3D Optimization for Automobilista

M D Gourley

Hello everyone,
Is Automobilista optimized yet for 3D in Steam using TriDef 3D software??

I have a Triple Screen set up using the TriDef 3D software which I have had for the past 8 years Sim Racing. It used to work on Game Stock Car 2011 really well when I had it installed many moons ago...lol, but after GSC2012 TriDef did not work but I had Race07, GTR2, iRacing to carry on with.
I had a TriDef update and thought I would try Automobilista Beta...and what do you know it works...well...sort of...it is very choppy with fluctuating frame rate ranging from 45 to 60 fps ( not much I know) depending on how many cars are in front and what part of the track you are at....however, it runs smoothly at 45 to 60 fps playing Race07 and iRacing...so based on that I am not sure it's my graphics card, a GTX690.
try lowering detail settings to see if it does it on minimum?
Thanks for taking the time to reply....Yes, I lowered the game settings to 'Low' and it still was choppy...I even thought it may be my Harddrive not keeping up, so I set up a SSD, loaded Win10 onto it, loaded a fresh install of Steam and Automobilista only... and it still had a choppy / fluctuating frame rate, but not as much:confused:
I just tried rF2 and it is un-playable, incredibly choppy in Triple Screen 3D