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Bram Hengeveld

Website Founder
Track: Curitiba
Practice: 19:00 GMT (30 minutes)
Qualification: 19:30 GMT (10 minutes)
Warm-up: No Warm up
Race: 19:40 (2x25 minutes)
Password: click here

Signup List
To signup simply press the button below and chat away in the thread below :)
wow guys, thx to everyone who participated in this event. i think if real f1 had so many close fights, mistakes and overtaking actions, we wouldn´t have a discussion about it being boring!
in quali i forgot to use quali tyres, so P9 for me. at the start i didn´t see any light, so i lost a few places, but instantly regained them because some cars got divebombed in first corner.
i had my setup focus on stability and straight line speed, which helped me a lot to keep the car on track and pass a few cars on the long backstraight, but also caused understeer in the slow corners, where most guys were clearly faster than me. my left front was red when i pitted in lap 40, so i also had to brake a little bit earlier than most people.
but i could work my way up slowly and steady, including a great battle with @Mark Breslin . through 3 or 4 corners you were on my side or in a dead angle, i just couldn´t see you, just hope wewouldn´t collide. unfortunately we did, but from watching the replays i would say normal racing accident, definetly no hard feelings :thumbsup:
after pitting i had a relatively calm race in P2, until in the end @Matej Lakota and @Franklin Stegink came close, and we had a super intense battle. after watching the replay this morning i have to say i closed the door a bit too harsh in a few occasions for matej, sorry for that!
but after all, it was super fun with great guys to race with, although i almost got boiled in my room during the race :confused:
hope to see you soon on the track!

This weekend the European Le Mans Series runs at the Red Bull Ring, so here is our own virtual endurance version! Be sure to read all the info in this thread before signing up.

Track: Spielberg GP

Practice: 18:00 GMT
Quali: 18:15 GMT (15 minutes)
Warm-up: 18:30 (5 minutes)
Race: 18:35 GMT approx - 90 minutes - 1 Pit Stop Mandatory to change all 4 tyres.
90 minutes endurance means you won't win the race on lap 1, so please drive safely and respect others on track.

Tyre Wear & Fuel Consumption: Normal
Time Scale: x1
Start: Standing/Rolling - SEE SPECIAL NOTES

Special Notes MUST READ
The race start will be set to standing, however the first lap is not a racing lap - we will do a manual rolling start! When the lights go out, wait for the car ahead of you to pull away, and then gently follow them. The leaders are expected to maintain a reasonable pace not exceeding 100kph! Stay behind the car ahead, no weaving around, no brake testing. When coming back onto the start/finish straight, close the field back up, stick to your side of the grid, driving over the grid boxes. The green flag is deemed to have dropped the moment the leading cars cross the start finish line at the end of the formation lap - only then can you all speed up and race, overtake, etc. When signing up please indicate you have read these special notes about the start, or you won't be signed up.

You'll need to pit for a change of all 4 tyres during the race. When pitting, keep to the right when coming out of the final turn to avoid incidents. This track has some connecting corners where it can be difficult to overtake; if you come up behind a back marker, please be patient and give them some time to let you pass safely. Back markers, please be attentive to blue flags and cater to them as soon as it is safe to do so.

Server password: click here
Racing rules: click here

Let's fill up the grid! You can ask other drivers to practice or race with you by using the tag function of the forum. Just type an @ directly followed by the user name and this person will receive a notification.

Our racing clubs are foremost meant to gain online experience so please help other drivers out when they have questions about the event, the car, the track, the setup or a combination. This is not a league race, it's for some fun, so please join us on TeamSpeak and build a little community spirit!

Example of track limits for a track.

Sign Up
This race is for premium members only. For information on how we run our clubs, see here. You can upgrade your account here. Places in the race will be assigned on a first come first serve basis.
  1. Andrew James
  2. Jonathan Menéndez
  3. Tal Segal
  4. Mark Breslin
  5. Matej Lakota
  6. Franco Becagli
  7. Jörn Horbelt
  8. Joao Fernandes
  9. Kreshnik Halili
  10. Charles Baccio
  11. Calum McLure
  12. Michael Klein
  13. Tobias Röhner
  14. Free Slot
  15. Free Slot
  16. Free Slot
  17. Free Slot
  18. Free Slot
  19. Free Slot
  20. Free Slot
  21. Free Slot
  22. Free Slot
  23. Free Slot
  24. Free Slot
  25. Free Slot
  26. Free Slot
  27. Free Slot
  28. Free Slot
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The German Grand Prix has been cancelled this year (thanks Bernie :rolleyes:). If it had run, it would have been this weekend, so let's have our very own virtual version instead!
Please actually read this post, there is important race information for this special event.

Track: Nurburgring GP Download

Practice: 18:00 GMT
Quali: 18:15 GMT (20 minutes - see notes below!)
Warm-up: 18:35 (5 minutes)
Race: 18:40 GMT approx - 60 Laps (Mandatory 1 pit stop, see notes below). Standing Start.

During the entire event, all sessions, the available tyres are the Softs and the Mediums. You may not use any other tyre compound at any time. You will have to check this manually in the garage. When pitting, use your LCD screen to select which tyres will be put on at the stop.


You will have 5 laps: one out-lap, 3 hot-laps, and an in-lap. This is in order to avoid traffic congestion when qualifying. Do not exceed 5 laps or you will be DQ'd and will start the race from the back of the grid.

Parc Ferme
Parc ferme is in effect, meaning whatever setup you go for in qualifying will be the same setup you must use throughout the race.

Pit Stop
During the race, pit stop strategy is entirely up to you, however you must use both Softs and Mediums in the race (complete sets as in F1) Set the tires as a pre-set in your garage, or change your tire choice by requesting a pit stop while on track and using the LCD screen. Note that re-fueling is not an option, so start the race with all the fuel you need. When pitting obey all pit entry, exit and pit lane rules.

We don't usually have assists, but due to the renowned difficulty of these cars and to reduce chances of incidents low TC and ABS will be available. They are not mandatory, and if you can race without them, please do.

Server password: click here
Racing rules: click here

Let's fill up the grid! You can ask other drivers to practice or race with you by using the tag function of the forum. Just type an @ directly followed by the user name and this person will receive a notification.

Our racing clubs are foremost meant to gain online experience so please help other drivers out when they have questions about the event, the car, the track, the setup or a combination. This is not a league race, it's for some fun, so please join us on TeamSpeak and build a little community spirit!

Example of track limits for a track.

Sign Up
This race is for premium members only. For information on how we run our clubs, see here. You can upgrade your account here. Places in the race will be assigned on a first come first serve basis. Please indicate which car you want.
  1. Free Slot - Brackley GP #7
  2. Free Slot - Brackley GP #8
  3. Alex Parker - Enstone FR #9
  4. Free Slot - Enstone FR #10
  5. Free Slot - Grove Motorsports #18
  6. Free Slot - Grove Motorsports #19
  7. Free Slot - Hingham GP #21
  8. Free Slot - Hingham GP #20
  9. Free Slot - Hinwil FR Team #14
  10. Jeff Lasecki - Hinwil FR Team #15
  11. Ken Rodriguez- Indian Momentum #11
  12. Free Slot - Indian Momentum #12
  13. Free Slot - Madrid GP Team #22
  14. Free Slot - Madrid GP Team #23
  15. Dewald Nel - Maranello Scuderia #6
  16. Free Slot - Maranello Scuderia #5
  17. Free Slot - MK Racing #2
  18. Free Slot - MK Racing #1
  19. Jörn Horbelt - Reiza Studios GP #26
  20. Tal Segal - Reiza Studios GP #27
  21. Free Slot - Scuderia Faenza #17
  22. Free Slot - Scuderia Faenza #16
  23. Free Slot - Sochi GP #24
  24. April Dillon - Sochi GP #25
  25. Free Slot - Woking Motorsport #3
  26. Free Slot - Woking Motorsport #4
Reserves (You will be tagged should there be drop outs, or no shows by the time quali starts).
  1. Driver
  2. Driver
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All premium members can sign up for this event. Sign up below and make sure to tag fellow community members who you think are up for a challenge!

Join us
Not a premium member yet but interested to race with our group of friendly drivers? Click here for more information and learn how you can participate as well. See you on track?!

Server and Teamspeak Password: click here
Racing Club Rules: click here
Formula Vee
Track: Jacarepagua Historic

Practice: 18:00 GMT (10 minutes)
Qualifying: 18:10 GMT (10 minutes)
Warmup: 18:20 GMT (3 minutes)
Race 1: 18:25 GMT (20 minutes)

Practice 2: 18:50 GMT (10 minutes)
Qualifying: 19:00 GMT (10 minutes)
Warmup: 19:10 GMT (3 minutes)
Race 2: 19:15 GMT (20 minutes)

You can sign up for either an individual race, or both. Our racing clubs are foremost meant to gain online experience so please help other drivers out when they have questions about the event, the car, the track, the setup or a combination. This is not a league race, it's for some fun, so please join us on TeamSpeak and build a little community spirit!

Example of track limits for a track.

Entry List
  1. Jörn Horbelt
  2. Alexander Chernyshov
  3. Mark Breslin
  4. Warren Schembri
  5. Joao Fernandes
  6. Gregory Boundy
  7. Sven-Arne Andersson
  8. Gundars Brigis
  9. Jarek Kostowski
  10. Free slot
  11. Free slot
  12. Free slot
  13. Free slot
  14. Free slot
  15. Free slot
  16. Free slot
  17. Free slot
  18. Free slot
  19. Free slot
  20. Free slot
  21. Free slot
  22. Free slot
  23. Free slot
  24. Free slot
  25. Free slot
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All premium members can sign up for this event and we have unlimited slots available so make sure to bring a friend. Sign up below and make sure to tag fellow community members who you think are up for a challenge!

Join us
Not a premium member yet but interested to race with our group of friendly drivers? Click here for more information and learn how you can participate as well. See you on track?!

Server and Teamspeak Password: click here
Racing Club Rules: click here
Track: Jacarepaguá Historic
Car: Formula V12

Race 1

18:00 GMT
Qualifying: 18:10 GMT
Warm up: 18:20 GMT (3 minutes)
Race 1: 18:25 GMT (20 mins)

Race 2
18:50 GMT
Qualifying: 19:00 GMT
Warm up: 19:10 GMT (3 minutes)
Race 2 : 19:15 GMT (20 mins)

Entry List
  1. Jörn Horbelt
  2. Alex Parker
  3. Free slot
  4. Free slot
  5. Free slot
  6. Free slot
  7. Free slot
  8. Free slot
  9. Free slot
  10. Free slot
  11. Free slot
  12. Free slot
  13. Free slot
  14. Free slot
  15. Free slot
  16. Free slot
  17. Free slot
  18. Free slot
  19. Free slot
  20. Free slot
  21. Free slot
  22. Free slot
  23. Free slot
  24. Free slot
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All premium members can sign up for this event. Sign up below and make sure to tag fellow community members who you think are up for a challenge!

Join us
Not a premium member yet but interested to race with our group of friendly drivers? Click here for more information and learn how you can participate as well. See you on track?!

Server and Teamspeak Password: click here
Racing Club Rules: click here
Opala 1986
Track: Spielberg Historic

Practice: 18:00 GMT (10 minutes)
Qualifying: 18:10 GMT (10 minutes)
Warmup: 18:20 GMT (3 minutes)
Race 1: 18:25 GMT (20 minutes)

Practice 2: 18:50 GMT (10 minutes)
Qualifying: 19:00 GMT (10 minutes)
Warmup: 19:10 GMT (3 minutes)
Race 2: 19:15 GMT (20 minutes)

You can sign up for either an individual race, or both. Our racing clubs are foremost meant to gain online experience so please help other drivers out when they have questions about the event, the car, the track, the setup or a combination. This is not a league race, it's for some fun, so please join us on TeamSpeak and build a little community spirit!

Example of track limits for a track.
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Entry List
  1. Jyri Kettunen
  2. Yves Larose
  3. Craig Patteson
  4. Dean Solomon
  5. Warren Schembri
  6. Tal Segal
  7. Rui F. Martins
  8. Petros Lambropoulos
  9. Kreshnik Halili
  10. Stig Bidstrup
  11. Justin Davis
  12. Jörn Horbelt
  13. Free slot
  14. Free slot
  15. Free slot
  16. Free slot
  17. Free slot
  18. Free slot
  19. Free slot
  20. Free slot
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Fair point, and I will when I can.
Thank you @Nox! I know administrators don't have as much time as we believe they have. ;)

Otherwise it's a good idea if people share their setups in the thread before the race. The whole point of the club is to just jump in for some fun, so having some setups on hand would help that.

I agree with you about the setups, to a certain extent. In the past, I tried other people's setup, only to realize I was not any faster, it was actually sometimes more unstable than the default one to me. So now, I always try to make my own, because what fits a driving style might not be any good for another one. I didn't share my setup because it was not really finished and kind of experimental. It was a good idea in the end, because with a full tank it was pretty horrible to drive on the edge. I'd rather have people with default setup rather than crashing with mine... :cautious:

Personnaly, I'm not that good with setups, I just "try and see" most of the time. They are a complex part of sim racing, and I'm clearly not good enough to build a stable one that'll fit most of the driving styles. Don't get me wrong though, if someone can feel they managed to put together a stable setup (as we've seen in the F1 and CART events), that will be appreciated by most of us for sure! :) For long races, I would still recommend trying to build one's own setup. Spending a couple hours testing the main elements of a setup is worth it when the race is almost two hours long!

My PC is six years old, did I hear people say I was stststuttering a bit as they got close to me? Any after race reports on that? I've never been passed so many times in one event in my life, hoping I only caused a litttle confusion, I was really trying to stay aware.
Nothing special on my side, it was all good regarding your connection. It was all good regarding the way you behaved on the track too! :thumbsup:

Feeling quietly confident for a podium finish,........that 'went out the window' when I didn't hear or see the lights, Just a lot of tyre smoke that gave me a hint to 'floor it'!!:whistling:
Yes, the lights were basically... one light panel going on. No countdown or whatever. I have no idea, but maybe it was this way in real life?
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