rF2 397 GT3 @ CTMP - Friday Oct 18 2019

rFactor 2 Racing Club event
Apart from the scripted weather not working I had a great race and really enjoyed a wet track ..will certainly be doing it again :thumbsup:

Many congrads to the podiums, great driving :thumbsup::thumbsup::thumbsup: and of course to all the drivers that finished

If I do not see you on Saturday, I will see most of you next Friday for our special :thumbsup:
Sorry @Craig Dunkley for the hit. I tried a small gap but I should have been patient. The Bentley isn't very quick but neither am I.

For what its worth, I did notice on/off light drizzle lasting only 2 seconds
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Sorry @Craig Dunkley for the hit. I tried a small gap but I should have been patient. The Bentley isn't very quick but neither am I.

For what its worth, I did notice on/off light drizzle lasting only 2 seconds

Not a problem at all mate, I know you would not deliberately do it :thumbsup: :poop: happens most of the time that is racing, it could have easily been me hitting you...
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Of course I won't complain... I took the start with softs thinking it might be a gamble! :D

If we could get a random weather, that would be great! It mixes thing up for everybody. Of course not each time, but once in a while it is fun.

Thanks for the race @Craig Dunkley That was a great idea nevertheless! :)

And congrats! @Stephen Gibb Really well done! :thumbsup:

Yeah random weather, so I have no clue either ..I think random weather would be better than a working script :thumbsup:
If only I had gambled and gone with a set of mediums. Softs appeared to deg a bit too quickly.
Plus I messed up big time with my fuel calculations so pitted once for a tyre change from wets and then a splash and dash right at the end in the last few laps.

Seriously great track and even just starting wet was a lot more fun than the usual dry weather running.
Really appreciate the idea @Craig Dunkley , worth getting up at 3am for that's for sure!
Great idea and awesome track, thanks for hosting Craig et al.!
Would have loved to actually race but I had a VR crash during formation lap.. Really hope I didn’t hit anyone as the car kept on driving and I heard/ felt contact but could have been the wall. Really bummed about this.

Any other VR users suffering from issues this race?
I did wonder why you left ...that is a bummer ..better luck next time m8

Yea I have no idea what happened, first it started showing me last and I was 9th at that point, I could still see other cars and then suddenly it said "connection lost". This has never happened to me before.

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