AMS 2 | July Roadmap Confirms New F1 Cars, Mercedes And Lots More

Paul Jeffrey

Reiza Studios remain on the ball when it comes to their Automobilista 2 simulation, as they confirm plenty of exciting things in the July Development Roadmap posting.
  • Three new F1 cars.
  • Nordschleife confirmed as fourth DLC pack.
  • BMW, Mercedes licence.
  • Modern and historic Silverstone releases next week.
  • Championship mode, improved AI, Championship mode improvements.
The end of the month is a great time for the lesser spotted sim racing game roadmap fan, and Reiza Studios are keen to keep up with their fellow sim racing neighbours, as they pop into the realms of the internet with their own collection of audio and visual informative goodness - giving sim racers plenty to cheer when it comes to the immediate future of Automobilista 2.

The full development roadmap:

Greetings Everyone! Here we go for another Development Update... And there is a lot to cover!

We are now one month into Automobilista 2´s release and we can´t understate what a meaningful milestone this has been for Reiza. Those who have been following us will have an idea about the bumps we have had on this road, including a sort of game engine limbo until the opportunity to work with Slightly Mad Studios and use their Madness engine came along.

From the moment we got our hands on this engine in October 2018 until release day in June 2020 there was just 20 months do do everything - learn a new engine, get a grasp on their tools, figuring out new graphics, audio, physics and UI pipelines, develop the skills and hire people to work on stuff we previously had no experience in - and then go about the business of building a game with over 50 tracks and cars!

While the release has been important, we can´t argue it´s been flawless - the game still has rough edges and we´re not oblivious to the fact it´s restricting enjoyment of the game for some users. We´re frustrated ourselves with some of the troubles we had in the final stretch of Early Access so in these first weeks we have remained commited to play some catch-up.

One of the things we´ve found lacking and have since been working towards is assembling all the information people need to get into AMS2, understand what it is about and get it to work well - the new official website should hopefully help offer that in a more cohesive manner, with more info about the game content, configurations and a fairly detailed roadmap for what is still to come.

More important than that of course is the work on the game itself, and here too we´ve been pushing hard - we have already released our first update last week, and we´re completing some more substantial work for the one coming next week (estimated to August 7th). Some of the highlights:

Championship Mode will now allow for different championship series, customizing session lengths and saving your progress in between sessions. This is still the bare minimum, with lots of further features still to be added to this game mode in the coming months.

For the next update we are also simplifying the track limit system to work more like we had it in AMS1 - a customizable number of warnings for each time you exceed the track limits, after which driver is given a drive-thru penalty. At least provisionally the option to pay penalites slowing down will be restricted to giving back positions gained by going off track (and even then with some further fine-tuning to better detect cars that are not up to race speed). We´ll continue to work on the original system with the intent of adding it back later on as an alternative.

We also continue working hard on the AI and have some good developments in store for the next update. As with the penalty system, we are simplifying some of their logic in order to ensure some better consistency, particularly in racing conditions where extra functions can still lead them to react unpredictably.

We´re also experimenting with some new functions for AI cars to take defensive lines going into corners and use wet lines in the rain, some preliminary work on these fronts may already make to the release next week

The addition of more elaborate AI driver personalities is also underway and should help the AI opponents in each of the series in the game behave and perform more appropriately for the racing style demanded in the series.

Along witth these, all other areas in the game will continue to warrant and receive continous development throughout AMS2 dev cycle as they have so far.

Content to Make Everyone Content!

Work on the content side evolves in parallel to development of the game core, and here too we are happy to say we have some quick catching up inbound.

Silverstone Circuit will see back-to-back Grand Prix this weekend and the next so it seems an appropriate time to celebrate this classical track by releasing it in between this unique event - the track along with several historical variants will be released next week together with the game update.

Silverstone will be the 2nd DLC pack for AMS2 and like Hockenheimring it will feature this classic track in four versions - 1975, 1991, 2001 and 2019. These versions of the track are as different from each other as the cars that raced on them in each of these eras, but they are all unique, flowing and challenging in their own way. The 1991 version is one of my personal favorites and we´re specially proud to be bringing it to AMS2 - probably the first time the track has featured in a sim since Geoff Crammond´s original F1 Grand Prix!

Unfortunately the historical tracks are still due an art pass to bring them up to the very high standards our track team has been setting as of late, so we can´t preview them yet. They did let me include a lap of the modern version however so you can come along with me for a ride in VR to check how it´s shaping up:

We´ll post similar videos of the historical versions throughout the next week in preparation for the release.

Along with Silverstone, we are releasing 4 new cars in two classes, and no less than 3 of them are official classic Grand Prix cars - the Lotus 49C and Brabham BT26 will join the similarly spec F-Vintage Gen2 series, enriching the class with a couple of genuine articles.

AMS 2 Lotus.jpg

Another class is being added as the Formula V10 Gen1 - an earlier version of its Gen2 counterpart, with wider track and slick tyres and a dream ride through the 2001 version of Silverstone.

AMS 2 F1.jpg

Along with the new F-V10 we have another classic F1 car, but this one we´re gonna keep under wraps a little longer as it brings a few interesting things that is worth elaborating on

With these and many other models already licensed we can confidently assert that AMS2 will have the largest ensemble of classic Grand Prix cars in a racing sim, and with the right tracks to go along with them.

The Germans Are Coming...

With the addition of Silverstone to a roster that already features five other British tracks along with Lotuses, Mclarens and Ginettas, we continue to make steady progress into the cream of British motorsports, and we´re "chuffed to bits" about that as there are few countries which can rival the UK for sheer quality of their motorsports culture.

There is another one however that just might - with the release of the Hockenheimring last week, we have marked the start of our advance into another "theatre", as Germany is also soon to be well and truly represented in Automobilista 2!

Let´s start with the cars: some of you will know and have been claiming for the classic German touring cars we alluded to a few months back; unfortunately licensing hold-ups under the new world order have truly messed up our release schedule, but we are happy to confirm we´re in the final stages of our licensing agreements with both BMW and Mercedes-Benz, which will see some brilliant German machinery arriving to AMS2 in the coming weeks and months.

AMS 2 BMW.jpg

We´ll start with the classics: the BMW M1 Procar will be the first to arrive, and soon after the M30 E30 along with the Mercedes 190E Evo2 for some classic touring car action. Plenty of more of these to come, but let´s not spoil it all yet

Later on the two brands will be represented in our GT3 / GT4 pack with their respective models, and we will have at least one more German brand to add this line-up soon enough...

Unfortunately since the conclusion of these deals are fairly recent developments we haven´t been able to get more previews cleared for this Dev Update, but in any case we wanted to finally confirm them as they have been dragging for a while now, and also confirm these and many other models are already in-game - so while these are unlikely to be make it in any of our August releases, we should get some very interesting line-up of cars already by September and October.

And to make it more interesting, we confirm that all the cars mentioned in this dev update will be free additions to the base game.

...And to the Green Hell We Go!

Naturally if you are going to do German motorsports there is no escaping the Green Hell, so we´re again extremely excited to confirm that the Nurburgring will also be coming for Automobilista 2 in the near future - intially with the Nordschleife, GP and 24h layouts, with more variants to be added over time.

The Nurburgring will be the 4th Track DLC Pack, joining Hockenheimring, Silverstone and Spa. Now there´s just one more to be confirmed before the end of the year...

So all this hopefully makes everyone as excited about the future of Automobilista 2 as we are - there is a lot of good stuff still to come, and a vision to bring it all together in a way that will make AMS2 a truly unique experience!

As we keep working towards that and in consideration of the fact some of the premium cars haven´t made it into the game yet, we have elected to stick with the current pricing from the 2nd half of the Early Access period - the bump will come when the cars are added though so don´t wait to long to join this train...

Original Source: Reiza Studios

Automobilista 2 is available now, exclusively on PC.

Got questions? Have answers? Want to chat about AMS 2 and don't know where to go? Worry not my friend, we have just the place for you! The Automobilista 2 sub forum here at RaceDepartment welcomes you with open arms - come say hello!

AMS 2 F1 2.jpg
All AI in all sims are good , People just need to learn to drive under different types of crazy driver . Stop trusting them and drive some defense , just like in real car, Do you trust other driver behind you or coming out of the street? You adapt to the AI not the other way and all AI will be fun.
Yes, I do agree with this and although some AI can be erratic they can be also somewhat predictable...personally I do not mind the AI in AMS2 or any other Sim for that matter, when I drive defensively.:thumbsup::D
Yes, I'm talking about the replay system

According to others, they way the real road system works, makes it tricky to change how fwd/bwd and skip can be done.

Reiza is communicating well on the on-going process (at the official forum), and seems committed to AMS2 and beside new content, fix issues and behaviors found in PC2.

Not seen it confirmed to be fixed yet, the most annoying behavior is the curbs reflecting inside the car when you drive over them on certain details (and other cars if they close). It looks really bad in some cars, like an actual fire truck. Apparently that have been the case in PC2 as well, I would put that highest on the fix list for sure.
the most annoying behavior is the curbs reflecting inside the car when you drive over them on certain details
Curb colour saturation and reflection can give a pretty nice atmospheric impression of the actual surrounding lighting though (and is not unrealistic). But of course your dashboard shouldn't reflect them, if they're obstructed by the cockpit components, for example, that's true.^^
I worry about this game.....nobody seems to be playing it. The SteamDB stats are horrible ( 100 players at peak time on a Friday night ) . For me I've stayed away as I need multiplayer , and that's just not a thing at the moment that's worth the aggro. Maybe once MP is working properly and some leagues start popping up it will be worth visiting again. Probably a controversial opinion on here but those numbers don't lie....something is not hooking the players atm.

It is very similar to AMS1 I feel like in the sense that it appears a lot of people are really interested in AMS2, people are excited for the content coming, yet the steam charts tell a different story. For all the praise that AMS1 gets, and I really enjoy AMS1, it never at any point had more than 1,000 active players at once. Same story is playing out for AMS2 right now although it's all time peak is higher than it's predecessor.

IMO the issue with AMS2 right now is while it has a lot of great diverse content, the polish is just not there at this point and time. I enjoy hot lapping in AMS2 right now, but the AI are still wildly inconsistent, multiplayer is very basic with net code issues still being a thing, quality in graphics like dirt build up is still really rough looking, and features are still missing or need a lot of improvement like pit strategies for example.

I want AMS2 to succeed, I think the potential is there, but the current product at this moment in time is just a little too rough around the edges I think to draw in a huge crowd. I do think it is expecting too much to think it will ever reach the popularity of a AC, ACC, or PC2 in terms of player numbers, but I would love to be proven wrong on that. I think Reiza are taken steps in the right direction and you just have to hope they continue to improve AMS2 as time goes on. Reiza did it with AMS1 so I think they have the benefit of the doubt until proven otherwise.
But of course your dashboard shouldn't reflect them, if they're obstructed by the cockpit components, for example, that's true.^^

Like the car floor example.... :D And if I drive over the curb, it for sure looks strange if it reflects the same on the car body of the car ahead (this is more minor btw).

The Supersprint is an "good" example, in other it's only inside the doors, on the roll cage or chrome rings on the instrument cluster. Either the SMS engine is way ahead, or simply needs fixing as I at least, never seen or noted any similar on that level in any of the other sims.
According to others, they way the real road system works, makes it tricky to change how fwd/bwd and skip can be done.
Thanks for that info. It certainly helps put things in perspective. From the perspective of just the end user experience, these are the most significant things that I'd like to see addressed with the replay system:
a) Add assignable keyboard controls. Playing the "which part of the UI is in focus?" game with the mouse can be really frustrating with replays.
b) Stop automatically rotating through the all the camera views within every category. Trackside (TV and/or helicopter) are the only ones that should do this IMO.
c) When you reverse the replay, have the camera views be the exact inverse of what they were going forward.

As far as I'm concerned, items like a "scrubber" playback control or being able to lock into a fixed trackside camera view would just be bonuses after the these three items.
And if I drive over the curb, it for sure looks strange if it reflects the same on the car body of the car ahead (this is more minor btw).
This is something, also happens in other graphics engines. (Assetto Corsa can also look strange with reflection reference with cars in front, for example.) For "real" and accurate reflections you will probably need raytracing, more calculations or something similar. I'm clueless how this sorcery works anyway, but reflections are a hard one to get right.
I worry about this game.....nobody seems to be playing it. The SteamDB stats are horrible ( 100 players at peak time on a Friday night ) . For me I've stayed away as I need multiplayer , and that's just not a thing at the moment that's worth the aggro. Maybe once MP is working properly and some leagues start popping up it will be worth visiting again. Probably a controversial opinion on here but those numbers don't lie....something is not hooking the players atm.
For me, I'm just waiting for it to become a bit more established with more official real world content, Championship mode , etc. and then I'll dig in. Almost tempted now, but with little time , I'll stick to more completed sims for now ACC,, F12020 and Microsoft Flight Sim X in anticipation of FS 2020 release. :)
I'm sorry, but you must play a very limited selection of sims and have very low expectations to make that statement. Plenty of sims over the years have had very poor AI, and currently AMS 2 is one of them. Learning to adapt to the AIs flaws does not make the AI "good". It has nothing to do with how we drive in real life, because in real life racing drivers can go door-to-door without being guaranteed to ram each other off the track for no reason.

As an aside, I think people need to get on with playing the sim and enjoying it for themselves, rather than staring at graphs...

people dont understand that this game has madness engine and ai is very bad. if you have played pc1 and pc2 you know what im talking about.
I agree, like you I have PCars2 and AMS2 in my library. AMS2 and PCars2 do not drive the same and the FFB feels different. Which kind of demonstrate that the SMS engine has potential.

Since you already bought Pcars2 and now know that the engine can be better, my recommendation is to use Christiaan's Pure Force Feedback V2.0 beta file in PCars2,it takes literally minutes to download and install. Nothing to adjust beside gain. For me it made PCars2 very enjoyable. Details

Try the Formula Renault at the track of your choice. What do you have to loose, beside a few minutes. Their is a lot of nice tracks to drive or race in PCars2, once you have FFB under conttrol

is there mod for ai? because it sucks
people dont understand that this game has madness engine and ai is very bad. if you have played pc1 and pc2 you know what im talking about.

To say that, i'm sure that you never played AMS2. Reiza are improving AMS2 every week, and AI are getting better and better.
Who Knows and follow Reiza Studios, knows that is a very dedicate and talented team. I completely trust in Renato Simioni and his team.
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Its really taking shape this sim going to be one of the best sims out their i feel, love that the moders are doing some great f1 1991- 1996 skins hopefully we will see some full grid skins shortly , personally one of my best sims and it looks like their working quickly to improve this sim with regular updates /fixes. Really recommend this sim if you haven't got it yet!
I reccommend AMS1 instead of AMS2 as it is way better in physics and ffb. Only downside on AMS1: no rain and no VR, for the rest: everything is sooo much better!!
I reccommend AMS1 instead of AMS2 as it is way better in physics and ffb. Only downside on AMS1: no rain and no VR, for the rest: everything is sooo much better!!

AMS1 is a finished project, so it´s natural that are physics and ffb more refined, but AMS2 already are very good, being often improving and updated. With a more rich content and better graphics, so it´s a ''must to have'' for everyone that like simracing. Both are a master piece.
To put an F1 spin on it, I really think Reiza should hit the pause button on the new content work for a bit and spend their "development tokens" on bringing some of the basic player experience items back up to the level AMS1 was at. To be fair, it does seem like they're doing exactly this with championship mode. Hopefully timing info or the replay system will be next in this context and not just fall by the wayside.
Also to be fair, they've said that content and general improvements are happening "in parallel". Like most developers, the guy who's skill set lies in creating 3D models and car physics is very unlikely to be the same guy that is working on UI functionality and layout. In other words, stopping him from producing new content isn't going to speed up the new interface features because he doesn't know how to do it anyway.

All of this stuff will come as Reiza have repeatedly said AMS 2 is a long-term project, but people need to have some patience. They can't do everything at once. They've already released more patches/hotfixes in a month than most developers with ten times their size and resources do in six months, not to mention handing most of their playerbase a free DLC. I think that's pretty commendable, personally.

This article is talking about m3 E30 and 190E Evo .... Best news ever ✌✌
Am I the only one interested ?!
No. They're two of my favourite cars so I'm definitely looking forward to seeing them in AMS 2. I'm hoping we get the full grid of classic touring cars to join them too.
AMS1 is a finished project, so it´s natural that are physics and ffb more refined, but AMS2 already are very good, being often improving and updated. With a more rich content and better graphics, so it´s a ''must to have'' for everyone that like simracing. Both are a master piece.
it's not just that. ams1 is built upon ISI engine, on its core ams1 it simply is an rFactor1 mod.
ffb is literally - like Niels himself once said - "telepathic" for how much direct and communicative, especially with dd wheels.
also, ams1 ffb had just 2 sliders : gain and low multiplier, which was 2 very separate things and if you have a dd you don't need to even touch the low multiplier, because it works like a min force.
now with ams2, it seems that total ffb gain is hard-linked to the low multiplier for any kind of wheel, so that there is not any "pure and raw" ffb but you must also use the low multiplier slider (and the effects slider too for some strange reason...)
all of that made the ffb a mix between basic gain and canned effects, with the difference that if with ams1 you can get away with just using the gain slider to feel all you need to feel, you now must play with all 3 sliders to somehow resemble a decent ffb.
for perspective, the only sim that does that is F1 2020 (or any other Codie F1). R3E used to work in a similar way but improved a lot recently.
for me, if Reiza kept on working with the rFactor2 engine like they did with the Reiza pack dlc release for rF2, instead of the Madness engine, that would have provided the best sim in terms of physics and ffb combo, for me the Reiza cars in rF2 feels even better than the S397 ones.
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