Motorsport Games Entire Board Of Directors Have Resigned

The Motorsport Games Odyssey keeps on continuing. And it keeps on getting weirder. In the latest stroke of madness, the entire board of directors resigned due to a "proposal to raise additional capital".

As if the story of Motorsport Games couldn't get any more complicated and convoluted, today's news seems to top everything off.

As the American company tries to find a way to raise more capital, its parent company Motorsport Network seems to have made such an outrageous proposal that the entire board of directors have resigned.

But first, a little lesson in company structure and stocks:

What is a Board of Directors?​

A board of directors (B of D) is the governing body of a company, elected by shareholders in the case of public companies to set strategy and oversee management. The board typically meets at regular intervals. Every public company must have a board of directors. - Investopedia
So a few key facts are:
  • The board of directors of a public company is elected by shareholders.
  • The board makes key decisions on issues such as mergers and dividends, hires senior managers, and sets their pay.
  • Board of directors candidates can be nominated by the company's nominations committee or by outsiders seeking change.
  • The New York Stock Exchange and the Nasdaq require listed companies to have a majority of outside, or independent, directors on their board.
Now the last of these points might prove troublesome for the company yet, as the current Board of Directors, which seems to be made up of 1 person appointed by Motorsport Network, is no longer NASDAQ compliant.

This means that, should no solution be found in the near future, Motorsport Games could be delisted from NASDAQ.

Why being delisted is bad.​

If a company has been delisted, it is no longer trading on a major exchange, but the stockholders are not stripped of their status as owners. The stock still exists, and they still own the shares; however, delisting often results in a significant or total devaluing of a company's share value.

Therefore, although a shareholder's ownership of a company does not decrease after a company is delisted, that ownership may become worth much less, or, in some cases, it may lose its entire value.

As a shareholder, you should seriously revisit your investment decision in a company that has become delisted. In many cases, it may be better to cut your losses. A firm unable to meet the listing requirements of the exchange upon which it is traded is quite obviously not in a great position. - Investopedia

So, basically, if a company is delisted from NASDAQ, the stock value tends to drop dramatically. Meaning some investors or shareholders might think sooner rather than later to "get off the sinking ship".

So to keep a TL;DR of everything: This is pretty bad.

After saving themselves from delisting with a 1-to-10 stock split, they are now at risk again.

At this point, what do you think of this odyssey that Motorsport Games is going through? Is the company saveable? And how do you think will rFactor 2 be affected? Let us know in the comments down below!
About author
Julian Strasser
Motorsports and Maker-stuff enthusiast. Part time jack-of-all-trades. Owner of, a sim racing-related service provider and its racing community.


The question is: buy up the rF2 BTCC/Formula E/any other DLC you desire right now, before it potentially goes under? Or wait to see if it stays afloat and does any kind of Black Friday/Christmas sale :-p
I really would like to see S397 joining forces with Reiza, was my dream before Reiza moved to madness engine...

...on the other hand I think another good option would be if Sector 3/kw studios/Raceroom studios will jump in and acquire S397...

Rf2 tech and Raceroom content....hell yeah!
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This will probably sound disingenuous, but I've had a nagging feeling RF2 might be headed toward its end. Probably just a projection of my own feelings that as much as I enjoy driving it, and most of the content from S397 over the last few years, there's just that feeling that it will never truly be "right". Too many years of lingering issues.

Before all the RF2 die hards condemn me, let me just say I have WAY more time driving RF2 than probably everything else in my Steam library combined. I'm not a hater, I've put plenty of money into it and mostly enjoyed my time with it. But... it's always had that "unfinished" feel to it, and despite all the improvements over the years there's just something about it where there's always something wrong or not working right, that's just out of reach to correct. At times, it's been brilliant. Other times, infuriating. A lot of the time - both.

I hope for the people involved on the development side that it pulls through, and for fans of the sim (I count myself as one) somehow it hangs on and continues getting better. Unfortunately though, after all this time, I'm not holding my breath.
MSGS is going under...

And nothing could be better for the sim racing community than the death of a marketing team that snapped up a bunch of licences only to do nothing good with them...

S397 have struggled with the rF2 engine and getting it competitive and they themselves have made many back steps within the progress of rF2... So whilst I hope their talented members can find work elsewhere I do hope that MSGS sells rF2 to another development team as part of dissolving so that fresh eyes can get to work on the glaring issues within rF2...

It's not going to be a smooth ride as rF2 has so many leagues and big races connected to it and there's not a ready made MP replacement for it...

But whilst the dumpster fire continues to rage it'll give the competitors a chance to up their game and give those leagues and big races options...
So whilst I hope their talented members can find work elsewhere I do hope that MSGS sells rF2 to another development team as part of dissolving so that fresh eyes can get to work on the glaring issues within rF2...
Without showing my hand too much, it's not like isi/Studio397 have sat around twiddling their thumbs for a decade.

Lots of stuff happens out of the public eye in this industry. Games, for example, are built in secrecy and announced when the public is ready to see them. Individual hirings are not announced unless it's someone at the top of the food chain.
I would wager a significant sum of money that isi/Studio 397 tried to hire the most experienced minds in sim racing to help them fix their stuff and turn rF2 into what was envisioned a decade ago, only to discover it was either not possible or required a pretty expensive and time consuming re-write. Plans were abandoned.

It's a tough pill to swallow for the lifers, but rF2 is in end-of-life state right now. They have a small crew pushing out content and making sure it's kinda okay for league racing, so the existing customers and eSports outlets can continue to use it.

What you see right now is what you're going to get. It sucks, but the writing was on the wall for years and you had ample time to find another sim to enjoy. You are only torturing yourselves by waiting for it to be finished.

Don't write off games like Rennsport. Be thankful they exist and have a chance to capitalize on what rF2 did wrong.
Without showing my hand too much, it's not like isi/Studio397 have sat around twiddling their thumbs for a decade.

Lots of stuff happens out of the public eye in this industry. Games, for example, are built in secrecy and announced when the public is ready to see them. Individual hirings are not announced unless it's someone at the top of the food chain.
I would wager a significant sum of money that isi/Studio 397 tried to hire the most experienced minds in sim racing to help them fix their stuff and turn rF2 into what was envisioned a decade ago, only to discover it was either not possible or required a pretty expensive and time consuming re-write. Plans were abandoned.

It's a tough pill to swallow for the lifers, but rF2 is in end-of-life state right now. They have a small crew pushing out content and making sure it's kinda okay for league racing, so the existing customers and eSports outlets can continue to use it.

What you see right now is what you're going to get. It sucks, but the writing was on the wall for years and you had ample time to find another sim to enjoy. You are only torturing yourselves by waiting for it to be finished.

Don't write off games like Rennsport. Be thankful they exist and have a chance to capitalize on what rF2 did wrong.
Isn't "rennsport" just GTR3 left over team?
Without showing my hand too much, it's not like isi/Studio397 have sat around twiddling their thumbs for a decade.

Lots of stuff happens out of the public eye in this industry. Games, for example, are built in secrecy and announced when the public is ready to see them. Individual hirings are not announced unless it's someone at the top of the food chain.
I would wager a significant sum of money that isi/Studio 397 tried to hire the most experienced minds in sim racing to help them fix their stuff and turn rF2 into what was envisioned a decade ago, only to discover it was either not possible or required a pretty expensive and time consuming re-write. Plans were abandoned.

It's a tough pill to swallow for the lifers, but rF2 is in end-of-life state right now. They have a small crew pushing out content and making sure it's kinda okay for league racing, so the existing customers and eSports outlets can continue to use it.

What you see right now is what you're going to get. It sucks, but the writing was on the wall for years and you had ample time to find another sim to enjoy. You are only torturing yourselves by waiting for it to be finished.

Don't write off games like Rennsport. Be thankful they exist and have a chance to capitalize on what rF2 did wrong.

Oh I agree on many fronts there... ISI created a physics experiment that they couldn't finish...

The writing has been on the wall ever since Reiza went to the Madness engine... Losing their insights into ISImotor engines was a huge loss at the time and looking back it was even bigger than first thought... If Reiza had been the team to take over rF2 the sky was the limit given what they've achieved with the madness engine...

rF2 is headed the way of AC... It will only be kept alive by a community that doesn't get to scratch their itches elsewhere... But there's a small part of me that hopes that a new development team can take that engine to new heights... Because back when ISI was the name on the docket I had so much hope for the title...

For now I just have to hope that Reiza sort out their MP code sooner rather than later as I enjoy the feel and the way the set up changes work in AMS2... And continue to scratch the other itches with the endless mods in AC...

I'm not a fan of subscription based gaming, it has to be the best of the best otherwise I don't see the point of 3 years of gaming for 5 times the price of a non-subscription sim with DLC added to it... And if you have to purchase DLC or cars and tracks on top of the subscription then it's just even more questioning of if it's worth it over the competition...

Sim racing is already a small marketplace and iRacing already has a stronghold over the subscription happy market... Rennsport will have to out do iRacing in many areas to get those already happy to pay iRacing's subscriptions or migrate over from their iRacing careers... Rennsport will also have to be better than the other titles to get those who were burned by their experience with iRacing...

So I'll not be an early adopter of Rennsport unless I get in the BETA at the end of the year... It could be something cool, but the reports of a subscription based model have me on the outside looking in until fans of other titles start leaving those titles for Rennsport...
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I’ve driven some series here and there but last month using rf2 in LFM has been a blast, the driving is amazing and the racing super fun. I hope rf2 can keep going. After using all the other sims, right now rf2 with LFM is my favorite by far.
What you see right now is what you're going to get. It sucks, but the writing was on the wall for years and you had ample time to find another sim to enjoy. You are only torturing yourselves by waiting for it to be finished.

No sim with a broad scope is ever finished, as it can be improved and built upon indefinitely (baring technical limitations requiring a change in technology). A sim is finished the day its developer abandon it.
PC2 was finished the day SMS stopped making patches, while they could have continue working on it for years still. But that did not make sense for their business model unfortunately, having to release a brand new game at full price every few years, until what we know happened...
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As has been echoed a few times already, I have no problem with actually driving in RF2, I like it, it feels great. It's the content that's always been a problem. It's always seemed directionless.
It's ironic that in this age of engines with tons of DLC and user created content, what we'd actually like (for a change) are focused simulators that get all the rules and quirks of each series correct.

I'd love to have all the BTCC content in one sim, which rFactor2 might have at some point, but with it lacking BTCC presentation around it (just having it as pure content) it feels rather bare bones. The same could be said every time Raceroom adds a new season of DTM or WTCR.

Whilst some might scoff at the unnecessary additions to the official F1 games, at least the package and presentation are slickly polished.
The perfect model for a sim for me would be the dev to release some content, let’s say BTCC in a pack that you pay for with all official cars and tracks. You could play that content offline and run an official BTCC championship against ai and you could also use the content in a bare bones open lobby multiplayer. They could release other official packs or just individual cars and tracks that could be used as above.
They should then have a separate competitive multiplayer system like Iracings that you have to pay for, maybe like 10 or 15 bucks for 3 months.
This way, the offline players are happy because they own their content and they can even have open lobby races if they like and the online players are happy because they will have a newer/cheaper version of Iracing. The devs will also be able to cover the costs of hosting and running a competitive multiplayer system
I’ve driven some series here and there but last month using rf2 in LFM has been a blast, the driving is amazing and the racing super fun. I hope rf2 can keep going. After using all the other sims, right now rf2 with LFM is my favorite by far.
Agreed. Really interested to see what LFM can do with RF2. So far it's been amazing and I hope this does not derail it.
This will probably sound disingenuous, but I've had a nagging feeling RF2 might be headed toward its end. Probably just a projection of my own feelings that as much as I enjoy driving it, and most of the content from S397 over the last few years, there's just that feeling that it will never truly be "right". Too many years of lingering issues.

Before all the RF2 die hards condemn me, let me just say I have WAY more time driving RF2 than probably everything else in my Steam library combined. I'm not a hater, I've put plenty of money into it and mostly enjoyed my time with it. But... it's always had that "unfinished" feel to it, and despite all the improvements over the years there's just something about it where there's always something wrong or not working right, that's just out of reach to correct. At times, it's been brilliant. Other times, infuriating. A lot of the time - both.

I hope for the people involved on the development side that it pulls through, and for fans of the sim (I count myself as one) somehow it hangs on and continues getting better. Unfortunately though, after all this time, I'm not holding my breath.
As much as I understand peoples need for having a finished product, that's not how software development works these days and especialy rF2 as been advertized as being under ongoing development since it started over ten years ago. A product like rF2 with such a broad spectrum will never be finished and the finished products that we have today are abandonware or get delisted. Now you can make up your mind about what actually serves this community better.

That said, throughout 2022 there has been so much high quality content added to rF2 and there clearly have been fixed alot of bugs while new features have been added, that I am at a point where you propably could stop development and call it a solid product. The HUD looks a bit wonky but who really cares if the rest works good? It's certainly not in a worse state compared to the rest of the market. I also don't understand how people can complain about a lack of focus of the sim, when the clear focus has been on FE, Indycar, Endurance Racing and now BTCC. Where are those other sims that have that incredible focus? Rennsport? Nobody knows what it really wants to be while it promises everything.

If people would stop arguing and worrying and instead started racing what they like, the simracing scene would be alot more healthy. Now we have people pulling their hairs out about products that they have barely any relation to, just to get a few more clicks. Software devs or publishers are running out of money since decades now and people act as if the case of MSG was something that we never heard of. It's not in our hands and never will be. Next week the world could go up in a nuclear war and all of this would be irrelevant. :rolleyes:
It's ironic that in this age of engines with tons of DLC and user created content, what we'd actually like (for a change) are focused simulators that get all the rules and quirks of each series correct.
With "we" you mean "you". I like engines with DLC and user created content, I love rf2 as it is now we can race online with LFM. Now that AC is end of life rf2 is the only one so there are not "tons".

ACC is an example of a focussed simulator and i like it too but less.

What I really dont want though is a subscription model and monopolies and Codemasters F1 type games.
Y'all might want to read the financial report from last quarter...

A key paragraph:
For the six months ended June 30, 2022, the Company had negative cash flows from operations of approximately $12.0 million. The Company expects to continue to have negative operating cash flows for the foreseeable future, as it continues to incur expenses to develop new game franchises. The Company’s existing cash on hand will be insufficient to fund its minimum liquidity requirements for at least the next 12 months and will need to be supplemented with additional debt and/or equity financing, cash generated by cost control initiatives, and/or additional changes to our product roadmap to reduce working capital requirements.

MSG has been funding all improvements with debt and they knew in advance the payoff would be a couple years in the future. I don't think they were looking at a payoff in the first year or two as is evident from the Q1 annual financial report:
For the year ended December 31, 2021, the Company incurred a net loss of $33.7 million, had negative cash flows from operations of approximately $20.9 million and as of December 31, 2021 had an accumulated deficit of $38.0 million. The Company expects to continue to incur losses for the foreseeable future as it continues to incur significant expenses to develop new game franchises. Accordingly, the Company does not believe the existing cash on hand will be sufficient to fund its operations for at least the next 12 months.
So they are getting $3 million quarterly working capital from the parent company (94% majority stockholder) and reducing headcount primarily by closing open recruitments.

In other highlights, BTCC is coming and the BTCC content in rF2 is part of the plan:

Future Promotional Plan to Upcoming Official BTCC Game Announced.
The Company announced a promotional plan update, including activations, content releases and ‘first-play content’ tech demos through rFactor 2, to its planned British Touring Car Championship (“BTCC”) official game, which will release in 2024, as previously disclosed by the Company.
Now whether the outcome will go as planned or not is another matter.
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