Watch: F1 Manager 23 Review

Time to dive into the world of Formula One outside of the cockpit again: F1 Manager 23 is here for owners of the Deluxe edition, and the second instalment of the series after last year's initial entry by developer Frontier promises numerous additions, improvements and refinements. But is it enough to warrant a yearly release? OverTake's Marvin Miller has already played the new F1 Manager game and highlights its pros and cons ahead of its full July 31st release.

Image credit: OverTake

The initial offering in the form of F1 Manager 22 was off to a solid start last year, but interest has decreased significantly since then. Can the new title bring players back to the virtual pit wall? The new scenario mode certainly part of this effort, allowing players to relive or rewrite situations from actual Grands Prix of the 2023 season. The mode is set to be expanded upon as the season progresses.

Refined Career Mode​

Of course, the core of the game is the Career Mode, which sees the addition of Formula 2 and Formula 3 drivers, whose seasons are simulated alongside the F1 season. Pit crews can also be trained now, possibly gaining teams an advantage in the pits. However, whether or not the changes to the Career make the mode more interesting than last year is up to the player, as Marvin addresses.

F1 Manager 2023 Lewis Hamilton Mercedes-AMG Pit Stop.png

Training your crew can gain you an advantage during pit stops in F1 Manager 23 - but it can also backfire if not done properly. Image credit: Frontier

While F1 Manager 23 has stepped up its game regarding its presentation and in-race controls, the title also has to endure comparisons to manager titles of other sports. How does F1 Manager stack up against Football Manager, for example? What about character traits of the drivers? OverTake's video review sheds some light on these points as well.

Your Thoughts​

What were your impressions of the first F1 Manager? Are you looking forward to trying F1 Manager 23 yourself? Let us know in the comments below!

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About author
Yannik Haustein
Lifelong motorsport enthusiast and sim racing aficionado, walking racing history encyclopedia.

Sim racing editor, streamer and one half of the SimRacing Buddies podcast (warning, German!).

Heel & Toe Gang 4 life :D

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On last year's game, I somehow managed to win a race as Williams in my first year, despite not having a clue what I was doing. I stopped playing not long after that. I wanted to love the game, but it just lacks so much of what it should feel like to be a real Team Principle or whatever of a F1 team. I'm either going to skip this year's game completely, or wait until a big sale.
Club Staff
There's very little managerial-changes in this version... Which is a bit sad considering it is supposed to be a manager game... With a price increase of 62% from F1 Manager 22 in Norway, it's a pass for me. Sadly.

@Yannik Haustein I think the YT-link is wrong? I can't watch the video here, I need to search for it on YouTube.
There's very little managerial-changes in this version... Which is a bit sad considering it is supposed to be a manager game... With a price increase of 62% from F1 Manager 22 in Norway, it's a pass for me. Sadly.

@Yannik Haustein I think the YT-link is wrong? I can't watch the video here, I need to search for it on YouTube.
According to SteamDB, F1 Manager 2022 was 549,00 kr at release, while F1 Manager 2023 is 615,00 kr now. That's more like a 15% price increase.
Club Staff
According to SteamDB, F1 Manager 2022 was 549,00 kr at release, while F1 Manager 2023 is 615,00 kr now. That's more like a 15% price increase.

F1 Manager 2022 is 549 now.
Like 98% of other games, it became more expensive in NOK when Steam changed the recommended regional pricing policy to factor in relative purchasing power. That gave prices on games a steep hike in Norway.
Then our currency have tanked, which makes things even more expensive.

EDIT: I did try to find my purchase in account history, can't find it atm. Will look deeper. I do remember I was surprised that it was as cheap as it was last year.
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F1 Manager 2022 is 549 now.
Like 98% of other games, it became more expensive in NOK when Steam changed the recommended regional pricing policy to factor in relative purchasing power. That gave prices on games a steep hike in Norway.
Then our currency have tanked, which makes things even more expensive.

EDIT: I did try to find my purchase in account history, can't find it atm. Will look deeper. I do remember I was surprised that it was as cheap as it was last year.
Are you sure it wasn't discounted when you bought it last year? It seems like there was a 10% pre-order discount. You can check the price history here:


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Yannik Haustein
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2 min read
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