Hehe just for your entertainment - Im not really asking for advices if I should upgrade here
I run an old 1366 MB originally with a 4 core i7-920 which I have upgraded to a 6 core Xeon x5670.
And my G-card is a GTX 1060 6Gb.
I have slightly downvolted both the CPU and GPU to keep things really cool in the summer comming.
The reason I post is because Im able to run both Raceroom, ACC, pCars2 and LFS with more or less max settings.
Yes Im even able to run them with nVidias DSR downscaling thingy 4x orig resolution and still keeping the fps above 60.
But before you attack me for lying then I think its because I run it on an old 1680x1050 monitor which is not so demanding as the more normal 1920 x 1080 (or higher) resolution.
I admit when I see games on my friends monitors running in 2K or even 4K resolution then it looks great - but when I then hear all the problems they have keeping the fps high enough for smooth gaming then I conclude that I dont really need to upgrade - at the moment.
CatsAreTheWorstDogs: Actually I only use DSR when I start the old NR2003/GTP mod up - because the mouse movement in the menus in modern games is a pain in the ass when you run DSR.
I run an old 1366 MB originally with a 4 core i7-920 which I have upgraded to a 6 core Xeon x5670.
And my G-card is a GTX 1060 6Gb.
I have slightly downvolted both the CPU and GPU to keep things really cool in the summer comming.
The reason I post is because Im able to run both Raceroom, ACC, pCars2 and LFS with more or less max settings.
Yes Im even able to run them with nVidias DSR downscaling thingy 4x orig resolution and still keeping the fps above 60.
But before you attack me for lying then I think its because I run it on an old 1680x1050 monitor which is not so demanding as the more normal 1920 x 1080 (or higher) resolution.
I admit when I see games on my friends monitors running in 2K or even 4K resolution then it looks great - but when I then hear all the problems they have keeping the fps high enough for smooth gaming then I conclude that I dont really need to upgrade - at the moment.
CatsAreTheWorstDogs: Actually I only use DSR when I start the old NR2003/GTP mod up - because the mouse movement in the menus in modern games is a pain in the ass when you run DSR.