Buying advice please - Next Level v3 Motion Platform

I'm looking for some advice and thoughts of other owners or people with good knowledge of the product, please.

I always said I'd buy myself a motion simulator if I could afford one and had the room available. Well, that day may have arrived. I'm impressed by what I've seen of the Next Level v3 Motion Platform

This seems to meet all my criteria:

+ Limited space requirements, I don't have room for a huge sim rig but this seems compact enough to work.
+ Works with Oculus Rift VR, that fixed head position setting solution is impressive
+ Great support and regular updates from the developers
+ Available in the UK
+ Works with my current Thrustmaster wheel and accessories.
+ Sub £3k for the full setup, I'm not a pro racer I'm not looking for a practice simulator this is just for fun so the cost/fun balance has to be right.

So help me do the man maths! Is it worth it?

Is there another similar product I should also look at? It would need to be reasonably compact, work with VR, available in the UK without too much hassle and in the same £3-5K price range.

Is there anywhere I can try one or even better several of the systems in the UK?
Hi all.

Looking to add a NLR V3 to my P1 cockpit. Using Mascot's mounting method, they look made for each other. However, I have 2 concerns.

1. Maintainability for US buyers! What happens after the warranty period? I'd hate to toss a $3000 unit at the first breakdown. Has self repair been investigated? Are all the parts proprietary? How about the drivers? The motors? Has this subject been discussed?

2. Does the seat movement interfere with thew frame mounted shifter rail?

I would want to also mount a left hand Hotas throttle, and a center mounted flight stick, and planned to frame mount them. but would it be better to seat mount these?
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Hi all.

Looking to add a NLR V3 to my P1 cockpit. Using Mascot's mounting method, they look made for each other. However, I have 2 concerns.

1. Maintainability for US buyers! What happens after the warranty period? I'd hate to toss a $3000 unit at the first breakdown. Has self repair been investigated? Are all the parts proprietary? How about the drivers? The motors? Has this subject been discussed?

2. Does the seat movement interfere with thew frame mounted shifter rail?

I would want to also mount a left hand Hotas throttle, and a center mounted flight stick, and planned to frame mount them. but would it be better to seat mount these?
1. I don't *think* sourcing spare components should be a problem. Next Level seem to be quite communicative and accommodating, but obviously for anything that requires a manufacturer repair of the whole unit, the shipping would be expensive due to its weight.
2. I don't know if there would be a clash with the upright member (I guess it would depend on the seat you use and the range of movement you set) but in my experience the vertical strut is completely unnecessary for the shifter rail. I can literally stand on my cantilevered horizontal beam and have a Fanatec CS Shifter and CS Handbrake mounted to it. There's more movement in the Great Pyramid of Giza. There's no clash with the horizontal rail (or the CSS or CSH) in my particular setup, even with full range of movement on the NLv3.


Edit: note that I've got the horizontal shifter/handbrake rail mounted OUTBOARD of the main wheel deck uprights for more space. This would be a lot more complicated if the short vertical strut was used to support the shifter rail, so that's another reason not to bother with it.
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Not sure if I should ask in this thread but how does the Sim-Lab P1 integrated monitor stand hold up to shake and stuff when using a DD-wheel, transducers, NLM v3?

I know it's "rock solid" but for the real picky people, would the standalone triple mount be better?
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I would say that if you are starting from scratch and have the room, get the separate monitor stand. I have speakers mounted on my integrated monitor mount in addition to the monitor (only 1) itself. The additional weight causes the assembly to shake just from the FFB. It's not enough to be annoying to me, but if having the monitor stay motionless is important, then yes, the standalone would be better - especially if using triples.
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I would have most likely gotten the stand alone but my space doesn't allow for it so went with the integrated. Since then I have moved to a single screen while using VR for most of the titles, so the decision was probably the best one.
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Hi all.

Looking to add a NLR V3 to my P1 cockpit. Using Mascot's mounting method, they look made for each other. However, I have 2 concerns.

1. Maintainability for US buyers! What happens after the warranty period? I'd hate to toss a $3000 unit at the first breakdown. Has self repair been investigated? Are all the parts proprietary? How about the drivers? The motors? Has this subject been discussed?

2. Does the seat movement interfere with thew frame mounted shifter rail?

I would want to also mount a left hand Hotas throttle, and a center mounted flight stick, and planned to frame mount them. but would it be better to seat mount these?


Take a look at post #853, outlining my experience and why I decided to return my NLRv3 while I was able to still receive a full refund from Best Buy.

Make no mistake, it's an awesome unit when it works, and my experience was most likely an anomaly.
The problem is that it could prove to be a very expensive one after it's out of warranty, or even during warranty if NLR doesn't pay for parts & shipping both ways.

Even though Best Buy claimed to handle all warranty issues for 2 years, living in Canada with no North American service depots isn't very confidence inspiring for future service/parts when the warranty expires.

Since then I've built my own DIY x-simulator rig, and couldn't be happier with it.
In fact, it feels pretty much the same as the NLRv3 did to me, plus supports a lot more titles.
Knowing exactly how it all works, the parts involved, costs, sources, how to maintain & repair it, etc is very comforting.

Once you play with motion enabled there's really no going back to a static rig...even if you have to build it yourself. :)

Good luck with whatever you decide!
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I would say that if you are starting from scratch and have the room, get the separate monitor stand. I have speakers mounted on my integrated monitor mount in addition to the monitor (only 1) itself. The additional weight causes the assembly to shake just from the FFB. It's not enough to be annoying to me, but if having the monitor stay motionless is important, then yes, the standalone would be better - especially if using triples.
Thanks. Another concern of mine is the small profiling pieces Sim-Lab (and Heusinkveld, if I may add) use for the smaller version of their triple-stand. Sim-lab do make another triple-stand with bigger pieces but it's meant more for TVs and, I'm guessing, has a wider footprint.

I'm wondering if I should ask Sim-Lab if I can get a small version but using all the profiles and beefiness of the bigger version. I noticed JCL only use the bigger profiling for their triple mounts unlike Sim-Lab and Heusinkveld.

Also, what about the NLR motion v3 hitting shifter stands and all that when it's leaning left/right?
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I've never ran into any restrictions on movement with the V3 although I have tuned my profiles to use less throw. A few of the other guys are using standard post processing settings and are using Sim-lab rigs. No issues of this happening anywhere.
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In my case, I am using larger re-purposed stereo speakers that are roughly 14"x5"x5" and weigh 20 lbs each. By mounting them effectively at the end of the pendulum on top of the monitor mount and canted out like motorcycle mirrors, it doesn't take much to get the assembly to shake. It's a long lever that goes back to the more than adequate plate mount at the base of the upright. A total of 60 pounds with what amounts to a 6-foot lever remains remarkably still - but it does move. 40x40 profile is more than strong enough to support triples - it may look spindly, but it does not flex. Monitors-only mounted center mass will stay put. My case is extreme, but the beauty of 80/20 is you can keep bolting on.......

The shifter mount can be easily moved should you have any clearance issues based on your setting and seat dimensions.
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Overall another great review from Barry, but the fact that he does not make a single comment about the wobble or slack in the gears when powered off, shows that Simracing Garage has gone commercial.

This is probably the reason for the increase in reviews lately.

Still, the NLMv3 is a great motion system, but you just can't rely on simracing garage anymore for an independent thorough review anymore.
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Overall another great review from Barry, but the fact that he does not make a single comment about the wobble or slack in the gears when powered off, shows that Simracing Garage has gone commercial.

This is probably the reason for the increase in reviews lately.

Still, the NLMv3 is a great motion system, but you just can't rely on simracing garage anymore for an independent thorough review anymore.

I can honestly say I don't have any "wobble or slack" when the the platform is switched off. There's no movement fore / aft or left to right unless I put some real effort behind it! :)

I do agree somewhat with your comment regarding SRG's approach of late and believe it was inevitable albeit naturally, rather than by design. Barry usually does a 'Pros & Cons' wrap up but, unless I've missed it, that's not the case here. Saying that, IMHO, he is still one of the best, if not the best, out there based on the informed and high level of detail he provides and the meaningful demonstration he undertakes. I always enjoy watching his work and I still believe he's fundamentally honest and doesn't use his position to 'oversell' what he reviews, albeit the sales of those products will certainly increase considerably!
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I am the same with the wobble, or lack thereof. I can drive normally with the platform powered off and not have any movement in the seat, that's with a 20nm small Mige and HE Pro's as well.

I highly doubt that we could honestly say Barry has 'gone commercial'. He has one of the lowest sub counts regarding sim racing hardware channels and the level of detail and involvement his reviews contain is astounding. Sure, he may have been offered the V3 to review for free, but this is no different to just about any other site or channel and unless I am mistaken I'm pretty sure he buys a lot of the things he reviews, too. The V3 IS an amazing motion experience for the price of entry so the list of cons that I could think of off the top of my head as a 2 year user would be, "it's not a $20K D-Box system...." Well, der!?

I haven't watched the review yet and I look forward to sitting down with it and seeing how Barry fairs with it as a high end D-Box owner. At the end of the day he gives people more than enough information to make an informed choice solely by the process of his reviews. He doesn't even need the 'final thoughts' section, by the time he's pulled it apart, showed the product in use and any software related to it, you already have a huge amount of information.

I probably sound like an SRG fanboy but honestly if we are calling Barry out then everyone else might as well not even bother. I find him the most honest and genuine reviewer around and the time and painstaking detail put into his review process should demonstrate that more than anything I say. I'm not a fanboy of anything, really. If it's good, it's good, that goes for anything and anyone.
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Overall another great review from Barry, but the fact that he does not make a single comment about the wobble or slack in the gears when powered off, shows that Simracing Garage has gone commercial.

This is probably the reason for the increase in reviews lately.

Still, the NLMv3 is a great motion system, but you just can't rely on simracing garage anymore for an independent thorough review anymore.
That's the first time I think I've ever hit the 'disagree' button (please don't take it personally..!).
No wobble in 'park' here either, and I do ALL my gaming on my racing rig.
I really do not think Barry has sold out either. I've had email correspondence with him in the past and don't doubt his integrity at all.
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Henk is more than entitled to his opinion. He is a well respected member of these forums and our hobby. I meant nothing by my post other than providing another viewpoint from a fellow V3 owner.

In my mind, Barry has nothing to gain or lose by 'selling out'. He doesn't seem to use Youtube for income and the breadth of hardware he covers never gives a sense of favourtism or bias. It's also awesome that he reviews high end and lesser known about products that help people make the transition from their Logitech and Thrustmaster beginnings into more immersive and hardcore gear. I for one now have a very good comparison of the D-Box system compared to my own V3 as well as the new SFX-100 project many of us have our eyes on. I don't think I really saw what a full motion chassis was capable of until I saw his video.
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I actually think Henk @HoiHman would make a damn good reviewer himself! :D Everything I read of his is informed, detailed and refreshingly unbiased. Between him, Barry Rowland and your good-self @anton_Chez, (coz let's face it you've done more than most to empty my wallet over the past 12 months or so), I've got all bases covered! Thank the good Lord I've got @Mascot to point me in the direction of all the lovely free AC stuff! :)
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Barry is amazing and the so is the work he is doing for us but he is only human. This is not the first time he did not notice something, or do not mention something.

What I lack the most in his reviews is (clear) comparisons to other gear he owns / knows (in this case he actually compares to d-box on few occasions) and if it would be my channel I would introduce grades with endless scale. So for example I would give certain item 80 points but maybe two years later if the market progressed, or I would be testing higher grade, higher end, item it could get 250. So there would no inconsistencies in grading and clear way to read how things relate to each other. Of course I would grade each item in few different categories but not the ones you usually see. I have some better ideas ;) Such a shame I cannot be bothered to review staff like Barry does :)
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Yet another great review from Barry!

I was hoping he'd go into full-teardown mode like he usually does in order to show everything inside, but can understand why he didn't.

I'd love to have seen more of the internals since mine died on me and I had no interest in investigating the cause due to still qualifying for a full refund.
Had I not and was stuck with it, then perhaps the techs at NLR would have been able to walk me through the repair without having to ship it back.
As it stands, now I'll never know, LOL!

As suspected though, there's not even a simple user replacable fuse behind the front panel, or anywhere else by the looks of it...bummer!
If the unit happens to not have power, then all of that otherwise useful OBD diagnostics ends up being useless in troubleshooting since the PC cannot actually even see the unit in order to grab that info.

This review by Barry is easily the best of any YouTube, or even professional ones floating around out there ever since the unit was first released.
So much more informative than those useless "watch me drive for a 1/2hr while I don't even comment" videos.
Bravo Barry!!!
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I'm impressed by Barry's enthusiasm for the product given that his background is a Stage 4 SimXperience and now D-Box! For those looking for a pro's and con's, Shaun Cole at the Simpit does a good job of breaking it down but even for him, the NLRV3 ended up in his rig after he tested it. Another review worth checking out.

Overall, I'm really happy with mine and it gives me enough of an illusion of motion in VR for me have that extra level of immersion.
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