Change of pitstop time in car.ini file. Is it working?

Hi everyone! I have a question. Maybe someone knows about it... how it works?

I would like to make longer pitstops (more like in endurance races) for me and AI drivers. I found these lines in car.ini file (locked inside data file, but I unzipped it by CM Dev option) and then zipped again.

Here's the line in car.ini file:
TYRE_CHANGE_TIME_SEC=2 ; time spent to change each tyre
FUEL_LITER_TIME_SEC=0.1 ; time spent to put 1 lt of fuel inside the car
BODY_REPAIR_TIME_SEC=2 ; time spent to repair 10% of body damage
ENGINE_REPAIR_TIME_SEC=2 ; time spent to repair 10% of engine damage
SUSP_REPAIR_TIME_SEC=2 ; time spent to repair 10% of suspension damage

and change it to:

TYRE_CHANGE_TIME_SEC=2 ; time spent to change each tyre
FUEL_LITER_TIME_SEC=1.0 ; time spent to put 1 lt of fuel inside the car
BODY_REPAIR_TIME_SEC=2 ; time spent to repair 10% of body damage
ENGINE_REPAIR_TIME_SEC=2 ; time spent to repair 10% of engine damage
SUSP_REPAIR_TIME_SEC=2 ; time spent to repair 10% of suspension damage

Unfortunately, the effect of this change is only for me. My pitstop lengthened to 1 second for every liter of fuel I added. However, AI drivers stand in the pit very short. In yesterday's race, the AI car refueled 80 liters in 8 seconds. So AI driver still more or less used the 0.1 coefficient, which I changed to 1.0 in the file. Any ideas how can I change it?

P.S. In the same car.ini file I made some changes in fuel consumption and it affects both my car and AI cars ... It should work!
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