Complete beginner video tutorials to make your own first tracks for Assetto Corsa.

Cheers every one.
I'm just posting to say that for the ones that are interested or the one that might be tempted but never dare, I made a complete real time video tutorial about making your first track for Assetto Corsa.
It's 4 videos of half an hour covering the folders structures, making a simple mesh to test, making simple textures and UV's, making the track dummies, kS editor and export and finally I will add a fifth bonus one to add AI and a camera set.
The first two are already on youtube and I will be uploading the 2 next video today :)
Please accept my apologies for my strong accent. :notworthy:

This whole first basic tutorials are made to understand how modding work for Assetto corsa and the different steps to have a track up and running for a novice, all at the same place in a single series of video.
This is why everything is purposely done quick & dirty when it comes to building and texturing the track itself.
I will make later, advanced level, in-depth videos about making a proper track from A to Z, also covering all the good practices and optimisations and some bonus video covering precise aspects.

Thanks :thumbsup:
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Thanks for your effort. I will check them out at some point and hope they will help me. I actually plan to start working on a track this winter and will need any help and resources I can get. :roflmao:

Seeing how beautiful your Toscana track is, I'm sure hoping your tutorial is of the same quality. ^^
You may not know this but there's already a proper track building thread,
Thanks for the head up ;)
But as I said in the disclaimer, the first serie is not actually about making a "proper" track... In fact in my video, we make a quite ugly one :roflmao: and I don't cover the good practice yet.
Those four videos are all about understanding and knowing all the aspect of going from blank page to driving on a simple (ugly) track.
But if people thinks that those topics should be merged... I'm not the one to decide.
To explain further my approach:
I think it's an essential step that beginner should do before rushing into a complete and complexe race track. And it can be quite rewarding, and inspiring to be able to have a simple track working in less than 2 hours going from zero knowledge on the subject.
I will also add that there is a lot of video on youtube that shows how to make a track using automated method with middleware like track builder etc... The problem is that while you can do easily simple track with them, they are quickly a closed door to do real track with proper mesh, uvs, textures etc... And after that people are left with tons of questions of how to improve their tracks.
The thing is that as much as people wants to believe that their are magic solution to go from satellite/gps/lidar/laser data to a working track to be true, there is only one answer : You have to get your hands dirty and go through knowledge about 3D modeling and texturing in blender/3ds Max/Maya etc... And put at least weeks and maybe months of work into a track in order for it to be good. And my futur videos will be about making those steps easier by producing real time video with no cut or shortcut even if that means boring half hour or 1h long videos. I don't care about views just producing useful knowledge for the people who will actually wants to build track.
And boy there is no shortage of topics to talk about... :D
I'm also adding that when I makes mistakes and correct them while recording the video, I don't edit them out, its always good knowledge!

And by the way, I added the fourth video. :)
Next one will be a bonus where we do AI lines and a set of 3 or 4 cameras.
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