Anyone build there own VRS direct drive.

Anyone build there own VRS direct drive. I am planning on buying a controller box(new) and Mige motor directly from Mige with the same encoder as VRS is using. But i dont know IF it is possible, so my question is: did someone already done it or do you know if it is possible. Thanks in advance.
@Arrowpower: You will find VRS guys have added a thermistor/temp sensor to their ‘custom’ Mige. It is likely that the VRS controller will look for this sensor upon startup.
It can be simulated, of course, but best to find out the value of this and wire it into their original controller.

I have not tested to see if the sensor is missing ‘open circuit if it will reduce torque, I suspect so though. Other than that, if you can figure out the encoder requirements and connections, it will be easy to do. UVW power connections are easy enough to figure out.

Good Luck.
ps: Ultimately, it wilL be easiest just to buy a turn-key VRS DFP with warranty and support
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