Automobilista: Build 1.3.5 Released


125cc Kart.jpg
Reiza Studios have released version 1.3.5 of Automobilista to the public today; a build that brings a wide variety of bug fixes and optimisations to the game.

Included in the update are changes such as the ability to automatically disable the mid-race full course caution period for tracks that do not feature a Safety Car (such as the historic versions), relaxed some of the track limits violations, adjusted fuel consumption and calculations for various cars, along with the new and improved SweetFX profiles to make it look extra tasty!

You can read the full changelog below:
  • Added feature to automatically export setups from player´s fastest lap in Time Trial Mode - other users can then fetch this setup by clicking the time on the timing stands and clicking the button to download it
  • Refactored SweetFX profiles & split them into categories, including new default
  • Fixed Config tool bug that would allow native anti-aliasing setting to remain on even when SweetFX is enabled (user should set AA via graphics card control panel when a SFX preset enabled)
  • Added function to automatically disable mid-race full course yellow in tracks that don´t have a Safety Car (such as historical tracks)
  • Fixed bug that would limit opponents to a single car in championship mode irrespective of the actual setting if "randomize" function was on
  • Added UI tooltip to all screens (WIP, not all options have tips and it´s not localized)
  • Added UI option to switch off big screen movies (may help some users´ stuttering issues)
  • Vehicle configuration & install buttons are now hidden when car does not feature configuration options
  • Slightly relaxed track violation detection (except for Time Trial mode)
  • Added volume multiplier to swingman cameras in all cars
  • Adjusted fuel consumption / estimates in various cars
  • Fixed dark mirrors in shadows in some Caterham models, Metalmoro, F309, Ultima GTR Race
  • Adjusted AI corner reduction base for all cars
  • Changed TimedRaceNonLeaderLaps value from 1 to 2 for all series (should address some inconsistencies as to when checkered flag is displayed at the end of timed races)
  • Reduced AI minimum passes per tick (fixing issue that could cause AI to bounce when running over sawtooth curbs)
  • Adjusted Min / Mid / Max AI performance range for several tracks
  • Adjusted default engine rev limit in F-V10, F-Reiza, added F-V12 adjustable rev limit range for a safer default setup on these cars to help prevent engine failures
  • Corrected error from previous build adjusting downshift protection for modern formula cars (increasing rather than decreasing to avoid overreving)
  • Sta Cruz: Improved AI line through chicane
  • F-Truck: Improved diesel smoke logic
  • ARC Camaro: Rim LODs distance correction; Fixed tires UV mapping; Tire now is skinnable; Adjusted engine heating equations
  • SuperV8: Further adjusted AI performance
  • Marcas: Slightly adjusted tire load stiffness & center of gravity height; Adjusted AI weight distribution for better stability & callibrated AI performance; Reduced default rear anti-roll bar stiffness
  • Montana: Minor tire model adjustments; Adjusted chassis yaw inertia (should improve handling over curbs)
  • Mini: Minor tire model adjustments; Adjusted AI weight distribution for better stability
  • Lancer: Minor tire model adjustments; Adjusted AI weight distribution for better stability
  • Ultima: Adjusted weight distribution in all models; Adjusted race tire grip on race tires and load sensitivity on road models; Adjusted engine heating equations
  • Supertruck: Slightly increased tire grip
  • Metalmoro MR18: Reduced default tire pressures; calibrated AI
  • F-Vintage: Adjusted default diff setup; Slightly reduced tires LOD A for better performance; calibrated AI; Corrected right rear wheel LOD error in HIGH detal setting
  • Boxer: Fixed bug with brake lights causing performance loss when clsoe to another car

Tried the new build yet? What are you impressions? Don't forget you can check out our Automobilista Club Races for some of the most fun and friendly racing you'll ever experience!
Regarding VR...

This is a common topic in various discussion forums, I´ve commented on them a few times already but it seems more appropriate to have an official statement on the matter here.

Some may recollect that we did initially propose support for VR towards the end of last year´s crowdfunding campaign for further SCE development, which eventually became AMS - unfortunately a few months after the campaign wrapped, circumstances developed both in the VR front (the evolving nature of this new technology, specifically DX9 no longer being officially supported by OR which effectively moved the goal posts from when we had proposed it) as well as our own (a developer leaving the team), which forced us to put this specific development on hold. When this happened we openly discussed it in Reiza 51 (the forum room specially conceived for communication with campaign backers), and gave an ample window for backers who had entered the campaign with the specific goal of seeing VR supported to get a refund for their investment.

We now are no longer in "wait and see" mode regarding VR, but openly intent on supporting it already with AMS. We are currently looking for developers to join us for this specific task, but until we do and have had the chance to assess it, it´s impossible to make any reliable estimate as to if and when it will actually come in time for AMS.

VR enthusiasts can rest assured that at this point we need no convincing regarding the relevance of VR for sim racing, however we currently have this unfortunate gap between wanting to do something and getting it done. When we have more news on the topic, we´ll make sure to share with you here.

Thanks for the update Reiza! Some nice little updates and tweaks, a usual.
Looking forward to trying the setup downloads and checking out the new SFX settings. :whistling:
The new SweetFX profiles do look the business :) and does small physics updates I thing are going in the right direction, overall I feel that is easier to drive. From the game stock car to the present state of automobilista, something that as improved a lot is how much more predicable the cars are! Its much more easier to catch slides, and even maintain does little ones both on braking as in powering out of the corners.
Is anyone else experiencing issues with the ARC after v1.3.5?
Ive got transparent tyres in showroom and I have issues loading tracks, their stalling from about 75% loaded and I have to hammer the enter key to get them to complete. Also when I finally get ontrack all cars are showing as temp.
I have performed 2 integrity checks, the 1st replaced the ARC skinpack from @Rob Fitness
The second showed all was well, but the issue still persists. Any ideas/suggestions?
I bought Automobilista with the season pass fully expecting it to have VR, because sims all have VR, right? But it didn't have VR and I can't play it because I don't have a monitor on the sim rig. Keep forgetting to see if I can get a refund so I can pick it up in a sale instead.
I bought Automobilista with the season pass fully expecting it to have VR, because sims all have VR, right? But it didn't have VR and I can't play it because I don't have a monitor on the sim rig. Keep forgetting to see if I can get a refund so I can pick it up in a sale instead.

Actually, most racing games have VR. The most serious sims do not or or are only getting it recently/now. You must be aware not to assume everything out there has VR or supports it well.
  • Boxer: Fixed bug with brake lights causing performance loss when clsoe to another car
Hopefully it improves wheel to wheel racing. It gets very stuttery with me on tight and close corners.
  • Deleted member 205301 I'm unable to do more than 4 laps in ARC without burning my engine :(
...maybe I'd rather not shortened gearbox ratio....wasn't expecting that to be "so" strict.... :(
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