Automobilista 2 | Early Access Now Available

Paul Jeffrey

Reiza Studios have today deployed the first official Early Access build for their new Automobilista 2 racing simulation.

It's here folks! A new build of the much anticipated Automobilista 2, now publicly available in Steam Early Access has landed!

Release announcement in full:

Automobilista 2 is finally here! We are very excited to be able to share what we have been working on all this time.

Please note that as an Early Access release the game is not yet complete - Time Trial & Championship mode are currently disabled but should become available over the first few weeks of Early Access.

Below are some further known common issues and limitations of:this initial release:
  • UI & HUD are still deep in development, and currently feature the essentials for all game modes to work - this will be expanded with new options & features over the course of EA, with same pages being completely redesigned.
  • Early Access is exclusively in English for the time being; Localization to other languages should only be added in time for the full Release.
  • Driver names, suits and helmets are generic for all series as the whole system is being reestructured (also part of requirements for a revamped Opponents settings and the Custom Championship Tool);
  • All 3D driver animations are still placeholders and may not fully fit the car yet;
  • Other Car-related 3D animations have not been exported which mean suspension arms are graphically static, damage is very limited and wiper are not operational
  • Some series still have WIP or placeholder liveries - these will be updated or expanded over the course of Early Access

The are many other substantial updates to every front of the game planned for Automobilista 2 throughout Early Access and beyond - we´ll be posting regular updates to inform what´s coming up the pipeline as we progress.

AMS 2 EA Release.jpg


Default FFB settings are designed for Logitech G2X series - if you have wheels with stronger motors you should scale those settings down to avoid clipping.

A more detailed guide for FFB settings will follow up soon.

AMS 2 EA Release 2.jpg


Upon this release AMS2 BETA owners will have two AMS2 apps in their Steam library - the Beta and this Main Release.

Both apps will be the same as of tonight and for the next few days until the next AMS2 Beta update (which may or may not be also deployed to AMS2 Main depending on the importance of the updates).

If you are an exclusively offline racer there is no reason to install the Main Release of AMS2 - you may continue using exclusively AMS2 Beta. If however you plan to race online or run Time Trial mode when it becomes available with non-Beta users, you must install the Main Release.

If you have further questions about AMS2, please make sure to check on our AMS2 FAQ here

Remember folks, although the simulation has moved from closed beta status, the title is still very much in Early Access state. Don't load up expecting a fully realised and finished title just yet, but I'm sure you will agree with me that the road to V1 status is going to be an exciting journey...

AMS 2 is available now via Steam Early Access.

Having trouble with the game? Post a new thread in the AMS 2 sub forum here at RaceDepartment and our exceptional community will help you out!
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See this post:

This post should be pinned!
Also worth mentioning, that FX is NOT canned effects, like even some YTers stated in the past...
And also quoting Domagoj Logvric, the dev in charge of FFB and other things, from Reiza forums:

"Low force boost will never saturate high forces. It is meant to "boost low forces". Without affecting higher ones (or having negligible effect on them)"

"Low force boost does not clip high forces, i can assure you that."

Also, Renato is supposed to publish a guide on how to setup FFB best.
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The oversensitive braking issue is very curious to me. A lot of the people complaining about it on Rieza's forums are using the same pedals as me (Fanatec clubsport V3.). I haven't had any problems with braking since I started testing the game in beta 1. The cars in AMS2 don't brake any different for me than they do in any other sim, including ACC, rF2, Raceroom, etc. I'm curious to see what the remedy for these people with the braking problem is. I gotta believe they aren't set up right, or calibrated right, because with the same pedal set I am having no problems.

I agree. Since calibrating my pedals in-game this morning I've found braking to be fine. I lower the sensitivity by just 5-10% in the setup for most cars and I have no issues with locking up. I would say that by default the brakes do feel more somewhat more sensitive than other sims I use, but not overly so. So I don't understand all the issues either. Very odd.

Just tried the AM2 game last night and really like the game with VR. Worked very well with my Oculus Rift S.
I kept the game at default settings...
If you've got a 1060 or better, don't be afraid to bump up the graphics options. I'm running everything on high with a Rift S and it's running smoothly with 20+ cars on track.

OK, verdict so far guys after 13 pages of replies?
No offense, but just read through the thread. With that question you're just going to get another 13 pages of differing opinions.
OK, verdict so far guys after 13 pages of replies?
The game is very unfinished and offers quite a lot for a Beta, the FFB is just like AMS1 and not even close to AMS1, physics are nothing like pCars2 and very much the same as pCars2, brakes are oversensitive or maybe not, fanboys like it while haters don't. That pretty much wraps it up. ;)
For people who get the feeling the car pivots from centre, have you found a solution?

To me on a DD1 and motion rig, the cars all feel (some more than others) they are pivoting from the centre. A very odd feeling from games of old, like you're driving a solid cube or something.

Strangely, if I change from cockpit view to the one where you see no car, (bumber cam?) it starts to feel ok... It's a strange feeling in VR in that view, crazy fast, but it works much better... Very odd.

I've played with cockpit & helmet cam. I've change the camera settings, changed FFB settings but I can't get away from the pivot thing.

EDIT:. I'm beginning to think it's a visual thing. If I close my eyes for the corners :confused: it feels ok...hmmmm

Do we know when the next update is due?
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OK, verdict so far guys after 13 pages of replies?

Does it (/Will it have in the future) have good physics, handling and FFB?

My main sim is Assetto Corsa and I think AC's physics/FFB are more realistic at the moment.
The game does feel pretty good tho, better than Project Cars 2. But it still has some flaws...

- The AI is pretty bad right now
- I think driving through slow corners feels too disconnected (especially in old F1 cars)
- I find it a lot harder to catch the car when driving over the limit
- The 1200hp F1 car doesn't feel scary enough, it'll spin its wheels but it's too controllable compared to AC

The FFB in general is pretty detailed though
Most engines sound great but in some cars the up and downshifts sound really stuttery and weird (like PC2)
The tire model is also really good, probably the same tech as PC2 but slightly improved.

My only comparison with real life is the rental kart unfortunately but that one does feel a bit off to me...
They nailed the sound and the performance is exactly the same as the karts at my local track but the rental kart in-game understeers all the time, while the real one oversteered every time when driving on/over the limit.

One thing I personally dislike is the lack of authenticity of some of the cars. A lot of stuff is unlicensed and the 2018 F1 steering wheel screen has some features that it doesn't have irl like a vertical shift indicator and the KERS isn't adjustable.

But overall I'd say it's a pretty sound investment. It's really cheap at the moment, feels good for an early access title and it has content that other sims don't offer!
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just my short opinion in limited english (don`t like spend time with translater :rolleyes:)

What i wanted to have with AMS2 ??

I wanted great ffb/physics (AMS like) combined with great visuals (with this engine obviously like PC2)
Furthermore i wanted a custom championship ( a must have) mode and/or career mode..

What do we got so far?

ffb/physics - in my opinion few cars comes near the original AMS feeling. But a lot of cars do not even close.
They feel more like PC2 or something in between (T300).

Visuals - Hmm maybe that suprise a lot of you guys, but for me PC2 looks a lot better. A lot ! I think here is a lot of potential unused. I am exited to see if this will improve in future. The graphics are a bit disappointing so far. (everything maxed out @WHQD).
I don`t know, maybe i am to spoiled of playing another fantastic looking games ( No sims)

Also the sound is .... don`t know.... just there. Nothing special. Nothing what would make me enthusiastic.

Championship mode and career moder are not there in the moment - will be in the future, so no reason to judge the game here for.

But in this moment - there is no reason to play this game. (having 5 another sims also installed)
Just wait and see if it will go in the right direction.
Well rf2 is an eternal beta. I have only logged a couple of hours so far on AMS2 but already find the driving experience more fun than many other Sims rf2 included. Raced the super V8 at Montreal last night and could not get the grin off my face. Could feel the weight of the car and trying to take the final chicane with a bit of kerb I was two wheeling just like they do in real life. Never before in 23 years or racing Sims have I had to fight a car the way I had to in order to get it around the lap, it was epic. If this is a sign of things to come then it will be the top Sim. Even its current state it has displaced rf2 to the backwaters for me.

Good to hear you like it and enjoy the good things it has, lots, no doubt - I love AMS 1, and many good things have been ported from the first instalment, but personally I prefer to wait until it is much more
polished, no hurry.

Try the Copa Classics with the Puma, Fiat One and Fusca cars at Cascavel and Curvelo; I love these combos. I hope they still drive great in AMS 2.
I looked at the carlist and I got upset.

Maybe I want too much, but if in this game for example DTM 2019 / ADAC Masters 2019 - it would be an instant purchase.

Too bad there are no official championships. I can not say that I would like to see the GT3/4 - it is everywhere, but I certainly do not like imaginary cars.

I'll wait for the 90s DTM.

There's no Imaginary cars in AMS 2. Only the liveries
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For people who get the feeling the car pivots from centre, have you found a solution?
Yes, drive an other car. :D

Since I am, like so many other, with more time than ever before in my hands and nowhere else to go but my home, after being so shocked by the the early beta state more than early access state of AMS 2 that I had originally asked for a refund, I reconsidered and gave it a second chance.

To all that are wondering about trying it, beware, this is early access as in more beta than early access.
You will need time to find out some combo in there that you might enjoy, but their is some fun to be had.
The graphics on my set up, everything at Ultra in VR are very good.
FFB once you tune it is OK,
Physic is very car dependent, some cars totally off, some cars good.
The AI is also very car and track dependent, with patience you might find a combo that is nice to race.
Overall, this title is for those who are into SIM racing and believe Reiza will pull it off.
Any one else should wait for a more advanced version.
Other early access have been starting with limited content with some polish to it, Reiza went all in, so the level of polish is all over the place. I prefer limited content, but their is some fun to be had in exploring and from the feedback from other, it appears that we have different opinion on what content is ok and what content needs TLC.
Overall I am glad I changed my mind, as it might ( probably will) take time but their is already enough good to think AMS 2 is going to be a title worst having.:)
I think, it definetly should be taken seriously. If all those people have a problem there, it is worth looking into it.

But on the other side, it should also be clear, that there are simple solutions, like the brake pressure adjustment in the setup screen and handling temps on the car, like you've said and maybe revise the own driving style, because this is also something, i've encountered in ACC, for example, where less ABS is less braking distance, but also punishment with wrong braking application and those are GT3 cars, so not the most difficult car.
I think that AMS2 (and all other sims) should be sold with a good instructions manual explaining every little detail ingame... something close to the good old FALCON 4.0 manual (don't need to be that big, just detailed). Even for sim racing veterans it could be helpful to understand the game settings and some other things.

But the user that said here that "don't change game settings" shouldn't be heard, but it is lads like that that make most of the noise and convince producers to change their good sims into some nerfed simcade.
What are your opinions on the sound in Automobilista 2 ?

Before, I didn't like or didn't like the sound of project cars 2.
The sound is much closer to AMS1, it is not the overdriven, distorted, in-your-face sound of PC2.

If you have an Nvidia card, you can use the implemented frame rate limiter. It is integrated in newest drivers since a few months.
The Afterburner/RTSS limiter is so much better, though. The nVidia built-in one should only be a last resort if you really don't have any other option.

I use Gain 55 / LFB 80 / FX 40. For gain you might want something between 50-70 depending on preference.
It is very important to use high LFB so the wheel has some weight in the center.

Logitech Profiler set like this:

View attachment 359638
You can safely set spring and damper back to 100%, they don't work the way you've probably been told they do (they're not "fake" effects overlaid over what the game is sending out, the game has full control over those).
My only comparison with real life is the rental kart unfortunately but that one does feel a bit off to me...
They nailed the sound and the performance is exactly the same as the karts at my local track but the rental kart in-game understeers all the time, while the real one oversteered every time when driving on/over the limit.

Agreed, the current AM2 Rental kart understeers terribly and as you rightly say the real rental karts will slide at will (my lad races similar, if slightly power restricted, karts every other weekend and they will oversteer and slide all day long which is how they learn kart control). I also noticed that with the AI set at 100 skill, 70 aggression the AI karts struggle to pull away at the start of each race and the player kart can overtake the entire field. The shifter karts feel much more realistic and will slide much more realistically.

I'll report it in if others haven't already.
What are your opinions on the sound in Automobilista 2 ?

Before, I didn't like or didn't like the sound of project cars 2.
For me I'm not a fan. Reiza always do good physics, AI etc etc, so on that front I'm not worried. But the sounds are just...adequate...? They're very clean, clinical, not much depth to them. It was the same story in AMS1. They're not bad sounds. They just don't blow you away unfortunately. Whenever friends come over I do show them RRRE and routinely they all comment on the sounds, I've yet to have this happen with AMS/AMS2. But who knows what is in the works, there could be a massive audio overhaul imminent.
Visuals - Hmm maybe that suprise a lot of you guys, but for me PC2 looks a lot better. A lot ! I think here is a lot of potential unused. I am exited to see if this will improve in future. The graphics are a bit disappointing so far. (everything maxed out @WHQD).
I don`t know, maybe i am to spoiled of playing another fantastic looking games ( No sims)

Agreed. Graphics is not the most important part, but for a 2020 Sim it should be much better, more detailed than PC 2, which is already a 4 years old game. The weather effects, rain, wet track and
the sun glare are good enough, no gripes here.

But... besides the track side objects being limited, what most dissapoints me, and for me it ruins the
overall look of the Sim are the trees: they don't look realistic, most of what I've seen on several tracks
look the same 2D very rounded leafy, copy/paste, too light green trees.

Here's an example of very realistic 2D trees in Live for Speed, a wonderful old Sim. These trees look
much more realistic to me. Come on, Reiza, you can copy these great trees or similar ones so
AMS 2 look much better and become more attractive! Thanks!


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