Banned from AC forums, anyone have experienced this?

< Mod Edit: Please be advised that it is in breach of RD ToS to use insulting or derogatory terms. Post cleaned.>

Hello all, i'm banned from AC forum for more than one month now. As an active member since the beggining and with more than 1000 messages i feel shocked with that kind of attitude from them. <snip>

Has this happened to anyone? I agree maybe that they should permanently ban you if you were kind of disrespectful or insult anyone, which was not the case. I got banned until now just because people were asking on forum for MP improvements (more than acceptable) and all i've done was quote a message <snip> and used a funny ironic image related to what he was saying THAT WAS CLEARLY A LIE!! From that moment on, as it was admitted by Lord Kunos himself, he went on a ban strike and several people were banned... until now.

Well, maybe i would accept a week suspension because now i know AC forums staff can't accept critics anymore (they're rich now) and became a dictatorial regime that can only be populated by fanboys or "yes" sheeps...

The image was this...

Ray Liotta Laughing In Goodfellas.jpg
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The main gauges sure, but the info screens have only minimum details and the overall interior just doesn't seem as nicely modelled as other cars. And I don't know if there's something wrong with my game, but the info screen is a weird purple (wtf ?). Maybe it's a bug if you don't use PP filter somehow, think I've heard about that, but thought it only affected the sky (over-saturated).

Here's how it looks IRL when the car is running:
Havent had a look into it, but it might have fixed it...


  • Model updates to the Huracan ST interior
  • [...]
Are you gonna try and find "examples" for me to analyse every time the subject pops up or what ?
Is not only about examples, but why couldn't those situations happen and why you deem them unrealistic? You're trying to create the sensation that you can do things in game on the race track which couldn't be possible in real life. And you're describing it in a way like "sliding easily at 200-250kph any car full lock at schwedenkreuz corner". What I see here is that you're trying to create an impression on people reading it, but we haven't seen the exact situation happen and from that judge better (video in game).
And then you're comparing it with the difficulties you find when doing track days with your Miata. How does it compare to the Miata mod from the game?
Is not only about examples, but why couldn't those situations happen and why you deem them unrealistic? You're trying to create the sensation that you can do things in game on the race track which couldn't be possible in real life. And you're describing it in a way like "sliding easily at 200-250kph any car full lock at schwedenkreuz corner". What I see here is that you're trying to create an impression on people reading it, but we haven't seen the exact situation happen and from that judge better (video in game).
And then you're comparing it with the difficulties you find when doing track days with your Miata. How does it compare to the Miata mod from the game?
I give up. Clearly we must not be playing the same game.

P.S. The Miata mod is pretty accurate bar too much grip and over the limit (like, far over the limit) being too easy, which are AC trademarks more than anything.
There is no way to sugar coat this but you are wrong. I dont care if the game is free or $1000 like iRacing but basic features that were in games in the early 2000's should be expected. It's not entitlement. You are owed that when you purchase something. If I buy a loaf of bread I expect the whole loaf, not the ends and the plastic wraping.

This game is going to be a laughing stock when it comes out on console. How will you explain to Forza users who are experienced in painting their cars with blocks and shapes that you cannot even pick a paint job online in AC? How will you explain that you cannot make pitstops unless you fumble with a mouse, will pit stops even be possible?

Early Access and supporting small devs is gaming's greatest achievement and it's biggest flaw. Many games that wouldn't have seen the light of day now do. However early access has normalized perpetually unfinished products. Couple that with the fact that every game's fan base has this innate ability to spiral into stockholm syndrome with their dev of choice we further fuel the cycle.

I am not asking for a date with a super model, I am asking that my $50 sim + $10 DLC (only bought first DP) forges progress. Not regression. This is not limited to sim racing but all genres of gaming.

This is exactly the issue. You expect the game to have specific features that they don't personally clarify and get upset when they don't get implemented. But keep telling yourself that it's their fault for claiming to be a sim racing game and not implementing features that you think they should implement. Again, this is entitlement because you're expecting the game to have features that the developers never claimed would be implemented in the first place.

You'd have a point if they went back on promises to implement said features like say pCARS has done, but when they don't implement features that they never said they'd implement there's really no validity to your claims of them owing you something.

Listen, I get being upset about some of the features, but the points at which some of you take it as though it's the worst possible thing that could have happened and that your $50 is now lost makes me seriously question your maturity level if you can't deal with something not being perfectly the way you desire it to be.
This is exactly the issue. You expect the game to have specific features that they don't personally clarify and get upset when they don't get implemented. But keep telling yourself that it's their fault for claiming to be a sim racing game and not implementing features that you think they should implement. Again, this is entitlement because you're expecting the game to have features that the developers never claimed would be implemented in the first place.

You'd have a point if they went back on promises to implement said features like say pCARS has done, but when they don't implement features that they never said they'd implement there's really no validity to your claims of them owing you something.

Listen, I get being upset about some of the features, but the points at which some of you take it as though it's the worst possible thing that could have happened and that your $50 is now lost makes me seriously question your maturity level if you can't deal with something not being perfectly the way you desire it to be.
I doubt your average "mature" person would find it okay to just throw 50 bucks away, unless you're a millionaire.
Actually yes, your average mature adult understands that there are times in life they are going to be disappointed in things they spend money on; your average mature adult also understands that they will end up making more money and doesn't dwell and sulk over a fifty spot they wasted two years earlier.

Keep in mind that your average mature adult doesn't live at home with his parents, and doesn't spend the majority of his life brooding over his video games not being good enough.
And I am sorry, but so called self appointed 'serious sim racers' that value the color of their car over how close to reality it drives still cracks me up. So glad I got that special kind of stupid out of my life.
Keep in mind that your average mature adult doesn't live at home with his parents, and doesn't spend the majority of his life brooding over his video games not being good enough.
And I am sorry, but so called self appointed 'serious sim racers' that value the color of their car over how close to reality it drives still cracks me up. So glad I got that special kind of stupid out of my life.
Well, #1 sorry if that's what you do. #2 I doubt you got that out of your life.
I have spent more than 50 dollars on stuff I found that resulted very disappointed and I have got over it. Generally speaking is part of life.

You guys complain too much or expect too much. AC is what it is. It is not perfect. It may lack some features that some people may consider are essential, at least I can live without them. For me it delivers enough to feel happy about what I paid for. I don't think it means I am satisfied with mediocre stuff. Have already tried alternatives and AC is by far the best option I have found.

AC may not be for some of you. Get over it and look for a better option. I do not know what will make you people happy, but it seems that for some of you is something that really is not going to happen on a long term and I do not think it will cost $50 dollars. You guys are spoiled. Good luck searching for what will satisfy your sim-racing expectations.

At the end this is just a nice pastime for many of us. Another small thing of many other things that should make life better.
I have spent more than 50 dollars on stuff I found that resulted very disappointed and I have got over it. Generally speaking is part of life.

You guys complain too much or expect too much. AC is what it is. It is not perfect. It may lack some features that some people may consider are essential, at least I can live without them. For me it delivers enough to feel happy about what I paid for. I don't think it means I am satisfied with mediocre stuff. Have already tried alternatives and AC is by far the best option I have found.

AC may not be for some of you. Get over it and look for a better option. I do not know what will make you people happy, but it seems that for some of you is something that really is not going to happen on a long term and I do not think it will cost $50 dollars. You guys are spoiled. Good luck searching for what will satisfy your sim-racing expectations.

At the end this is just a nice pastime for many of us. Another small thing of many other things that should make life better.

Wouldn't it be nice if people could post their opinions and discuss things without other people attacking those people who do not share some positive opinion about the game. And telling them to go away?

I think it is a valid thing to say that in some cases ac is very much on the easy side of things. Catching slides is not difficult at all.

Saying "it is how it is" and then telling others to go away is one of the common sins in sim racing communities. If you want a place where you can ac circlejerk then maybe you go away? Or maybe nobody go anywhere and instead try to respect other opinions even if they are different than yours? It is not an insult towards you personally if someone finds ac physics to be easier, especially after 1.3. It is a topic of interest where people can have different opinions. Some more fact based than others.

People can decide themselves whether some sim is for them or not. We don't need people going around telling others what they should or should not like.
Wouldn't it be nice if people could post their opinions and discuss things without other people attacking those people who do not share some positive opinion about the game. And telling them to go away?

I agree. I think problem depends on how you express your opinion and how you defend it. Also, one thing is express an opinion and other is simply trolling. No place to be naive here. Sometimes the choosen words are not the right ones. On both sides.

I think it is a valid thing to say that in some cases ac is very much on the easy side of things. Catching slides is not difficult at all.

Not clear what you mean by easy side of things. About "Catching slides is not difficult at all", I have seen online drivers that are unable to catch slides (fact). That says to me that there must exists at least some level of difficulty that not all drivers are able to overcome. So, or those drivers are not skilled enough and you are a very skilled one, or you are not going fast enough on that slide (I have not seen or read a description of your experience). I really do not know. Also, I think it will highly depend the car you are driving and the setup being used. We can discuss about this long time.

You can post your opinion. You have that right. I have the right to not agree with you. I expressed why I am not based on some facts I have seen. And you have the right to disagree with me. But at least I would expect to read some facts that will support your opinion.

Saying "it is how it is" and then telling others to go away is one of the common sins in sim racing communities. If you want a place where you can ac circlejerk then maybe you go away? Or maybe nobody go anywhere and instead try to respect other opinions even if they are different than yours? It is not an insult towards you personally if someone finds ac physics to be easier, especially after 1.3. It is a topic of interest where people can have different opinions. Some more fact based than others.

Never said to go away. I said look for other options. I still see people complaining AC does not support rain, AC does not have night racing. Even when the developers already stated it is not on the plans, people still complain about it. This is when I say "Get over it" is not going to happen.

People can decide themselves whether some sim is for them or not. We don't need people going around telling others what they should or should not like.

I have tried about 3 times different versions of rFactor2 demo, as I have read from many sources it is pretty good. On every of those times I could not make it work properly. Graphics performance was terrible, even worst than what I recall from some mods I used on rFactor before. I had to lower a lot of quality options to have decent fps at the cost of a bad graphics quality. Maybe the physics are quiet good but the experience to drive with those graphics took away the immersion. I got over it. It simply is not the sim for me, but I am not bickering about it on the forums.

Same happened with RaceRoomExperience. In this case I could not set my steering wheel properly no matter what settings I changed, I have to turn the wheel like a yatch steering wheel to change the direction of the car. I gave up, got over it and again I am not complaining on the forums.

On both cases I am not telling people don't like them because it ran like crap on my system or because I was unable to configure my steering wheel properly.
WRONG! After several years with racing games and racing sims it's pretty obvious that it depends on a lot of factors, including the most important one... talent! It doesn't matter if it's arcade or simulation, there will allways be HUGE gaps between fastest and slower times, even at Mario Kart...
It isn't wrong because you're missing the point. Talent is an obvious factor, but if a game is supposed to be easy to get to 99% as was asserted, the leaderboards should be much closer than they are, with the cream rising to the top as they always do. If the 99% thing was accurate, you'd have a whole bunch of people congregated within a couple of seconds of the aliens who can extract that last 1%. In fact, the leaderboards are as spread out as in any other game I've ever played which statistically speaking, means the game is just as difficult as any other game in getting to the limit.

Haven't seen Harris effortlessly drift Schwedenkreuz full-lock at 200+....... His drifting is all relatively low speed and done with "safe" corner entry (read: not at the limit).

I've done real life track driving, pushing as hard as the car will take and I've stepped over the limit many times, it's nowhere near as effortless as in AC, not when you're at the limit. It's not deadly, but you need quick hands and good car control. On AC you can be terrible and save slides without much issues, you see it all the time. If sliding was that easy most people would be pro drifters by now.
Chris Harris doesn't do it because he doesn't want to risk his life for a car review video, we have no such restriction in sim racing. You can't compare everything in the game to real life because we will do things in the game that no sane person would do in real life, but that doesn't mean from a physics standpoint that it can't be done in real life in ideal conditions. In that case the limitation isn't real life physics being able to handle some maneuver, it's common sense. In sim racing conditions are perfect, there are no patches of gravel, no oil on the track, no dusty or dirty patches, no car parts lying on the tarmac etc. Do we know what highly skilled drivers could do if faced with perfect conditions and no risk of injury or death?
It isn't wrong because you're missing the point. Talent is an obvious factor, but if a game is supposed to be easy to get to 99% as was asserted, the leaderboards should be much closer than they are, with the cream rising to the top as they always do. If the 99% thing was accurate, you'd have a whole bunch of people congregated within a couple of seconds of the aliens who can extract that last 1%. In fact, the leaderboards are as spread out as in any other game I've ever played which statistically speaking, means the game is just as difficult as any other game in getting to the limit.

Again you're wrong... there are no fixed limits, limit for me is different from yours, that's why times are so different, no matter if it's easy or not...

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