PC2 Be careful using the Custom FFB preset.

In what way? You mean to strong bumps and wheel weight? I could see that but thats a simple fix of lowing in game sliders. I dont like fake effects added to FFB so I use the alt. Fighting the wheel is part of the fun for me.

Edit: You posted as I was typing.
Try Steam guide ..IT said jackspade are compressed and we miss some ffb in the wheel...IT have a custom file too but non compress..try it and come back pls...i want tout know what you think about that...
Try Steam guide ..IT said jackspade are compressed and we miss some ffb in the wheel...IT have a custom file too but non compress..try it and come back pls...i want tout know what you think about that...
Just did it feels weird. I mean really weird some corners coming back to center it feels like there is a notch and doesn't want to return to center. Tested honda indy road at watkins glen. When I get more time ill try some other cars and tracks.
I have the same issue with my T500. Jack's files (even alternate High) seems overly powerful when hitting curbs and just comes on too strong. Would love to knock it down a bit.

Right now i'm running immersive and that seems pretty decent.
with tx 458 Randam's file i can feel in wich direction are my tires, i can feel slip,..I cannot with Jack's file
But again too much peaks on road and kerbs
The custom file need to be tweaked with ur wheel and ur taste but its very difficult because too much parameters
UPDATE in STEAM GUIDE and i really like it...its aprox the same but try this out
using the same setting of jackspade...but with more setting... so i try steam ...and its pretty the same...but he is
Speed Sensitivity 0
Damper Saturation 25
Controller Filtering Sensitivity 0
Damper Saturation 0
and FFB
and jackspade is :
Speed Sensitivity 0
Damper Saturation 0
Controller Filtering Sensitivity 50 or 100
Damper Saturation 50
Compare jacks file and randam (niklas silen) file and u will see they are not pretty the same. Jack use some functions like compressor and niklas others. The feeling is not pretty the same too
(i'm using original file from Niklas now)
# File by Niklas Silen
# INSTRUCTIONS (how to use the custom FFB system)
# Copy this text to a plain text file. Remove the "" symbol that will appear at the begining and the end. Rename the file to ffb_custom.txt and place it in My Documents\Project CARS 2 directory, then select CUSTOM from within the game
#General form of code
#(A B ....)
#If A is known function name, then that function is done, with B ... as the arguments. If an argument is itself in (), then that is resolved first.
#If A is not a function name, it is taken as a variable name, and is assigned B, and ... is ignored.
#(output (relative output 1.0 0.5 2.0))
#becomes in effect somthing like in C ish form:
#output = relative(output, 1.0, 0.5, 2.0);
# List of commands:
#Variables ...
#Output ...
#* output -- the FFB applied to the wheel
#Time ...
#* dt -- timestep
#* et -- elapsed time
#Steering ...
#* steering_vel
#* steering_pos
#Player Controls ...
#* volume
#* tone
#* fx
#Steering ...
#* steering_approx
#* steering_angle_FL
#* steering_angle_FR
#Useful for centering spring type effects.
#Rack Forces ...
#(FL, FR, RL, RR)
#* FL_Fx
#* FL_Fy
#* FL_Fz
#* FL_Mx
#* FL_My
#* FL_Mz
#These forces are the components of forces at the tires as felt through the rack. Simply add them all together to get the full rack force.
#Note that Mx and My are near zero, and do not contribute much at all, so adding Fx, Fy, Fz, and Mz is adequate.
#Full Forces at Tires ...
#(FL, FR, RL, RR)
#* FL_lat
#* FL_long
#* FL_load
#Unlike the above these are the raw full forces at the tires, not mechanically filtering through steering geometry and linkages.
#(FL, FR)
#These are direct forces from the contact patch of the tyre
#Grips ...
#(FL, FR)
#* FL_def
#* FL_adh
#* FL_tack
#* FL_stab
#* FL_visc
#* FL_tear
#The ratios of full grip (forces) due to each grip type in the model. They will all sum to 1.0 at any given timestep.
#Rubber ...
#(FL, FR)
#* FL_slide -- 0 to 1 for how much the contact patch is in slide
#* FL_stretch
#Relates to Functions ...
#Linkage ...
#* arm_angle -- Linkage uses this value as the spindle arm angle
#Split ...
#* split_lo -- split's output: low component
#* split_md -- split's output: medium component
#* split_hi -- split's output: high component
#Smooth ...
#* smooth_lo -- smoothed signal (same as return value)
#* smooth_hi -- the remainder (input - smoothed)
#Histogram ...
#* hist_L -- histogram's L value; F1 widget uses this
#* hist_ML -- histogram's ML value; F1 widget uses this
#* hist_M -- histogram's M value; F1 widget uses this
#* hist_MH -- histogram's MH value; F1 widget uses this
#* hist_H -- histogram's H value; F1 widget uses this
#* hist_clip -- histogram's clip value; F1 widget uses this
#SignalScale ...
#* scale_window_init -- first time time window before adjusting
#* scale_window_nominal -- subsequent windows
#* scale_soft_clear_t -- reference time for fading out learning info
#* scale_blend_t -- reference time for blending in new scale
#* scale_min -- minimum scale
#* scale_max -- maximum scale
#Function Reference ...
#Absolute Value ...
#(abs <input>)
#Add ...
#(+ <input> ...)
#Add all of the inputs.
#AntiDrag ...
#(anti_drag <input> <Cd> <Cf> <refvel>)
#* Cd -- anti drag coeefficent, function of wheel position velocity
#* Cf -- anti drag friction, constant resistence, tapered to zero via:
#* refvel -- wheel velocity below which to taper to zero.
#Drag ...
#(drag <input> <Cd> <Cq>)
#* Cd -- drag coeefficent, function of wheel position velocity
#* Cq -- drag coeefficent, function of wheel position velocity squared
#Blend ...
#(blend <bias> <input for one> <input for zero>)
#Center ...
#(ctr <input>)
#Convert input assumed to be between from 0.0 to 1.0, to -1.0 to 1.0.
#Divide ...
#(/ <first input> <input> ...)
#Divide inputs from first input.
#Down ...
#(dn <input>)
#Convert input such that:
#* 0 - 0.5 : 0.0
#* 0.5 - 1.0 : 0.0 - 1.0
#Hard Clipper ...
#(hard_clip <input> <cap>)
#Histogram ...
#(histogram <input>)
#If ...
#(if <cond> <true> <false>)
#Linkage ...
#(linkage <mode> <angle>)
#Maximum ...
#(max <args ...>)
#Minimum ...
#(min <args ...>)
#Multiply ...
#(* <args ...>)
#Power ...
#(power <input> <power>)
#RelativeGain ...
#(relative <gain> <bleed> <clamp>)
#Safety ...
#(safety <input> <limit>)
#Scoop ...
#(scoop <input> <knee> <reduction>)
#SignalScale ...
#(signal_scale <input>
#<L weight> <ML weight> <M weight> <MH weight> <H weight>
#<clipping weight>
#<equalize blend> <boost blend>)
#Smooth ...
#(smooth <input> <ref time>)
#Soft Clipper ...
#(soft_clip <half in> <unity>)
#Split ...
#(split <lo scale> <md scale> <hi scale> <lo/md ref time> <md/hi ref time>)
#Spring ...
#(spring <force> <stiffness> <damping>)
#Subtract ...
#(- <first input> <input> ... )
#Subtract inputs from first input.
#Tighten Center ...
#(tighten <input> <range> <falloff>)
#Up ...
#(up <input>)
#Convert input such that:
#* 0 - 0.5 : 1.0 - 0.0
#* 0.5 - 1.0 : 0.0
# CUSTOM PRESET Description: 50 / 50 split of Rack and Tire forces

(Fx_scale 1.0)
(Fy_scale 1.0)
(Fz_scale 1.0)
(My_scale 1.0)
(Mx_scale 1.0)
(Mz_scale 1.0)

# Low Speed Filter Out -------------------------------
(Fx_scale (* Fx_scale (crossover vel_mag 0.0 1.0)))
(Mz_scale (* Mz_scale (crossover vel_mag 0.0 1.0)))

(arm_angle 0.0)
(left_scale (linkage 1.0 -1.0))
(right_scale (linkage 1.0 1.0))

(def_scale 1.0)
(adh_scale 1.0)
(tack_scale 1.0)
(stab_scale 1.0)
(visc_scale 1.0)
(tear_scale 1.0)
(left_grip (+ (* FL_def def_scale) (* FL_adh adh_scale) (* FL_tack tack_scale) (* FL_stab stab_scale) (* FL_visc visc_scale) (* FL_tear tear_scale)))
(right_grip (+ (* FR_def def_scale) (* FR_adh adh_scale) (* FR_tack tack_scale) (* FR_stab stab_scale) (* FR_visc visc_scale) (* FR_tear tear_scale)))

(left_scale (* left_scale left_grip))
(right_scale (* right_scale right_grip))

# Tires linkage through 0 arm angle
(Fx (+ (* left_scale FL_Fx) (* right_scale FR_Fx)))
(Fy (+ (* left_scale FL_Fy) (* right_scale FR_Fy)))
(Fz (+ (* left_scale FL_Fz) (* right_scale FR_Fz)))
(Mx (+ (* left_scale FL_Mx) (* right_scale FR_Mx)))
(My (+ (* left_scale FL_My) (* right_scale FR_My)))
(Mz (+ (* left_scale FL_Mz) (* right_scale FR_Mz)))
(tire_grips (+ (* Fx_scale Fx) (* Fy_scale Fy) (* Fz_scale Fz) (* Mx_scale Mx) (* My_scale My) (* Mz_scale Mz) ) )

# RACK part starts from here

(Fx_scale 1.0)
(Fy_scale 1.0)
(Fz_scale 1.0)
(My_scale 1.0)
(Mx_scale 1.0)
(Mz_scale 1.0)

# Low Speed Filter Out
(Fx_scale (* Fx_scale (crossover vel_mag 0.0 1.0)))
(Mz_scale (* Mz_scale (crossover vel_mag 0.0 1.0)))

# Spindle Arm
(arm_angle 15.0))
(left_scale (linkage 1.0 -1.0))
(right_scale (linkage 1.0 1.0))

# Rack linkage
(Fx (+ (* left_scale FL_Fx) (* right_scale FR_Fx)))
(Fy (+ (* left_scale FL_Fy) (* right_scale FR_Fy)))
(Fz (+ (* left_scale FL_Fz) (* right_scale FR_Fz)))
(Mx (+ (* left_scale FL_Mx) (* right_scale FR_Mx)))
(My (+ (* left_scale FL_My) (* right_scale FR_My)))
(Mz (+ (* left_scale FL_Mz) (* right_scale FR_Mz)))
(rack (+ (* Fx_scale Fx) (* Fy_scale Fy) (* Fz_scale Fz) (* Mx_scale Mx) (* My_scale My) (* Mz_scale Mz) ) )

# Combining RACK and TIRE forces

(output (+ (* tone 2.0 rack) (* (+ (* tone -1.0) 1.0) 2.0 tire_grips)))

# Jerk Based Road Feel -------------------------------
(FL_road (* FL_load 1.0))
(FL_road (jerk FL_road))
(FL_road (* FL_road (abs FL_angvel)))

(FR_road (* FR_load -1.0))
(FR_road (jerk FR_road))
(FR_road (* FR_road (abs FR_angvel)))

(FL_brk (* FL_long 1.0))
(FL_brk (jerk FL_brk))
(FL_brk (* FL_brk (abs FL_angvel)))

(FR_brk (* FR_long -1.0))
(FR_brk (jerk FR_brk))
(FR_brk (* FR_brk (abs FR_angvel)))

# Bump -----------------------------------------------
(inv_period (/ 1.0 (+ FL_bump_period 0.001)))
(dphase (* FL_vel_x dt inv_period))
(FL_bump (oscillator dphase))
(FL_bump (scoop FL_bump FL_bump_sharpness 0.95))
(FL_bump (* FL_bump FL_load FL_bump_amplitude FL_angvel))
(FL_bump (split FL_bump 0.0 1.0 0.0 0.4 0.02))

(inv_period (/ 1.0 (+ FR_bump_period 0.001)))
(dphase (* FR_vel_x dt inv_period))
(FR_bump (oscillator dphase))
(FR_bump (scoop FR_bump FR_bump_sharpness 0.95))
(FR_bump (* FR_bump FR_load FR_bump_amplitude FR_angvel))
(FR_bump (split FR_bump 0.0 1.0 0.0 0.4 0.02))

# Scrub ----------------------------------------------
(FL_scrub (soft_clip FL_scrub 2.0 0.0))
(FL_scrub (scoop FL_scrub 0.8 0.999))
(FL_scrub (* FL_scrub (oscillator 1.2)))
(FR_scrub (soft_clip FR_scrub 2.0 0.0))
(FR_scrub (scoop FR_scrub 0.8 0.999))
(FR_scrub (* FR_scrub (oscillator 1.2)))

# Texture --------------------------------------------
(road_scale (* 0.0005 1.0))
(brk_scale 0.0)
(bump_scale (* 0.24 1.0))
(scrub_scale (* 14.0 1.0))
(tex_k 20000.0)
(tex_d 1.0)

(FL_tex (+ (* road_scale FL_road) (* brk_scale FL_brk) (* bump_scale FL_bump) (* scrub_scale FL_scrub)))
(FL_tex (split FL_tex 0.0 1.0 1.0 2.0 0.01))
(FL_tex (spring FL_tex tex_k tex_d 1.0))

(FR_tex (+ (* road_scale FR_road) (* brk_scale FR_brk) (* bump_scale FR_bump) (* scrub_scale FR_scrub)))
(FR_tex (split FR_tex 0.0 1.0 1.0 2.0 0.01))
(FR_tex (spring FR_tex tex_k tex_d 1.0))

(tex (+ FL_tex FR_tex))
(tex (soft_clip tex 1.0 0.0))

# Engine ---------------------------------------------
(engine (oscillator (* throttle crankshaft 0.0006)))
(engine (split engine 0.0 1.0 0.0 0.1 0.02))

# Gearbox --------------------------------------------
(gearbox (oscillator (* (- driveshaft_core clutchshaft_core) 1.0)))
(gearbox (* gearbox gearbox_grind clutch 0.05))
(gearbox (spring gearbox 8000.0 0.2 1.0))
(gearbox (* gearbox 1.0))

(feel (+ tex gearbox))

# Scaler as informational only, doesnt affect output -
(scale_window_init 10.0)
(scale_window_nominal 2.0)
(scale_soft_clear_t 10.0)
(scale_min 0.2)
(scale_max 2.0)
(scale_blend_t 2.0)
(signal_scale output
1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0
0.0 0.0)

(output (+ (* volume output) (* feel fx)))

(histogram output)

(output (hard_clip (* output gain) 1.0))
Yeah he just had this for his wheel
(output (tighten output 0.02 0.01)) # Deadzone Removal deadzone and falloff values as PCars1, specifit for T300. Remove/edit if you're using other wheel.
(output (relative output 1.4 0.1 0.99)) # Relative Output Gain, Bleed and Clamp values as PCars1, specific for T300. Remove/edit if you're using other wheel.
It doenst matter my settings in game
volume need to be adapted per car up to ur feelings, i will say 40 today and tomorrow 64 lol

they are no ideal or universal settings
# File by Niklas Silen
# INSTRUCTIONS (how to use the custom FFB system)
# Copy this text to a plain text file. Remove the "" symbol that will appear at the begining and the end. Rename the file to ffb_custom.txt and place it in My Documents\Project CARS 2 directory, then select CUSTOM from within the game
#General form of code
#(A B ....)
#If A is known function name, then that function is done, with B ... as the arguments. If an argument is itself in (), then that is resolved first.
#If A is not a function name, it is taken as a variable name, and is assigned B, and ... is ignored.
#(output (relative output 1.0 0.5 2.0))
#becomes in effect somthing like in C ish form:
#output = relative(output, 1.0, 0.5, 2.0);
# List of commands:
#Variables ...
#Output ...
#* output -- the FFB applied to the wheel
#Time ...
#* dt -- timestep
#* et -- elapsed time
#Steering ...
#* steering_vel
#* steering_pos
#Player Controls ...
#* volume
#* tone
#* fx
#Steering ...
#* steering_approx
#* steering_angle_FL
#* steering_angle_FR
#Useful for centering spring type effects.
#Rack Forces ...
#(FL, FR, RL, RR)
#* FL_Fx
#* FL_Fy
#* FL_Fz
#* FL_Mx
#* FL_My
#* FL_Mz
#These forces are the components of forces at the tires as felt through the rack. Simply add them all together to get the full rack force.
#Note that Mx and My are near zero, and do not contribute much at all, so adding Fx, Fy, Fz, and Mz is adequate.
#Full Forces at Tires ...
#(FL, FR, RL, RR)
#* FL_lat
#* FL_long
#* FL_load
#Unlike the above these are the raw full forces at the tires, not mechanically filtering through steering geometry and linkages.
#(FL, FR)
#These are direct forces from the contact patch of the tyre
#Grips ...
#(FL, FR)
#* FL_def
#* FL_adh
#* FL_tack
#* FL_stab
#* FL_visc
#* FL_tear
#The ratios of full grip (forces) due to each grip type in the model. They will all sum to 1.0 at any given timestep.
#Rubber ...
#(FL, FR)
#* FL_slide -- 0 to 1 for how much the contact patch is in slide
#* FL_stretch
#Relates to Functions ...
#Linkage ...
#* arm_angle -- Linkage uses this value as the spindle arm angle
#Split ...
#* split_lo -- split's output: low component
#* split_md -- split's output: medium component
#* split_hi -- split's output: high component
#Smooth ...
#* smooth_lo -- smoothed signal (same as return value)
#* smooth_hi -- the remainder (input - smoothed)
#Histogram ...
#* hist_L -- histogram's L value; F1 widget uses this
#* hist_ML -- histogram's ML value; F1 widget uses this
#* hist_M -- histogram's M value; F1 widget uses this
#* hist_MH -- histogram's MH value; F1 widget uses this
#* hist_H -- histogram's H value; F1 widget uses this
#* hist_clip -- histogram's clip value; F1 widget uses this
#SignalScale ...
#* scale_window_init -- first time time window before adjusting
#* scale_window_nominal -- subsequent windows
#* scale_soft_clear_t -- reference time for fading out learning info
#* scale_blend_t -- reference time for blending in new scale
#* scale_min -- minimum scale
#* scale_max -- maximum scale
#Function Reference ...
#Absolute Value ...
#(abs <input>)
#Add ...
#(+ <input> ...)
#Add all of the inputs.
#AntiDrag ...
#(anti_drag <input> <Cd> <Cf> <refvel>)
#* Cd -- anti drag coeefficent, function of wheel position velocity
#* Cf -- anti drag friction, constant resistence, tapered to zero via:
#* refvel -- wheel velocity below which to taper to zero.
#Drag ...
#(drag <input> <Cd> <Cq>)
#* Cd -- drag coeefficent, function of wheel position velocity
#* Cq -- drag coeefficent, function of wheel position velocity squared
#Blend ...
#(blend <bias> <input for one> <input for zero>)
#Center ...
#(ctr <input>)
#Convert input assumed to be between from 0.0 to 1.0, to -1.0 to 1.0.
#Divide ...
#(/ <first input> <input> ...)
#Divide inputs from first input.
#Down ...
#(dn <input>)
#Convert input such that:
#* 0 - 0.5 : 0.0
#* 0.5 - 1.0 : 0.0 - 1.0
#Hard Clipper ...
#(hard_clip <input> <cap>)
#Histogram ...
#(histogram <input>)
#If ...
#(if <cond> <true> <false>)
#Linkage ...
#(linkage <mode> <angle>)
#Maximum ...
#(max <args ...>)
#Minimum ...
#(min <args ...>)
#Multiply ...
#(* <args ...>)
#Power ...
#(power <input> <power>)
#RelativeGain ...
#(relative <gain> <bleed> <clamp>)
#Safety ...
#(safety <input> <limit>)
#Scoop ...
#(scoop <input> <knee> <reduction>)
#SignalScale ...
#(signal_scale <input>
#<L weight> <ML weight> <M weight> <MH weight> <H weight>
#<clipping weight>
#<equalize blend> <boost blend>)
#Smooth ...
#(smooth <input> <ref time>)
#Soft Clipper ...
#(soft_clip <half in> <unity>)
#Split ...
#(split <lo scale> <md scale> <hi scale> <lo/md ref time> <md/hi ref time>)
#Spring ...
#(spring <force> <stiffness> <damping>)
#Subtract ...
#(- <first input> <input> ... )
#Subtract inputs from first input.
#Tighten Center ...
#(tighten <input> <range> <falloff>)
#Up ...
#(up <input>)
#Convert input such that:
#* 0 - 0.5 : 1.0 - 0.0
#* 0.5 - 1.0 : 0.0
# CUSTOM PRESET Description: 50 / 50 split of Rack and Tire forces

(Fx_scale 1.0)
(Fy_scale 1.0)
(Fz_scale 1.0)
(My_scale 1.0)
(Mx_scale 1.0)
(Mz_scale 1.0)

# Low Speed Filter Out -------------------------------
(Fx_scale (* Fx_scale (crossover vel_mag 0.0 1.0)))
(Mz_scale (* Mz_scale (crossover vel_mag 0.0 1.0)))

(arm_angle 0.0)
(left_scale (linkage 1.0 -1.0))
(right_scale (linkage 1.0 1.0))

(def_scale 1.0)
(adh_scale 1.0)
(tack_scale 1.0)
(stab_scale 1.0)
(visc_scale 1.0)
(tear_scale 1.0)
(left_grip (+ (* FL_def def_scale) (* FL_adh adh_scale) (* FL_tack tack_scale) (* FL_stab stab_scale) (* FL_visc visc_scale) (* FL_tear tear_scale)))
(right_grip (+ (* FR_def def_scale) (* FR_adh adh_scale) (* FR_tack tack_scale) (* FR_stab stab_scale) (* FR_visc visc_scale) (* FR_tear tear_scale)))

(left_scale (* left_scale left_grip))
(right_scale (* right_scale right_grip))

# Tires linkage through 0 arm angle
(Fx (+ (* left_scale FL_Fx) (* right_scale FR_Fx)))
(Fy (+ (* left_scale FL_Fy) (* right_scale FR_Fy)))
(Fz (+ (* left_scale FL_Fz) (* right_scale FR_Fz)))
(Mx (+ (* left_scale FL_Mx) (* right_scale FR_Mx)))
(My (+ (* left_scale FL_My) (* right_scale FR_My)))
(Mz (+ (* left_scale FL_Mz) (* right_scale FR_Mz)))
(tire_grips (+ (* Fx_scale Fx) (* Fy_scale Fy) (* Fz_scale Fz) (* Mx_scale Mx) (* My_scale My) (* Mz_scale Mz) ) )

# RACK part starts from here

(Fx_scale 1.0)
(Fy_scale 1.0)
(Fz_scale 1.0)
(My_scale 1.0)
(Mx_scale 1.0)
(Mz_scale 1.0)

# Low Speed Filter Out
(Fx_scale (* Fx_scale (crossover vel_mag 0.0 1.0)))
(Mz_scale (* Mz_scale (crossover vel_mag 0.0 1.0)))

# Spindle Arm
(arm_angle 15.0))
(left_scale (linkage 1.0 -1.0))
(right_scale (linkage 1.0 1.0))

# Rack linkage
(Fx (+ (* left_scale FL_Fx) (* right_scale FR_Fx)))
(Fy (+ (* left_scale FL_Fy) (* right_scale FR_Fy)))
(Fz (+ (* left_scale FL_Fz) (* right_scale FR_Fz)))
(Mx (+ (* left_scale FL_Mx) (* right_scale FR_Mx)))
(My (+ (* left_scale FL_My) (* right_scale FR_My)))
(Mz (+ (* left_scale FL_Mz) (* right_scale FR_Mz)))
(rack (+ (* Fx_scale Fx) (* Fy_scale Fy) (* Fz_scale Fz) (* Mx_scale Mx) (* My_scale My) (* Mz_scale Mz) ) )

# Combining RACK and TIRE forces

(output (+ (* tone 2.0 rack) (* (+ (* tone -1.0) 1.0) 2.0 tire_grips)))

# Jerk Based Road Feel -------------------------------
(FL_road (* FL_load 1.0))
(FL_road (jerk FL_road))
(FL_road (* FL_road (abs FL_angvel)))

(FR_road (* FR_load -1.0))
(FR_road (jerk FR_road))
(FR_road (* FR_road (abs FR_angvel)))

(FL_brk (* FL_long 1.0))
(FL_brk (jerk FL_brk))
(FL_brk (* FL_brk (abs FL_angvel)))

(FR_brk (* FR_long -1.0))
(FR_brk (jerk FR_brk))
(FR_brk (* FR_brk (abs FR_angvel)))

# Bump -----------------------------------------------
(inv_period (/ 1.0 (+ FL_bump_period 0.001)))
(dphase (* FL_vel_x dt inv_period))
(FL_bump (oscillator dphase))
(FL_bump (scoop FL_bump FL_bump_sharpness 0.95))
(FL_bump (* FL_bump FL_load FL_bump_amplitude FL_angvel))
(FL_bump (split FL_bump 0.0 1.0 0.0 0.4 0.02))

(inv_period (/ 1.0 (+ FR_bump_period 0.001)))
(dphase (* FR_vel_x dt inv_period))
(FR_bump (oscillator dphase))
(FR_bump (scoop FR_bump FR_bump_sharpness 0.95))
(FR_bump (* FR_bump FR_load FR_bump_amplitude FR_angvel))
(FR_bump (split FR_bump 0.0 1.0 0.0 0.4 0.02))

# Scrub ----------------------------------------------
(FL_scrub (soft_clip FL_scrub 2.0 0.0))
(FL_scrub (scoop FL_scrub 0.8 0.999))
(FL_scrub (* FL_scrub (oscillator 1.2)))
(FR_scrub (soft_clip FR_scrub 2.0 0.0))
(FR_scrub (scoop FR_scrub 0.8 0.999))
(FR_scrub (* FR_scrub (oscillator 1.2)))

# Texture --------------------------------------------
(road_scale (* 0.0005 1.0))
(brk_scale 0.0)
(bump_scale (* 0.24 1.0))
(scrub_scale (* 14.0 1.0))
(tex_k 20000.0)
(tex_d 1.0)

(FL_tex (+ (* road_scale FL_road) (* brk_scale FL_brk) (* bump_scale FL_bump) (* scrub_scale FL_scrub)))
(FL_tex (split FL_tex 0.0 1.0 1.0 2.0 0.01))
(FL_tex (spring FL_tex tex_k tex_d 1.0))

(FR_tex (+ (* road_scale FR_road) (* brk_scale FR_brk) (* bump_scale FR_bump) (* scrub_scale FR_scrub)))
(FR_tex (split FR_tex 0.0 1.0 1.0 2.0 0.01))
(FR_tex (spring FR_tex tex_k tex_d 1.0))

(tex (+ FL_tex FR_tex))
(tex (soft_clip tex 1.0 0.0))

# Engine ---------------------------------------------
(engine (oscillator (* throttle crankshaft 0.0006)))
(engine (split engine 0.0 1.0 0.0 0.1 0.02))

# Gearbox --------------------------------------------
(gearbox (oscillator (* (- driveshaft_core clutchshaft_core) 1.0)))
(gearbox (* gearbox gearbox_grind clutch 0.05))
(gearbox (spring gearbox 8000.0 0.2 1.0))
(gearbox (* gearbox 1.0))

(feel (+ tex gearbox))

# Scaler as informational only, doesnt affect output -
(scale_window_init 10.0)
(scale_window_nominal 2.0)
(scale_soft_clear_t 10.0)
(scale_min 0.2)
(scale_max 2.0)
(scale_blend_t 2.0)
(signal_scale output
1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0
0.0 0.0)

(output (+ (* volume output) (* feel fx)))

(histogram output)

(output (hard_clip (* output gain) 1.0))

Where do we start to copy? All of it or at the line that says "#General form of code"
from here
# CUSTOM PRESET Description: 50 / 50 split of Rack and Tire forces

(Fx_scale 1.0)
(Fy_scale 1.0)
(Fz_scale 1.0)
(My_scale 1.0)
(Mx_scale 1.0)
(Mz_scale 1.0)

# Low Speed Filter Out -------------------------------
(Fx_scale (* Fx_scale (crossover vel_mag 0.0 1.0)))
(Mz_scale (* Mz_scale (crossover vel_mag 0.0 1.0)))

(arm_angle 0.0)
(left_scale (linkage 1.0 -1.0))
(right_scale (linkage 1.0 1.0))

(def_scale 1.0)
(adh_scale 1.0)
(tack_scale 1.0)
(stab_scale 1.0)
(visc_scale 1.0)
(tear_scale 1.0)
(left_grip (+ (* FL_def def_scale) (* FL_adh adh_scale) (* FL_tack tack_scale) (* FL_stab stab_scale) (* FL_visc visc_scale) (* FL_tear tear_scale)))
(right_grip (+ (* FR_def def_scale) (* FR_adh adh_scale) (* FR_tack tack_scale) (* FR_stab stab_scale) (* FR_visc visc_scale) (* FR_tear tear_scale)))

(left_scale (* left_scale left_grip))
(right_scale (* right_scale right_grip))

# Tires linkage through 0 arm angle
(Fx (+ (* left_scale FL_Fx) (* right_scale FR_Fx)))
(Fy (+ (* left_scale FL_Fy) (* right_scale FR_Fy)))
(Fz (+ (* left_scale FL_Fz) (* right_scale FR_Fz)))
(Mx (+ (* left_scale FL_Mx) (* right_scale FR_Mx)))
(My (+ (* left_scale FL_My) (* right_scale FR_My)))
(Mz (+ (* left_scale FL_Mz) (* right_scale FR_Mz)))
(tire_grips (+ (* Fx_scale Fx) (* Fy_scale Fy) (* Fz_scale Fz) (* Mx_scale Mx) (* My_scale My) (* Mz_scale Mz) ) )

# RACK part starts from here

(Fx_scale 1.0)
(Fy_scale 1.0)
(Fz_scale 1.0)
(My_scale 1.0)
(Mx_scale 1.0)
(Mz_scale 1.0)

# Low Speed Filter Out
(Fx_scale (* Fx_scale (crossover vel_mag 0.0 1.0)))
(Mz_scale (* Mz_scale (crossover vel_mag 0.0 1.0)))

# Spindle Arm
(arm_angle 15.0))
(left_scale (linkage 1.0 -1.0))
(right_scale (linkage 1.0 1.0))

# Rack linkage
(Fx (+ (* left_scale FL_Fx) (* right_scale FR_Fx)))
(Fy (+ (* left_scale FL_Fy) (* right_scale FR_Fy)))
(Fz (+ (* left_scale FL_Fz) (* right_scale FR_Fz)))
(Mx (+ (* left_scale FL_Mx) (* right_scale FR_Mx)))
(My (+ (* left_scale FL_My) (* right_scale FR_My)))
(Mz (+ (* left_scale FL_Mz) (* right_scale FR_Mz)))
(rack (+ (* Fx_scale Fx) (* Fy_scale Fy) (* Fz_scale Fz) (* Mx_scale Mx) (* My_scale My) (* Mz_scale Mz) ) )

# Combining RACK and TIRE forces

(output (+ (* tone 2.0 rack) (* (+ (* tone -1.0) 1.0) 2.0 tire_grips)))

# Jerk Based Road Feel -------------------------------
(FL_road (* FL_load 1.0))
(FL_road (jerk FL_road))
(FL_road (* FL_road (abs FL_angvel)))

(FR_road (* FR_load -1.0))
(FR_road (jerk FR_road))
(FR_road (* FR_road (abs FR_angvel)))

(FL_brk (* FL_long 1.0))
(FL_brk (jerk FL_brk))
(FL_brk (* FL_brk (abs FL_angvel)))

(FR_brk (* FR_long -1.0))
(FR_brk (jerk FR_brk))
(FR_brk (* FR_brk (abs FR_angvel)))

# Bump -----------------------------------------------
(inv_period (/ 1.0 (+ FL_bump_period 0.001)))
(dphase (* FL_vel_x dt inv_period))
(FL_bump (oscillator dphase))
(FL_bump (scoop FL_bump FL_bump_sharpness 0.95))
(FL_bump (* FL_bump FL_load FL_bump_amplitude FL_angvel))
(FL_bump (split FL_bump 0.0 1.0 0.0 0.4 0.02))

(inv_period (/ 1.0 (+ FR_bump_period 0.001)))
(dphase (* FR_vel_x dt inv_period))
(FR_bump (oscillator dphase))
(FR_bump (scoop FR_bump FR_bump_sharpness 0.95))
(FR_bump (* FR_bump FR_load FR_bump_amplitude FR_angvel))
(FR_bump (split FR_bump 0.0 1.0 0.0 0.4 0.02))

# Scrub ----------------------------------------------
(FL_scrub (soft_clip FL_scrub 2.0 0.0))
(FL_scrub (scoop FL_scrub 0.8 0.999))
(FL_scrub (* FL_scrub (oscillator 1.2)))
(FR_scrub (soft_clip FR_scrub 2.0 0.0))
(FR_scrub (scoop FR_scrub 0.8 0.999))
(FR_scrub (* FR_scrub (oscillator 1.2)))

# Texture --------------------------------------------
(road_scale (* 0.0005 1.0))
(brk_scale 0.0)
(bump_scale (* 0.24 1.0))
(scrub_scale (* 14.0 1.0))
(tex_k 20000.0)
(tex_d 1.0)

(FL_tex (+ (* road_scale FL_road) (* brk_scale FL_brk) (* bump_scale FL_bump) (* scrub_scale FL_scrub)))
(FL_tex (split FL_tex 0.0 1.0 1.0 2.0 0.01))
(FL_tex (spring FL_tex tex_k tex_d 1.0))

(FR_tex (+ (* road_scale FR_road) (* brk_scale FR_brk) (* bump_scale FR_bump) (* scrub_scale FR_scrub)))
(FR_tex (split FR_tex 0.0 1.0 1.0 2.0 0.01))
(FR_tex (spring FR_tex tex_k tex_d 1.0))

(tex (+ FL_tex FR_tex))
(tex (soft_clip tex 1.0 0.0))

# Engine ---------------------------------------------
(engine (oscillator (* throttle crankshaft 0.0006)))
(engine (split engine 0.0 1.0 0.0 0.1 0.02))

# Gearbox --------------------------------------------
(gearbox (oscillator (* (- driveshaft_core clutchshaft_core) 1.0)))
(gearbox (* gearbox gearbox_grind clutch 0.05))
(gearbox (spring gearbox 8000.0 0.2 1.0))
(gearbox (* gearbox 1.0))

(feel (+ tex gearbox))

# Scaler as informational only, doesnt affect output -
(scale_window_init 10.0)
(scale_window_nominal 2.0)
(scale_soft_clear_t 10.0)
(scale_min 0.2)
(scale_max 2.0)
(scale_blend_t 2.0)
(signal_scale output
1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0
0.0 0.0)

(output (+ (* volume output) (* feel fx)))

(histogram output)

(output (hard_clip (* output gain) 1.0))

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