Alright when was that again.....?

How many female F1 racers are there? How many white sprinters are there? How many black swimmers are there? How many poor F1 drivers are there?

I was pointing out that if if Hamilton wants fair representation within F1 drivers then he already has it. Jackie Stewart was right with his comment.

I personally am waiting for the campaign to get more Italians into test cricket, we are rather underrepresented.
"Black live matters" is itself a racist statement, And "get on your knees or else" its a bullly facist order.
ALL PEOPLE MATTER and simmers too lol
"Black live matters" is itself a racist statement, And "get on your knees or else" its a bullly facist order.
ALL PEOPLE MATTER and simmers too lol

Black Lives Matter More or Only Black Lives Matter, would be racist.
The term Black Lives Matter....not so much.
Maybe they should rename it...Black Lives Matter as well or Black Lives Matter too for those folk who want something to detract from what they're trying to achieve.
I guess if you have an agenda or just plain disgust you take the approach of condemning without investigating or understanding.
I tend not to do that.
I will never be in the corner of any group or organization that burn or loots other people's property.
If the official leaders of BLM ever came out and encouraged this, I would not give them a second look.
Without full organization, anybody can grab a megaphone stand in the middle of a crown and spout nonsense.
I tend to put myself in people's shoes and look through their eyes. It is why I have empathy.
On the Lewis side of things....Here's my take and why....
He has every right to protest racism.
He has been subjected to it on numerous occasions.
Go look at his Brazilian interview when he won the WDC in 08 with people throwing peanuts and calling him a monkey.
Go look at the guys who got banned in Spain a few years ago for black-dressing while calling him ni**er shi*.
They're lots of other incidences as well.
I don't know if he advocated that ALL drivers take a knee and if he did, he too is wrong.
I have not seen any of the pre-race festivities but if he is kneeling before or after the anthem that is his right.
If he is doing it during the anthem, I take issue with that.
You only get to do that during your own anthem...if you feel you must.
Colin Kaepernick was protesting America's lack of judicial equality and what he viewed as killings of blacks here.
His protest of a policy and the feeling that the anthem's message did not fully represent the disenfranchised are tied to America only.
That is quite different than kneeling for the anthems of other countries...if that is in fact what's being done.
Black Lives Matter More or Only Black Lives Matter, would be racist.
The term Black Lives Matter....not so much.
Maybe they should rename it...Black Lives Matter as well or Black Lives Matter too for those folk who want something to detract from what they're trying to achieve.
I guess if you have an agenda or just plain disgust you take the approach of condemning without investigating or understanding.
I tend not to do that.
I will never be in the corner of any group or organization that burn or loots other people's property.
If the official leaders of BLM ever came out and encouraged this, I would not give them a second look.
Without full organization, anybody can grab a megaphone stand in the middle of a crown and spout nonsense.
I tend to put myself in people's shoes and look through their eyes. It is why I have empathy.
On the Lewis side of things....Here's my take and why....
He has every right to protest racism.
He has been subjected to it on numerous occasions.
Go look at his Brazilian interview when he won the WDC in 08 with people throwing peanuts and calling him a monkey.
Go look at the guys who got banned in Spain a few years ago for black-dressing while calling him ni**er shi*.
They're lots of other incidences as well.
I don't know if he advocated that ALL drivers take a knee and if he did, he too is wrong.
I have not seen any of the pre-race festivities but if he is kneeling before or after the anthem that is his right.
If he is doing it during the anthem, I take issue with that.
You only get to do that during your own anthem...if you feel you must.
Colin Kaepernick was protesting America's lack of judicial equality and what he viewed as killings of blacks here.
His protest of a policy and the feeling that the anthem's message did not fully represent the disenfranchised are tied to America only.
That is quite different than kneeling for the anthems of other countries...if that is in fact what's being done.
Sorry I dont agree with that, If you dont include me I am out, If someone wears a T-Shirt with (white lives matter" he would be insulted and beaten up for blacks and some whites anywhere in the world. About Hamilton being insulted by a few stupid racists, even if disgusting, it doesnt compare with whats going on everywhere. this is the realllity, Statistsics dont lie. There is no a racists "westerm world". Just a few ignorant or really bad people. Most of us like everyone. Sorry IMHO Every Live Matters and if anyone wants everyone to get on their knees and accept their believes he is being a bully and a fascist.
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Well, it appears that vettelle has to really dig deep for his f1 career to continue. It's a shame.
I don't know why people bring this up but at this point but the success of Vettel with Ferrari is not in his hands anymore. This starts with the very bad reliability of the car that stops Vettel from even having a somewhat normal preparation with a car that is designed for his team mate and I wouldn't be suprised if Vettel doesn't have access to tech updates and data that are given to Leclerce. And in addition to this you have a team that is unable to make the right strategy calls since several years. The best example is Vettel making the right tyre choice in Hungary and giving his engineers the right hints while Leclerce ended in nomans land. People who really think that Vettel is the master of his own fate with Ferrari are as naive as it gets. Gerhard Berger even gave him the advice to stop driving this season right after they got rid of him. Do people really think that it will get better with Leclerc and Sainz next year while development is frozen? I mean, Vettel isn't without faults, but history has shown that you need experienced drivers in a team.
Sport & politics are like oil and water & should never be mixed.

Lewis is possibly the most famous and influential sportsman of the moment, at the centre of the media's gaze. If he was taking time out of his private life to campaign on behalf of BLM I would applaud, but bringing politics into sport creates division. Just look at this thread.

There are many motorsport fans here. I'm sure if the sport had some kind of inherent problem, at least some of us would know about it. As far as i'm aware there are no bars on race or nationality, sex or within reason, disability.

Unless F1 has plans to make this a thing and highlight a different cause every race then it should have been kept in Lewis's private life and not on a race grid.

My tuppence.
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Sorry I dont agree with that, If you dont include me I am out, If someone wears a T-Shirt with (white lives matter" he would be insulted and beaten up for blacks and some whites anywhere in the world. About Hamilton being insulted by a few stupid racists, even if disgusting, it doesnt compare with whats going on everywhere. this is the realllity, Statistsics dont lie. There is no a racists "westerm world". Just a few ignorant or really bad people. Most of us like everyone. Sorry IMHO Every Live Matters and if anyone wants everyone to get on their knees and accept their believes he is being a bully and a fascist.
Nobody excluded you by saying black lives matter.
You seem to be discontent with the messenger, so unwilling to hear the message.
Stating that violence should be brought against a white person for wearing a White Lives Matter shirt is wrong.
I bristle and become just as outraged when I see innocent whites treated unfairly by anybody... including the authorities.
There have been several instances of that too.
There is no difference for me. Right is right and wrong is wrong. There is no grey area in my mind. well as blacks, should be proud of who they are.
I have lots of genuine white friends and we are comfortable talking about everything...and we do talk.
We don't have to always agree on everything but we listen and remain respectful.
There is absolutely no difference between my white friends, my black friends, my Asian friends, my Latino friends. I value each and every one of them.
Sure! they're cultural differences but the fundamentals are all rooted in the same way.
As to racism.... There is a big difference between being proud and being a white nationalist who believes they're somehow superior to somebody else based solely on race or culture.
You can 'spin' this all you want to. The facts will still be the facts.
You already know there is "no racist western world" so what's the point of a discussion.
Just out of curiosity...
Are you Caucasian?
How many black people do you personally know?
Do you have any black friends or acquaintances?....not just somebody you are thrust into working next to... but genuine friends.
I can personally attest to racism because I have been called a ni**er and lived within my skin.
Saw two guys once drive out of a filling station with gasoline flowing out of their tank toward a hot exhaust.
I pulled up next to them at a stop light and politely states that gasoline was flowing out of the tank and he may have forgotten his fuel cap.
His response.....What the fu**'s it to you ni**er.
This is one of several you don't get to tell me what I've personally experience doesn't exist.
When you become a black person and live the life, then and only then, do you get to make those statements.
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Ha, I wonder what RD would look like if it had been around during first world championship race 70 years ago:

-Farina - pole position, fastest lap, P1 race finish.

-Top 3 finishers all in Alfas; 4th place was 2 laps down.

I'm sure there were some really lively midfield battles, though! :p :laugh:
I'm going to do something I hardly ever do in a public forum....speak to race.
There seems to be this notion that wealthy black sportsmen somehow should stop talking about politics and or race.
The thought process seems to be one of.... 'You've overcome. What do you have to complain about?'
That approach is absolutely flawed and quite frankly...ludicrous.
Just because Lewis sits in a car on Friday, Saturday and Sunday does not mean he is exempt from racist behavior on Monday, Tuesday Wednesday and Thursday when the cameras are off.
Does he suffer less hostility because he is extremely wealthy and better known....possibly.
We've gotten rid of a lot of very bad things in life but sadly, racism keeps hanging on.
The fact that some folks live in a bubble exempt from this behavior, does not mean it doesn't exist for others.
Over the years, how many times have you heard... 'He is okay by me' or 'I don't have any problem with him'.... meanwhile the guy is an outright bigot posting all kinds of horrible stuff.
This inability to be objective and call out bad behavior when you spot it gives support to the 'tentacles' of racism.
Most bigots don't hold up a sign professing their hatred of other races.
Sadly, they're always there in the shadows...brothers, sisters, aunts, uncles, parents, grand-parents.
Racist don't magically appear then disappear after spewing the hate.
Want to reduce this hateful practice? Hold people accountable and question bad behavior.
If I had a nickel for every time one of my many Caucasian friends relayed a story that'd immediately have resulted in my black or Latino friends suffering a hefty penalty, I'd be rich.
I can't tell you how many times somebody has said to me "I got stop for speeding or bar-hopping, etc... and the officer said go home and don't let me see you out here again this evening".
That'd never happen to any of my black or Latino friends...ever.
That is called privilege.
Why is it so hard to admit that it exist for some?
Understand....I'm not encouraging the behavior. I'm just pointing out the differences based on race.
I too, can speak to my own experiences as a black person with friends from all races, religions and cultures.
I obey the law...always have...because without them, there is anarchy.
If I come upon a stoplight at 2 a:m I come to a full stop and wait. If I make a turn I indicate with a turn signal. It doesn't matter if I am the only car on the road. I do it because it is the law.
If I find a wallet full of cash or a lost credit card, I try to find the rightful owner.
It is in my DNA and simply because it is what I'd want for myself.
I am not unique in that regard.
With that said....
I have be stopped numerous times in what is supposed to be the most liberal state.
In the first of my last three stops, I was accused of a right turn without coming to a full stop.
It was in fact a yield sign and one for which I have stopped for every single time...simply because it was difficult to see around it due to an adjacent hedge.
I was then interrogated by the young 30..ish officer about who the owner of the car was, despite me being polite and offering him my license and the car's registration voluntarily.
It was only after two older and much more polite veteran officers showed up and confirmed it, that I was allowed to go on my way the 1/8 mile home.
It was my girlfriend' wife's car and was legally owned, registered and insured.
I was stopped another time because the officer said he saw "condensation" coming out of my exhaust and the business I was driving out of closes at 6 PM.
He was at least polite and did a check with the business owner.
The last before I left California....stopped by an officer for driving at 1:45 a:m after spending all night working at a friends automotive garage on my project car.
It was the middle of winter and my friend loaned me one of his own fully registered and insured cars, since I did not get mine finished.
The officer drew his gun up out of the holster and gingerly approached.
He first said I was speeding despite that clearly not being the case.
He then wrote me a ticket for 'amplified device' despite me listening only to AM talk-radio.
The first stop and the third stop were clearly profiling.
I give the benefit of doubt to the second officer.
He had to check because the business had allowed us to use their showroom...(after hours for a Saab Club Christmas party).
It was more of a gathering of all very responsible business professionals talking about 'hooning'... and certainly no alcohol.
These stops are the kind of thing that happens to blacks all the time.
I'm happy that most other races do not encounter this behavior but to marginalize it, simply because you are not subjected to it, helps no one.
Take Lewis Hamilton away from any place he isn't well recognized and he'll immediately be subjected to it as well.
It should not happen to anyone but it does far more to blacks than any other race...and it is driven mostly by perception and in many cases...outright hatred.
Everyone should take some time to read this. Thanks for posting, I'm glad you did something that you rarely do. It's important for all those sheltered people who live in their blinkered communities to understand.

BLM!!! One day the world will be a better place and the only way that will happen is to speak up!
Ha, I wonder what RD would look like if it had been around during first world championship race 70 years ago:

-Farina - pole position, fastest lap, P1 race finish.

-Top 3 finishers all in Alfas; 4th place was 2 laps down.

I'm sure there were some really lively midfield battles, though! :p :laugh:

We would of been saying Alfa make the best cars....which they did...

What is your point?

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