rFactor 2 Christmas DLC Completed With Porsche 911 GT3 Cup (992)

After the recent announcement of a Christmas pack coming to rFactor 2, the 2nd car for the pack was announced. Introducing the Porsche 911 GT3 Cup (992).

Indeed a surprise for anyone, but a pleasant one. This newest generation of the Porsche GT3 Cup leaves little to be desired regarding the level of racing.

Already known from other games, though in older variants, Porsche Cup racing always lends to close grids. It allows for close racing, and finally, being able to race it for rFactor 2 lends to so many possibilities.

With the modding capabilities of the sim, you can soon race one of the most interesting one-make series on just about any track that has been digitally created.


But the Pork is not all that has been announced in the meanwhile:

BTCC 2022 Update and BOP Are Also Coming + Hybrid system later?​

The 2022 liveries and BOP are coming. Okay. Moving on.

Arguably the biggest announcement in the BTCC 2022 post was the TOCA Hybrid which would be coming in Q1 of 2023.

Studio 397 announced in the post that a full-on hybrid functionality was in development and (hopefully) ready to deploy for the Q1 2023 update. This allows all hybrid fans to rejoice! All the possibilities that come to mind...

On the top of my personal list would be the development of further LMH cars with their hybrid system.

But enough of that. Are you looking forward to the Christmas DLC? And what do you think rFactor 2 will do with the hybrid system? Let us know in the comments below!
About author
Julian Strasser
Motorsports and Maker-stuff enthusiast. Part time jack-of-all-trades. Owner of tracc.eu, a sim racing-related service provider and its racing community.


Brilliant.. in two pages of comments, we have gone from rF2 announcing a new car as part of a Xmas DLC package through the whole gamut of things that some people don't like about rF2 including a little soupçon of "my sim is better than your sim".
That's' only for the base content, next to that you (need to keep) buying content.
So its 1 and 2 combined. ;)

I would like a real Sim subscription service.
One standard price a month, all content just comes with the subscription.
I'm going to do my best to stay on topic as well. rFactor 2 (Along with AMS1) is the reason that I love sim racing to this day. The price they charge for the base rFactor 2 game is really a joke, especially if you get it on sale. So in my opinion you get a lot for next to nothing. I also purchased the DLC's that I am interested in (GT3 pack, endurance pack, Sebring, Le Mans....), and they are fantastic... well worth it. I can use rFactor 2 anytime I wish without a subscription. I most likely will not purchase this Christmas DLC, as I have become a little dis-interested in GT3 style racing. But for those who do like it, I bet it will be pretty good. While you are wishing for 100% subscription based racing system, I understand where your coming from having a centralized everything in one place..... but... but.... That may come at a price, if you say something they don't like.... all of a sudden you can't login... perhaps you were banned... Subscriptions are the blue green algae of sim racing.
I appreciate studio 397 for what they have accomplished, and the right car on the right track..... is fantastic. I do have and have had many issues in the past years with rFactor 2, it's definitely not perfect but I still really a like it.
Hybrid functionality would be great, as my choice of racing leans toward endurance racing. Introducing hybrid functionality opens the door for the modern F1 style cars as well..... bring it on.
I love sim racing and I am thankful to all of the available titles. There's something for everyone.
Thanks for your article Julian, and I hope that I haven't offended anyone at ReaceDepartment. This is my second post.... my first post was removed....
Cheers, and Merry rFactor 2 to all
Why does that car look so similar to the last Porsche Cup car I purchased from URD?
Is that who is building it on behalf of S397?
I don't mind DLC, as long as it is reasonably priced relative to the main game.
It also needs to have the ability to price adjust for cars which were previously purchased, but are re-bundled with new content.
I do not own some RF2 cars simply because of that inability.
I won't do that on principal alone.
I've done it with a few modding packs but that too, is starting to wane.
As to pricing....
If for instance the main title sells for $40, then any single car should not be more then $3-4.
A single track can be $5-7.
Remember....this isn't being sold to one individual.
It is being sold to thousands....if priced properly.
It can be quite the double-edged sword.
I like Kunos' approach.....keep developing the base sim over years, while offering decently sized and priced DLC.
No drip feeding one or two cars every few months at significantly higher pricing to make it appear cheaper.
You literally paid €4 or €5 for URD's Cup car and you want a studio to charge less or the same, when their development costs are monumentally higher...
This part is opinion: i think it looks nothing like the URD car
This part is fact: no, URD didn't make it
And even it did look like the URD model, aren't they supposed to replicate the 992 Cup?
:-D He made a comment as if this was an original work...
I'm going to do my best to stay on topic as well. rFactor 2 (Along with AMS1) is the reason that I love sim racing to this day. The price they charge for the base rFactor 2 game is really a joke, especially if you get it on sale. So in my opinion you get a lot for next to nothing. I also purchased the DLC's that I am interested in (GT3 pack, endurance pack, Sebring, Le Mans....), and they are fantastic... well worth it. I can use rFactor 2 anytime I wish without a subscription. I most likely will not purchase this Christmas DLC, as I have become a little dis-interested in GT3 style racing. But for those who do like it, I bet it will be pretty good. While you are wishing for 100% subscription based racing system, I understand where your coming from having a centralized everything in one place..... but... but.... That may come at a price, if you say something they don't like.... all of a sudden you can't login... perhaps you were banned... Subscriptions are the blue green algae of sim racing.
I appreciate studio 397 for what they have accomplished, and the right car on the right track..... is fantastic. I do have and have had many issues in the past years with rFactor 2, it's definitely not perfect but I still really a like it.
Hybrid functionality would be great, as my choice of racing leans toward endurance racing. Introducing hybrid functionality opens the door for the modern F1 style cars as well..... bring it on.
I love sim racing and I am thankful to all of the available titles. There's something for everyone.
Thanks for your article Julian, and I hope that I haven't offended anyone at ReaceDepartment. This is my second post.... my first post was removed....
Cheers, and Merry rFactor 2 to all
Porsche Cup does not drive like a GT3 spec car at all.
The GT3 name the Cup car carries derives from the naming of the street car on which it is based.
The Porsche Cup cars are very organic, with reduced setup parameters and conducive to "old school" feel and driving experience.
It'd be nice if they finished more than a quarter of the BTCC they promised first.
Only the Honda and the Cupra are missing and they are slated to come in February (and now in December all the liveries that were missing are coming).
As for tracks, yes, some are missing, but there's a solid roster already, which coped with some quality mods, allows us to do a complete calendar.
Well at least MSGS isn't doing a cash grab with it... Considering the mess they are in it's a good karma move by them for the community to bring this out...

Wait they really expect people to pay for this Porsche? That's the type of car that should be free...

Sadly it looks like that BTCC game will never see the light of day...
The BTCC game if it ever comes will be something more aligned with the F1 games than a full blown simulation.
Those types of games are more broad reaching and that is where the €€€ can be made.
For a simulation experience, I have little doubt that rF2 was always the place to have it.

As for this car being for free... man, should S397 also pay for your electricity and your food?
How do you think S397 would pay their employees?
What I really want to know is: if a BTCC pack comes out, will the missing tracks (Silverstone, Oulton Park, Snetterton, Knockhill) and remaining car brands be added to it later, to complete the BTCC series?

If so, would existing purchasers get those tracks/cars added for free, or would they have to buy them separately?

I saw a similar situation with the Formula E pack, where things chop and change, but if you're an existing owner, you won't get any content added later and would have to buy it separately.

Otherwise it'd make sense to wait until the BTCC pack is complete, before purchasing...
Silverstone will not return as an official track (although it has been reposted by someone on the workshop) as they have asked an absurd amount for the licence's renewal.

And no, I would not expect that a BTCC pack will be created including future contents, as that would have to reflect the price of items which no one would actually be sure if they would be made... and that is FAR WORSE than to establish a good discount for the pack, based only on what you get on it.

DLC items in rFactor 2 are, even as individual items, adequately priced (€5,00 for cars and €9,00 for tracks) and packs of recent items usually provide a 25 to 30% discount which brings the per unit cost to €4,00 (or just below) and € 6,75 (or just below).

The harsh reality is that many people either stayed away from rFactor 2 (or went away) and now that there is LOT of new high quality content, it costs to catch up.

But there have been excellent promotions/discounts during Steam sales, making it cheaper to get into.

During Halloween there were 10 Endurance cars for €21,00. You can't say that it's expensive.
The remaining tracks are all in iRacing, do licensing can't be too difficult? MSV tracks Brands Hatch and Donington Park are already available, MSV also have Oulton and Snetterton.

Knockhill is what I'd most like though, that track's mad!
"Licensing can't be too difficult"... uh? what?

Do you know what licensing implies? In this case ££££, a LOT of them and on top of the licensing fees, tremendous developmental costs, starting with the absolutely best scanning jobs in the business, with track meshes so detailed that, combined with rF2's FFB, nothing comes remotely close.

And then what would happen after that huge financial investment? Loads of people saying "why this is not free", "too much DLC in rF2", etc...

Not exactly directly comparable, but iRacing's Spa is from the XIX century, they still roll out a McLaren GT3 that witnessed the extinction of the Dinosaurs, their "refresh" of Sebring still has grass on the outside of Sunset, etc ...

Why? Because even iRacing -- which generates monthly revenues which would allow it to buy Studio 397 in cash with about 3 or 4 months of those revenues -- has to "pick its fights" and deploy financial and human means rationally.
Smaller sims like ACC and AMS2 have some of those tracks, that's why I'm a bit surprised rFactor2, one of the perceived biggest Sims, may not be able to come to an arrangement to include the tracks.
Fascinating to see if MSG release the complete BTCC game now.I guess most RF2 people would not buy it because they already own most of the cars & tracks & to really make full use of the licence the BTCC game needs to be on console to cash in.Probably to much of an outlay for either MSG or BTCC itself just to bring the game to market even though MSG desperately needs the revenue & BTCC would massively benefit with younger fans becoming BTCC fans of the future.
As a non RF2 owner I would buy the BTCC game.
Smaller sims like ACC and AMS2 have some of those tracks, that's why I'm a bit surprised rFactor2, one of the perceived biggest Sims, may not be able to come to an arrangement to include the tracks.
it might not be cant, just dont want to, like the main limiting factor is always priorities, rF2´s priority is not being a BTCC game or FE game, which is why both series arent complete in the track department and likely wont be ever, because if you do x you have no time for z
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I like to have all the cars but I just find it confusing working out what I have, what was original what is skins I've modded, whether I'm buying the same car twice if I buy a pack, which cars should be in a series and what version of the car I need (and whether I have it or not).

I'd like it to be easier to organise and clearer. I'm not buying a sim for that mess, I want to race a car on a track with other cars which it should be racing with. With RF2, I spend too much time with pen and paper and by the time I get to racing I can't be bothered :D That's why I'd like the developer to make it easier.
I like to have all the cars but I just find it confusing working out what I have, what was original what is skins I've modded, whether I'm buying the same car twice if I buy a pack, which cars should be in a series and what version of the car I need (and whether I have it or not).

I'd like it to be easier to organise and clearer. I'm not buying a sim for that mess, I want to race a car on a track with other cars which it should be racing with. With RF2, I spend too much time with pen and paper and by the time I get to racing I can't be bothered :D That's why I'd like the developer to make it easier.
Much easier @Yogi99 to just buy everything :D
So being hyped about the Astra first and foremost I went through the painful rF2 reinstallation process. Tried some single make races and the AI is still very crash/spin prone for my taste. I am going to wait a bit more, especially with some further AI updates which are planned IIRC. Keep up the development S397...
Seeing this DLC makes me think:

-What business model is best FOR YOU as a sim racer?

1- Frequent DLC? (Where the devs themselves tell you that the content you purchased became out-dated as planned obsolescence, like RRRE, rF2).

2- Time subscription? (where you purchase the sim and they take it from you a month late, like iR).

3- A new sim every year? (where they divide the user base and the online numbers, like F1 22).

4- A new sim but every longer period of time (where there are struggles, bugs and needed time to make the sim working, like GT7, ACC).

5- A new sim but every longer period of time (but where they release the sim in a complete/ ready state and start working on a newer sim after they release the sim, like pC2, DR 2.0).

Ps, the intention isn't to tell the negatives for the sake of negativity, the intention is to reflect on whether you like DLC or you think there is a better way of doing it.
Whatever produces the lowest price per content item works best for me.

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Julian Strasser
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