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Bram Hengeveld

Website Founder
Track: Curitiba
Practice: 19:00 GMT (30 minutes)
Qualification: 19:30 GMT (10 minutes)
Warm-up: No Warm up
Race: 19:40 (2x25 minutes)
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Great race guys! one of the most fun races I've ever had!
I started the race with Frank at the back, was able to get some quick passes in (and get a bit lukcy from time to time) and found my way up into the top 10 I think in the first 10-15 laps. Then it all slowed down a bit, I had one spin and took a long time trying to catch up to 8th. I won a lot of time at the end of my first stint by saving the tires and I think I came out the pit 5th and got myself on the podium in the last stint :D
I slowed down the last lap because I didn't see the white flag and my fuel was low, if I hadn't done that I would have finished 16 seconds from the lead starting at the back which I never expected :D

I kind of owe it to make a video of this, don't be suprised to see one posted here tomorrow :whistling:
Firstly many thanks for @Nox for setting up the event, great turnout.
The first laps where ok and then all of a sudden I saw cars flying everywhere, got clipped and lost almost two minutes in the pits at the first stop fixing repairs. Kind of ruined my race....

Like Andy I spend almost three hours today to try and get a handle on these cars and was doing ok.

Apologies to anyone I bumped into during the race but no hard contact I hope and if I gained an advantage I always backed out to let the person get the gap again. @Fabio Rodrigues caught me by the surprise at the end and I gave him a little tap, sorry.

Two stops didn't work, I was faster than others during the race but having to fight my way through all the time and my pace wasn't enough.

Looking forward to the next (hopefully clean) race.
Enjoyed the race(sort of), was happy with my qualy, slow start of the blocks lost me a couple of places, no matter, long race, had some really close good battles early on, then got tapped at the rear on lap 10 sent me into a spin, lost more places :(, then had to come in for fuel 3 laps to go :redface: Look forward to more races in these cars :)
Thanks @Nox for yet another great event, was great to see a full grid in these cars :thumbsup:
Qualifying third was a bit of a surprise for me. Unfortunately I botched the start and had to work my way back up from 7th. However I regret nothing since I experienced some clean, fun racing trying to get back up to a podium position! Having reached 4th position, I started gaining slowly on Tal and since it was about half distance, I decided to try and Jean-Todt him with a quick early stop and a fast outlap which worked :). Sorry if that irritated you, Tal! I had never driven so fast on cold tyres before! However Yuri, who had started at the back, was gaining on me and Tal with some massive pace and he overtook me after a mistake on my part (Trying to match his pace) about ten laps from the finish. After that I had to save fuel a bit since I had taken the absolute minimum to finish the race in my pitstop and finish ahead of Theo in 5th at the same time which I just managed.

All in all, I want to thank everyone for a clean, exciting race. I have had mostly good experiences in overtaking, being overtaken and lapping so I am very sorry to hear there were problems in the second half of the field :cry:. I hope we can repeat this kind of event and offer a great experience for everyone! Therefore I encourage everyone who found himself in the middle of an incident to watch the replays, contact the other driver and try to find out what went wrong because this is the best way to gain experience and knowledge about clean racing! If you felt disadvantaged by me or anyone else, get in touch with the other driver!

Edit: I am dying to see that video of yours, Yuri, you must have had one cracker of a race!
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Heartfelt apologies to @Mark Breslin : I was attempting to overtake Dean Solomon, and it almost worked... but my wheels locked up and I couldn't avoid bumping you. I did pay for it by getting stuck in the gravel trap for almost one minute, but still, that shouldn't have happened. Really sorry.
Have to admit I was 'pretty miffed' ......(especially as I got took out again 2 laps later:cry:) but thanks for the apology.! :thumbsup:

I just couldn't believe just how many other crazy manoeuvre's were going on, when these cars have boost and with 65 laps of racing.!!!???:cautious:
Have to admit I was 'pretty miffed' ......(especially as I got took out again 2 laps later:cry:) but thanks for the apology.! :thumbsup:

Yeah, I totally understand. I was 'rather miffed' with myself for the rest of the race. In my defense, I don't think that I was reckless nor that I made a bad *decision* - I tried to overtake Dean after the longest straight (where the main opportunities are), after using a boost (which is made for overtaking), and I only used the boost because I exited turn 2 less than half a second behind Dean... so, again, I think it was a rational decision, but I made a driving *error*, and for that, again, I apologize.
After that race, I have to say that more of these events (long races) should be organized. It's a lot of fun (and strategy). For my part, I did experience fair racing, I've been pushed (I think it was @Stefan Erxmeyer) but he gave me the position back, so big thanks to him. Also, most of the guys did an amazing job respecting the blue flags, and I know it's not easy to slow down as often during a race, so thanks to you too.

On the other hand, I understand what @Nox is talking about, and I indeed heard the guys’ complains, many times, in the other half of the field. So please be clean when racing, especially because it’s a 65 laps race! It will better for your opponents, and for you.

Also, can we PLEASE respect yellow flags? Slow down, and no overtaking. These are the rules, follow them.

I second that, too.

Amway, I'm happy with my finishing position, but I feel so stupid that I let the repairs on for the pit stop! Also, thanks you to the guys on Teamspeak (especially the “offended” ones), y’all were very entertaining, I loved the atmosphere!

P.S.: @Mid-pack Jack, I feel sorry for you that you couldn’t even race with us. On the real tracks, the car engine won’t start, in Sim Racing, the force feedback goes away… That’s a shame, I hope to see you for the next big one!
My apologies if anyone found me being too aggressive at times. I know I was with at least one driver, PM sent:). Cockpit view in the V8 is difficult to see around me using one tv screen, but I enjoy cockpit view. Will be more careful next time.
One thing I noticed was some guys could not handle the curbs. Curbs on this track is very slippery. One should approach with caution if you have to use the curbs, otherwise, you should try and stay away from them.
then got tapped at the rear on lap 10 sent me into a spin, lost more places :(

Yeah, sorry about that, Paul. Had a feeling it was a 50/50 (seemed like you missed the braking/turn radius a bit ?) or at least a racing incident with a slight misjudgement on my side. Didn't check out the replay yet. It was a very slight tap and i wasn't expecting to cause a spin.
Didn't know what to do for a while, then i waited for a couple seconds, let Sven go, but you weren't coming and realized you must have spun. Figured you'd be ok if i continued.
I gave my position back 5 laps later when i crashed out. :D
First off thanks to @Nox for a fun evening :thumbsup:

This carset is really fun to drive with a great field like last nite :cool:

I have to apology to @Craig Patteson I bumped on entering T2 in the first laps of the race :( in the previous lap I tried the same attempt to advise him and I thought he expected it owing to a not perfect line, anyway sorry :redface:

For the rest of the race I battled with the front drivers @Tal @Chark @Gabriel Sterr @Mark Breslin with lots of fun :cool:

In the pit I forgot to unlock repair damage and lost lots of secs so that I was forced to chase again @Davy Vandevenne who was clever, fast and consistent for the whole race :thumbsup:

I had a racing contact owing to misunderstanding with @JeffL in the half of the race while I was lapping him, probably he didnt see me inside....I hope you didnt have too much damage, I am sorry.

Thanks to all drivers who gave me room and in particular to @Sven-Arne Andersson :thumbsup:

See ya next one :)
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Yeah, sorry about that, Paul. Had a feeling it was a 50/50 (seemed like you missed the braking/turn radius a bit ?) or at least a racing incident with a slight misjudgement on my side. Didn't check out the replay yet. It was a very slight tap and i wasn't expecting to cause a spin.
Didn't know what to do for a while, then i waited for a couple seconds, let Sven go, but you weren't coming and realized you must have spun. Figured you'd be ok if i continued.
I gave my position back 5 laps later when i crashed out. :D

No problem Jan, I know you are a good clean driver, I did overshoot a bit after the pass and it was only a slight tap, I could see you had slowed down ahead, but I couldnt get off the grass quick enough :thumbsup:

Track: Johannesburg Historic

Race 1
19:00 GMT
Qualifying: 19:10 GMT
Warm up: 19:20 GMT (3 minutes)
Race 1: 19:25 GMT (20 mins)

Race 2
19:50 GMT
Qualifying: 20:00 GMT
Warm up: 20:10 GMT (3 minutes)
Race 2 : 20:15 GMT (20 mins)

You can join for any number of races, or join in for just a single race. Please indicate which races you'll attend when you sign up.

Server password: click here
Racing rules: click here

Let's fill up the grid! You can ask other drivers to practice or race with you by using the tag function of the forum. Just type an @ directly followed by the user name and this person will receive a notification.

Our racing clubs are foremost meant to gain online experience so please help other drivers out when they have questions about the event, the car, the track, the setup or a combination. This is not a league race, it's for some fun, so please join us on TeamSpeak and build a little community spirit!

Example of track limits for a track.

Priority Access
In case of a large amount of sign-ups premium members are given priority access to enter this event. Premium members please sign up at least 24 hours in advance to be given priority; I won't kick a non-premium member off the list if your sign up is very late. Don't forget Licensed memberships are being phased out.

Sign Up List
  1. Andrew James
  2. Craig Patteson
  3. Paul Hurlow
  4. Tuomas Lankinen
  5. Jeff Lasecki
  6. Mick Aspinall
  7. Anestis Genidounias
  8. Yuri Kasdorp
  9. Ryan Seltzer*
  10. Keith Griffall
  11. Fabrizio Telasio
  12. Damian Ros*
  13. Tal Segal
  14. Jörn Horbelt
  15. Srinath Sundareswaran
  16. Theo van den Brink
  17. Sven-Arne Andersson
  18. Colin J. Fleming
  19. Marc Cabana*
  20. Jan Mikuž*
  21. Troy Barman [Race 1]
  22. Cristiano Bohessef*
  23. Andreas Ballin*
  24. Driver
  25. Driver
  26. Driver
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Track: Johannesburg Historic
Mod: Ferrari F430 Vs. Porsche 997 RSR (Download)

Race 1
19:00 GMT
Qualifying: 19:10 GMT
Warm up: 19:20 GMT (3 minutes)
Race 1: 19:25 GMT (20 mins)

Change to the car you didn't use in Race 1!

Race 2
19:50 GMT
Qualifying: 20:00 GMT
Warm up: 20:10 GMT (3 minutes)
Race 2 : 20:15 GMT (20 mins)

Server password: click here
Racing rules: click here


Let's fill up the grid! You can ask other drivers to practice or race with you by using the tag function of the forum. Just type an @ directly followed by the user name and this person will receive a notification.

Our racing clubs are foremost meant to gain online experience so please help other drivers out when they have questions about the event, the car, the track, the setup or a combination. This is not a league race, it's for some fun, so please join us on TeamSpeak and build a little community spirit!

Priority Access
In case of a large amount of sign-ups premium members are given priority access to enter this event. Premium members please sign up at least 24 hours in advance to be given priority; I won't kick a non-premium member off the list if your sign up is very late. Don't forget Licensed memberships are being phased out.

Sign Up List - Stick to your assignments! Don't make car order requests. (Driver / Race 1 Car / Race 2 Car)
  1. Craig Patteson / F430 / 997
  2. Ian Navarro / 997 / F430 *
  3. Ivan Fojan / F430 / 997
  4. Fabrizio Telasio / 997 / F430
  5. Yuri Kasdorp / F430 / 997
  6. Keith Griffall / 997 / F430
  7. Fabio Rodrigues / F430 / 997 [MAYBE]
  8. Andreas Ballin / 997 / F430
  9. Tuomas Lankinen / F430 / 997
  10. Jörn Horbelt / 997 / F430
  11. Ryan Seltzer / F430 / 997
  12. Mick Aspinall / 997 / F430
  13. Driver
  14. Driver
  15. Driver
  16. Driver
  17. Driver
  18. Driver
  19. Driver
  20. Driver
  21. Driver
  22. Driver
  23. Driver
  24. Driver
  25. Driver
  26. Driver
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