TDU Connect Shows First Solar Crown Gameplay, Private Beta Coming Soon

Despite the recent strike announcement at Kylotonn, the TDU Connect broadcast aired as scheduled, presenting Test Drive Unlimited Solar Crown and showing about half an hour of proper in-game footage.

Most of the video consists of six people casually enjoying the game together, three of them being Kylotonn members Alain Jarnioux (Creative Director), Camille Courtier (Associate Producer) and Guillaume Guinet (Lead Game Designer). They are joined by Alan Boiston (Team VVV), Alex VII (TDU content creator) and Blackpanthaa (Racing games contente creator). The group gathers together and go on an adventure around the maps, going to both Streets and Sharps headquarters while performing various activities before engaging in a proper race.

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Three Kylotonn members and three guests got to explore Test Drive Unlimited Solar Crown for the gameplay video.

Factions with Unique HQs​

Sharps and Streets hearquarters have their own distinct feeling and VIP area, exclusive to their respective members, but everyone can visit the main area of both. Streets will gather in a sort of underground club, with a modern layout of neons in a synthwave color palette, while Sharps will meet in a much quieter posh hotel displaying vintage luxury and ancient art.

Pick a side: Streets and Sharps, the game's factions, have unique HQs available to them.

Aside from the locations' visuals, there seems to be no functional differences. Unless you count dancing - but do not worry, Sharps, you are still allowed to go to the Streets HQ to show off your moves on the dancefloor.


While the dancefloor only opens in the Streets HQ, members of the Sharps can still enter and participate.

Car Life MMO​

While this is probably not the feature most are hyped for, it shows that TDU:SC keeps the spirit of its predecessors alive, with the Test Drive Unlimited series being more than just racing games: TDU is a car life MMO. Sharps versus Streets is just like the Horde or Alliance factions in World of Warcraft, for instance. And just like the guests of the video shown, some players will most likely get really invested in defending their own clan's honor. TDU:SC will provide ways to settle the score quite literally through races of course, but also challenges, as evidenced by the FRIM challenge screen.


Settling the score: FRIM includes added challenges and bonuses for the ride around Hong Kong Island.

Speaking of FRIM, the system looks very similar to what it was in TDU and TDU2, with similar UI layout and bonuses for similar tasks. Surprisingly though, other things seem to have been added outside of FRIM's scope, as we can see multiple times players going past speed traps and getting a score out of 3 stars - a mechanic taken straight out of the latest Need for Speed games. However, considering how much the two previous TDU games defined the genre, it is only fair for it to "steal" a feature from another game now.

Much like in similar titles, a speed trap mechanic has been implemented.

Another feature inspired by the latest Need for Speed games are gas stations, which occupy a similar role and serve for cleaning and repairing your car. This means that damage, at the very least visual (there is no evidence so far supporting damage affecting performance or not yet, although my personal bet would be they're only cosmetic).

Squeaky clean: Cars can be brought back to tip-top shape at gas stations - damage seems to be only cosmetic for now, though.

Dense Road Network​

The map itself seems interesting: The roads look fun to drive, and it seems the land features a pretty reasonably dense road network, even in the mountains. It will likely be packed with easter eggs and collectibles as well, seeing that the game's HUD is indicating a nearby wreck to players several times during their motorized explorations.


Lots of roads to drive: TDU Solar Crown offers a dense network of driving surfaces, even in the mountains of Hong Kong Island.

Of course, to enjoy the roads, you need to enjoy the physics first - or maybe the other way around? Feel free to tell us in the comments what you think about that. Eihter way, the physics, while they don't seem to be trying to be hardcore simulation, look like they are "grounded in reality" arcade. The overall speeds and cornering capabilities of the cars do not seem to be complete fantasy, like in Forza Horizon, for instance. Cornering speeds are believable, braking distances are not looking foolish and cars are apparently able to understeer and oversteer.

Interestingly, Guillaume, who was driving a Ford Raptor which impressed the other players by its speed, mentioned semi-slick tyres. It is unclear if it was said as a joke, but information pointing to several tyre compounds and performance tuning existed before this broadcast.


The driving physics of TDU Solar Crown seem to be grounded in reality, but arcadey in their core.

Collisions with Room for Improvement​

The collision and jumping physics look a bit more rough, but those parts are hard to get right and the only game which seems to pull this off correctly is - and it is pretty much purpose built to do that. Keep in mind that it is an alpha version from a studio which doesn't have triple A budget that is shown in the video.

The graphics might not be the best, and the 30FPS video does not really allow us to see how smoothly the game runs, but the experience seems enjoyable. At least, TDU fans are likely to get what they want out of this game, with lots of community features and incentives to just drive around with friends.


The final piece of information delivered by the show is that players will have a chance to try the game during a three-day private beta period, starting on July 24th. It does sound like a proper development beta, considering the time still left before the release (likely in Q1 of 2024), rather than a marketing beta like it is often done nowadays.

Of course, the question of the resolution of Kylotonn's strike still hangs above the game's head - it could affect the schedule of TDU:SC even further if the developers, their management and publisher Nacon cannot get to terms in a timely manner.

Your Thoughts​

What are your thoughts about the first gameplay footage? Are you excited for Test Drive Unlimited Solar Crown? Let us know in the comments below!

All images in this article are directly taken from the TDU Connect video.
About author
Global motorsports enjoyer, long time simracer, Gran Turismo veteran, I've been driving alongside top drivers since the dawn of online pro leagues on Gran Turismo, and qualified for the only cancelled FIA GTC World Tour. I've left aside competitive driving in 2020 to dedicate myself to IGTL, a simracing organisation hosting high quality events for pro racers and customers, to create with friends the kind of events we wished we could have had. We strive to provide the best events for drivers and the best content for viewers, and want to help the simracing scene grow and shine further in the global esports scene.


No, i am just a gamer. Not an reviewer.
And watching and evaluate this video is a form of sorting out crap.... so whats the problem
Well, the problem is that - using your own language - your evaluation is what's crap here, and your opinions are trash. You cannot judge the game's quality based on one video from alpha stage.
Well, the problem is that - using your own language - your evaluation is what's crap here, and your opinions are trash. You cannot judge the game's quality based on one video from alpha stage.
My evaluation is my statement about the game or shown material.
Not others opinions.
Didnt wrote it so do not put such words in my mouth.
And as far as i know its not forbidden to place own statement to an topic in a random forum....
When you do not share my opinion its ok.
And yes, its negative.

Ive played Tdu 1 & 2 alot and at this time it was completly ok.
Wanted always a proper version of Tdu 3 at some point but due to the fact that it landed by KT and now we saw the actual state of the game, it changed.
The Tdu franchise has a big potential but in this case i will not waste my money on it.
My evaluation is my statement about the game or shown material.
Not others opinions.
Didnt wrote it so do not put such words in my mouth.
Let me remind you what you wrote: "I do not expect a sim in this case but this is even lightyears away from an arcade. Their quality standard seems to be ultra low bottom level"

So yeah, you evaluated the quality of the game and the physics, without even trying it.

No, it's not forbidden to make such statements. Just like it's not forbidden for me to place my own statement about your statement.

I am not only not sharing your opinion. I am stating that your opinion is unfounded, ignorant and disrespectful.

You saw a 20 minute video of other people playing the alpha version of the game, and you called it trash, crap and "ultra low bottom level". You didn't even point out any particular flaw. And somehow you made your mind, several months before the release. This is just silly negativity, not a proper opinion.
I actually feel sorry for him that he had to endure that shitshow. Knowing him from his videos for many many years and what he likes in racing games, i know that he hated everything that he saw and played.
He actually quite liked it.
20 years ago I could enter gaming CD store, buy the damn game, come home, install it and have fun. The product was finished and polished.

There were actually tons of games that were absolutely NOT polished or finished. Some games from the 90s - early 2000s will never be topped on how atrocious they were. Collective consciousness just tends to forget the bad things and only remember the good ones. Same with music - or anything else really. Everyone goes like "this period was so good", but when you look a bit deeper, you unearth abominations that would make Cthulhu race back to his own plane of existence in fear.

Remember this is an ALPHA - and for an alpha, it seems very advanced and polished. People judging this as if it went gold already are crazy.
Let me remind you what you wrote: "I do not expect a sim in this case but this is even lightyears away from an arcade. Their quality standard seems to be ultra low bottom level"

So yeah, you evaluated the quality of the game and the physics, without even trying it.

No, it's not forbidden to make such statements. Just like it's not forbidden for me to place my own statement about your statement.

I am not only not sharing your opinion. I am stating that your opinion is unfounded, ignorant and disrespectful.

You saw a 20 minute video of other people playing the alpha version of the game, and you called it trash, crap and "ultra low bottom level". You didn't even point out any particular flaw. And somehow you made your mind, several months before the release. This is just silly negativity, not a proper opinion.
Thats what ive wrote.
Yes, ive evaluated it for me according to this only existing astonishing presentation.
Thats all. Imagine...thats possible. :)
All of the shown material is in all terms low quality and do not contain any innovative or new things which are aready present in actual games.
Its even far away to be compared to other games.
Doesnt matter if this is still in Alpha... when you have a problem with that so thats not my problem :)
KT spent meanwhile 3 (!!!) years since first teaser to show now this poor thing.
I am an realist so i do not belive that KT will turn it in an proper opponent for Forza or even The Crew 2.
And now i leave you with my ignorant statement and feel free to be the first beta...sorry...full release player.
There were actually tons of games that were absolutely NOT polished or finished. Some games from the 90s - early 2000s will never be topped on how atrocious they were. Collective consciousness just tends to forget the bad things and only remember the good ones. Same with music - or anything else really. Everyone goes like "this period was so good", but when you look a bit deeper, you unearth abominations that would make Cthulhu race back to his own plane of existence in fear.

Remember this is an ALPHA - and for an alpha, it seems very advanced and polished. People judging this as if it went gold already are crazy.
Yes well, the difference is that there were MANY good FINISHED games on launch back then, and even the BAD ones were nowhere near the state of Nascar Ignition for example. So yes, bring me some of those greatest hits again.

Edit: Ah wait! You are the esports guy, no wonder you are here trying to gaslight us all that the crap we have today is in any shape or form comparable to the gaming industry of the past.
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There were actually tons of games that were absolutely NOT polished or finished. Some games from the 90s - early 2000s will never be topped on how atrocious they were. Collective consciousness just tends to forget the bad things and only remember the good ones. Same with music - or anything else really. Everyone goes like "this period was so good", but when you look a bit deeper, you unearth abominations that would make Cthulhu race back to his own plane of existence in fear.

Remember this is an ALPHA - and for an alpha, it seems very advanced and polished. People judging this as if it went gold already are crazy.
Ah, that "collective consciousness" argument...

I am smart enough to make my own jugdements and not to care what so called "influencers" say. Or the next guy. The state of my aging mind still is good enough to remember the rate of good games compared to sheer duds. No need to gaslight me, mate. When I was a kid, I didn't really care about bad games because we had many really good ones to enjoy. Your character falls through textures in level 6? Pfft... Take the CD back to the shop and get a refund, no questions asked. Screw you if you played for more than 2 hours today. Given all the unskippable crap games have today, you might have less than 15 minutes of actual gameplay out of those 2 hours before you can ask for refund.

While we're at it, it wasn't a big deal to get a buggy mess back in the day, because you had something else to choose from. Developers did, actually, care about product they make and didn't have the audacity to so blatantly overpromise and underdeliver (hello, Molyneux) like every single studio does these days. In this day and age we might consider ourselves blessed to get 1 or 2 decent-ish game(s) per year and you can bet these will NOT be a racing games of any sort. Heck, it's mid-2023 as of writing of this comment, do you know Forza Horizon 5 still crashes like crazy 1.5 years after release? What does collective consciousness say about this particular case?

GTR, GT Legends, Richard Burns Rally, Burnout Paradise, Driver, Need For Speed Porsche Unleashed, NFS Underground 1 and 2, Colin McRae Rally, Xpand Rally, ToCA Race Driver, Flatout — those games are still very close to my heart, even if some of them technically didn't age well. I still carry good memories about those. And I don't remember any of those projects to be marketed as Pre-release Alpha.
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Yes well, the difference is that there were MANY good FINISHED games on launch back then, and even the BAD ones were nowhere near the state of Nascar Ignition for example.

Trust me, there were MUCH WORSE games than that. You should probably have a look at AVGN's content, or JDG's if you can speak french. Even in the PS1 era, some games were just terminally broken to the point of not even being able to go to the end without crashing, there are examples of games with parts not even being coded. Some old games have become memes for how bad they were.

Even later on some games still had stupid bugs left over, such as NFS:HP2, where in certain languages, the game would just freeze once you cumulated over a million points on your profile. I only learned years later that you could keep progressing if you put the game in english before hitting the trigger. Otherwise you were literally soft locked.

Sure, there's a lot of games nowadays releasing in a pretty dire state, and I don't like that, and the devs being forced to roll out projects they don't want to release unfinished don't like that, and the QA guys being ignored on their recommendations don't like that either. But at least now games can be fixed. The play here is to wait and not buy day 1. Imho nowadays I'd say the sweet spot to get an AAA game 1 or 2 years after release in most cases. TDU:SC is not AAA, so I think if you're a fan of the past games and have friends showing interest in it, it might be worth putting up with the bugs and potential optimization issues at release to enjoy a more active community.
He actually quite liked it.
from what do you deduce that? i wold rather wait for his own video on his channel where he talks about it. and as of now there is no video.
whatever he said or did in that gameplay presentation should be taken with a huge grain of salt.
Well, doesn't look like anything to me. A bit like Crew, but looks even worse. "Hey lets make an arcade driving game like Forza Horizon, but not that good!"
This basically sums it all up. I will be very surprised if this game will be even on The Crew level let alone Forza Horizon.
Good to see Alan from Team VVV there, hope you're well Alan!
Totally agree. Alan’s been unwell and he battles largely alone covering the racing genre. Kudos to him for getting an invite to attend. It showed in the alpha version video he’s no mug in driving games.
Trust me, there were MUCH WORSE games than that. You should probably have a look at AVGN's content, or JDG's if you can speak french. Even in the PS1 era, some games were just terminally broken to the point of not even being able to go to the end without crashing, there are examples of games with parts not even being coded. Some old games have become memes for how bad they were.

Even later on some games still had stupid bugs left over, such as NFS:HP2, where in certain languages, the game would just freeze once you cumulated over a million points on your profile. I only learned years later that you could keep progressing if you put the game in english before hitting the trigger. Otherwise you were literally soft locked.

Sure, there's a lot of games nowadays releasing in a pretty dire state, and I don't like that, and the devs being forced to roll out projects they don't want to release unfinished don't like that, and the QA guys being ignored on their recommendations don't like that either. But at least now games can be fixed. The play here is to wait and not buy day 1. Imho nowadays I'd say the sweet spot to get an AAA game 1 or 2 years after release in most cases. TDU:SC is not AAA, so I think if you're a fan of the past games and have friends showing interest in it, it might be worth putting up with the bugs and potential optimization issues at release to enjoy a more active community.
Please, i was alive and playing back then, i remember myself. AVGN he admits himself he exagerates the games problems for comedic effect, so don't try to use comedy skits as documentaries.
from what do you deduce that? i wold rather wait for his own video on his channel where he talks about it. and as of now there is no video.
whatever he said or did in that gameplay presentation should be taken with a huge grain of salt.
Well, he also said so on the game's discord:
Well, he also said so on the game's discord:
View attachment 680313
Mh, alright then. Let's see how it comes along.
I usually trust his judgement as it often aligns with mine. Plus his channel never took off really compared to other racing game youtubers, so he does not seem like a person who puts all his life into his yt career like gamermuscle, broadbent, supergt etc. So its not super likely he gets bought to say this stuff otherwise it would've happend long ago already.
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