Assetto Corsa on Console - New Trailer Released

Paul Jeffrey

Assetto Corsa 3.jpg

With the build up to a console release for Assetto Corsa in full swing, Kunos Simulazioni have released a new console trailer titled Built for Racers, showing off the sim in spectacular fashion.

Assetto Corsa on console has been fraught with delays and issues since Kunos and 505 Games first announced the move, however it now looks like the long awaited release is finally happening, bringing the popular simulation to Xbox One and PlayStation 4 gamers for the very first time.

It is expected that build 1.8 and the Tripl3 DLC for PC will be released to coincide with the console launch.

Catch the new trailer below.

Assetto Corsa Built For Racers Trailer:

Assetto Corsa will be released for console on 26th August (Europe) and 30th August (North America) respectively

Check the Assetto Corsa sub forum for Xbox, PS4 and PC news for the Italian racing simulation. Look out for the latest and greatest mods, club racing events for all versions of the game and of course the great community spirt here at RD.

It's close, very close indeed... looking forward to Assetto Corsa on console? Let us know in the comments section below!
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You right dude. With aids "on" it's easy as well but simmers play with aids "off" and I'm not sure users are ready to put aids "on". They will prefer said : "Ohhh it's not a good game, car doesn't stay on track without assists...blablabla".

I'm stop talking about this. Let's see it in 6 months :)

Most likely the majority of the users won't touch the default settings, and most cars come with factory assists (TC&ABS).

And even without assists the cars are very driveable.
bla bla bla

I've already suggested you on twitter to stop the nonsense, it seems you did not get the message.

In short, you basically have no idea about software development in general, let alone software development on AC. But that's not really something to blame, you are in the exact same position as 99,99% of the other users. The only difference, is that you think your FUD is somehow justified, and that's where the problem begins.

So let's go over it once and for all:
- majority of games made for console and Pc was restrictided for console support. (in terms of servers / framerate / textures / controller support / gameplay / mod / philosophy)

The majority of games are developed in PARALLEL on the 3 platforms.. OR, get developed for console first then ported to the PC, sometimes by different companies even. In that case yes, the PC port might be the one that end up suffering. This is CLEARLY not AC case, that has been delivered on the PC for years and now moving to console, so it's the opposite route. There is NO WAY PC can be affected by this other than us going totally mental. Perhaps that's your point? You are trying to say we're gone (or will go) mental and brake the PC version just because we want to screw you?

Look last information concerning AC changelog for release 1.8 :
- New cars (all already seen on trailer a year ago.. because already promise to community)
- Graphics performance improvements !!!

They lost time for that because what ? Because PS4 and XboxOne cannot reach 1080p at 60fps correctly. For information you can play AC in 1080p at about 40fps with embeded Intel HD4000 graphic cheat include on Intel Core i5 Haswell ou newer. Let's imagine when I plug my GTX970 ?

Again, you are talking nonsense. Performance optimizations are done PER PLATFORM. The way you optimize on the PC is different from the way you optimize on PS4 and it's different from the way you optimize for XB1. So Performance Optimizations for 1.8 means PC optimizations. In AC in particular, the rendering engine is vastly different from PC to console. So we (actually in this case I, because I am in charge of the PC renderer) are "wasting" out time to make the PC version faster and better looking than it is, AND THAT'S IT.

So yes, they can seriously lost time for console release like a lot of gamebrands that why I think if PS4 users demand to set the Simulator easier, the probability to do that is not 0%... (money is money)

I don't know what the console users expect from AC, and I couldn't care less. My answer to everybody that will find AC (or any software I work on) too hard will always be the same it has been for the last 15 years developing simulators: "Learn to drive". Regardless of the platform they use.

I hope these answers will clarify the situation and you will understand that you and your pals have been talking nonsense since yesterday. I find that annoying first, insulting second, and that's why you were blocked on my personal account where I have no obligation to withstand attacks by paranoid users just because they woke up thinking we've gone mental and will **** on 15 years of work for whatever reason.

kthxbye.. lol
Pad driveability is important thing on these driving games for consoles, most ppl still drive with pad. I will drive this with pad too at least some times, I'll get XOne's version 'cause my friend has One and he doesn't have wheel. I can drive XOne-version with wheel same way as pc-version because I have CSW v2 with several rims.

pCArs's console versions left lots of improvement space to pad control-section, you can drive pCars with pad but it's quite horrible experience, even after all pad settings it's way too sensitive and ie you can't save slides etc. And when talkin about Forza 6, its problems are opposite ones, wheel driving is horrible due bad ffb, I rather drive Forza with pad.

All in all, Assetto could be first complete package in sim-sector for consoles. You should be able to drive with pad just fine, but you can use wheel for more speed and accuracy. So something for everyone.

When talking about consoles otherwise, would say that PS4 would have been my choice but since friend has XOne I choose that.
AND when we now know that s**t from Sony to make Fanatec wheels useless with PS4, damn... that makes me just so frikkin angry all the time.
This is from Marco's FB:
Some thoughs and answers to assumptions and theories I read on forums about the launch of Assetto Corsa on console, the future of AC, the neverending question "will Kunos turn it in an simcadish on PS4/X1 to sell more?", or -even better- "will Kunos turn the PC version in a simcadish to please a wider audience?"

Usually I don't get bored to read hundreds (thousands?) of times the same questions people ask me, since I understand that everyday lot of people hear about Assetto Corsa for the first time. But when the same people ask the same questions or they underline the same points, sometime can be boring. Even because, no one needs to believe us. Just see and evaluate by yourself what there is out there.

Assetto Corsa console -> will be a simplified/simcade version of AC?
Since last January, on the internet there are a lot of "hands on" and previews of the console version, always played using a steering wheel. We showed it during the European tour, during the Vallelunga event last May, and the conclusions of the players/journalists have been always "it feels like the pc version".

Another clue: what is the most known and appreciated characteristic of Assetto Corsa? Its car handling, and driving feeling. Which is the best reason why console gamers may decide to play Assetto Corsa, rather than Forza, or Gran Turismo? The number of cars? The graphics? I would say the fidelity of the simulation, the unique handling, the laserscanned tracks, the depth that a PC simulation can perform. If we subtract these factors, Assetto Corsa can't compete with these titles, because it couldn't offer nothing more these titles (created by talented people) feature at their best since years.

The most annoying question: now that AC console is ready for release, is going Kunos to make the PC version of AC more arcadish?
The console version of Assetto Corsa has been announced in mid 2015, the team started to work on it in late 2014. Since then, the PC version has been constantly improved, updated, expanded, with 7 major builds, several new tyre models (now we are at version 10 - TEN) adding features asked from SIMracers, and now we are going to release the 1.8 version on August 26th. The popularity of AC on PC is at the maximum level, it's often in the Top chartz on Steam, people love it and enjoy it everyday, and they support us each time we release new features and content. Please give me a logical reason why we should change this, after 18 months of HUGE development brought ahead on PC after the 1.0 release. Simply, there is no reason why we should do this.

We decided to bring AC on console to give ourselves THE answer to the question: "there is any potential on console market for a simulation like AC?". We'll know it soon. But the only way to answer this question is to bring on console the same experience people appreciate so much on PC, at the best we can. Period.

So, keep calm, don't worry. The only way we can change the soul of our most successful creation is to make it even stronger.

Ah. The picture? Just an excuse to capture your attention.. :p
And yes: it's a non-exclusive Porsche 911 RSR 3.0 1974...

And you know why Assetto Corsa will feature officially licensed Porsche cars before any other out there? Because Porsche has choosen Assetto Corsa for its applications, due to the quality of the overall package: graphics-physics-care of details-handling -track accuracy. So, there's no way for us to change our DNA.
I've already suggested you on twitter to stop the nonsense, it seems you did not get the message.

In short, you basically have no idea about software development in general, let alone software development on AC. But that's not really something to blame, you are in the exact same position as 99,99% of the other users. The only difference, is that you think your FUD is somehow justified, and that's where the problem begins.

So let's go over it once and for all:
- majority of games made for console and Pc was restrictided for console support. (in terms of servers / framerate / textures / controller support / gameplay / mod / philosophy)

The majority of games are developed in PARALLEL on the 3 platforms.. OR, get developed for console first then ported to the PC, sometimes by different companies even. In that case yes, the PC port might be the one that end up suffering. This is CLEARLY not AC case, that has been delivered on the PC for years and now moving to console, so it's the opposite route. There is NO WAY PC can be affected by this other than us going totally mental. Perhaps that's your point? You are trying to say we're gone (or will go) mental and brake the PC version just because we want to screw you?

Look last information concerning AC changelog for release 1.8 :
- New cars (all already seen on trailer a year ago.. because already promise to community)
- Graphics performance improvements !!!

They lost time for that because what ? Because PS4 and XboxOne cannot reach 1080p at 60fps correctly. For information you can play AC in 1080p at about 40fps with embeded Intel HD4000 graphic cheat include on Intel Core i5 Haswell ou newer. Let's imagine when I plug my GTX970 ?

Again, you are talking nonsense. Performance optimizations are done PER PLATFORM. The way you optimize on the PC is different from the way you optimize on PS4 and it's different from the way you optimize for XB1. So Performance Optimizations for 1.8 means PC optimizations. In AC in particular, the rendering engine is vastly different from PC to console. So we (actually in this case I, because I am in charge of the PC renderer) are "wasting" out time to make the PC version faster and better looking than it is, AND THAT'S IT.

So yes, they can seriously lost time for console release like a lot of gamebrands that why I think if PS4 users demand to set the Simulator easier, the probability to do that is not 0%... (money is money)

I don't know what the console users expect from AC, and I couldn't care less. My answer to everybody that will find AC (or any software I work on) too hard will always be the same it has been for the last 15 years developing simulators: "Learn to drive". Regardless of the platform they use.

I hope these answers will clarify the situation and you will understand that you and your pals have been talking nonsense since yesterday. I find that annoying first, insulting second, and that's why you were blocked on my personal account where I have no obligation to withstand attacks by paranoid users just because they woke up thinking we've gone mental and will **** on 15 years of work for whatever reason.

kthxbye.. lol

Seriously - watching you rant at users of your software almost makes me sorry I paid money for it. Try a little humility for the 15 years people have been using your software - which while good is not the best out there.

Just admit your company is chasing the console market for the extra revenue - the fan base won't be mad, honest. But stop trying to pretend you won't chase the most profitable market - its the appropriate thing to do when you have a growing company to keep afloat, even if it means 1 audience (either console or PC, we don't know which yet) will have to accept compromises.

Oh, and try checking that temper of yours at the door - you'll live longer, less stress on the heart LOL ;)
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Seriously - watching you rant at users of your software almost makes me sorry I paid money for it. Try a little humility for the 15 years people have been using your software - which while good is not the best out there.

Just admit your company is chasing the console market for the extra revenue - the fan base won't be mad, honest. But stop trying to pretend you won't chase the most profitable market - its the appropriate thing to do when you have a growing company to keep afloat, even if it means 1 audience (either console or PC, we don't know which yet) will have to accept compromises.

Oh, and try checking that temper of yours at the door - you'll live longer, less stress on the heart LOL ;)

aaaand... thx for reminding me why posting on forums is a waste of time.

back to work
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aaaand... thx for reminding me why posting on forums is a waste of time.

back to work
Yes - it is people like myself that BUY your software that keep your lights on. Keep up this angry push back long enough and you will see people NOT buy your software.

There is a reason Turn 10 and PD keep the devs away from direct contact with the public, you are all your own worst enemies. No need to attack the people that buy your product. LOL

And as to the real reason you decided to port to console are we supposed to believe you have spent the time and money and effort just to "see if console market is ready for a PC sim"? This entire exercise is just an experiment?

The reason is surely that you hope that there is more money in console sales. And again, there is nothing wrong with increased sales. It is after all just business - without business you guys would end up like every other small PC sim studio over the last 17 years. The doors would slam shut for good. And we don't want that do we. I mean where else could we go for a good couple laps of sim racing and dose of insults on the side ;) LOL
aaaand... thx for reminding me why posting on forums is a waste of time.

back to work

Hej !
1st : I'm a Swedish player and driver, my english is not very good and i used to speak svenska in my country, so sorry for my english guys.

I want to tell you that you don 't have to speak with your customers like that. We are your monney, and we are your futur. Try to speak with us with an other When you talk to a customer try to speak with another tone.

2nd : I ve got the same worries about the game and may be the question have been asked a lots of times. Does this game will become a console game on our PC. I understand your work Stefano, i understand this game, i love this game, i love your work on it. but you can't ignore that all the cars games on console are not hardcore simulation. if you "build up to a console release for Assetto Corsa" you will be faced with a different kind of players. They don't have the same stuff as a PC user. May some of thems will have but around 80 % of your new customers will not have a wheel and bucket with three screens and lots of others things we can have on PC to improve our comfort and realism.

3 rd : You know, i'm pretty sure that you ll have to spend and earn lots of monney for your build up to console release. That's a fact. We know that and we are aware of this reality. We do not contest that. Simply admit it.
We will see if you will do the same things that your are doing with this console release. You ve said that the game will never be on console few times ago, and nowdays it is. You tell us that the game difficulty and réalism will never change because of the console release, we are worries about the following the development on PC.

All these things do not question your developer talent or beauty of the game Assetto Corsa, it s a very nice simulation game. We love it.

Please talk to your customers instead of bashing thems.

Best regards.
I've already suggested you on twitter to stop the nonsense, it seems you did not get the message.
And ? We cannot speak ? Do you block everyone who are not agree with you ? Are you an admin on Racedepartement to block me again ? Deal ? #kthxby

In short, you basically have no idea about software development in general, let alone software development on AC. But that's not really something to blame, you are in the exact same position as 99,99% of the other users. The only difference, is that you think your FUD is somehow justified, and that's where the problem begins.
Do you know all about me ? My work ? Maybe I'm just a kid who spend my money on your company. Maybe I'm baker, a physicist. Maybe a dev for an other company than Kunos ! Maybe Kunos isn't the center of the world ? Don't be patronizing... you're not a kid, don't speak like kid.

The majority of games are developed in PARALLEL on the 3 platforms.. OR, get developed for console first then ported to the PC, sometimes by different companies even. In that case yes, the PC port might be the one that end up suffering. This is CLEARLY not AC case, that has been delivered on the PC for years and now moving to console, so it's the opposite route. There is NO WAY PC can be affected by this other than us going totally mental. Perhaps that's your point? You are trying to say we're gone (or will go) mental and brake the PC version just because we want to screw you?[...]
Again, you are talking nonsense. Performance optimizations are done PER PLATFORM. The way you optimize on the PC is different from the way you optimize on PS4 and it's different from the way you optimize for XB1. So Performance Optimizations for 1.8 means PC optimizations. In AC in particular, the rendering engine is vastly different from PC to console. So we (actually in this case I, because I am in charge of the PC renderer) are "wasting" out time to make the PC version faster and better looking than it is, AND THAT'S IT.
Now you speak with capital letters? Are you angry ? It is 11am, go drink a coffee and relax. (heart attack incoming ?)

I don't know what the console users expect from AC, and I couldn't care less. My answer to everybody that will find AC (or any software I work on) too hard will always be the same it has been for the last 15 years developing simulators: "Learn to drive". Regardless of the platform they use.
Thank you ! "Learn to drive" -> Just the answer we need. (after 12 hours of reflection and 550 words.. clap clap clap)

I hope these answers will clarify the situation and you will understand that you and your pals have been talking nonsense since yesterday. I find that annoying first, insulting second, and that's why you were blocked on my personal account where I have no obligation to withstand attacks by paranoid users just because they woke up thinking we've gone mental and will **** on 15 years of work for whatever reason.
We insulted nobody. Me and others players (players=customers) (not just my pals as you said) have just some questions. Look picture again and find insult. (I post it again you can't delete it. Deal ?). Your answer is unacceptable and inconsistent: "I will not put you on block. Deal ?"

kthxbye.. lol
lol ? Yes, It's mature after 15 years of work? Seriously ?
Take away my "second" doubt. kthxbye means "go away retard" ?

You're right, it's a waste of time. Continue turning around the jar. All here understand what you're doing. Deal ?

Seriously - watching you rant at users of your software almost makes me sorry I paid money for it. Try a little humility for the 15 years people have been using your software - which while good is not the best out there.

Just admit your company is chasing the console market for the extra revenue - the fan base won't be mad, honest. But stop trying to pretend you won't chase the most profitable market - its the appropriate thing to do when you have a growing company to keep afloat, even if it means 1 audience (either console or PC, we don't know which yet) will have to accept compromises.

Oh, and try checking that temper of yours at the door - you'll live longer, less stress on the heart LOL ;)
+1 Omg ! Some people understand the real issue :) Thx.


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I have more Pcars Xbox One leagues than I can keep up with, and an enthusiastic SIM racing community that still thoroughly enjoys the game. A little research next time perhaps?
I am pretty sure that you can find leagues using console games, but that was not my point. Next to the fact that it would be alot more important to know, how many sim leagues are running on PC compared to consoles. Because that is actually the real real question we are trying to answer.

It was also not my point to claim that sims can't be played on a console, as we had that allready in 2009. My point is also not that you can't play sims with gamepads as there are many people who play a sim with a gamepad on the PC.
My point is that you will never get the same allround experience on a console than on a PC for the reasons I allready mentioned and that's not too hard to comprehend. I am hundred percent sure, that you won't see leagues like VEC or FSR running AC or PC on the XBox One or PS in the foreseeable future.

Peace and out ;)
Seriously - watching you rant at users of your software almost makes me sorry I paid money for it. Try a little humility for the 15 years people have been using your software - which while good is not the best out there

They are tired of repeating themselves, I would be annoyed too.. at least they are honest, instead of generic sanitized PR answers. How about waiting for the goddamn game first, before telling how it's like, people?

While I have no interest in getting a console, I hope it sells well there because it will affect developer resources, money to license new tracks and cars on PC. NOBODY pretends they don't care about console sales. Wanting to be successful isn't a sin. They just said (for the 1000th time) they won't turn their coats to do that, but stick to their guns and let the chips fall where they may.

Physics realism, the only selling point over giants like Forza and GT, yeah let's downgrade that, brilliant idea.
They just said (for the 1000th time) they won't turn their coats to do that, but stick to their guns and let the chips fall where they may.
"for the 1000th time" = maybe because lot of players ask the same question and have the same worries ?

My God... I wish there was an IQ test required before earning posting privileges on internet forums.
Yes, you will probably not pass it :)
Speak about IQ = nothing interesting to say.
Before speaking about IQ, try to understand this thread topic ! Ahahah #kthxbye
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