Automobilista End of Year Development Blog

Paul Jeffrey

Automobilista Xmas Development Blog.jpg

Reiza Studios have today released their end of year Development Roadmap and the studio have not held back with some exciting news for players of Automobilista to look forward to over the festive period...

2016 has been a big year for Reiza Studios. We have seen the launch of their new Automobilista Motorsport Simulator (AMS) title move from Early Access stage to a full blown Version One release. We've had F1gate, increased FFB fidelity, improved graphics, an impressive rate of development and some unforgettable content added to the sim for free or, for the first time, paid DLC in the form of such items as the 'Brit Pack' and 'Imola' DLC. AMS has gone from strength to strength in recent months.

As has become the tradition at Reiza Studios, the small development team have been at pains to maintain a steady stream of communication with the sim racing community in the form of monthly development roadmap posts. Due to the time constraints of the upcoming festive holidays and development cycles with the sim, Reiza have combined both November and December's postings into one final end of year update - and its goooooooood...

You can read the full end of year development blog below:

"This is it then - our final dev update of 2016! We promised it was going to be a good one, so hopefully it lives up to that promise :)

It has been a long, hard but very fulfilling year for everyone at Reiza - we´ve brought out Automobilista in march and have been working very hard since to keep it growing and evolving throughout. We´re happy to say we´ve reached our main goals, though work is still to continue hard into the initial months of 2017 to fulfill its potential as we envisage it, before we finally wrap it up to shift focus to the longer term.

The next milestone for AMS is still to come before the year ends, as v1.20 and Formula Truck are still to be released at some point next week!

Here´s the summary then of the stuff we´ve been working on.

V1.20 highlights & Formula Truck DLC

We have nice developments coming for v1.20 - you can read through it on the changelog attached for the latest Beta updates since v1.1.6 release.

For the cars, one highlight is the filling up of the Caterham series from the Brit Pack to include some new variants from their motorsport ladder.

On the audio front, @domagoj Lovric has done an extensive revision of several sound effects both on the code as well as the samples themselves - tire rolling / scrub / skid, wind noise, chassis scraping, to improve the organic interaction of these sound effects with the physics engine and hopefully provide both better feedback from the cars as well as increased immersion from the driving experience. There is some early WIP stuff already on Beta but the full results will be in the new beta build coming out later tonight.

We´ve also done some progress with AI, with further fine tuning in various fronts. @Luis Miguel has nailed an old bug where AI would not properly estimate fuel for timed races, taking much more fuel than they needed for the distance. If you´re used to running quick timed races then you may have to do some tweaking to your usual AI Strength, overall though performance should be a lot more consistent in that type of race.

As you know v1.20 will also bring a new DLC in the shape of Formula Truck , who we are happy to confirm will be officially added to Automobilista, fully revamped from the original game, prettier and meaner!


To begin with, as renewing the Formula Truck license has been a fairly late development we will deploy the same 2013 season we had in the official Formula Truck game; chances are good though we´ll expand on that with the new season as we move through 2017.

One of the custom Formula Truck features we´ve added for this release is the Speed Trap rule - every Formula Truck layout has a Speed Trap in a section of the track (usually the fastest, indicated by icon on its trackmap, a flashing icon on top left corner as you approach it while driving, and by a line of cones trackside) through which drivers are supposed to cross going no faster than 160 km/h. Exceeding 160 km/h through the Speed Trap will result in lap being invalidated in practice / qual, or an instant drive-through penalty in races. Players however retain the option to switch the rule off from the Rules menu.

We are currently still working on getting diesel smoking blowing from the exhausts to create some proper nasty virtual pollution - it probably won´t be quite ready for initial release but it should follow in the next update.

Formula Truck for Automobilista
will sell for US$ 5.99, but will be free to everyone who already owned Formula Truck 2013 on Steam.

New Game Features

Recently we´ve conducted a poll among Reiza 51 members to gather which features they would most like to see us develop for Automobilista. While not all options were realistic in the short term, the idea was to gauge what users wanted most so we could factor not only into our remaining dev plan for Automobilista, but also longer term as we shift focus to the next title.

These were the results:


A few of these options are already in the works for Automobilista as previously alluded - one we can confirm to be in the pipeline is the Custom Season Tool for Championship Mode, which will allow users to design their own seasons, mix up classes, define points system along with a few more interesting new options which will also be available in other game modes.

We´l also continue to push towards improving AI behavior, rectify a few old issues and add a few new variants to get them to behave more realistically and provide a stiffer but fair challenge.

VX development

We have a new build coming up for our Virtual Xperience portal as well - @Dave Stephenson has been pushing hard to complete the new
Community section to go along with our League Finder tool, providing a searchable directory of communities and leagues serving AMS users.

Time Trial of the Week challenges have been gaining momentum - we invite everyone to come participate and see how you measure up against the fast guys. Better get some practice in, as for next year we may be promoting some prize awarding challenges too :)

DLC Roadmap

Work is still going at full speed to develop the upcoming DLCs. There have been a few tweaks to the release plans, one of which being the switch in order for the upcoming Legendary Track packs coming up.

This is where we are going next:

Legendary Tracks Pt 2 - Adelaide

The famous Adelaide street circuit hosted many classic season finales as the Australian GP from 1985 to 1995, and is still used today by many popular aussie racing series, having retained a lot of the charm and unique challenges from the GP days.

In this (very early) preview of the mesh above, you get a sense of the workload involved in creating a street track such as this to modern standards - in order to deliver the full urban feel of the venue, @Alex Sawczuk, @ilka and the rest of the track team have to model a whole segment of the city neighborhood and roads adjacent to the ones used by the actual race track. Then we´ve got to fill these surroundings up with all the buildings and other trackside objects, which demands a solid 4 months worth of man-hours from the environment artists!

We´re confident this legendary track will be worth the effort and that will make a great place to race several existing as well some of the upcoming cars.

Adelaide will come in 2 versions - the longer
historic 1988 layout as well as the modern 2016 track. Both versions are expected to hit beta some time in February with release following soon after.

Legendary Tracks Pt 3 - Hockenheim confirmed!

We´re happy to finally confirm the historic german Hockenheim Ring will also be coming to Automobilista!

The old Hockenheim was almost 8 kilometers long and became iconic for combining long winded flat-out sections through the forest, before rejoining the stadium section where massive crowds gathered created a football stadium atmosphere, enhancing historical moments.

The shorter modern version has retained the stadium section and remains a great venue for close wheel-to-wheel racing for many of the major international series.

As with Adelaide and Imola before, the option for Hockenheim as a subject for the Legendary Track series derives from it combining many values - great relevance both in terms of historical heritage as well as presence in the modern autoracing scene, a natural venue for several of the series present in Automobilista, and an unique experience to complement the others already offered in the sim.

Hockenheim will receive same treatment as Imola, with the pack featuring the long version in its various guises from 1972, 1988 and 2001, along with the modern 2016 version. Work on the track is also already underway, and it´s estimated initial versions will hit Beta in March, with full release towards the end of April.

With all these tracks news one would be forgiven for getting the impression the car front is being neglected, but that would be wrong :p bigger news will have to wait a bit more however, hopefully as a topic for our first dev update of 2017.

For now, here´s a sample from our reference material to another new series currently in the works:

hot car Interlagos  abril 1981.jpg

Christmas Surprise!

We have also found a bit of time to put together a neat christmas present to go along with v1.20 release.

It´s not related to anything we´d previously discussed - a small surprise gift as a thank you to everyone who has supported us this year. It´s a semi-fictional car inspired by a local series, and also comes with a nice bit of terrain for it and others of its breed to play around. It´s simple but from the heart as a brazilian expression goes, and great fun to boot :D

Obviously we won´t say or show what it is as that would spoil the surprise, but here´s a little teaser to get you guys guessing.


Whoever guesses it right gets to become a driver for the series in-game :)

Steam Holiday Sale

The full Reiza catalogue is on sale on Steam since yesterday, with up to 75% in discounts

So lots of good deals there to secure the contents of this dev update, along with all the others that have come before :)

With that we wrap this last dev update - not quite the last you´ll hear from us this year of course as work is still ongoing to deploy v1.20 & Formula Truck next week before we can finally shut up shop for a few days, rest up to come back blazing in 2017!

In any case I´d like to take the opportunity in name of the whole Reiza team to wish everyone happy holidays! Hope you all have a great time and hopefully find the time in between turkey bites and champagne sips to come enjoy some sim racing"

Automobilista Motorsport Simulator is a PC only racing game by Reiza Studios. The game is available to purchase now via the Steam Network.

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Here at RaceDepartment we have our very own dedicated sub forum for Automobilista. In our sub forum you will find a wide selection of downloadable content to discover, from some of the best add on tracks to a selection of interesting vehicles, our downloads section is a positive treasure trove of additional content for AMS. If that isn't enough, we also pride ourselves on hosting some of the most exciting and intense multiplayer racing events for the game. If you like AMS and want to take your enjoyment to the next level, head over to the Racing Club and Leagues section of our Automobilista sub forum and find out what we have on offer. Of course we love our community here at RD and to help spread the love we cover all the latest news regarding the sim, and offer you a place to share your opinions and discussion topics regarding all Reiza titles. Head on over to the AMS sub forum and join in the discussion today!

Did you enjoy the Reiza end of year blog post? Looking forward to the future of AMS? Has the game impressed you with its development during 2016? Let us know in the comments section below!
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I have no contact with them, they contact me if they want. Reiza 17 was clearly a working title - they even mentioned a "planned release Q4 16"; not 2017 - no different than such wonderful titles like "Next Car Game" or of course "Reiza 15". (which I was one about 5 people against that...)

Last I heard from non Reiza staff sources the whole Senna project thing is they weren't sure how to work with the whole Senna part of the Senna project. Do you race as Senna? Against him? Just drive cars he drove? But again, we never really had any info at all other than they had the license to the name.

Reiza said they were evaluating/considering Unreal for the graphics a few months ago, which is similar to what S3S seemed to be considering a while back. But is that screenshot S3S posted concrete proof that is the future of R3E? Would it matter if they tossed a car into Unreal for a quick screenie?

You are complaining about a game that never even existed to you until you were told something would exist in the future, maybe. I'd be with you if they released a trailer / screenshot / teaser, but when they basically said "DX11/12 and weather" over what was in the campaign it's pretty thin.

As for GTL2 - Reiza has actually released stuff. Bit different to some guy who worked at Simbin a decade ago... Not to mention, a windows explorer screenie means absolutely nothing. But if you want I have proof iRacing 2.5 and rFactor 3 exist!

What I am complaining about is their lack of honesty, that is all. I don't personally need their next title as I believe we already have even too many sim titles at the moment to enjoy. If it happens, good.

I understand you support the company, and I respect the fact that you are trying to argument your point to reason with me instead of stating "TROLL" like some 12 years old (right @Denis Betty?). But at this point, I see we both have our ideas and there's no way we part from them ;) all I can say is: we'll see who was right. Maybe people will get a wake up call and realize it was all just pretend, maybe they'll actually work on a new title instead of milking and squeezing every last drop from the current platform (and people wallets). We'll see, time will tell.

I want to know how the 'reiza 17' guy feels about windows 9. :p

Which actually is Windows 10 if you didn't know, that I have installed on my PC. Works very very good, you should try it ;)
@leon_90 are you in beta? cause there might be differences in amount of informations that comes through between beta an regular players. I can see how you miss something by not following beta forums... I dont follow regular channels so I'm not sure how much has been told officially...
...You can also look at that list and see the only thing they haven't delivered in one shape or form are the DX11/12 and weather. And I'll bet that "Reiza 17" will be very much in the R3E mold of starting with the base they have and reworking the graphics side of thing at best and most content will appear in it...

I don't think the move to DX11/12 will take that long, look at Studio397's recently reported good progress with rF2. What will probably take a while is moving to 64 bit which must be done before any real graphical improvements are worthwhile. Even so I bet we will be playing a beta of Reiza17 by next Summer and weather will come after that.
What I am complaining about is their lack of honesty, that is all. I don't personally need their next title as I believe we already have even too many sim titles at the moment to enjoy. If it happens, good...

Did you post this in the forum of every game developer ever as according to your logic they are all liars? Find me a game where the developer delivered what they promised, on time and on budget and I will send you a nice Christmas present. :)

If you compare Reiza to Kunos, Sector3, ISI, SCS, etc. they had a pretty good year and hopefully will have another one next year.
@leon_90 are you in beta? cause there might be differences in amount of informations that comes through between beta an regular players. I can see how you miss something by not following beta forums... I dont follow regular channels so I'm not sure how much has been told officially...

Technically yes but I don't visit the forum very often

Did you post this in the forum of every game developer ever as according to your logic they are all liars? Find me a game where the developer delivered what they promised, on time and on budget and I will send you a nice Christmas present. :)

If you compare Reiza to Kunos, Sector3, ISI, SCS, etc. they had a pretty good year and hopefully will have another one next year.

- Kunos delivered their first console title, improved ALL of their existing tracks, improved sound engine, gfx engine, delivered Porsche, etc;
- S3 started working on their new gfx engine while still working on the current platform, delivering updates and new content among which their first laser scanned track;
- ISI franchised Studio397 their title while they focus on their new project, and rFactor 2 is getting consistent updates;
- SCS delivered ATS and rescaled for free the ENTIRE map, adding new junctions and cities;
- SMS is working on PCars2, getting Lamborghini, Ferrari and Porsche licences;
- Codemasters delivered Dirt Rally which is a huge step in the right direction after years lost in the wild, and started to apply that knowledge, even if with less success, to their F1 lineup;

So, to me, they all had a solid good year ;) I never said Reiza are liars, but that they are jut not telling all of the truth. It is very different. Don't twist my words.
Now my present please :)
Sorry, I'd had a beer and was incensed and incandescent with rage at your negative slant on what, for most, has been a genuine attempt by Reiza to honour their part of the bargain. I know of no other company in the sim racing genre, who have tried so hard and been so public about engaging their customers and doing their level best to give them what they want. Have I missed something here? Has anybody paid money for a product which they didn't receive yet? I don't need to back up any arguments now, plenty of others have done that for me. Your attack was, IMO, unwarranted and doesn't come close to holding water. I believe you are a troll, to come on a forum and basically, tell a whole bunch of satisfied customers, that they are being duped. I see no other reason, than for you to bait those people and antagonise them.

"Which actually is Windows 10 if you didn't know, that I have installed on my PC. Works very very good, you should try it "
That looks like a school playground comment to me.
I believe you are a troll, to come on a forum and basically, tell a whole bunch of satisfied customers, that they are being duped. I see no other reason, than for you to bait those people and antagonise them.

You are "staff" yet it seems you don't know me at all. I frequent RD since years and I don't think I have ever gave reason with my posts to think that I am a troll. I am too a customer, yet one that does not feel satisfied with the product. A troll does not own the game, does not know what he is talking about and has no point but to spread falsities for the sake of fun. I'm having no fun. Being pointed at with a finger is not fun. Yet I prefer to tell what I think, than to lie or be silent. But nowadays you are part of the herd or you are an outcast. This is bullying. And I don't think I have insulted anyone, which is another perk of trolls. If I did, well I'm sorry but I probably did to defend myself.

"Which actually is Windows 10 if you didn't know, that I have installed on my PC. Works very very good, you should try it "
That looks like a school playground comment to me.

And what should I have replied to a comment asking for my opinion on a software which does not exist and never had? I've been ironical (and smart to the point that I have not been understood it seems)
what exactly are your complaints about the product

The product doesn't even start at all. I asked for support on the official forum and got ignored. But I haven't been the only one to suffer the same fate so I guess it is their policy. Luckily I got it with SCE otherwise would you imagine the letdown? Buying a software that does not even start and the company ignores you :D

Anyway, my point was on their supposed next title. But let that slide, no point continuing a discussion where I say my point and everybody else reasons are "troll" or "no it's not true!!1!".. waste of my time
If that is truly you opinion, you are welcome to it. You appear to be in a minority of one. I guess that doesn't mean you are wrong ipso facto, but I am surprised you didn't expect to upset people with your comments, really I am. Your definition of a troll is, without a reference, just an opinion. I think people who own a game, sometimes still troll... but I can't reference that so it's a moot point. You didn't answer the bit about nobody paying any money for something which you say was promised. The original comment about W10 looks like it was a bit jokey to me. The tone of your reply led me to perceive it a as school playground level comment, but really, I was just throwing it back at you.
If any of this is bullying, then I'm a bully.... but I don't think it is. I normally don't reply to all the negative stuff I see on forums. It irritates me, but I "be silent" for the most part. I honestly felt you were trolling. I could see no other reason for your OP. Are you saying you don't like the game/don't feel you got value for money? I just don't get it. It's like you are looking for stuff to be negative about and when you don't find anything... Well, I guess it takes all sorts.
@Denis Betty as I replied above, AMS does not even work at all for me. That is a BIG reason to be upset. And I got no support. Did I say anything about that? No. I let that slide. After all, I got it for free. My irritation is born out of the fact that they keep selling what I believe (for good reasons) is a lie, meaning their next title. They do since 4 years and they still believe people buy it.

About the free stuff argument, lads you see only a part of the question. Yes part of us got AMS for free. But not ALL of us. Many have bought it, and the season pass. After all, why getting into the trouble of releasing a separate title and make a season pass for it if you plan to give them for free to anyone? They don't, obviously. I genuinely agree with that. They released a new game to be sold which some got for free. Stop, because people think that AMS is a title for which nobody payed.
My irritation is born out of the fact that they keep seeling what I believe is a lie, meaning their next title.
Where did you ever see it being sold? As I'd happily buy it! :D
Honestly, they never asked for money for Reiza17. There never was a campaign for it. You're ranting on them mentioning future plans, and even giving access to SCE/AMS Beta supporters whenever it will materialize. They could have just gone the pCars way, and abandon the half-baked old product while starting another "community backed" project, but they didn't, and I'm really happy about that.
You can only fault Reiza for giving us a bucketload of improvements, content and new features without giving us a chance to properly honor them for it. Other than spreading the word of AMS and staying as active a community around it as we are. ;)
a game that doesnt start or crashes at startup is a logical complaint. i dont get the rest of it. to portray the announcement of the next game as a lie is an assumption. if and when they take it back u can come out and point your finger at them. about AMS, they never hid that it's just a bundle of all enhancements planned initially for SCE in a new package
They could have just gone the pCars way, and abandon the half-baked old product while starting another "community backed" project, but they didn't

It is a very different matter. Technically, they did abandon the half-baked old product, which was SCE, to work on the "community backed" project which is AMS. As I said, technically. However, SMS, which is a company I don't like one bit so don't assume me for the devil's advocate, actually started working on their next title and first screenshots and videos of it are now arising. Reiza keeps saying that they are working on this title and we never saw anything in 4 years. Because you say "future", but it is not something that they have to start, but something that they actually are working on from very much time (if they are). That's the catch people don't get.

Anyway, thank you for your constructive comment ;) appreciated
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but they are working on next title .. you just don`t understand that .. AMS is them working on next title ...all the new features, engine changes, improvements, content ..

No mate I am sorry, you are not getting it.. Their new title is in development since years ago. It is another platform entirely. In which comes also the knowledge resulting from AMS (and SCE), yes, but it is independent. That's what they always said during the years. It's like Dirt Rally and F1 2016. The latter used knowledge from the former, but they are separate.
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