Assetto Corsa Xbox Update Delayed Further - Release Date Unknown

Paul Jeffrey

Assetto Corsa Xbox One Update Delayed.jpg

The debacle that is the scheduled Xbox One update for Assetto Corsa has taken yet another nose dive, with Kunos Simulazioni admitting the planned release date of this week has slipped... again.

Unfortunately the process of requesting and subsequently receiving update approvals for games hosted on the Microsoft family of consoles is a difficult and challenging path in which to negotiate, a difficulty Kunos and their console development partners 505 Games have fallen foul of previously when attempting to deploy updates for the title in the recent past.

Expecting to bring the Xbox version in line with its PC and PlayStation 4 counterparts earlier in the year, the initial update launch was held back by Microsoft in order to allow the developers more time to work on some issues highlighted by the console giants. Following a period of silence on the subject from Kunos and 505 Games the developers took to their official social media channels earlier this month to confirm an expected release of the 1.14 update was scheduled for the end of the previous week. Of course this deadline has now passed and it appears that an end to the update saga is still not yet within sight.

With yet another deadline overdue, Kunos have recently confirmed that an exact release date for the next patch is still up in the air for Xbox players, with the following statement regarding the state of the title below:

"Hi everyone. We just wanted to give you all an update on the situation regarding Update v 1.14 on Xbox One... As you know, we have encountered some issues in our submissions process and we're not in the clear yet! We understand that this is incredibly frustrating for our players and we can only apologise at this stage for the delay.

We will of course, keep you up to date with the latest and as soon as we're ready to launch, we will let you all know!"

It is in no doubt that this latest blow must come as disappointing news for Xbox One Assetto Corsa players, however stay tuned to RaceDepartment as we bring you the latest updates on the situation as and when they become available.

Assetto Corsa is available to purchase on PC, Xbox One and PlayStation 4 right now.

The Assetto Corsa sub forum here at RaceDepartment is a great place to get together with your fellow sim racing fans and discuss the simulation on all three launch platforms for the title. As well as providing a space on the internet for you to chat, read the latest news and throw out any questions to your fellow sim racing fans, we also host a range of pretty awesome club racing events in a wide variety of cars, plus we have a substantial archive of regularly updated mods for you to browse and download at your leisure. Head over, say hello and get involved today!

Xbox One player? What do you think of the current situation regarding the title on the console? Are you looking forward to the update, do you think these sorts of issues shouldn't be happening now? Let us know in the comments section below!
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Microsoft just has higher standards than Sony for updates. If the update is delayed, it means it hasn't "passed tech inspection", to use a racing term.

Which is strange considering Kunos does seminars on how to successfully port a game and maintain it on consoles.

So if Sony is so lenient with game updates on their console, which are the problems Microsoft is avoiding that PS4 users are experiencing with AC since the last update? Please tell us so that we believe you that Microsoft is actually doing a good service to their players and Sony is doing bad service to their players by having let through the AC update a month ago.

Is another case where you don't know what you're talking about.
So if Sony is so lenient with game updates on their console, which are the problems Microsoft is avoiding that PS4 users are experiencing with AC since the last update? Please tell us so that we believe you that Microsoft is actually doing a good service to their players and Sony is doing bad service to their players by having let through the AC update a month ago.

Is another case where you don't know what you're talking about.

Realistically, it's just back-end stuff the user doesn't see.
Realistically, it's just back-end stuff the user doesn't see.
You've been using that video a lot in your articles and replies. I still don't know why, are you trying to give the impression that the presentation is false because of xbox one problems? There's no relation there whatsoever. The presentation is for the technical side, they are explaining what was required to port the game, the differences to pc, and so on. But that is simply the practical and theoretical process, doesn't mean the results for the end user will be perfect; mostly because xbox one is under spec for a game like AC where is important to have good/great cpu, and this console lacks in that department for intensive games like Assetto Corsa. No wonder sony and microsoft had to beef up their consoles and release new ones, many titles were suffering with reaching the performance players wanted. Yet it seems this single video and this single game are the scapegoat of something... But that is normal when we have pretend integrity for the sim racing scene.
You've been using that video a lot in your articles and replies. I still don't know why, are you trying to give the impression that the presentation is false because of xbox one problems? There's no relation there whatsoever. The presentation is for the technical side, they are explaining what was required to port the game, the differences to pc, and so on. But that is simply the practical and theoretical process, doesn't mean the results for the end user will be perfect; mostly because xbox one is under spec for a game like AC where is important to have good/great cpu, and this console lacks in that department for intensive games like Assetto Corsa. No wonder sony and microsoft had to beef up their consoles and release new ones, many titles were suffering with reaching the performance players wanted. Yet it seems this single video and this single game are the scapegoat of something... But that is normal when we have pretend integrity for the sim racing scene.

Possibly because it is one of the most cringeworthy attempts to explain the porting process ever released to the public? Smacked of having no idea what they were doing which they seem to be striving to prove.

There is no suggestion the consoles have been upgraded for performance, just for 4K graphics. We console peasants can use the extra RAM to boost performance at 1080p or have 4k graphics, not both. All the new release games are going to have to work on the original consoles too.

Console performance has nothing to do with console games being able to offer fully customisable multiplayer lobbies, they've been doing that for over a decade. Do you realise that is all this update attempted to add?

@kunos and his devs (they are all over the good news of course but AWOL here once again, no surprise.) have gone mute in this thread but they already previously stated that it isn't the hardware causing issues but having the quality people to code for the hardware is.

Name me another game that launched in PC early access solved the majority of problems then ported an earlier PC beta with all the solved bugs back in it to console. I know of no such other game. Elite Dangerous is similarly complex, started as bare bones beta on PC but when it launched on console (after a wise Preview programme debut) it was the same game and every update has launched at the same time. Small studio too (bigger than Kunos but they also make more than one game) yet they did it and still do it.

Make all the excuses you want, none of them stacks up.
So if Sony is so lenient with game updates on their console, which are the problems Microsoft is avoiding that PS4 users are experiencing with AC since the last update? Please tell us so that we believe you that Microsoft is actually doing a good service to their players and Sony is doing bad service to their players by having let through the AC update a month ago.

It's quite embarassing that stuff like this hasn't been noticed by the developers or the Sony QA team.
Elite Dangerous is similarly complex, started as bare bones beta on PC but when it launched on console (after a wise Preview programme debut) it was the same game and every update has launched at the same time. Small studio too (bigger than Kunos but they also make more than one game) yet they did it and still do it.
What are you talking about? The Studio behind Elite Dangerous, Frontier Developments, has 300 employees.
What are you talking about? The Studio behind Elite Dangerous, Frontier Developments, has 300 employees.

Today maybe, not when Elite was launched on Xbox One. They also make significantly more than one game. Before ED launched on console 'they' all said it couldn't be done, too complex for the console, too many controls blah blah. They did it, Kunos can't. Like I said name another game that launched a fully functioning PC game then repeated then launched earlier beta code on console with all the earlier bugs, or vice versa for that matter.
Possibly because it is one of the most cringeworthy attempts to explain the porting process ever released to the public? Smacked of having no idea what they were doing which they seem to be striving to prove.

There is no suggestion the consoles have been upgraded for performance, just for 4K graphics. We console peasants can use the extra RAM to boost performance at 1080p or have 4k graphics, not both. All the new release games are going to have to work on the original consoles too.

Console performance has nothing to do with console games being able to offer fully customisable multiplayer lobbies, they've been doing that for over a decade. Do you realise that is all this update attempted to add?
If the upgrades aren't for performance as well, then why does PS4 Pro give stable 60fps on Assetto Corsa and other games while the standard PS4 can't?
Contrary to AC, other games rely more on the graphics performance of the consoles, but AC needs a good cpu, ram, graphics, to run the simulation at minimum 60fps. PS4 Pro has upgraded cpu and it immediately showed by running AC on that console without needing the devs to code anything else. However I think they also have the possibility to patch it for the Boost mode to run automatically when playing Assetto Corsa on the PS4 Pro.

"Possibly because it is one of the most cringeworthy attempts to explain the porting process ever released to the public?"

Are you a person working in the video game industry or in porting games to consoles to have any idea if that presentation was good or bad? If not, then take your buddy from PRC and both start studying this matter so that you can give informed replies. So far we only have armchair experts, and unfortunately we all lose when they say what they say.
what do you exactly expect me or the other devs to say?

An even communications approach to the good and bad news would be a start.

There are official press releases when good things like the new AI are a hit and the PS4 patch that was also a success, also as you know I praised both as great improvements.

An official statement, maybe even an official apology to your Xbox community, via the various social media channels, who have bought your game and the DLC. You are clearly a clever man, I suspect you know the power of an apology even in medical negligence cases. Marco seems to be more your PR man yet we hear few of his words toward the Xbox version, maybe that is a place to start.

The long periods of silence between communications causes a lot of the frustration, I think you must see this pattern by now in your own forum and elsewhere. Silence is a good way to damage trust and leaves us guessing. Your own communication with PC players is quick and responsive and as a result, you have a generally better relationship with your consumers.

Many other good games give a clear roadmap for improvement and specifically state when parity between versions will be achieved. I'd again site Frontier Games as an example of good practice with Elite Dangerous. Good information keeps customers smiling and buying more of your product.

Your press release after selling the company to Digital Bros said the sale would mean additional resources available for the development of the game. This is apparent on the PC version, to a lesser extent on the PS4 and difficult to detect for the Xbox One.

I'd suggest telling us more about the effort, the man hours, the company leadership attention on the Xbox version to gain some sort of parity. The sort of things I'd expect any company trying to build a lasting reputation for quality and customer service to do. Rebellion Developments CEO has a good blog that covers this type of thing for their customers.

I hope that is a polite enough response with some suggestions you might consider.

The main hope remains that one day the Xbox version has the same level of playability and choice that the current PC version offers. There is a whole community of Xbox One racers waiting for the chance to race on your game.

You've been a real success roll lately, this makes the disappointment deeper.
An even communications approach to the good and bad news would be a start.

There are official press releases when good things like the new AI are a hit and the PS4 patch that was also a success, also as you know I praised both as great improvements.

An official statement, maybe even an official apology to your Xbox community, via the various social media channels, who have bought your game and the DLC. You are clearly a clever man, I suspect you know the power of an apology even in medical negligence cases. Marco seems to be more your PR man yet we hear few of his words toward the Xbox version, maybe that is a place to start.

The long periods of silence between communications causes a lot of the frustration, I think you must see this pattern by now in your own forum and elsewhere. Silence is a good way to damage trust and leaves us guessing. Your own communication with PC players is quick and responsive and as a result, you have a generally better relationship with your consumers.

Many other good games give a clear roadmap for improvement and specifically state when parity between versions will be achieved. I'd again site Frontier Games as an example of good practice with Elite Dangerous. Good information keeps customers smiling and buying more of your product.

Your press release after selling the company to Digital Bros said the sale would mean additional resources available for the development of the game. This is apparent on the PC version, to a lesser extent on the PS4 and difficult to detect for the Xbox One.

I'd suggest telling us more about the effort, the man hours, the company leadership attention on the Xbox version to gain some sort of parity. The sort of things I'd expect any company trying to build a lasting reputation for quality and customer service to do. Rebellion Developments CEO has a good blog that covers this type of thing for their customers.

I hope that is a polite enough response with some suggestions you might consider.

The main hope remains that one day the Xbox version has the same level of playability and choice that the current PC version offers. There is a whole community of Xbox One racers waiting for the chance to race on your game.

You've been a real success roll lately, this makes the disappointment deeper.
You should visit more often other places than PRC, will do well for you. For example informs customers of the following:

Hi everyone. We just wanted to give you all an update on the situation regarding Update v 1.14 on Xbox One... As you know, we have encountered some issues in our submissions process and we're not in the clear yet! We understand that this is incredibly frustrating for our players and we can only apologise at this stage for the delay.

We will of course, keep you up to date with the latest and as soon as we're ready to launch, we will let you all know!

In fact, that post on facebook happened three days before this news on Racedepartment, where they also quoted what the fb post said. You didn't read this news you're replying to?
You should visit more often other places than PRC, will do well for you. For example informs customers of the following:

In fact, that post on facebook happened three days before this news on Racedepartment, where they also quoted what the fb post said. You didn't read this news you're replying to?

Oh I'm well aware of when the announcement was made thanks, I made my feelings well known on this site long before this news piece.

Why you assume I have any connection to PRC is beyond me, because he quoted me in his article? I have no control over that.

Make me wonder why you are so defensive though? I'm sceptical of anyone who can still defend this repeated delay nonsense 10 months.

Oh wait a minute a quick google just revealed you as another blind AC fanboy, got it.

You've missed an essential fact I love AC on PC, it's just eh Xbox debacle I have the issues with.

You have fun, bye bye.
Oh I'm well aware of when the announcement was made thanks, I made my feelings well known on this site long before this news piece.

Why you assume I have any connection to PRC is beyond me, because he quoted me in his article? I have no control over that.

Make me wonder why you are so defensive though? I'm sceptical of anyone who can still defend this repeated delay nonsense 10 months.

Oh wait a minute a quick google just revealed you as another blind AC fanboy, got it.

You've missed an essential fact I love AC on PC, it's just eh Xbox debacle I have the issues with.

You have fun, bye bye.
Where did I defend this delay? Thought so.
Unfortunately your judgment is so clouded that you make up things and call people fanboy when they don't blindly agree with what you say, only to suit your cognitive bias. I hope you're not one of those that think "if you're not with me, you're against me", so you go immediately the fanboy route.

No, I didn't even notice the people screenshoted in the prc article, I actually read some of the written comments there and I can clearly understand they come from you.

You said Kunos needed to apologize to the xbox community and inform them about another delay. Isn't that what they did last week on facebook? They also did it previously in the forum at the time of the previous delay. So this drama from you why?

Is not like you are misinformed or uninformed about these delays to the 1.14 update to xb1, so why this temper tantrum exactly? Things won't get solved faster just because you're attacking the devs so much. Maybe send an email to Microsoft and ask them. We will see when they will respond and if they do how much they will tell you.
@kunos response noted. My attempt to call on your better nature clearly failed. As I've said before you really do have the strangest way of relating to customers.

I've tried reason so now I will be more pointed. I meant a decent fist of an apology by you and or Marco to the Xbox community along the lines of the new AI release statement where he enthusiastically praised your team. I did not mean another one line apology from behind the skirt tails of your PR team, we've seen far too many of those.

Why? There is simply no other comparable Xbox One game that remains a distant relative from its PC counterpart 10 months after release. As I've tried reason and being polite I'll now be direct. Your console developers, especially in regard to the Xbox One version, appear entirely incompetent to your paying customers. It's complicated and our product is somehow different excuses no longer hold any sway. In early access/preview, this is all acceptable for a finished game it is not. Teams of developers usually follow their leaders' example but you are reportedly competent. So what behaviour are they following? I suspect it is your disinterest in or even disdain for consoles in general, so often expressed by your most rabid followers and even your beta testers.

Your unfinished and feature incomplete game is the reason video games need greater regulation to stop this kind of marketing bluff over the ability to actually deliver. You pulled off the magicians trick, in your right hand, Kunos distracted the audience with the idea of the exact same (your words) acclaimed PC game coming to console. In your left hand, you only had an empty console game box which you are still scrambling to complete. One day, after you've stopped counting the money, I think you will reflect and see this is just not the way things are done.

A real apology to the Xbox community, a timeline for a fix and some level of confidence in the effort of your team to solve this problem and I'd have left it here. Instead, I will redouble my efforts to see regulation in place that stops this sort of business practice in video games.

:laugh: your pejorative view of console players is well known - what is it again every console owner should "get a pc" or words to that effect. A deeply troubling view as you are openly as good as part of the Kunos development team. So politely jog on, there's a good chap.

I believe you are based in Trumpton formerly known as the USofA? This might explain why you believe capitalism without any control is OK. In Europe things are different. For example, people who are involved in the development of a product, especially if they are paid, have to declare their interest clearly before they promote the product. Pretending to be just another paying customer with no connection is a well-known problem. There are even laws here to prevent such behaviour. It's because the impact of cognitive bias is well known. You're a superfan and for you Kunos can do no wrong. Declare your interest and let the world know that's the point of view you are coming from.
what is it again every console owner should "get a pc" or words to that effect
Yes, they should. AC on PC is brilliant; on console, not so much.
On PC we have already patiently waited through 'SOON™' and now have a (nearly) complete game/sim. The console users still have to go through the pain known as 'SOON™', and that pain will even be compounded because of the QA process on the console. (submit your build, along with a fat check, and we will let you know in three to eight weeks if you need to do it again)
And least 39% of the goodness of AC comes from it's open arms policy towards modding.

So yeah, for those sim-enthusiasts that are about to spend $600+ for the new xbox and Forza I would highly recommend for them to spend that money on a second hand PC instead.
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This is just going to be a short comment that may be worth considering, mainly to help with your own happiness here as you seem quite flustered with your replies.

If you arent enjoying a product, if it doesnt bring you joy, and all you have to say about it are numerous complaints... why do you still play it? Why continue doing something that doesnt make you happy?

Why not take a step back... stop playing, and do something else? It will eventually get this update, and once that happens you can try to return and experience the game once it fixes a number of your complaints.

It is illogical to keep doing something that you only have complaints about.

@kunos great to see the update is finally here but I'm sad :( to say as far as the Custom Lobbies are concerned it isn't currently working.

Each time I try to create a custom lobby the game becomes unresponsive on this screen:


Settings were:

Invite Only, no password

Brands Hatch GP

16 GT2/3 Cars, (I've tried different combinations of cars too that made no difference).


Car selection:
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