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I would recommend that you revise your mathematics before questioning my logic. Yuri made 6 pitstops, each driver change in a pitstop takes 5-6 seconds, so when you multiply 5 seconds * 6 pitstops, provided a driver change occurs at every pitstop, you get 30 seconds. And if it turns out a driver change takes 6 seconds, then it would be 36 seconds.
I understood that you calculated it with a driver change per pitstop (which was 6 seconds btw, you can check that with carstat). However, only one swap was mandatory and Yuri served a penalty that cost him more time than that single driver swap would've.
I don't understand why you would base those 36 seconds on a poor strategy instead of the time gained compared to the bare minimum.

Furthermore, the rule was applied. When you break a rule, for example cutting the track, rejoining into oncoming traffic and so on, you get a penalty.
Should someone be disallowed to race when he cuts the track?
totally agree with @Celtic Pharaoh . today having to listen to this commentating in a negative way and then to have a member @Celtic Pharaoh and @JoelK ridiculed who i have found to have the greatest respect for others and true ambassador's of sim racing have also made me decide i am no longer interested in department
I apologise for whatever was said - I did not hear it so I cannot comment, but if you could please send me a private message with an explanation then I shall take a look at and deal with the situation. Also, I am sorry that you feel this way about racing here at RaceDepartment.

If you had sent me a PM sooner then we could have looked to sort out the problem before it started getting out of hand. Unfortunately the decision to post your complaint in the forums has not helped, and it has only intensified an already tense situation.

I appreciate that some of you were aggrieved by parts of the commentary - in the heat of the moment some hurtful things seem to have been said by both sides. I can assure you that we are looking into what actually happened. However, if people had contacted the appropriate staff members before publicly criticising others themselves then it would have been much easier to resolve this issue.
This is not a discussion in which I wanted to get involved, but I now feel as though something has to be said because it was and continues to be a classic "whoever shouts loudest wins" situation. Can we stop this right now please!

@Celtic Pharaoh, if you had a problem with Yuri's participation in this race as a single driver then you should have brought it up with the staff members and organisers in private, instead of ranting publicly in the Twitch chat and the forums. Your decision to be so vocal about this "issue" in public was always going to provoke a reaction from others - I'm not sure if this was your intention, but if it was then I must say that I'm disappointed, and either way I'm rather annoyed. As an ex-staff member I would expect you to know better; instead of openly contributing to (or in this case instigating) what is quite clearly a divisive subject you ought to have either approached the organisers in Race Control to discuss the matter, or sent us a private message. The same also applies to you, @Bobby Pennington.

I am saddened and somewhat angered by the way in which this event has ended. What was such a fun and enjoyable race, in which many of us had a great time and looked on in awe at Yuri, has now been marred by this horrible atmosphere.

I appreciate that you, like a few others, are hurt, and maybe also displeased by this whole situation, and some of the comments that have been made, but that does not give you justification for being so vocal about it in public, especially when there are better methods in place for dealing with the issues.

That being said, I do not actually know what all of this fuss is about! Yuri was allowed to race (this decision was made by the organisers), and he fully deserved the win - his feat really was something to behold. However, at no point have we stated that he would be part of the official classification. We have not yet even announced the final result!

In response to the point made by @Simon Marshall, you are correct in saying that this was not a club event, but it was not a league event either. This event was, first and foremost, for fun. There was never any intention to treat it in the same way as a league race, but it was certainly more serious than a club race. If there had been something riding on the outcome of this event then the stance taken by the organisers may well have been completely different, depending on the circumstances. We, the organisers, don't just say "yes" to everything - we make a considered decision in these cases - but the last thing that we want to be is autocratic.

The suggestion that people are expecting a higher standard from us is quite frankly insulting. It is almost always a "lose-lose" situation for us, because no matter what decision we make somebody is going to be angry, and we come out looking like the bad guys. We can't always please everyone. In this case, given that it was not a competitive event (i.e. part of a series), and with the result just for pride and bragging rights, the decision was made to allow @Yuri to participate, but a penalty equating to a driver swap would be applied. In actual fact there were two penalties for Yuri, the first first of which was admittedly of his own making. Anyway, going back to the original point, organising these events is far from easy, and these decisions are not made lightly. @Matt Le Gallez did an absolutely fantastic job, and I cannot fault him one bit for anything that he did during the event. If anybody else thinks that they can do better then be my guest, and step up to the plate. You will be in for a shock, and find that it's not so easy to make these decisions, or to be the good or bad guy.

These inflammatory comments, as well as the constant reproval of decisions made by organisers, are the reasons for which there has not been a major rFactor 2 league this year at RaceDepartment. I shall not be involved in the running of the RDLMS or any future leagues for the matter as a result of this constant arguing that I am once again having to arbitrate and resolve. I will always admit when I or the rFactor 2 club in general has done something wrong, but in this case I believe there was nothing wrong with the decision made at the time. Also, I am more than happy to receive criticism, and I will always critique myself as some of you may already be aware, but for organisers to be so openly denigrated is absolutely not on!

Finally, the way in which @Joseph Wright has been publicly reproached is completely wrong. I understand that he may have said something upsetting and deemed unfair, but that does not in turn warrant this reaction against him in the forums, as you have now also left him feeling vilified in much the same way. Once again we encourage you to get in touch with staff members directly and privately, so that the matter can be discussed and dealt with properly, instead of taking matters into your own hands in full view of everyone. In the heat of the moment I am sure there were a number of things said that both parties later came to regret... or maybe not. Sometimes the commentary can be very direct, Joseph can get very excited, and things are occasionally said for effect but not to intentionally criticise or cause offence. Can we please try to sort out this issue in private, and hopefully amicably.

I would like to end by saying that I am not criticising anyone - the point I am trying to make is that many of these comments, instead of being posted here in this thread and in public, to fuel a fire, should have been sent directly and in private to the appropriate staff members. This would have allowed the issues to be dealt with and questions to be answered without having everyone jump at the chance to get a word in on the situations, which does not help the cause in either case.
Massive thanks to everyone who put on this event - @Matt Le Gallez , @Daiman Patel - also @Joseph Wright, @Paul Glover + @Roy Magnes in the commentary booth. Congrats to @Yuri for amazing win + Acaro Rapido and SpeedyMite Racing on their podiums. Hooligans Racing - you guys did an amazing job considering 3 of you were new to rF2!!

Shout out and thanks to my team mates @Pauli Ahonen and @Niittylahti for giving me a drive at short notice. We had a lot of bad luck throughout the race - including getting DQ'd twice and driver-swap issues which cost us loads of time. I was bit disappointed with my own performance - but overall it was a great experience and we'll learn and do better next time.
As being the co-commentator and a big fan of @JoelK if any of my comments offended him then I apologise, that's is never my intention. He is a valued member of this community and we have had many jokes together in AC club races. He has helped me countless of times. I just try to call things as I see it.
I'm not being offended, if there's been some banter in the stream, I don't really care, since I didnt really prepare at all because of my conscription (first laps during official practice with the Sim/Car). I drove like a complete amateur anyway so anything goes:thumbsup:
@Matt Le Gallez, @Paul Le Gallez, @Daiman Patel Thank you very much for organizing this event, we are lucky to have people who made efforts to make this happen for our pleasure, so respect to you guys!

About my performance I have only to apologize to Roy and @Jonatan Åcerclinth about my lack of preparation both for the track/car and also my equipment; after so many years I should have been more ready :rolleyes: Amazing performance from them, and without my messy stint could easily have been a top 10 position :thumbsup:

Congratulations to @Yuri for the win; have no doubt that Nitor Veles would have won, driver swap or not :alien:

Thank you @Joseph Wright @Paul Glover and @Roy Magnes also for having broadcasted it as it helps to assist our driver sometimes with it. Improvements can be made in some areas; all has been said/written now, so I am hopeful that the quality and the focus on the race will keep on increasing, as we all are thankful for enjoying the show from the outside :thumbsup:
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Thank you @Joseph Wright @Paul Glover and @Roy Magnes also for having broadcasted it as it helps to assit our driver sometimes with it. Improvements can be made in some areas; all has been said/written now, so I am hopeful that the quality and the focus on the race will keep on increasing, as we all are thankful for enjoying the show from the outside :thumbsup:

Also helps if someone's internet doesn't play up! haha - that was challenge and a lesson learnt there.
About my performance I have only to apologize to Roy and Jonatan Åcerclinth about my lack of preparation both for the track/car and also my equipment; after so many years I should have been more ready :rolleyes: Amazing performance from them, and without my messy stint could easily have been a top 10 position :thumbsup:

It's easy to forget that it's circuit racing and not rallying when you are with the rally-gang, eh? :whistling:
I'm sorry for the commotion I have brought up in this event. My original statement in my first post was meant to be all I wanted to say and somehow it diverged into the running of the event.

I'm sorry to @Matt Le Gallez and @Daiman Patel for putting a sour end to what was an extremely fun event. You guys have done an amazing job organising it, including all the additional effort in track modding to remove that helicopter, the creation of the skin pack, live timing and lap trackers.

The red mist got the better of me with what happened with Joseph. While I still disagree with the decision you made, it was your event to run and not mine and I should respect that.

Thank you for all your work and effort in setting this up and running it. It was very well organised and should you or Matt decide to run a league, you would do a stellar job I'm sure.
I'm sorry for the commotion I have brought up in this event. My original statement in my first post was meant to be all I wanted to say and somehow it diverged into the running of the event.

I'm sorry to @Matt Le Gallez and @Daiman Patel for putting a sour end to what was an extremely fun event. You guys have done an amazing job organising it, including all the additional effort in track modding to remove that helicopter, the creation of the skin pack, live timing and lap trackers.

The red mist got the better of me with what happened with Joseph. While I still disagree with the decision you made, it was your event to run and not mine and I should respect that.

Thank you for all your work and effort in setting this up and running it. It was very well organised and should you or Matt decide to run a league, you would do a stellar job I'm sure.
It's not a problem mate. Thank you for the apology, it is much appreciated. :) Don't worry, I completely understand - as we have both said, in the heat of the moment there were a number of comments and criticisms made, some of which were not actually intended but merely said in anger and frustration, and the whole situation became rather tense. Thankfully it has now settled down.

We also apologise for not being more forthcoming from the beginning about Yuri's situation, and not consulting with the other teams before allowing him to participate. I hate arguing, and don't like to see people upset especially when I'm fully or partly to blame. So let's forget about this whole incident, carry on racing, and move on to the next one of these events. :rolleyes: In the meantime, we shall take on board what has happened here, and put it down as a learning experience to make future events better and hopefully trouble-free.

I'm glad to hear that you enjoyed the race. I hope this situation has not deterred you from partaking in upcoming races, and that we will see you next time round. :thumbsup:

Just remember that if there is ever something with which you are not happy during an event - club or league - then please directly contact the organiser(s) so that the situation can be investigated (if necessary) and resolved. As you may already be aware from the Friday night club races, I am always happy to try and help. ;)
So....an interesting race for me and @Christian Moreau to say the least. We chose the venerable BMW, a car which sounds exquisite but performance was..lets say lacking somewhat.

We didn't do a whole amount of practice and I think in the practice session before the race it was clear that the only way we were going to get anywhere was with a drop or two of the wet stuff! Qualifying was a complete balls up on my behalf, managed to qualify pretty far down and ballsed things up and did a stupid move which to I can only learn from. Nothing but love to you SpeedyMite peeps!

The race began and I slowly moved forward, the performance wasn't great but on a fairly greasy track the times were somewhat similar to what I had hoped. Anyway my stints were done and Christian got in the car at around 14th place which was okay, but then the rain came! Not before long we were setting the 2nd fastest times behind a certain Mr @Yuri and then all of sudden were in the hunt for a Top 5 finish....that was until the rain stopped again. All in all we had a really fun time of it, even if our poor little BMW was lacking in most areas and took some heavy downpours to get back into contention!

Many thanks to @Daiman Patel and @Matt Le Gallez for setting up this event! And as for the slating of Yuri, he's by far the fastest guy I've raced against, and one of the nicest guys too. So big kudos for him for doing the entire race (not that he's not used to long racing stints eh)
Hello guys

First off, i'd like to thank each and every one of you that took part in this event. I think the event itself ran really well, and i cannot thank you all enough for being part of it. :inlove:

This event could not have been what it was without @Daiman Patel's server and skin pack work, so a huge thanks to Daiman for that. Also huge thanks must go to @Joseph Wright, @Paul Glover and @Roy Magnes for their work in the commentary booth.

So, a little bit about my race... I got into the car roughly 2 hours into the race, quickly finding a rhythm and somehow managing to keep it out of the walls. Just as i left the pits with a full tank of fuel and a new set of softs, the rain came! Just at the wrong time! I struggled through the wet on tyres that definitely weren't made for the conditions, but made it to the end of my stint with only a couple of minor incidents. This was my first endurance stint using VR and i've got to say it's well worth it!

Thanks again guys, and well done to @Yuri, your pace was absolutely insane!

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