Any way to "create championship"?

I love this sim so much, and thanks too all the amazing modders out there i have a wonderful library of classic tracks and cars that i grew up with in the 70s/ 80s. LOVE IT!
However, the 2 things that irk me are the inability to create custom championships and the inability to allow ai cars into multiplayer? Pretty sure you could do this back in the day on the humble ps1 on the original toca. I will happily admit to being clueless as far as modding goes!
Thanks for any response, Stuu.
Cheers Jon, will take a look... could multiplayer vs computer (ai) be possible? i'm not that competitive online. I have attempted to encourage friends to play this beautiful old beasty via altbierbude, hard work for 2 players and often play "best lap time" with my sons however it does get a bit lonely:(:)
And again massive thanks
It is not too difficult to create your own championships as the files that need to be adjusted can be opened and changed by notepad. To change the tracks in a championship the cup files (.gdb in the GameData folder) need to be edited, and to change the cars the class line in the files need changing. It can't be done 'in game' and can be time consuming depending how complex you want to get, but it is a satisfying experience. In my own championships I have added new filter names in the .gdb files and added those names in the class line of the cars I want in the races. If you want to do this I would be happy to help (although I'm sure there are plenty of others who would be better!)
I would be most curious how you do this. I googled this and you were the only person I could find who mentions this. I would really appreciate it if you could give me some examples of what exactly it was that you edited. Is it possible to set up many different championships without it effecting any others that were already in the game or others that have been created?

By default I set fia-gtc76 cars for CUP_CustomChampionshipTemplate.GDB but you just need notepad (notepad++ is better to modify many files at the same time) to make your own championship :

- to begin with you must create a specific tag, could be any word you want, in my example it is SIM_CUSTOM1 : choose some cars (20-28) to make a grid and open all the *.CAR files in notepad++, click Search>Replace...

Find what: classes="
Replace with: classes="SIM_CUSTOM1,


- now you can use your new tag SIM_CUSTOM1 : go to GTL\GameData directory, open CUP_CustomChampionshipTemplate.GDB with notepad++, use replace tool again with replace

Find what: SIM_GTC76
Replace with: SIM_CUSTOM1

click REPLACE ALL, then you can modify/edit the championship name, the laps number and the tracks schedule... save file and enjoy your custom championship :)

- you can change the name of GDB file and add as many championships GDB but you will need to make some changes in GTL\GameData\CUPSTAGES.GDB : when you open CUPSTAGES.GDB go to line 100 (notepad++ show you line number) and edit/add your new championships GDB names in the list of CUSTOM CHAMPIONSHIPS STAGE just below CUP_CustomChampionshipTemplate.gdb.
In Game, with GTL 10TH Anniversary UI you can use the 6th extra CUP STAGE I have added called CUSTOM CHAMPIONSHIPS, then you can access to the championships you have added previously in CUPSTAGES.GDB.
By default, you can only see 6 championships on the page so you will need to use your mouse wheel (thanks to Mushy for this easter egg) to navigate and display more than 6 championships.
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Mushy from altbierbude has made a nice tutorial to create your own championships :

if you have GTL 10TH Anniversary UI then you can use the extra CUP STAGE I have added (CUSTOM CHAMPIONSHIPS) instead of overwriting default game championships as Mushy did in his video : when you open CUPSTAGES.GDB go to line 100 (notepad++ show you line number) and edit/add your GDB in the list of CUSTOM CHAMPIONSHIPS STAGE.
HELLO! have not been online for a while, so best wishes to all here... Mega thanks for replying to posts on this old but very excellent game, and most specifically this subject. Ha! i thought it was dead (shame) ooooooooooooooohhhhhhhhhh thankyou!!!!
Hi, I'm new here and I have a question about creating championships:
is it possible to set up different number of laps (and weather) in different races but in one champioship event? (I want to get real-life conditions of, for example, BSCC 1965 season)

P.S. thanks for everyone involved in creating this awesome database :)
I need some help guys, so I tried to create own championships with some modded cars wich when you install them, create a new folder called extra cars in the team folder. I first used the tamplate and also tried the instruction from the video to make my own championship with this cars. So far so good, everything works
BUT!!! the number of opponents is allways 0. (will be a bit boring)
What did I do wrong?
Any help would be appreciated
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Hmmm, I'm still confused. I think it got something to do with this extra cars folder. I did several other new championships with other modded cars which are all installed in the given folders ..TC65 for example and everything works perfect. With this extras cars it comes allways to 0 opponents, all my cars for that championship are visible and useable in game.
If you have the gtl 10th Anniv.Patch then look at the template where I set SIM_GTC76 tag in GDB : with notepad replace ALL SIM_GTC76 entries with your own tag that will be called in your CAR files at classes="..."
Moreover, you must either add track name in car classes or simply add a line IgnoreTrackFilter in your championship GDB file, otherwise you won't see the cars.
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Hooray finally it works!!! After, I don't now, how many tries I made it work. Unfortunally I can't say what exactly the problem was that it doesn't work before because that "0 opponents" problem was just with that ExtraCars , all the other modded cars never gave me trouble creating championships with them.

Thanks again very much for your help
Hi I have managed to cobble together a couple of working Championships but don't really understand everything I am doing. Could someone explain or point to a ref document.
I am using 10th aniv mod

So I can define a new class eg SIM_LM55 add this to the car skin *.car files I want and have a LeMans track 60_LeMans ready to go.

So the Cup_*.GDB file is where you define what class of cars you want and the tracks (no of laps and times etc)
So CupStages.CDB file is where you tell GTL to list your championship in the menu.

So what exactly do the other GDB files, SIM_GTC.GDB, SIM_GTC76.GDB, SIM_GTC-TC65.GDB, SIM_TC65 do?
To get my LM55 mod going I added it to the special classes in GTC-TC65.GDB with no understanding of what I am doing !!!

There was mentioned a NoTrackFilter above but I couldn't understand why it was needed and where it would go? Could someone have another go at explaining?

I have some other questions leading on once I have got the hang of championships.
Can you limit the number of opponents with a command in the GDB files eg to 6 if you want a small field on a small rallycross track for example?

Can championships use the the same track a number of times but change car class thru the championship? I was wondering if you could use it to simulate say a meeting at goodwood where the mini's run around the track, then old F1 cars and then the really expensive astons and ferraris at the end of the day.

Anyway lots of questions. Hopefully someone can help me to understand the championship area a bit more.

Thanks in advance.
It's not too difficult. I recommend backing up all the files before you start changing, and then you can create your own version of the game. Championships are added by adding to the ChallengeList in the CupStages.cdb (I have six championships on each level, naming them 1-1, 1-2 and so on). Whatever you have called your championship in the CupStages.cdb file you need to create a .gdb file with the same name (eg 1-1.gdb). This .gdb file defines everything about that championship - you can list a track more than once if you so wish, but I wouldn't have more than 10 tracks in a championship as it looks bad in the menu. To choose which cars are in the championship it's best to put your own car classes (this is a time consuming part) in each cars .car file. As an example; I have a class of cars which is labeled (in the 'classes' of each .car file) SIM_CAT, and some of those cars are also labeled SIM_1-S. In the new .gdb championship file I've put SIM_CAT as the game filter and SIM_1-S as the AI filter which means that when I come to race in that championship I can choose my car from any of the SIM_CAT class, but the AI cars are restricted to those which also have SIM_1-S. So you decide which cars compete in the championship through changing the classes in the .car files. I completely redid the car classes (to a roughly power/weight ratio to get better racing) and although it took a long time I'm very happy with the results. I also changed the difficulty level and on some tracks the speed of AI cars. I can't attach .gdb ,cdb or .car files here because they're not acceptable files for attachment, but if you pm me your email address I will happily send you so you can see what I've done. I know I'm not the best at explaining things, so if you have any questions feel free to ask!
Thanks for your reply...
This is not a request to how to get championships work but more a request for more understanding and control.

"Championships are added by adding to the ChallengeList in the CupStages.cdb"
--> yes I understand that. So CUP_LeMans1995.GRB add to the custom championships section of Cupstages,cdb

"Whatever you have called your championship in the CupStages.cdb file you need to create a .gdb file with the same name (eg 1-1.gdb)
--> yes I understand that. I have created CUP_LeMans1955.GDB from template based on GAME Filter = AND: SIM_LM55
--> what is the point of many category lists I see in many of the Cup_*.gdb? Do I need to list any category other than my AND: class in here?

"This .gdb file defines everything about that championship"
--> How do you define the number of cars appearing at any track in this GRB file above? I have some tracks that seem to crash on load with 2 many cars (still debugging this= I have trace but don't always understand what it says = another thread sometime) and some where having 31 cars is too much for a good race without pile ups.
--> How do you change the class of cars appearing for each event? So if you want to run mini's first and then cobras at 2 consecutive Goodwood races in a championship? Is this possible?

To choose which cars are in the championship it's best to put your own car classes (this is a time consuming part) in each cars .car file.
--> Yes I understand this. I want to define LeMans 55 championship based on SIM_LM55 with cars in the Teams\LM55 dir so those *.car files in every skin I want to appear has SIM_LM55 added.
--> not so time consuming with notepad++ and a macro or two!
--> once I had got to here the championship would list to select and the right cars would show as eligible teams but the number of opponents is 0. Same situ as poster above and I had to do below adjustment to SIM_GTC.gdb to fix but I don't understand what went wrong and why this worked.

What do the other SIM_*.GRB files in the Gamedata directory do? I couldn't get my championship to work without adding SIM_LM55 to the extra classes in SIM_GTC.GRB.
Without it I get 0 opponents yet I have followed the video post and used the anniv 10 templates to the letter. I have read the explaination in the thread several times but I don't really get it properly.

Why is this adjustment to SIM_GTC.GRB needed? What are these files? They seem to add extra menu items in the quickrace but I havent fiddled enuf to work out what does what exactly.....

What is the NoTrackFilter mentioned above?

Is there a document/thread/SDK somewhere that explains what all these files and sections and code options are that I could rad thru?
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