AC RC issue - general sound issues

Dave, I have exactly the same problem with the 458, had just posted on AC forum:

Today's update (1.03) has killed the sounds for me. Driving the 458 at Spa and the sounds are completely different to last night, but in a (very) negative way.
Set sliders on Master 1; Tyres 0.1; Surface 0; Wind 0; Opponents 1 but still getting this:
Bonnet cam - almost can't hear the engine, just a whir, not sure if turbo or gearbox, seems to be the turbo.
Bumber cam - no engine sound at all, just the whir.
Cockpit - I drive wearing headphones and I can hear engine on right, but not as loud on the left. Engine sound is very low in general anyway. Tyre noise way louder than the engine, even at 0.1!
Chase cam - that is the only one where the engine sound has good quality levels. But I don't like driving on this.
I've had to turn the wind noise off on slider - as I didn't think it was right to have it inside the car (cockpit view).
Not had a reply to my issue but on another post I saw this from AC Support:

All rear-engine cars. Pattern found: after last big changes we did today in FMod, some previous balance went crazy, will check tomorrow but I think it's nothing to get worry about. Thanks for your report.

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