Conspiracy Theories

So, you're serious?
Does it look like i´m joking?

By all means if you think i´m a tinfoil hat guy please answer Question #1 above on this page.

I would love to hear a sound explanation from someone that apparently does not have a tinfoil hat.
If you can´t find an answer and decided to troll in the thread instead i would kindly ask you to ignore the thread, it would be obvious that the questions and facts presented is too much to handle for a person that solely believe in everything the government says,

Even though they break the laws of physics....
I´m terribly sorry if i offended you in any way simply by asking questions and presenting facts and videos surrounding 9/11.

I have given you witnesses, i have given you facts on Newton´s third law, i have given you statements from MIT engineers, i have goven you statements from former Generals, i have presented three videos from highly ranked people lying on national TV that contradicts their own official story.

What more could you possibly need to start questioning the official story?
Here is excellent proof that the building came down more or less as quick as debris that fell with only air resistance.

another one showing debris in mid-air falling just as fast as the building. It´s virtually impossible.
Unless Newton was wrong of course.

Man literally getting blown out of the building.. long before the actual collapse.

"That was not a commercial airliner"

Why even lie about WTC 7 having collapsed when you can CLEARLY see that the building is still standing in the background perfectly fine?

And let´s just remind ourselves that these three buildings are the only buildings in the history of mankind that have went down due to fire.

Also interesting to note that all of these three buildings came down in exactly the same manner.
Except one of the towers did not have a plane crash into it.

I am not the only one finding everything surrounding these attacks to be highly mysterious..
1.3 hours of an interview with Aaron Russo and his story... Again, does it look like he´s lying? If yes, what would be the cause for it?

He was great friends with Nick Rockenfeller, and what Rockenfeller told him.

Another video, again, is he lying? If he is, why would he do it?

On September 24, 2007N987SA, c/n 172, crashed in theYucatan, Mexico, carrying 3.2 tons ofcocaine. TheGulfstream IIbusiness jet was registered to Donna Blue Aircraft Inc, a company front for the CIA.[23][24]
The Gulfstream withtail numberN987SA has been involved in the transport of extraordinary rendition victims to Guantanamo Bay. Logs also show that the plane flew twice betweenWashington, D.C.and Guantanamo and once betweenOxford, Connecticutand Guantanamo. The American flights would have been CIA and Pentagon interrogators being ferried to interrogations at Guantanamo. At the time of the Guantanamo flights, the plane was managed by Air Rutter International, a California-based air charter service. It was then sold on August 30 toDonna Blue Aircraft, owned by two Brazilians and sold on to two Americans , Clyde O'Connor and Greg Smith on September 16 .references belowIt departed Fort Lauderdale Executive Airport on September 18 for Cancun, Mexico, then onto Colombia to pick up the drugs from theFARCbefore returning to Mexico. It was forced to crash land near the town onTixkobobafter being chased. "The aircraft had been orbiting over the town for almost two hours prior to the crash, although Mexican military aircraft had already been tracking it since it first entered Mexican air space. Soldiers recovered 132 bags containing 3.5 tons of cocaine from the aircraft wreckage. The injured pilot , Jácome del Valle was found and arrested the next day."
Omer and I will be monitoring this thread so please keep things reasonable. Thanks.

Lol, well you are going to have to stretch the definition of reasonable a bit if you have not locked this already.

Hampus, you are going to believe what you want to even when presented with clearly stated fact, such as the article I linked. It explains why the freefall argument and several other things are mistaken.

I don't know why, but the moderators here are going to let you continue with your illuminati/masons/anti-semitic thing for a while. You are going to have to do it without me though.
Lol, well you are going to have to stretch the definition of reasonable a bit if you have not locked this already.

Hampus, you are going to believe what you want to even when presented with clearly stated fact, such as the article I linked. It explains why the freefall argument and several other things are mistaken.

I don't know why, but the moderators here are going to let you continue with your illuminati/masons/anti-semitic thing for a while. You are going to have to do it without me though.

Did i put masonry symbols in the Denver Airport? Did i print dollars with an illuminated eye?

did i create all of the videos i posted?
The answer is no. Listen you don´t have to click on this thread if you don´t want..

Yes i´ve read the article, have you?
You have done nothing but went on the internet, found the best possible "real-truth" document, posted it here then ignored every single video, every single testament from highly ranked guys like Generals, FORMER FBI CHIEFS and ignored every single word i´ve written.

I doubt you have even read a single word in the document you posted, you have just eyed the article quickly then posted it here.
Look at everything i´ve posted that surrounds the 9/11 attacks.
Have you even read the NIST report? NO you haven´t because your mind is so engraved that the government only does good things.
I have read the NIST report. I´ve read it again after they updated it because it broke the laws of physics...

Do me a favor and look at everything i have posted regarding the 9/11 attacks. Then we can discuss further if you want.
Just look up "Operation Northwoods" and read for yourself if you don´t believe me.
It´s not a conspiracy theory, it´s a de-classified document released by the US Government.


You can switch the Kennedy Administration (which was largely against war) to the Bush administration (which was largely pro-war)

Then you switch out Cuba with Afghanistan/Iraq.
Switch out Fidel Castro to Osama Bin Laded.

The document fits the 9/11 bill so much that it´s scary. This one was rejected but do we know of other false-flag operations that actually went through and is still classified?

How do YOU know that 9/11 was not a false-flag operation, just look at the circumstances around the event.
Military having training procedures outside the country exactly the same day as the real attacks were going on.
Not only the same day but the exact same time.... Now do you really think Osama Bin Laden had inside information from the US Military?
It's not just the American people. Most people all over the world are zombies today. Everyone thinks they're free, when really the only really free people are the one's that go to Bohemian Grove every year (look it up)

We have almost 7 billion people on these planet, being ruled by about 1,000. That's sick

The modern human being has become completely brain-dead when it comes to free thought. They NEED governments to get them through life, to be told what to do, so when that government does something terrible, it's overlooked, because what would these lost sheep do without them?

But at the end of the day, if those 7 billion people can't defeat only a few then this is clearly a case of the strong defeating the weak.

We are too weak to fight, only a small number have the balls to stand up, I am ashamed of 99% of my fellow men, for letting the world get this way, has no-one any pride anymore? Does no-one truly value freedom?

So yes, Hampus, I agree with your view on this, but I also have to say, that if instead of putting up video's on youtube and setting up online campaigns, if all these people united to do something pro-active, revolutionary even, then the world would be a better place.

We've got the numbers, just not the courage, so we will continue to live by this age old motto:

'Pay Your Taxes, and Shut Up'
Yeah... How about trying to find other fine gentlemen to help you on your holy cause instead of spamming ?
Could you please not respond in this thread if you have nothing to contribute with?
I can´t post more then 5 videos in each post so unfortunately i have to make several of them and i´m constantly finding more and more information, testimonies, facts etc so there will be a few more posts i believe.

I´m informing the people of this forum on what i have found. Is that considered spam? Am i bad person for having questions?
Am i breaking any rules towards this forum by posting up questions about 9/11?

If i´m not then i would like to get back to what i had in mind with the thread, thanks.

Brian, NIST has confirmed in their 08 update that the WTC 7 building did indeed experience free fall for 2.4 seconds.
This as we know by now is impossible without removing core columns in order for the building to fall freely for a moment.
Eventually it will go out of free fall as more and more stuff packs up on the ground which will slow the building down, in the same way is if the columns had not been removed in the first place.

Please take a look at these videos, it´s about the meeting NIST hosted and the questions they got. You might be surprised at what you will find.

There is a reason why it took NIST more then 7 years to come out with this report. And not only that but then update it so the free fall would fit their calculations (which are wrong to begin with as you can see in the video)

It takes longer to cover up and fabricate a story then it is to tell the truth.
It's not just the American people. Most people all over the world are zombies today. Everyone thinks they're free, when really the only really free people are the one's that go to Bohemian Grove every year (look it up)

We have almost 7 billion people on these planet, being ruled by about 1,000. That's sick

The modern human being has become completely brain-dead when it comes to free thought. They NEED governments to get them through life, to be told what to do, so when that government does something terrible, it's overlooked, because what would these lost sheep do without them?

But at the end of the day, if those 7 billion people can't defeat only a few then this is clearly a case of the strong defeating the weak.

We are too weak to fight, only a small number have the balls to stand up, I am ashamed of 99% of my fellow men, for letting the world get this way, has no-one any pride anymore? Does no-one truly value freedom?

So yes, Hampus, I agree with your view on this, but I also have to say, that if instead of putting up video's on youtube and setting up online campaigns, if all these people united to do something pro-active, revolutionary even, then the world would be a better place.

We've got the numbers, just not the courage, so we will continue to live by this age old motto:

'Pay Your Taxes, and Shut Up'

I agree fully, it is very obvious that there is an elite that wants to unite the whole world economically, EU is a start to that.
There has been talk about a North American Union that incorporates Canada-USA-Mexico to create one big country with the currency called Amero.

Thanks i will look it up definitely.

"Evil will thrive when good men do nothing"
So as long as we stay in this trance like state we are basically standing there bent over with our pants at our ankles.

There are quite alot of protests going on already, like the wallstreet-one. It´s spreading but it will take time to inform people about what really is the goal for all of this.

There is also nothing that says that we won´t enter World War III, sure you can say that we are much smarter today and more developed as human beings so it will never happen but i bet they said that after world war I :)
Here you have the ability to sign the petition, i´m not sure you will be anonymous on the petition but you will definitely be anonymous on this forum.
It is a petition for an independent investigation on the WTC skyscrapers.

Here´s a nice compilation of all the winesses reporting "molten steel" "like lava"
Random witnesses and firefighters.

Joe Allbaugh, the Director of FEMA, was interviewed by Bryant Gumbel of CBS news on October 10 2001:
GUMBEL: We’re seeing a lot of video of smoke pouring up from the debris.
ALLBAUGH: Correct.
GUMBEL: And we’re hearing there are places where temperatures are still approaching and sometimes exceeding a thousand degrees.
ALLBAUGH: That’s right.
GUMBEL: Why? Why do we have these hot spots? @@color(black):What’s going on@@?
ALLBAUGH: Well, you have normal debris, you know, computers, paper, you have some areas that are hot pockets because of fuel. It’s just too hot for rescuers to get into those areas. So we do not know yet what’s in those areas, other than very hot, @@molten material@@.
Source publication date: CBS Early Show 10/04/01
Interviewer: Bryant Gumbel
Witness: Joe Allbaugh
Date molten metal was observed: up to 10/04/01
So from 11th September to 4th October there was places so hot that they could not access it.
Roughly 23 days after the buildings had collapsed there was still places that were flaming hot.

In the video above the firefighters are saying that there was still extremely hot places more then 6-7 weeks after the collapse. 6 weeks equals 42 days... How is that even possible when the only fuel in the buildings were fuel from the airplanes? If you could get a tank of airplane fuel to burn for 42 days we would not have any enviromental issues :)

One other theory that i first brushed away as the least plausible theory but as i had read through the whole thing i concluded that even though it contains exotic weapons, it still present quite a lot of evidence that supports the theory.

She is also as far as i know the only person that has had the balls to press charges against the government.

If Direct Energy Weapons sounds outlandish, here´s a video for you from Iraq with an interview from one of the surgeons there where he speaks about in what shape the victims were in.
It´s very interesting and fuels the fire that USA might have tried Energy Weapons in Iraq.

there are more parts but you should just be able to click on. After having seen that it at the very least enhances the possibility that Direct Energy Weapons could have been used in 9/11.
It is one way to explain the energy needed to turn almost all concrete into a fine dust.
Something that as far as i know, a normal collapse would never have the energy to do.

Some more info, it´s a slideshow of steel columns from NIST. In some of these pictures it looks like the steel behaved in a similar manner like when you put a lighter on plastic, it becomes all soft and contracts itself to later turn solid again and have a very odd shape that looks more like it had been molded then bent of immense force.

This picture is not even taken from the two towers or WTC 7, this was a building that was hit by debris.
Notice the odd shape on the steel column. It literally looks like someone has put a blowtorch on it for days then slowly cramped it inwards creating this very odd shape. Especially when you consider the building had only been hit by debris.

Picture is from the Bankers Trust building. They decided to destroy the whole building instead of simply repairing it. A theory why you can read in the Dr Judy link i posted.
So far this discussion is going in a fairly mature manner so I'm good with it. I will close the thread if people start bashing each other.

Hampus, Just one thing though m8 don't drive yourself crazy trying to convince people too much here. There are going to be people convinced that this tragedy was done by actual terrorists and there's going to be people such as you and I that think it was a "Inside Job" done by the U.S government and others involed. I checked out your videos for I have not seen them before. I've watched Loose Change and that's pretty much it.

All I can say is I have my doubts on U.S governments honesty but that all I'm willing to say here.

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