Tempest is yet to be confirmed, it is expected sooner rather than later.

“Our teams are working with urgency to complete this work as soon as possible, and although we aren’t comfortable 100% committing to it (this is software development at a very R&D-focused company, after all), we are going to really push for a release along with the March build,” said Senior Vice President and Executive Producer, Greg Hill, in November 2023.

Tick, follows tock, follows tick

Do you like the look of the weather customisation options on the way for iRacing? Let us know in the comments below or discuss in our forum.
About author
Thomas Harrison-Lord
A freelance sim racing, motorsport and automotive journalist. Credits include Autosport Magazine,, RaceDepartment, OverTake, Traxion and TheSixthAxis.


The trouble with real world weather is that you like it or you dont so you change it if you don't- to something you could have picked anyhow. If it is a thunderstorm do you run?

Its the same with flightsims, real world weather from some place in a different country - can't even fly depending what plane you are in so do you then right away change it to clearer skies or fly somewhere else in the virtual world. Or was the point that you wanted to fly in that nice destination so you change the weather.

Many of the great tracks will be at night time when i race, so real weather and I can only race at night? Perhaps i can change that to day and race with freezing temps that are really there. Sounds great heh.

I think that most who have tried real weather know of the many cons that make it not the best idea most of the time.
Well that's one opinion. One that usually goes along with setting the track to always be rubbered in right from practice. Real-Weather does not choose right-now as the time - it can and usually is historic. The notion real weather is only what is happening when you sit down to drive is naive. Perhaps spending some time understanding it will help. Of course, of you only play rf2...
I personally would not be without real-weather. Without it we are not simulating racing. We may as well go back to Atari GP.
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Most of the confirmation bias appears to come from rf2 fanbois
May be true just don't include me in your assessment ;)
I may be a rF2 fanboy but I don't dis' other sims like you just have.
Time to face the facts of what ?
That rF2 bugs n' all still drives as good as the rest ?
imho I see that as sim engine have gone nowhere in the last 10 years.
I don't have to be top iRacing driver to know that.
Nice try anyways but you crashed and burned baby :)
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Club Staff
Considering rf2 pro has been dropped by most IRLtop tier teams around four years ago (and yes, I am in a position to know, and no I am not going to break NDA's and "prove it")
I know truth hurts, but it is time to face facts.
(waits for the tirade of butt-hurt responses which just prove the point.)

While being at the risk of being branded "butt-hurt" here.
If you're in the know, then you surely know that there is nothing called "rf2 pro".
May be true just don't include me in your assessment ;)
I may be a rF2 fanboy but I don't dis' other sims like you just have.
Time to face the facts of what ?
That rF2 bugs n' all still drives as good as the rest ?
imho I see that as sim engine have gone nowhere in the last 10 years.
I don't have to be top iRacing driver to know that.
Nice try anyways but you crashed and burned baby :)
I am afraid it does not drive as well as some of the rest. I have been a little quick on the draw with making the comment because our team has not yet released a video of all major sims comparing their physics to what happens IRL. Heads-up, rf2 compared poorly to even the community physics updates of AC in terms of changes to setup acting as they would IRL. Individually, changes had some of the effects you would expect. Together, the complexity of geometry interaction was not there.
Iif you enjoy it as a game, more power to you. If you are attempting to present it as the be-all-and-end-all of physics in a race simulator, there is nothing I can say which will change your mind. FYI: iRacing came ahead of rf2, but it was not the winner. That said, there are more subtle interactions to be compared in the top three.
So, nice attempt at deflection but you will marvel at how I don't fall for feelings over cold hard facts.
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While being at the risk of being branded "butt-hurt" here.
If you're in the know, then you surely know that there is nothing called "rf2 pro".
You are correct. I used that term because that is the term used most on this forum and even in this thread. You must speak to people using the language they understand. If you wish me to use term Commercial Edition, I shall.
At the very least it will have the effect of removing a point of attack. Not that most people need a rational point to justify confirmation bias.
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Do they even realize how it sounds trying to tear holes in a sim 12 years later.
I mean I don't care what sim.
Whatever sim right .....

It's called SOUR GRAPES ! :whistling:

P.S. From Aesop's fable The Fox and the Grapes, in which a fox, unable to reach grapes it is seeking, convinces itself that they must have been unripe (therefore, sour) all along and so not worth trying for in the first place.
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Do they even realize how it sounds trying to tear holes in a sim 12 years later.
I mean I don't care what sim.
Whatever sim right .....

It''s called SOUR GRAPES ! :whistling:

P.S. From Aesop's fable The Fox and the Grapes, in which a fox, unable to reach grapes it is seeking, convinces itself that they must have been unripe (therefore, sour) all along and so not worth trying for in the first place.
The problem is people attach their product choices to their sense of self-worth. Any criticism is not considered as something to be fixed in the product but as a personal attack on their lifestyle and self-worth. This all too human tribal response was seized upon by those trying to sell everything from bubblegum to world-wars.
If you were to ask my own children "what are adverts doing" you will hear them chorus "lying to us!"
Club Staff
You are correct. I used that term because that is the term used most on this forum and even in this thread. You must speak to people using the language they understand. If you wish me to use term Commercial Edition, I shall.

I cannot say I've ever noticed "rF2 pro" being mentioned here. In fact, doing a search on the forum, I can just find one reference to it outside of this particular articles comments since 2022.
Neither have I ever seen, or heard anyone else hint towards the rF2 marketing hype was for the rFPro tire model.

Though with:
Most of the confirmation bias appears to come from rf2 fanbois, many of whom do not understand the difference between vehicle physics and FFB
(waits for the tirade of butt-hurt responses which just prove the point.)
Perhaps spending some time understanding it will help. Of course, of you only play rf2
I am not sure it will be a very neutral, nor pleasant discussion further.

That being said. No idea where to find it in the future, but I am genuinely looking forward to this:
because our team has not yet released a video of all major sims comparing their physics to what happens IRL.
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I cannot say I've ever noticed "rF2 pro" being mentioned here. In fact, doing a search on the forum, I can just find one reference to it outside of this particular articles comments since 2022.
Neither have I ever seen, or heard anyone else hint towards the rF2 marketing hype was for the rFPro tire model.

Though with:

I am not sure it will be a very neutral, nor pleasant discussion further.

That being said. No idea where to find it in the future, but I am genuinely looking forward to this:
I am glad you wish to see it. The answer is YT and Rumble.
The script for the video is written around what are the best bits we would take from all the current mainstream sims if we were to try to define what the "best" racing sim would do.
We think this is better than yet another "which sim should I buy" (one you enjoy) or "which sim is best" (err, none?).
The problem is we set a deadline of Jan 1st for the release without realising just how much was required to be full, fair, and factual. (Hence the need for NDA's with a couple of companies - Studio397 are not one.)
We also had to deal with the absolute mess which is multiplayer. Even this week we discovered the JustRace server installer is by default starting itself and all dedi-servers in Below-Normal priority because they use TaskScheduler to start-up. TS is designed to run tasks at a low priority by default - it can be raised, but that requires a post install script. I suspect that is why Simracing.GP and LFM had issues - the common way to set up server spin-ups is to use the TaskScheduler. That is fine for a server with lots of cores but devastating for most VM's because it also drops I/O priority to low.
This and the counter-intuitive ping setting in Steam which means a longer permitted ping means server lobbies are missing many servers. Lowering the max discovery ping actually makes more servers visible - go figure!

So yes it will happen but we are four months in now! We won't release the video without knowing what we say is accurate and having permission to publish all test data.
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May be true just don't include me in your assessment ;)
I may be a rF2 fanboy but I don't dis' other sims like you just have.
Time to face the facts of what ?
That rF2 bugs n' all still drives as good as the rest ?
imho I see that as sim engine have gone nowhere in the last 10 years.
I don't have to be top iRacing driver to know that.
Nice try anyways but you crashed and burned baby :)
The real question, is real world physics modelled and applied to the puddles.

Otherwise, Simcade, and worthy of contempt.

What, they don't even have puddles?

Pure arcade.
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Well that's one opinion. One that usually goes along with setting the track to always be rubbered in right from practice. Real-Weather does not choose right-now as the time - it can and usually is historic. The notion real weather is only what is happening when you sit down to drive is naive. Perhaps spending some time understanding it will help. Of course, of you only play rf2...
I personally would not be without real-weather. Without it we are not simulating racing. We may as well go back to Atari GP.
It is an opinion, but you don't have to conflate it with other things by implying someone that changes the weather is also going to have an easy track, or perhaps you wanted to say have all of the aids on as well?
You should probably say what your definition of 'real weather' is if the terms people use are not consistent or people won't really know what you are talking about. It also helps if you are to call people naive to be clear on where your defintion may be different.
You are keep using the term 'Real-Weather' as if it is some specific implementation so that could be were we are thinking different things, but you would be better to clarify what you mean than assume everyone is on the same page and throw labels on them.
I am glad you wish to see it. The answer is YT and Rumble.
The script for the video is written around what are the best bits we would take from all the current mainstream sims if we were to try to define what the "best" racing sim would do.

Who is "we" and what is the name of the YT channel?
The trouble with real world weather is that you like it or you dont so you change it if you don't- to something you could have picked anyhow. If it is a thunderstorm do you run?

Its the same with flightsims, real world weather from some place in a different country - can't even fly depending what plane you are in so do you then right away change it to clearer skies or fly somewhere else in the virtual world. Or was the point that you wanted to fly in that nice destination so you change the weather.

Many of the great tracks will be at night time when i race, so real weather and I can only race at night? Perhaps i can change that to day and race with freezing temps that are really there. Sounds great heh.

I think that most who have tried real weather know of the many cons that make it not the best idea most of the time.
we have been driving only real weather for several years and have not encountered a problem. Of course, if it is night in the given place, we have the start as we need. In case of very low temperatures + constant can be added. No problem. Any artificial prediction will point out what will happen. In the real world it will never be like that.
And no, I'm not running from the rain. On the contrary, it is a challenge. We don't drive OW cars so we have wipers and the rFactor uses excellent wet tires.
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Bertram, people dont like facts if it shatters their pre conceptions, I have long given up on that dead horse ... every now and then I succumb to the temptation of replying to some pretty wild **** written to justify ones preferences and usually fall flat on my face ...

PS: Always eard rf2 pro and the professional teams and whatnot unlike what was stated, but i guess thats a term people throw around ...

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Thomas Harrison-Lord
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