Assetto Corsa Competizione: Sizeable Rewrite Underway - New Hotfix Released

Paul Jeffrey

ACC Hotfix.jpg

Kunos Simulazioni look likely to be busy in the months ahead, having already released 'build five' of the sim and a new hotfix today, the team have confirmed a sizeable rewriting is underway.

When I say rewriting, what I mean by that is Kunos are hard at work revisiting some of the code created for ACC so far, in an effort to maximise how the software will be developed going forward in order to bring new content and features to the simulation more quickly, and with greater ease than is possible at this moment in time.

Unfortunately for Kunos, that means a lot of work 'behind the scenes' will need to be undertaken to achieve this change in direction, a feat that the small Italian development team are in no way underestimating how time consuming and difficult that might be. With the simulation still at such an early stage of development, it is excellent to see Kunos are so dedicated to bringing about the best experience they can with this Unreal 4 game engine, and yet more evidence that the makers of netKar Pro and Assetto Corsa fully intend this new title to be their biggest and best creation to date.

The full Kunos statement:
Having a look at the 0.5 release patch notes, you will find that most changes are either new content or physics related. Regarding gameplay elements – including Multiplayer features – we decided to opt for a different path, which may need some explanation for non-developers.

While developing software, especially games, you constantly invent patterns and concepts. When we built the ACC gameplay during 2018, we aimed for a certain way to write the game logic, including everything from session handling, race timing, laptimes, penalties and so on. Our solution had some amazing feats and ways of working, but we also had to learn that one of the disadvantages was making the development of Multiplayer features not as efficient as we had wished for. You may have noticed that although we met our roadmap targets on time in terms of content and features, several things involving Multiplayer were late. This is not really unusual or surprising; moving a whole development team to a new engine and framework required us to learn about the new situation as the project evolved (but we didn't know where this would happen, obviously).

In December we faced the choice to either keep proceeding like that, adding as little changes as necessary to achieve a stable 1.0 Multiplayer, and then never to touch it again.

The alternative route is a rewrite of (a lot of) the code to switch to concepts that support our current needs and the things we learned. The disadvantage is obvious; we'd have to spend a lot of work to change ACC without – seemingly – adding gamplay related features and fixes for a certain amount of time, however, the gain is a much more stable environment, where we can keep adding features and also speed up future development.

I can tell it's unusual to go for a rewrite, but it expresses our approach and our plans to go on, even beyond ACC 1.0. Technically speaking, a few developers forked off the codebase and worked day and night to do the re-coding, with the goal of bringing those improvements to the main code as soon as possible. The new features on the list therefore are there, but not in this build, and we most probably will also bring them one after another even looking beyond the 1.0 release, since the development will continue to bring our audience the 2019 Season update, and more. ;)

Being myself also responsible for ACC Multiplayer development, I needed to slow down the work on the Rating System, but likely this re-work on some of the code that we use as a foundation will help the Rating System, too, to proceed even smoother.

As a bottom line: enjoy the new content, both the car and track (in my opinion) are fabulous, and see how ACC keeps developing in the future.

I'm writing this between Multiplayer tests (on the new code), we are on a very good way – but sadly we will not see this outside the test systems for the time being.

While the rewrite is a project that remains ongoing, Kunos are still working hard at the latest build of the software, and that can be further evidenced today by a very small new hotfix update for the recently released Emil Frey Jaguar G3, the car having come with a couple of issues (mainly around the audio), which has been addressed as part of the latest hotfix build, details below:

0.5.1 Changelog
  • Improved intake sound EQ (onboard view) for the Emil Frey Jaguar G3
  • Minor LOD tweaks on the Emil Frey Jaguar G3

Busy days, weeks and months are ahead at Kunos HQ!

Assetto Corsa Competizione is available on Steam Early Access now. Currently at build release 5 status.

To keep abreast of all the latest news and discussions from the world of Assetto Corsa Competizione then don't forget to check out our very own ACC sub forum here at RaceDepartment.

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Yeah, you guys are right. I paid a home builder to give me a house, finished as I paid for. Instead, I got half a house with toilets missing, water not working and part of the floor missing. What did I expect? Terrible of me to think I was getting what I paid for. I should be happy there is a couple walls and water once in a while and I only get wet when it rains really hard.

Surely you’d wait until the house was finished to move in though? Most of us would just pop in make sure the build was on track, choose the location of the fittings and leave the builder to it. I think most people are doing that with ACC at each build, playing a bit then waiting for the next build.

I’m all for reasoned criticism, Kunos released the console version of AC at full price with single digit framerate and even after a year it was still missing content and features. I also agree from time to time Kunos’s attitude has in the past stunk - human beings get defensive over criticism - I don’t think a business should act that way but it’s his choice. And yes he’s not the only dev like that. That behaviour does seem to have stopped though recently so I’m prepared to judge based on today rather than the past.

If you are having genuine technical troubles with the content available so far fair enough, tell them. If it’s more a case of opinion like FFB tell them but maybe don’t expect too much, best to play something you think the FFB is good in instead. It took Forza 7 almost 2 years to decent FFB, us wheel users had our own huge thread going on the T10 forum and they did eventually listen. SMS also listened (though plenty will say they didn’t) in regard to AI behaviour for individual tracks like Nurburgring GP which launched with a first corner traffic jam but now plays perfectly well day, night and in rain. If ACC releases genuinely broken then fair game for criticism but it is looking good so far to me.

Finally I’d suggest you hire a caravan or rent a place to live in while the builder finishes your house. I know my sim setup has about 10 mains plugs and the rain pouring across the sockets wouldn’t be a good mix. Probably better than having to sh** in a bucket too. ;)
Yeah, you guys are right. I paid a home builder to give me a house, finished as I paid for. Instead, I got half a house with toilets missing, water not working and part of the floor missing. What did I expect? Terrible of me to think I was getting what I paid for. I should be happy there is a couple walls and water once in a while and I only get wet when it rains really hard.

This analogy is so stupid that I don't know what else I can say.
Yeah, you guys are right. I paid a home builder to give me a house, finished as I paid for. Instead, I got half a house with toilets missing, water not working and part of the floor missing. What did I expect? Terrible of me to think I was getting what I paid for. I should be happy there is a couple walls and water once in a while and I only get wet when it rains really hard.
This is either a troll comment or the commenter is intellectually challenged
Yeah, you guys are right. I paid a home builder to give me a house, finished as I paid for. Instead, I got half a house with toilets missing, water not working and part of the floor missing. What did I expect? Terrible of me to think I was getting what I paid for. I should be happy there is a couple walls and water once in a while and I only get wet when it rains really hard.

Plot twist. Everything is awesome, except things you have no idea about: poor foundations, poor thermal insulation, air is leaking, poor acoustics, lots of hidden small faults, bad materials, uneven walls and ceilings, wrong layers...

You can blame only yourself if you didn't follow the build process properly yourself, or didn't hire good supervisor engineer.

A supervisor would be better analogy for ALL players participating in EA development of a game. The issue is that basically thousands of people are waiting a one house to be built for them, so one individual doesn't count as much as it would for a house. Basically you have no right to demand anything, but you definitely can share an opinion.

The chances that a lot of people will have valuable insights in various subjects like for example foundations (which could be an analogy for foundations of code, or if subject is car handling - tire) are extremely thin. More likely someone will have abstract insight and he will be consumed by delusional fans. So basically the only builders and supervisors are developers themselves. SO in conclusion I really have little idea why EA exists in the first place other than early money, publicity and mass testing for things like multiplayer when you need data from a lot of users, well maybe also to adjust to the common taste and you don't have to understand something to like it or not.
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I see all of this as an interesting, but at the same time hard to believe, misplacement of customer of loyalty, inversion of the burden of responsibility and absolute lack of acceptance of relevant criticism.
I've been beating this bush since the first whiff of ACC, as it was obvious for me then that there were significant hurdles and lack of proper clarity from Kunos of how they are going to fulfil what this game is going to be about. And whoever thinks that its going to be about GT3 Blancpain, you really need reassess your position.

-First of all, customer loyalty is plain and simply, silly. You owe Kunos nothing. Whoever accessed EA, has bought the game at discount. Discount that Kunos applied from their own volition to get customers into buying the game. This is not done from the sanctity of their personalities. It's a market strategy. You were the target.
-The inversion of the burden of responsibility is also interesting, as it's only Kunos that is responsible to deliver the goods.
-Lastly, the criticism levelled at Kunos sometimes is over the top, but there's always been relevant criticism to them or more specifically in this case, to the EA ACC/ACC final build.
ACC is not about Blancpain. Blancpain is the vehicle, the virtual virtual cars you driver around the virtual circuit making virtual laps. If it was Blancpain or IMSA it would exactly the same. ACC is about "Competizione". It's going to be about the overall competition structure. How/why/when the races are had, the reason why you are staying in ACC and the end objective of it being Cups/Esports/maybe interconnection with Blancpain. And speaking of that, has anyone seen this, truly, in any shape or form?
Of course you haven't. Let that sink in: the most important aspect is MIA and the basic structure that enables the most important aspect is under re-write. And yet, the answer to this, is a mind-boggling set of replies stating "it's early access"/ "believe kunos" / "you only bought it because you wanted it".
This conversational shutdown is basically enabling all of this charade. However, this is a game, not your ego. It's a purchase, not your character. It's targeted at the company providing the goods, not at "you" serving as a shield.

It's OK for Kunos to fail, having problems, or not delivering on time. They are just human. But holy crap, wouldn't this be easier if they were more communicative with the issues, rather than replying with something that is defined "as too little, too late?"

70 days to go, there's no competitive structure, no netcode, no racing details. That's the important bit.
If you bought ACC to race against the AI, that's cool and all, but don't confuse your use case with the objective of this game.
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The delta on 1 hotlap mode is still bugged, it shows +0.2 but the laptime is 0.7 off my best time for example. (since build1)
Now you have to click "restart" hotlap mode to access the setup menu and that will delete you previous done laptime delta in the session, "pit" will only reset the car.
The 9 minute Hotlap mode does not begin at the start/finish line, when you deploy the car it starts counting down on the new track ...
Cones don´t reset when moved off position (2. chicane) after clicking the "restart" or "pit" button on Zolder, you have to go back to the main menu and load again.
Leaderboard times not updating sometimes also since v0.1

ACC needs an easier way to report bugs in general, other devs implemented a button ingame (subnautica,forest etc.) for the early access period, ticket system or use the steam forum. The average person will not create an account on some website ... insight the game the official forum as a way to report bugs is not even mentioned. Feedback is not wanted at all i guess.
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My biggest problem (among many) is that the tires still don't feel like pneumatic rubber devices. They lack the 'springiness' of rubber (technically, 'hysteresis;' what makes a rubber ball bounce); they feel like wooden tires on a sandpaper road.
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My biggest problem (among many) is that the tires still don't feel like pneumatic rubber devices. They lack the 'springiness' of rubber (technically, 'hysteresis'); they feel like wooden tires on a sandpaper road.

Tires felt great to me in R1. Less great later. People complained about "delayed" feel so it became more responsive, precise and suggestive, more linear, which is perhaps what you relate to wooden feel ? Though wooden feel would break your FFB :D

Do you mean hysteresis at the very contact patch ? I don't think you can possibly feel hysteresis, you simply feel the grip which it produces with increasing grip as tread squeezes harder into irregularities of tarmac. You should feel tire flex and responsiveness.
My biggest problem (among many) is that the tires still don't feel like pneumatic rubber devices. They lack the 'springiness' of rubber (technically, 'hysteresis;' what makes a rubber ball bounce); they feel like wooden tires on a sandpaper road.

I have to partially agree on this.

Don't get me wrong I'm having a blast like never before in this sim, but the whole lot feels pretty stiff under the body of the car. I can live with it but I still noticed it
I don't know what everyone is so going on about what I said. I gave my opinion as others have given theirs. I guess mine what was not in line with what everyone wanted to hear or agreed with. Oh well. Let the insults fly. Purely one-sided this site is no doubt. As usual I get insulted and that's ok. Give it back, everyone jumps up and points the finger at me. Lol. Pretty laughable really. Whatever Kunos does is great and perfect genius. I get it now.
The ABS changes really helped, I don't notice TC changes as much except shifting out of first in corners, it's just more stable. The turn in is really sharp now and braking can be done into the corner much easier. I don't know if it's realistic but it makes the newer cars much more pointy at low speeds.
I don't know what everyone is so going on about what I said. I gave my opinion as others have given theirs. I guess mine what was not in line with what everyone wanted to hear or agreed with. Oh well. Let the insults fly. Purely one-sided this site is no doubt. As usual I get insulted and that's ok. Give it back, everyone jumps up and points the finger at me. Lol. Pretty laughable really. Whatever Kunos does is great and perfect genius. I get it now.
I like trash talking ACC too, maybe we can be buds.
Companies are free to sell what they want. Consumers buying into the EA "experience" when they're clearly not understanding what they're buying is the problem.

Unfortunately, I have learned that it doesn't matter how many times you repeat this. Some people will just not get it, either by utter lack of wits, or by pure and simple stubborness.

I will keep repeating it nonetheless, because I'm also stubborn :)

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