9 Le Mans Grand Prix

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What a race!! but first I like to congrats my racing driving buddy who did the same thing what I did last season?! A hat trick for
Mikko K you had a great season congrats :)
This time my second screen was handy and that's why I get it now I know exactly what the weather is on the track especially forrainy weather not muche help for dry weather where you only see that yours tyres are red :D
Start of the race there was only 15% wet on the track so easy choise to start the race :)
many driver apparently chose the wrong tires so we were pretty fast 3 and 4 position but then we dropped out pity,after all I am satisfied with the decision.Grats for Flatout 1 and 2,STC,RD,fellow racers and of course my RPM teammate Hannu nice drive :)
btw:Ross does not forgot to sign up we did it on purpose we want to win in style ;)
For the FDR team the championship is 'over'. With over i mean that we aimed for a top 3 podium finish in the overall standings. After the qualy i get a minidump when the sessions were switching. Ah well, bad luck, 2 weeks of training were gone but i managed to keep my head calm :mad:

After the 3 double disconnect i heard that the race director decided to restart the race. Unfortunately the decision changed in the minutes after that so i was back on my Office Chair again. I still try to understand the double decision but thats out of my experience zone...

Ah well, it happen.. unfortunately this whole race with the decisions made and the minidump on my side will put us out of the fight. I would like to thank the whole FDR team for their great commitment and especially Wesley Hartog. He was the guy that arranged it all on the background with training schedules, pit options and a lot of time. For now the tensions are off, but we will be back :)
I think perhaps we need some more rules again, maybe this can be discussed in the WAR forum?

Of course yes, we are always up fro improves.

@ Hugo: Do you know what the red flag meant for me aswell? My team mates from TBR in P2 and P6 scoring many many points for the team after the 4 discos loosing several positions and scoring the half of the points only aswell. We are not profesional, we don´t get anything from STC appart of the pleasure of doing our hobby as well as we can, and even if the rule book is better each time, new unpredicatable situations can happen, and then we have to decide in seconds without a guide.

So sorry if my decision didn´t fit everybody well, but I will never let a massive disconection (4 drivers at once) decide a championship. We can do things better or worse, but accept this would be a siucide.

Now we will do all in our hands to grant a safe final round at Spa.
Guys It's Simple we've had disconnects in the past and suffered loss of points because of it. Now the front runners finally disconnect and we get a chance the race gets a red flag? The race should have been raced. If you disconnect in simracing it's to bad and you'll loose the points.

This championship is compromised and no longer fair.

A new race with the remaining time and drivers starting at their positions at the time the red flag was given is the only option imo. To bad for the disconnected teams but they should take their loss just like all the other teams did in the past.

I'v been practising on Spa for the past two months and it was al all for nothing.

My 2 cents...
David, im just a little sad because we cant fight anymore for the 3rd overall spot (unless GBK meets eau rouge ;) ), and that started with my own minidump at the start of the race. I understand completely that the STC staff has to make a decision, but the luck wasn't there for us yesterday.
And what about my team Hugo... you had just one car on the grid when the red flag happen, and we where supposed to cut a lot of the gap with you if the race was ending in that situation... and so? Any decision we make will be good or bad, depending your situation in the race. For my team has been really bad.
David, It's not about the individual teams. This is about the points distribution in general. Disconnects shouldn't be taken in account for such a decision. It happens to all of us and costed us points. This situation is no different. If half the field would have disco'd the red flag was justified not just for three drivers.
It was really disapointing that the race was red flagged when things seemed to get more intresting. The battle for the tittle is very close now and will be very intresting to watch the race.
not fair at all.
that there had been four riders from any of them lower positioning teams had become red flag then? no it did not and it is this right only to four paragraphs in topen fly out and it has happened, all at some point and this time huh what they flew out and only four of us 20 who ran are we unimportant?

for some started on wets because of the weather would be wet, the amount sued it anyway? we do not know because we did not run the race completly. the only winner in this is the RPM and is that right ?
And The barn was just cooming When the red flag come When We on the wets Have our chance to take points and Have an honest Fight for total of STC

/// Robin
Right, where to start. It all looked bright and sunny on wednesday evening as I was really happy with my setup and totally comfortable with rain or shine...and then thursday morning I felt really sick and a fever going up so my first thougts were I cannot possibly race feeling like this. We had a backup ready but I really wanted to do the race so I just waited as long as I could and went on track to do a few laps...and eventually decided I would do the race when the actual official session on STC started.

I was REALLY hoping for as wet as possible because in those conditions I wouldn't have to push so much. I had felt my mind wondering in the laps prior to quali so I was not totally confident I could keep the concentration up for 90 mins. Then came qualifying and I went out early because the rain was starting to get heavier. Then on my hot lap the rain really came down hard when in Sector 2. I was really on my toes not to lose the car and I knew that the guys that started the lap later would be in even more trouble. Just before I was coming into the last chicanes I saw Robin snatch the pole and I knew it would be difficult to beat it with the getting worse quickly...to my luck I got P2 with minimal difference to Robin. Congrats to Robin for a very good lap in VERY changeable conditions and also props to Risto for taking P3 behind me.

As the race was starting we decided to go with dry tires as it seemed like it wouldn't start to rain at least not in the first 10-15 mins. I planned to strike immediately in the start because of the long straight and that plan worked like a charm. I was in the lead before we finished S2 and after I had completed lap 1 I already had the lead with almost 2 seconds. I saw that Robin couldn't match me quite so the gap kept getting bigger and bigger. Not being 100% I decided to drive risk free and just keep a steady pace because it was seemingly enough to pull away from the rest of the guys. The conditions still being damp it was a two times I did make a small mistake but luckily recovered both times and didn't lose a lot of time. Now running in P1 with Risto 2nd and RPM inching to 3 and 4 the race was going to be more about strategy than anything. I had a 30s lead to P3 Rami and around 12s to Risto so without any stupid stuff I would have the race in the bag. So I just kept going as I had been doing until I saw the 4 disconnects happen. It was long unclear what was going to happen and finally the race was red flagged and half points given.

All in all this was still a nice race for me because the car was absolutely amazing in every condition. And this being my last appearance this season it's always nice to finish with a win... and taking the 1-2 makes it even sweeter. Too bad that again in a 1-2 situation we couldn't do a formation finish because of the red flag. So congratulations to Risto for stepping up to the plate and getting the team a very important P2 and also for being a fantastic rear gunner in the first laps. Also congrats to RPM guys and fellow Finns Rami and Hannu for an impressive come back from the back of the grid. I'm glad I didn't have to fight you in the front. :D A very good drive from Robin as well in qualifying and also in the race even if you had (?) the wrong tires on. I was very sad to see our jr. team's 2nd driver Ken drop out after quali and obviously he was very dissapointed himself. Also bad luck for our other jr. team driver David in the actual race. Just keep your chins up guys, it will get better in the next one I'm sure.

And last a few thank yous.
First, I want to thank my team Flatout Club and team mates yet again for a great season of STC together. It has been so much fun doing this with you guys and I couldn't ask for more. And especially I have to give a big thank you to Mike Simian for team management, testing/setup help and being patient with me just in general an last night in particular as I really couldn't decide whether to race or not. I was very lucky to get a chance to drive with Mike this season and those 2 times were a blast for me and I hope we can race again in the future. I want to thank Risto and Adam as well for being amazing teamies in my races with them...sorry if I talk too much on TS during the race. A big thank you to Kevin Clark for being there as back up for Le Mans and tolerating me trying to figure myself out. A round of thank yous to the jr. team drivers. Although it has been a difficult season you haven't quit doing the job as well as you can. Thanks to Ben Tusting for being a team player as well as an insanely talented driver. Thanks to David Clark for not letting it go to my head...and most of all for the effort you've put into the team management as well as for race practice. Thanks to Ken Bell and Andy Roberts Patrick Weir for keeping up the good work despite all the bad luck and also congrats to Patrick for making a good debut in the STC this season. A final team thank you goes to the "dad" and the "voice of reason" in the team, Tom Ilsbroux... you sure can keep the stats updated well. :D I'm sure I forgot somebody so just send me the angry pm's later.

This is getting to be a super long post but I still want to thank the STC management, David, Xose, Andreas and Eckhart for all the stuff with broadcasts, WAR and well just keeping the show running. Without you guys there wouldn't be any of this and I hope you keep up the good work in the seasons to come. And last I must thank the Roaring Pipes Maniacs for once again being there to throw us the challenge and making us work hard for the success...it is going to be a great final showdown again.

Good luck to everybody at Spa and let's do it once more this season!
How do i feel about the race on Le Mans? Well after a night sleep i got some mixed feelings. Concerning the red flag situation i'm not happy with it. Three cars dropped cause of a technical connection problem, wich is the same as a mechanical/technical failure during real life races (my opninion). I was happy to hear we would restart the race and continue racing for 45 minutes. Calculations were made and different strategy's spokens of. When it took some time finding a new server, we were asking; Whats happening? After looking in TS we saw the lots of people in 1 room. We didn't really get to hear the dissicions and discussions and we heared it from a other driver. We appreciate to recieve a poke or a other heads-up in ts in the future, when a meeting happens :)

Dissicions need to be made and were made. Race control showed the red flag and would restart the race for 45 minutes. We accept the dissicion and are already looking forward to the next 45 minutes. When i heared the race was finished prior to the technical failures...well i still find it a bad dissicion. Why? A dissicion is made and was thrown away, always stick to your 1st dissicion. Now we have to following situation comparing teams on track and disconected:

Dissicion 1: red flag, race restart
Teams on track: disadvantage, but during race anything can happend
Teams disconected: advantage, but during race anything can happend

Dissicion 2: Race finish before disconnect, half points
Teams on track: big disadvantage, lost points or change to get closer/higher to other teams in the championship
Teams dissconected: big advantage, got some free points

This is my view of the situation and i suggest to reschedule the race. It's the only way to make it fair to everyone...
I think the decision to not restart the race was correct. Our team would now be leading with possibly 29 points in the championship had we just continued to race but since it was red flagged I think there was no way we could restart the race and be fair to the guys who were still in the race. I mean it would have been a totally different race and because we have no rules in place for such thing I don't think any other decision was possible than just grant people 50% points. Was it the right decision to red flag the race... maybe not, but what is done is done. It might be a good idea now to have a discussion about what were are going to do in such a situation the next time and how many disconnects can actually be tolerated for the race to continue.
Well i hope the dessision to stop the race wasn't done because of front drivers beeing involved, or for the sake of the championship as that wouldn't be fair. Everyone is equal. drivers positions or championship shouldn't matter.

I understood the dession as 5 drivers (i though at that time) where involved. when it's only 3 disco's things change.

First idea to do a 45 min race was wrong in my view. As my first though was how can you be sure all the drivers that got a disco are still around ?
Second, it wouldn't be fair as that would be a totaly new race and not a resume of the race as the weather changes when ever the server is restarted and everyone is able to load completely different setups (and not just tyers) , also cars are brand new again.

For those that wern't happy, Just try to be in RPM's position then i think you would feel different.

In the end there isn't a way that is perfect for everyone. But to give the half points was i think the fairest way.
I dont think much can be done about this now. Flatouts point of view is once the red flag was given which may or may not have been correct, we didn't want to race again beacuse.....

If there had been no red flag we would still have Mikko out in front and I know he would have finished there so we would then take a 29 point lead in the champ.

After the red flag we lost that advantage in points.

If the race had restarted we would then be under pressure from RPM and anyone else within the top 5. Therefor anything could happen and we would lose any advantage and anything earned in the first race also risking the posibility of another disconnection or a race incident leaving us in an even more disadvantaged position.

After the race had been stopped, awarding half points was the only fair thing out of the suggestions at the time that would have been fair to us. Not trying to suggest it should be fair to us, but that this was our point of view at the time.

Its a terrible shame it happened for the teams that it didn't work out well for, I feel your pain. In my STC history I once had 5 disconnections/pc problems in a row from podium positions.

Unfortunately this season has set a precedent which in fairness again has to be adheared to in the last round at SPA incase anything goes wrong there. For example if we were to have a disconnection then how fair would it be to continue the race when the last race was stopped for disconnections?

RPM did indeed come off best in this situation, I have no problems with that. The 2011 title fight also now still goes to the last race with a small gap and anything could happen, so that is also a positive result. No one at Flatout wanted to see the title decided by disconnections.

Unfortunately there is no solution that everyone will be happy with, and for half the teams this was a bad result but what can be done that everyone will be happy with? All the guys a STC do a great job, this decision was a real hard one to make, I feel sorry for you guys because you were in such a situation that there was no right decision. Thats just how it goes sometimes.

As I mentioned in another post we must come up with a new rule about this. The only thing I can see working is that we should never red flag a race unless there is a big disconnection of 10 or more cars at the same time as happened at Bahrain, anything other than that and the race should remain green, but this should not be a rule for this season as its too late and the precedent has been set already.

This is a real shame, its been a great season and then we have this happen to which theres no solution.......
Not much to say for me that hasnt been said

I and Mikko had a wonderful race and result thanks to our practice and help from Mike.
Note that i had a big visible lagspike in the start but recovered the positions quickly and
had a good going until the disconnection with some lagspikes before. It was a silent disconnection,
only the timegaps went nuts but no further information about something happening.
I support the decision full-on since putting the people back on track on different conditions would
still be unfair to some other people.
There could have been a third option of giving 50% points for first half of the race as was done, and
then do the remaining 45minutes and reward 50% points for that aswell, so like two seperate races.
But not biased to any option, we were well preapeared for some fun in the rain!
It might be speculated that it was an aera of network failure for the 4 of us, but i would put that
as the problem of the game, if it causes disconnection because of such small spikes.
That said, me and everyone from our huge Flatout team are waiting very eagerly for this wonderful league to wrap
itself around rfactor 2 and with the working already going on on it, im sure the quality and popularity of this wonderful league can only go up in a huge rate!
Broadcast link somewhere?

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