2018 Formula One French Grand Prix

Paul Jeffrey

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Welcome to the central discussion thread of the 2018 Formula One French Grand Prix!

Returning to the Formula One calendar 28 years after the dramatic win of home hero Alain Prost in the majestic Ferrari 641, the Formula One circus return to a much changed racing venue, but will the Prancing Horse stand atop the podium once again, or can Mercedes make up for a disappointing last time out in Canada?

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THURSDAY FIA PRESS CONFERENCE - DRIVERS – Pierre GASLY (Toro Rosso,) Romain GROSJEAN (Haas), Esteban OCON (Force India), Fernando ALONSO (McLaren)

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Q: We’re going to start with the French drivers. It’s the first French Grand Prix for 10 years and there is a real buzz in the paddock about being here in the south of France. So how special is it for you as drivers to be here at your home race? Romain?
It’s very special. I came into Formula 1 in 2009, the year after the French Grand Prix finished. Then in all the years I was doing [Formula 1] I didn’t hear much about the French Grand Prix and eventually all the rumours started to kick up and then last year we knew we were going to have a French Grand Prix and here we are and it’s amazing to rediscover Paul Ricard with the grandstand and all those statues, which I think make it… It feels like a great atmosphere. The south of France is probably one of the best places in the world as well. The weather is very kind to us and I think it’s just a beautiful place to have a race and very, very much looking forward to going out on track.

Q: Thank you very much. Esteban, your thoughts coming here, because you’ve raced here before but obviously not in Formula 1?
Esteban OCON:
Yeah, I have raced here before. Last time I was seated here there was a lot less people. I won in Formula Renault 2.0, back in the day, it was my first victory in single seaters. Just fantastic memories, to come back here feels special. Of course we see the atmosphere there is already on the first day, which is awesome, lots of fans coming around and I can’t wait to be racing for the first time in front of my home crowd.

Q: Thank you. And Pierre, your thoughts on your home race and how impressed are you with this venue?
Pierre GASLY:
Yeah, honestly super impressed. The last time I came here was in 2014 and there are now so many grandstands, much more people than I used to see here. I think we raced with Esteban in 2013 and I raced here in 2014, I won Formula 4 and also in Formula Renault, so a lot of good memories. It’s just unbelievable to come back here for my first home race. We are pretty lucky because all of the French drivers in the last 10 years didn’t have this privilege. It’s my first season and I get the chance to race my country, so an amazing opportunity. A lot of people already for Thursday, so really looking forward to seeing how it is over the next few days.

Q: Romain, if we return to you to look at the competitive aspect of the weekend. You’ve got two young French talents alongside you today, but the Haas looked more to your liking with the upgrade in Canada. So what are your chances of beating these two guys this weekend?
I think they’re pretty high. The car has been working very well recently – since the beginning of the year to be fair. We’ve had an upgrade in Canada and I had a good feeling in the car. Unfortunately we didn’t do quali and then we made our race harder. But I think we are going in a good step. So for the four of us, P7 is like winning the race for us. That’s clearly our target for the weekend and then if anything happens in front then we take the opportunity.

Q: Thank you very much. Esteban you have scored points in each of the last two races? But you had more points at this stage last year and the team has been in the headlines both off the track and on it this year. So what has it been like internally?
Internally, it’s all fine. We are working quite well to be honest. The first few races were difficult but we have been improving the car, bringing updates to it, and race by race improving and in Monaco I think we really did the step up. We’ve qualified P6 and in Canada we qualified into the top 10 in Q3 and I think we have the car now to be qualifying well and to be fighting the top midfield teams. So far we are pretty happy with the development and how everything went. Especially this weekend, we have a fresh engine in the car, so hopefully it’s going to give us some performance.

Q: Speaking of fresh engines, Pierre you took a power unit penalty in Canada to ensure you didn’t take one here , but you climbed through the field impressively in Canada so how big a step is the new Honda and what are you hoping from it this weekend?
Yeah, it’s a really good step. I think in terms of performance it’s clearly a good help. We saw in Canada that we were able to overtake other cars – Force India, Haas. So, I think it’s looking pretty good. I think it’s super tight in the midfield, so at the moment we still need to progress but I think we are improving in terms of consistency and we know if we put everything together we can fight in the top 10, but if we don’t it’s a bit more difficult. It’s a good opportunity here, because all the teams have only realty small experience of this track, so it’s our job to really work during free practices to make the best out of it and I think clearly with the upgraded engine we have a better chance to score points.

Q: Thank you. Fernando, thank you for waiting. This is a Formula 1 press conference but it’s also an FIA press conference and last weekend you won one of the biggest races in another FIA championship, so just tell us about your Le Mans experience and what it feels like to be a Le Mans 24-Hour winner?
Fernando ALONSO:
It feels great. Obviously it has been a long-time dream for me to be there and to experience Le Mans and it was great to have the first opportunity and to be in as competitive a team as Toyota and to dominate the free practice, the qualifying and the race. It was a competition between the two of our cars in the garage and in the end we got a little bit more lucky and a little bit probably set-up. It feels great but now back to F1 – a triple race in three weekends – and quite busy between Monaco, Canada, Le Mans and now these three.

Q: As Romain alluded to; seventh place seems to be the highest realistic target for most of the teams here today. Just tell us, from a competitor’s point of view, how do you make that switch from winning such a big race last weekend to having different targets this weekend?
Well, I think you know how Formula 1 works and what are your targets and your maximum positions and you approach the weekend just trying to reach those targets and try to improve the car every single race and try to develop the car as much as your competitors. As all of our friends here, we are optimistic with the upgrades on the cars, the engine upgrades and things like that, and then you find out that every team is developing the car at the same rate more or less and everything remains the same. We did score points in every single race, more or less, this year. We miss in Monaco with a gearbox issue and in Canada with an engine issue but we were in the points also in those races and we want to come back to that place here.


Q: (Scott Mitchell – Autosport) Fernando, you’ve got two down and one to go in your pursuit for motorsport’s triple crown. So in terms of winning the Indianapolis 500, how big a priority is that for you now? Do you want to tackle it as soon as possible – i.e. next season? And can you do that while still racing in Formula 1?
I didn’t think too much yet on this. As I said last year when I entered the Indy 500, that was a very attractive target, to achieve the triple crown and to be a little bit, let’s say, a more complete driver, not only driving Formula 1 cars. Yeah, obviously the Le Mans victory it puts a little bit closer that target, but I will think and I will see what I do next year.

Q: (Julien Billotte – AutoHebdo) Question for Pierre. Pierre, did you push for the Honda move with Red Bull and do you think it improves, it boosts your chances to move to the senior team if Daniel Ricciardo does leave the team?
I didn’t push for it because I’m not the one who takes the decision – but of course they asked me for feedback since the beginning of the year about the engine. I’ve tried to give them as precise as possible to help them in their decisions but I think, yes, there were much bigger talks behind it. And then, yeah, about Daniel’s situation, I think it’s still pretty early in the season to talk about it, of course. Everyone is making speculation but at the moment there is nothing really serious. Of course, clearly, you know, in Formula One, you want to be fighting for the top positions and that’s what I want to be fighting for in my career and clearly my target as a Red Bull driver is to be the Red Bull seat as quickly as possible – but at the moment I’m only in my first season in Formula One, so I just try to focus on my job. I know that, if I do good races, opportunities will come up – and that’s the only thing I try to focus on at the moment. So, we will see what Daniel does, and… yeah… bit too early, I just try to focus on my performances and on myself to give my best.

Q: (Livio Oricchio – Globoesporte.com) To Fernando. Fernando, you experiment to compete in a different situation to Formula One at Le Mans. Here you have at least three teams in front of you and there you have just one team. Can you describe more the sensation of being a driver of a team that, unless you have some problems, you probably win the race?
Well, I think in Le Mans it was different because the race is so hard and so demanding that whatever package you have, you need to still fight throughout the race and you need to still deliver the perfect execution of the race. In terms of driving, in terms of mechanical failures, in terms of pitstops, the whole team has to work together and execute the race. We see in other categories, in LMP2 or GT, even the favourite ones, at the end of the race it’s not so clear. It’s not predictable. The team of our boss Zak Brown was third at the end of the race and in qualifying it was 14th. So, that’s how hard Le Mans is, and how unpredictable it is. In Formula One we are definitely missing that. We are all sitting here and we know that maybe we could fight for seventh in qualifying and for seventh in the race. That’s the biggest problem of Formula One.

Q: (Joe van Burik – Autocar NL) Fernando, two questions to you: first, can you describe the feeling as you were making up time on the sister Toyota during your night stint at Le Mans? And secondly, do you feel the win would have much more value if other major manufacturers would still have competed in LMP1?
At night, obviously you are so focused and concentrating on traffic and all the other stuff that you are not totally aware of the gap between the two cars so if you are faster or slower… you are just trying to put some laps together and some clean stints without any mistakes. When I finished my fourth stint and I asked what the gap was, obviously we had reduced it by one minute and a half or one minute 45s and that was great but during the stint, to be honest, I was not aware of the pace or anything.
And how it feels? It feels great. Last year there were only four cars, this year there were ten so I think there was much more opposition this year. We had the only hybrid system with, I think, 49 percent more efficient than any other car and it was a great challenge. I put this victory in a higher level than any other victory in Le Mans.

Q: (Inaudible) Romain, you seem much older than Pierre and Esteban sitting next to you…

Q: (Inaudible) Sorry about that. Did you watch them coming up the ranks and when was the first time that, watching them racing, you thought about them: wow, that kid is really impressive and could make it to the top?
To be fair, I didn’t watch much. I met Esteban once at the Monaco Gold Kart Cup ages ago and then I knew he was doing Formula Renault but I didn’t get much time to watch closely. I know Pierre went through the French Federation Academy but it’s very hard to know if a driver’s going to make it or not until they are competing in Formula Two, which I guess is one of the best preparations, so that’s where you can see whether they’re going to make it or not and that’s quite easy to follow because it’s the same race weekends as we do.

Q: (Jerome Bourret – L’Equipe) From past experiences you’ve had here in other categories, and from the job you have done in the simulator, what is your opinion of the layout of the track and what can we expect from the race, boring or an exciting one?
You know, there have been some changes compared to the past so first of all, the track has been resurfaced, compared to the previous year so we will see how it performs with those tyres in practice. Second thing is the shape of the corners have been redesigned in turns one and two and five and 15, to help overtaking and also, I think, it can only help, you know. It’s a wider entry to the corner, it’s a slower entry to turn one but quicker exit. All those things can only help overtaking. We will see if it helps in practice; already we will have a better idea but as a venue, I think Paul Ricard can only be the best venue in France at the moment to host the French Grand Prix.
PG: Yeah, similar comments really. We raced it before it has been resurfaced so we need to wait a bit in practice. There is a question mark about the chicane, if it’s good or if they should have left the straight. I think in the end we don’t have much experience from it so we need to see how it goes this year. But there are a couple of overtaking spots. The only problem is still the same: it’s really close to follow other cars so I think it’s a bit difficult to predict but if degradation is pretty high, for sure we know it’s pretty hard on the tyres, we need to see how it behaves with the Pirellis and it will make it quite exciting. I don’t want to be pessimistic, I’m usually really optimistic about things so I think we should wait and see on Sunday but hopefully it’s going to be an exciting one.

Q: Fernando, am I right in saying you tested here before but not raced?

Q: Have you had time in a simulator to get an understanding of it?
I didn’t drive the simulator either so let’s see tomorrow. I think I’ve been here in 2003 at the launch of the R23, the Renault one but we were using a short kart circuit, just for some pictures and some shakedown but I honestly don’t remember anything and let’s see, the good thing is that the French Grand Prix is coming back to the calendar and probably all the excitement is there, you know, with the fans and the expectations and the race itself. I think that’s the very positive news of the weekend. If the show will be good or not, we will wait and see on Sunday. Sometimes it’s better than expected, sometimes it’s a little a bit more boring than expected but I think I’m also optimistic because it’s an historic race coming to the calendar and we are all happy.
RG: I’m pretty much the same. I think we always like to think ahead of things and not let time tell us what’s going on. First race of the season was very boring but the next few were amazing and there was a big crisis after Australia and actually the races afterwards were quite fun so here we will see. On paper, it’s clearly not the easiest track in the world on which to overtake but there are long DRS sections. If the tyre energy is high, so the tyres could go off and if that’s the case overtaking is going to become an option. I think recently the one stop races have been a bit boring for everyone, so hopefully we will get a bit more stops and then the race is always going to be a bit more exciting.

Q: (Rodrigo Franca – VIP Magazine) Fernando, you won in Monaco, you won in Le Mans and you also raced at the Indy 500. From a driver’s point of view, which one is the most difficult to win and if you can please compare some of the challenges between these three very different races?
I think they are difficult to compare. They are all special events and they are all difficult to win, in a way. Probably the easiest will be Monaco because if you are in the best package possible that season and you put in a lap on Saturday, 99 percent of the win is there so that’s probably out of your hands. You probably have to have the best car that weekend. On the other hand, I think the show is bigger because they do it once a year so I think the driver presentation, the build-up to the weekend, the race itself, everything is bigger because, as I said, they do it once a year. The drivers parade is in town, Indianapolis, Le Mans, there are a lot of preparations into the race so you feel a different atmosphere but from a drivers’ point of view, as I said, they all feel very special, very unique and each one requires different styles.

Q: (Louis Dekker – NOS) Fernando, are you surprised Red Bull can think of a World title using Honda engines?
Me? If I’m surprised? No. To be honest, what the other teams do, I think it’s difficult to analyse from the outside. We don’t have all the data, all the things they have so I’m happy for them if they take this decision, and happy for Honda to show their commitment to F1 and for the future and at the same time, it’s not a surprise. There were some talks, some rumours for a couple of months already about this relationship and now it’s official.

Q: (Phil Duncan – PA) Fernando, would you seriously consider racing in IndyCar for a full season next year, and would you consider taking a sabbatical perhaps until McLaren show any signs of improvement?
Well, I think one thing is we need to wait and see a couple of months now is really the commitment of all the parties into F1 projects, into the future, what will be the seats that next year they move on and which will be driver line-ups in some of the top teams as well. And after that, just see what the future brings, also what the produce on the Indy 500, on the triple crown and whatever feels attractive. Right now, as I said, still digesting a little bit the Le Mans win and trying to enjoy every minute and not taking too much into account the next year’s project.

Q: (Ludovic Ferro – La Provence) One for Fernando, one for Esteban. Fernando, is it special to drive in France after your victory in Le Mans and your two titles with Renault?
I always feel happy to race in France because, as I said before, it’s an historic race in the calendar and I grew up watching the French Grand Prix on television and then I went to an F1 race in Magny Cours and as you said, racing for a French team, and now winning Le Mans in France. The last four weeks, between the Le Mans test, Montreal, Le Mans and here is four weeks French speaking people in the hotels so it’s a nice feeling now and yeah, really happy to be back here and a lot of support in France always and happy to race (here).

Q: (Ludovic Ferro – La Provence) Esteban, have you the ambition to finish first French driver of this GP and if not, what is your ambition for this weekend?
There is no classification about top French, so it’s not very interesting to be the top French. No, what we want to do it to do the best job we can. In the end, that’s to arrive seventh if there is nothing happening in front, so that’s what we will go for this weekend.

Q: (Jon McEvoy – Daily Mail) Fernando, how good do you think the Honda engines are?
I don’t know. What I know is that the Renault engine we have in our car is quite good. Last year, at this point, we had zero points and this year we are seventh in the drivers’ championship and fifth in the constructors’ championship and the relationship is better and healthier than ever. That’s the only thing I know, the present. The past, I don’t know.

Q: (Frederic Ferret – L’Equipe) How did you cope with the 24 hour race, are you still tired, did you manage to sleep a long time and how do you feel now?
I’m more or less OK now, 90 percent, still recovering. Definitely it was demanding, physically. Every time you jump in the car you do two and a half Formula One Grands Prix and then you don’t have two weeks to recover, you have four hours to recover and then you go back to the car so it was demanding but it was fun at the same time and the adrenalin keeps you awake. Basically, all night, I think I slept one hour and a half, more or less, half asleep because I was controlling the times all the way through the night. Yeah, it was a nice experience and obviously I did the Daytona 24 hours in January, also to get experience and practise on how 24 hour races were in terms of physical demands and mental demands as well and yeah, everything was under control.

Q: (Louis Dekker – NOS) For all of you, can you tell me something about the impact of the triple header, I could even say five Grands Prix in six weeks? Is it overkill or do you like it?
I think I like it.
EO: Yeah, it’s good. When I was a kid I wanted to race every day so now it’s coming alive, that dream. I think on the other hand, I’m thinking about the mechanics, all the people travelling around Europe, the truckies, everybody in the teams, you know, building up those beautiful hospitalities and tents and all that. This is going to be very hard for them so we need to make life as easy for them as we can because at the end, we are a team so we need to support everybody.
PG: Yeah, I think I’m going to love it. We’re race car drivers and we just want to race and I think it’s going to awesome.
FA: I have nine so these last three’s OK.
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Hamilton Leads First Official F1 Practice Session at Paul Ricard in 28 Years.
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Lewis Hamilton and Mercedes show early form in France, with Ferrari struggling to match the outright pace.

It would be a glorious return to the land where Formula One was first born this weekend, with blazing sunshine greeting the Formula One teams during a somewhat accident prone opening practice session for the 2018 Formula One French Grand Prix.

Despite this being a circuit that none of the current Grand Prix drivers have raced a Formula One car on it would be business as usual up front, with Mercedes quickest off the blocks and in commanding form, the silver cars almost three tenths ahead of an in form Daniel Ricciardo in the Red Bull, the Australian doing much to improve his stock yet again as the silly season drivers market continues to ramp up this weekend.

It wouldn't be all plain sailing for Red Bull however, as Max Verstappen suffered a delayed start to his session with the Red Bull planted firmly in the garage during the early running, the Dutchman make a late appearance before eventually finding enough pace for seventh overall, almost a second down on his Red Bull team leader.

It would a disappointing day for Sauber too, with Marcus Ericsson having by far the biggest accident of any driver today, pirouetting his Sauber heavily into the barriers and causing substantial damage, enough to bring out the red flags a little early as the Ferrari powered Alfa Romeo branded car caught fire following the contact.

Other notable performances from the morning session would come from home driver Romain Grosjean in the Haas, the Frenchman having a very good start to his weekend as he looks to make amends for what has been a troubled season to date, one that could potentially lead the talented driver in a difficult position come contract renewal time at the American team...

So far, a welcome and much delayed return to Grand Prix racing in France...

Provisional FP1 Results
  1. Lewis Hamilton HAM Mercedes 1:32.231 25
  2. Valtteri Bottas BOT Mercedes 1:32.371 +0.140s 29
  3. Daniel Ricciardo RIC Red Bull Racing TAG Heuer 1:32.527 +0.296s 25
  4. Kimi Räikkönen RAI Ferrari 1:33.003 +0.772s 23
  5. Sebastian Vettel VET Ferrari 1:33.172 +0.941s 19
  6. Romain Grosjean GRO Haas Ferrari 1:33.318 +1.087s 22
  7. Max Verstappen VER Red Bull Racing TAG Heuer 1:33.331 +1.100s 15
  8. Pierre Gasly GAS Scuderia Toro Rosso Honda 1:33.685 +1.454s 23
  9. Sergio Perez PER Force India Mercedes 1:33.719 +1.488s 26
  10. Kevin Magnussen MAG Haas Ferrari 1:34.108 +1.877s 23
  11. Carlos Sainz SAI Renault 1:34.258 +2.027s 25
  12. Esteban Ocon OCO Force India Mercedes 1:34.484 +2.253s 14
  13. Charles Leclerc LEC Sauber Ferrari 1:34.513 +2.282s 21
  14. Marcus Ericsson ERI Sauber Ferrari 1:34.592 +2.361s 21
  15. Brendon Hartley HAR Scuderia Toro Rosso Honda 1:34.664 +2.433s 25
  16. Fernando Alonso ALO McLaren Renault 1:34.862 +2.631s 20
  17. Lance Stroll STR Williams Mercedes 1:34.881 +2.650s 28
  18. Nico Hulkenberg HUL Renault 1:34.993 +2.762s 24
  19. Stoffel Vandoorne VAN McLaren Renault 1:35.021 +2.790s 24
  20. Sergey Sirotkin SIR Williams Mercedes 1:35.105 +2.874s 25
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Mercedes Again at Sunny Paul Ricard
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Mercedes and Lewis Hamilton again wrap up running in France with fastest time, although Red Bull are close behind..

Mercedes would again dominate the times in FP2, with Lewis Hamilton lapping almost three quarters of a second faster than the nearest car. Keeping the German outfit on their toes would be the newly Honda signed Red Bull squad, Ricciardo again out performing his Dutch team mate to put the fizzy drinks team in second and third overall, ahead of a surprisingly sedate Ferrari team headed again by the evergreen Kimi Räikkönen, another driver fighting for his Formula One career following increasing rumours that Ferrari are showing interest in young junior Charles Leclerc and out of contract Australian Daniel Ricciardo.

Mercedes, with Hamilton dominant out front, wouldn't have things all their own way this afternoon, the Constructors Championship leading team suffering a small water leak on the sister car of Bottas, enough of an issue to force the Finn to finish out his day early while the team looked to remedy the issue, opening the door for Red Bull and Ferrari to jump a little further up the order than looks likely for the rest of the weekend..

Again the smooth French tarmac would prove challenging for many drivers, with the second session in a row being marred by plenty of off track action and spins, not least of which would be a dicey moment for Sergio Perez in the Force India, the Mexican driver finding three wheels on his wagon at one of the quicker sections of the Paul Ricard circuit....

Practice Three and Qualifying tomorrow!

Provisional FP2 Result
  1. Lewis Hamilton HAM Mercedes 1:32.539 27
  2. Daniel Ricciardo RIC Red Bull Racing TAG Heuer 1:33.243 +0.704s 31
  3. Max Verstappen VER Red Bull Racing TAG Heuer 1:33.271 +0.732s 24
  4. Kimi Räikkönen RAI Ferrari 1:33.426 +0.887s 29
  5. Sebastian Vettel VET Ferrari 1:33.689 +1.150s 35
  6. Romain Grosjean GRO Haas Ferrari 1:33.699 +1.160s 30
  7. Valtteri Bottas BOT Mercedes 1:34.156 +1.617s 7
  8. Fernando Alonso ALO McLaren Renault 1:34.400 +1.861s 24
  9. Kevin Magnussen MAG Haas Ferrari 1:34.457 +1.918s 33
  10. Pierre Gasly GAS Scuderia Toro Rosso Honda 1:34.535 +1.996s 35
  11. Nico Hulkenberg HUL Renault 1:35.067 +2.528s 30
  12. Carlos Sainz SAI Renault 1:35.086 +2.547s 33
  13. Stoffel Vandoorne VAN McLaren Renault 1:35.172 +2.633s 28
  14. Charles Leclerc LEC Sauber Ferrari 1:35.583 +3.044s 33
  15. Brendon Hartley HAR Scuderia Toro Rosso Honda 1:35.697 +3.158s 31
  16. Esteban Ocon OCO Force India Mercedes 1:35.705 +3.166s 25
  17. Lance Stroll STR Williams Mercedes 1:35.936 +3.397s 34
  18. Sergey Sirotkin SIR Williams Mercedes 1:35.970 +3.431s 35
  19. Sergio Perez PER Force India Mercedes 1:36.080 +3.541s 13
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Bottas Leads Very Wet Final Practice Session at Paul Ricard
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Valtteri Bottas ending a rather wet morning of running in France at the head of the field, edging home team driver Carlos Sainz in the impressive Renault.

"Wash out" pretty much covers the third and final Free Practice session for the French Grand Prix this morning, with heavy rain leaving very little opportunity for the drivers to head out on circuit, preferring to save their cars ahead of the all important qualification session later this afternoon.

Of those that did manage a few unrepresentative laptimes it would be Mercedes again up front, this time Valtteri Bottas taking the honours in front of home team Renault and Carlos Sainz, with Charles Leclerc and Fernando Alonso rounding out the top four.

Provisional FP3 Result
  1. Valtteri Bottas BOT Mercedes 1:33.666 3
  2. Carlos Sainz SAI Renault 1:34.953 +1.287s 3
  3. Charles Leclerc LEC Sauber Ferrari 1:35.012 +1.346s 5
  4. Fernando Alonso ALO McLaren Renault 1:36.365 +2.699s 4
  5. Sebastian Vettel VET Ferrari 1:36.756 +3.090s 5
  6. Stoffel Vandoorne VAN McLaren Renault 1:37.547 +3.881s 4
  7. Pierre Gasly GAS Scuderia Toro Rosso Honda 1:38.317 +4.651s 5
  8. Marcus Ericsson ERI Sauber Ferrari 1:38.450 +4.784s 3
  9. Sergio Perez PER Force India Mercedes 1:39.641 +5.975s 4
  10. Daniel Ricciardo RIC Red Bull Racing TAG Heuer 1:39.738 +6.072s 3
  11. Esteban Ocon OCO Force India Mercedes 1:40.087 +6.421s 4
  12. Lewis Hamilton HAM Mercedes 1:40.743 +7.077s 3
  13. Kimi Räikkönen RAI Ferrari 1:49.711 +16.045s 3
  14. Lance Stroll STR Williams Mercedes 2:02.399 +28.733s 4
  15. Sergey Sirotkin SIR Williams Mercedes 2:04.093 +30.427s 5
  16. Kevin Magnussen MAG Haas Ferrari 1
  17. Brendon Hartley HAR Scuderia Toro Rosso Honda 3
  18. Romain Grosjean GRO Haas Ferrari 1
  19. Nico Hulkenberg HUL Renault 2
  20. Max Verstappen VER Red Bull Racing TAG Heuer 3
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No Surprise Up Front as Hamilton Scores Dominant 75th Career Pole Position in France.
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Lewis Hamilton made light work of qualifying this afternoon, pumping in a Pole time good enough to earn the Englishman his 75th career front of the grid starting position.

Mercedes very much look to be the form team in France this weekend, emphatically proven by an outstanding performance from Lewis Hamilton and Valtteri Bottas, both AMG Mercedes drivers winding up on the front row of the grid from a dogged Sebastien Vettel in third, the Ferrari driver keeping his slim hopes of race victory alive in what has been a reasonably uncompetitive weekend for the Italian team so far.

With Hamilton four tenths clear of the third place Ferrari, and Bottas just over a tenth shy of his team leader, it wouldn't be a particularly encouraging session for the rest of the field with hopes of a shot at taking the flag first tomorrow, the German team showing all the signs of being capable of returning to form following a difficult Canadian Grand Prix last time out.

Behind the front three would be the ever dangerous Red Bull team, this time headed by a much more composed looking Max Verstappen, no doubt riding a wave of confidence following a strong showing for third overall at the Circuit Gilles Villeneuve two weeks ago. With Red Bull on strong form it would prove a difficult barrier for Kimi Räikkönen to overcome, the Ferrari driver having a disappointing session relative to his practice pace, ending up a poor sixth overall and some six tenths down on teammate Vettel in the sister Ferrari.

Perhaps the two star drives of the session would come not from the top three teams, but midfield runners Carlos Sainz and Charles Leclerc in the Renault and Sauber Alfa Romeo team respectively. Sainz, performing in front of the French Renault fans for the first time would be in great form, the Spanish driver doing much to boost morale at Renault with a very confident performance to end up in seventh place, although a 1.2 second gap to the top six proves that the gulf between the grandee teams and midfield remains as wide as ever this season.

Just behind Sainz would be the even more impressive Charles Leclerc driven Sauber, the young rookie from Monaco far outperforming his Sauber car once again to score a career best 8th place start, adding further fuel to the rumours that Ferrari are seriously considering this big talent for a drive with the Italians as soon as the 2019 season.

Rounding out the top ten would be the Haas team, Magnussen ahead of the luckless Romain Grosjean, robbed of an opportunity to compound his strong form in Q3 after a small mistake pitched the Frenchman nose first into the barriers and out of the session before setting a benchmark laptime.

Provisional Qualifying Results:
  1. Lewis Hamilton HAM Mercedes 1:31.271 1:30.645 1:30.029 19
  2. Valtteri Bottas BOT Mercedes 1:31.776 1:31.227 1:30.147 17
  3. Sebastian Vettel VET Ferrari 1:31.820 1:30.751 1:30.400 22
  4. Max Verstappen VER Red Bull Racing TAG Heuer 1:31.531 1:30.818 1:30.705 20
  5. Daniel Ricciardo RIC Red Bull Racing TAG Heuer 1:31.910 1:31.538 1:30.895 20
  6. Kimi Räikkönen RAI Ferrari 1:31.567 1:30.772 1:31.057 22
  7. Carlos Sainz SAI Renault 1:32.394 1:32.016 1:32.126 23
  8. Charles Leclerc LEC Sauber Ferrari 1:32.538 1:32.055 1:32.635 22
  9. Kevin Magnussen MAG Haas Ferrari 1:32.169 1:31.510 1:32.930 24
  10. Romain Grosjean GRO Haas Ferrari 1:32.083 1:31.472 DNF 20
  11. Esteban Ocon OCO Force India Mercedes 1:32.786 1:32.075 14
  12. Nico Hulkenberg HUL Renault 1:32.949 1:32.115 15
  13. Sergio Perez PER Force India Mercedes 1:32.692 1:32.454 15
  14. Pierre Gasly GAS Scuderia Toro Rosso Honda 1:32.447 1:32.460 17
  15. Marcus Ericsson ERI Sauber Ferrari 1:32.804 1:32.820 18
  16. Fernando Alonso ALO McLaren Renault 1:32.976 10
  17. Brendon Hartley HAR Scuderia Toro Rosso Honda 1:33.025 10
  18. Stoffel Vandoorne VAN McLaren Renault 1:33.162 10
  19. Sergey Sirotkin SIR Williams Mercedes 1:33.636 9
  20. Lance Stroll STR Williams Mercedes 1:33.729 10
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Hamilton Makes Light Work of Crash Filled French Grand Prix
French Grand Prix Race Report.jpg

Lewis Hamilton romped home to an unchallenged French Grand Prix victory and with it takes the championship lead once again.

The return of the French Grand Prix would be a triumphant one for Lewis Hamilton, the new World Championship leader looking in peerless form all weekend in his Mercedes, the British driver making the most of his car advantage around the classic French circuit to take the chequered flag with relative ease, never seriously looking to be threatened from behind following all hell breaking loose on the opening lap.

It would all go wrong for Hamilton's rivals right from the very opening few yards when Sebastien Vettel, starting quickly from third on the grid, found himself rapidly running out of space as the cars filtered down into the first turn, the Ferrari contacting the second place Mercedes of Valtteri Bottas and putting both drivers to the very back of the field, receiving a lucky outcome following a safety car period later in the lap for contact between French drivers Esteban Ocon and Pierre Gasly, sadly putting both home drivers out of the race and leading to several laps of neutralised driving as the tireless marshals worked to recover both cars and clear debris from around the circuit.

When the racing resumed once again it would be a reasonably stable affair up front, with most of the entertainment centred on a very powerful comeback drive from Vettel, eventually ending with a well deserved fifth place finish despite a five second penalty having been applied to the Ferrari man for his part in the accident at turn one.

Other solid drives from the race would come from Charles Leclerc, once again impressing following his epic qualifying performance yesterday. The young Monegasque driver working wonders to keep his Sauber in the fight for points right until the end of the race, eventually taking a well deserved point for tenth place come the chequered flag.

Provisional Race Results
  1. Lewis Hamilton HAM Mercedes 53 1:30:11.385 25
  2. Max Verstappen VER Red Bull Racing TAG Heuer 53 +7.090s 18
  3. Kimi Räikkönen RAI Ferrari 53 +25.888s 15
  4. Daniel Ricciardo RIC Red Bull Racing TAG Heuer 53 +34.736s 12
  5. Sebastian Vettel VET Ferrari 53 +61.935s 10
  6. Kevin Magnussen MAG Haas Ferrari 53 +79.364s 8
  7. Valtteri Bottas BOT Mercedes 53 +80.632s 6
  8. Carlos Sainz SAI Renault 53 +87.184s 4
  9. Nico Hulkenberg HUL Renault 53 +91.989s 2
  10. Charles Leclerc LEC Sauber Ferrari 53 +93.873s 1
  11. Romain Grosjean GRO Haas Ferrari 52 +1 lap 0
  12. Stoffel Vandoorne VAN McLaren Renault 52 +1 lap 0
  13. Marcus Ericsson ERI Sauber Ferrari 52 +1 lap 0
  14. Brendon Hartley HAR Scuderia Toro Rosso Honda 52 +1 lap 0
  15. Sergey Sirotkin SIR Williams Mercedes 52 +1 lap 0

DNF Fernando Alonso ALO McLaren Renault 50 DNF 0
DNF Lance Stroll STR Williams Mercedes 48 DNF 0
DNF Sergio Perez PER Force India Mercedes 27 DNF 0
DNF Esteban Ocon OCO Force India Mercedes 0 DNF 0
DNF Pierre Gasly GAS Scuderia Toro Rosso Honda 0 DNF 0
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Actually, I think there's room for overtaking here... If only they kept the back straight really straight, like rev limits to the end! That would be interesting. Anyways, I voted for Bottas, not really rooting for anyone though. He just keeps popping out from the back of my head, and voting seems the same. Honestly, I'd rather see the underdogs win here and anywhere, like Leclerc, Gasly or any of the Renault boys... I guess my brain just sees Bottas as one of the underdogs who have a chance to win with Merc equipment to back him up...
Okay, so I've heard a lot of people complain that Paul Ricard is too confusing because there are so many track layouts. What are all of your thoughts? I figure this is a good community to ask since there are quite a few of us who do simracing, and have experience driving on this circuit.

Personally, I've never had any trouble navigating Paul Ricard on multiple RD events, and I actually quite enjoy the track.
I never liked the track before I actually drove it in a sim. The layout looks confusing on a map, but driving it feels natural and makes for good racing. I was really surprised by the nice flow this track creates when racing.
Not even 200km from one another, Monaco and Paul Ricard couldn't be more different.

Let's see how many comments we get after the race how we should change fast wide open tracks as well to have better racing.
Horrible, I hate all those painted bright blue pink colored lines, it is distracting from cars. Although I like this track much more than, say Magny-Cours, but this cartoonish appearance is horrible.
  • Deleted member 205301

Looking the GP3 race (Won by Boccolachi), they were totally unable to overtake....If even GP3 does not do this, F1 will be more than boring... :(
During last night's drivers' briefing discussion over how to improve racing at the French GP one useful suggestion was 'Go back to Magny-Cours...'


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