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Bram Hengeveld

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Track: Curitiba
Practice: 19:00 GMT (30 minutes)
Qualification: 19:30 GMT (10 minutes)
Warm-up: No Warm up
Race: 19:40 (2x25 minutes)
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Mr. Jackson, did you notice how I wrote a rebuke to Mr. Nel's post without making it personal. It is something more people need to learn. It turns debate into bickering. Just a little insight.
@Dewald Nel So what? What is the problem with allowing others to use them. You are obviously faster without aids, so why not allow others the choice? They might not actually want to get to your supreme proffessional level. I have no problem racing against people using aids if that's what they are comfortable with.
So honestly, less assists = better for you. You mean.

What professional level? I can just acknowledge that it's better/faster/more realistic if I drive without assists. I wasn't trying to imply I'm good at it, but I'm better at it that way. I just mean if I wasn't pushed to do it by the above admin, I would probably still be driving with assists today, which would have been a shame for myself.

But if you want to stay in your comfort zone, I guess you can. :rolleyes:
Mr. Jackson, did you notice how I wrote a rebuke to Mr. Nel's post without making it personal. It is something more people need to learn. It turns debate into bickering. Just a little insight.

If you're talking about personal preferences/opinions, you're always gonna get personal to some degree, however minor it may be. So, for the record, I found his post perfectly acceptable.
Mr. Jackson, did you notice how I wrote a rebuke to Mr. Nel's post without making it personal. It is something more people need to learn. It turns debate into bickering. Just a little insight.

It wasn't personal and it wasn't an attack. You just took it as that. No need to lecture me chap and make it personal. :cool: ;):)
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If you're talking about personal preferences/opinions, you're always gonna get personal to some degree, however minor it may be. So, for the record, I found his post perfectly acceptable.

Thank you Dewald. An adult response indeed. And by the way, I am not suggesting these changes to the rules for me (although god knows I need them sometimes). ;)
A little late, but it will:

The race ended early for me, lap 38 (connection lost :mad:), but until then, everything that happened in these laps was enough to erase the frustration. :)

That was some great racing between you two guys. Truly awesome to watch. :thumbsup:

But you cheekily had all four wheels across the pit line marker and that's breaking the rules. Disqualify him. Ban him............Only joking. Great racing. We can forgive you for the little rule break I should think. :D:);)
That was some great racing between you two guys. Truly awesome to watch. :thumbsup:

But you cheekily had all four wheels across the pit line marker and that's breaking the rules. Disqualify him. Ban him............Only joking. Great racing. We can forgive you for the little rule break I should think. :D:);)

You're right. For a turn I had to do it to avoid a touch and have a chance of overtaking :whistling:. But the technique company's internet undertook to punish me, knocking my connection a few laps later :laugh:.
Okay a few things.

@Mark Breslin Yes, I agree the 107% rule is not for clubs, this was my biggest drawback from saying it was the solution; it was just an idea but not in line with the club spirit.

@Dewald Nel @Andy Jackson the debate about assists is moot; low assists already are available. This means both sides of the "debate" should be reasonably happy - it is in line with the club spirit of letting everyone race from all skill levels, and yet it is also an option so the better drivers don't need to use them. Happy people in both camps.

The problem isn't that people need assists or not, or hours of practice or not, the problem is when people don't stick to the basic rules of clean racing. I don't mind if you're 5 minutes slower a lap than everyone else, so long as you race cleanly. The race was only let down by some overly aggressive racing and a few (only a few) people breaking the basic rules such as how to rejoin the track, not slowing for yellow flags, not respecting blue flags, not respecting track limits, not being extra careful on the first lap, etc. When the basic rules are followed, the racing is fun, assists or not. That's my view anyway.
not slowing for yellow flags

:O_o: Seriously?

I've never seen anyone ever slowing down, or mentioning slowing down, for yellow flags in a racing sim, unless the person is actually on the road, or at least on the outer kerb - at which time you do it out of necessity. So, could you please elaborate what exactly is expected of us under yellow flags, and indeed how it gets monitored?

This wasn't even required in FSR, so it's an interesting concept, of which I would like to hear more.
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