Apps Any way to release texture memory in acPython?

I usually watch Miami Vice on a second monitor when playing. In VR I lost that. I have built a couple of video players inside an AC app.

One with ac.setBackgroundTexture(drawable, imagefile) and one with newTexture and ac.glQuadTexture. I was hoping for, but was as expected disappointed, that one of these would release texture memory on reassignment of the drawable or via garbage collection. I was also hoping to get away with just piling up memory for at least a couple of laps, given enough physical memory. Also doesn't work, AC crashes hard on a limit that doesn't seem to be linear to RAM.

Did somebody figure out how to release texture memory? Maybe by plugging in an interface to the C OpenGL library? I have seen some mods (for environment effects) that drag an OpenGL lib around.

I did verify that newTexture returns a texture identifier (not the size of the Texture as some old documentation says). The number looks like it is a native openGL identifier (not remapped by Kunos).

Any ideas?