2008 RD Touring Car Championship (RACE 07)

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I noticed that gpcos had my starting position as P18 in race 2 of Zandvoort and it should be p10. Not that it really affects my situation, but it could indicate something else is going on.

Thanks for a great job!
  • Dom Duhan

Well it was fun racing, Im pleased as i didnt do alot of practise:) I was really surpised to get 2nd in qual. The first race was shadowing Samuel with rami behind, Samuel got an amazing start, i thought he false started it was so good. I was satisfied with 3rd.

The second race start was where the race was lost for me, i got a good start and really caught upto robert i think and got boxed in. I lost a couple of postions to samuel and greger. The next important part of the race was braking for t1 with Samuel, I think he tried to suddenly cover the inside on the braking zone and i had nowhere to go, i hit him (sorry about that) and damaged my front, this made the understeer really bad so and i was pleased to finish.

All in all not a bad weekend and a great result for the team and greger:) I loathe brno!
I thought our group drove well and was pleased to be a part of it. Think everyone made it through T1 on the start for both races and didn't see any major crash-ups along the way.

Developed a push on race day that I didn't have during pre-qual which was unfortunate because my pre-qual setup felt good. But, wasn't feeling well and didn't have the energy or focus to sort it out so I decided to drive around it as best I could. Qualified about a second slower than I thought capable which put me about mid-pack. Given the conditions, a conservative race seemed the best strategy and finished 10th in race 1 and 9th and in race 2. Had tire warnnings in last two laps of both races and a fuel warning in race 1. Was reasonably happy with the results given the health of my car and me. :)

Both Christian and Jamie made nice passes on me --- wish I had done that!:) Didn't hit anyone and was able to keep the car pointed in the right direction when tapped a couple of times. Probably because I braked a little early...

Anyway, all in all a pretty good race, but would like to finish in the points one of these days. Until, that time --- see you on the grid...
  • Niklas Hjelm

Qualifying: Im not a qualifying guy. Thats a fact! Could not put together a decent lap. Ended up 15th.

Race 1: Had a great start and gained 4 or 5 positions right away. Then it was surviving mode out there, avoiding spining cars. Had some trouble finding the rythm understeering off a few times. Gained some spots by passing some cars and by people going off. Was up to 6th when I was trying to pass for 5th when the other guy decided to push me (on the straight) of track. Was in p9 going out on the last lap pushing to get by sandor for pole for race 2. Luckly for me he made a mistake in the last chicane and I was able to pass for 8th place.

Race 2: Starting from pole, perfect start. Pulled away quite a bit on the first lap. From there I led for the whole race. Very satisfying. My tires held up much better for the 2nd race aswell.

Overall very nice result and fun races for me. Unfortunatly I won't join for Brno. Have fun there guys!

nice evening

thx to all the blokes for an enjoyable evening out!

quali: first lap out i topped my pre-quali time :) was 3rd for a time and then handed down to 12th of 18 present.

race1: swamped at the start by beemers from behind, got through the scuffles in t1 / t2 / t3 unscathed and running 10th or so, i went headlong into an orange seat (?) which was part of a massive pileup behind tarzan (sorry: Sheivlak). puncture, 75 secs pit, i was ......
got back and picked up some places to finish 11th of 12 still running, one lap down.

race2: another slalom through t1 and t2, touched gilberto after t3 (watched the replay: half a length ahead mate, not my fault at all) and ran into a spinning Rob Schon in tarzan (sorry: Sheivlak). said the word starting "sh..." out loud and resumed the race ...
i then had great fun fighting for second to last with Lucas Degen, I was consistently faster out of Tarzan (sorry: Sheivlak) while he had the Audi and the last turn before finish better than me. At one point we touched (my mistake) which put us both in a fight for last. sorry to see him spin with just two laps to go, i was sweated through, brilliant stuff! finished 10th of 11 still running.

Thx RD for putting up the server (the settings were wrong though and we had to vote it on to stick to the schedule, even if that was against the BOLD RED PRINT :)
As expected my performance isn't all that good on this track. Made it through pre quali ok but in the real quali and race it's not a track i am good at. There are a few moments that i am able to make a pass but for 99% of the time I am at a defense mode. It's not really a matter of whether ppl can get pass me but it's only a matter of when and how. But all in all everyone is really gentleman and shows lots of patience and respect. It's ok lux770, I was quite fustrated at that moment about the small contact but i know you are much faster than me. I also had a good battle with Jamie, he is such a good sportsman and it was good fighting with him. However my mistake in turn 3 put an end to the fun.

Even though I didn't get the result I would like to have, I still very much enjoy the race. Really have to thank every single one in this group to put on a great battle across the field. This is the way a real race should be! Cheers!!!

*** At the same time, something to think about... I thought there is absolutely no chatting allowed in Quali section also. Think it's a good idea to stick to that rule****
  • yungchick

Hey Wietse, i tried to stick as close as possible but obviously too close and tapped ur back, im realy sorry hun , wasnt my intention !!:o
I whas so upset that i tapped you so i put myself in the gravel a few laps later ;)

I did a 16/18 Q time so knew there wasn't much to win here. But still I managed to drive to P12 I think until Ping Pong came baning in the left off my car wich made me touch a few other cars in Hugenholtz turn. Stupid action.

At the end off the race my tires were worn out I was driving on like ice.

Had a good start again and was driving 9th at a time. When I saw the driver ahead off me go off in the Slotemaker turn, he came back and hit me hard. My car flipped over 360, I was lucky to continue my race. Then I had Eckhart behind me some laps and a car ahead for like 3 seconds. I knew I could make it with just 4 laps to go. Turning into the Arie Luyendijk turn, to early on the throttle and I spun. Last on my home race (15 minutes from where I live).

On to Brno...
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