Custom Skins are too shiny

Eagle Racer

Driver for Rookie Monsters, NetRex and SlyFox
Hi everyone,
Every custom skin is way too shiny. There has to be a fix for this surely. I'm using GIMP but I have very limited knowledge

Peter J

I'll explain how I got it fixed here. For GIMP, what you do is, once you click 'Flatten Image', you select the newly created layer and click 'Add Layer Mask'. You then select 'Black (full transparency)' and that's it, it should work
Yeah that's a well known trick mate! Well enjoy the forums, pretty much any problems you've got we've most likely already encountered it - so there shouldn't be too much head scratching going on for you!
Hi. So if this is a fairly well known trick, there should also be a fix for this. When I do the same to the Formula Ultimate's DRS flap, it doesn't show up at all. And if I just flatten the image, it shows up twice, once open, once closed. Any help?
I fiddle more with physics mate. Ask over on the skinning section, there will definitely be someone who does skins who can help you out. I only found the work around with the shiny skins because when I made the jump to AMS years ago I had the same problems. But a skinner will definitely be on hand over there to help.

I'll explain how I got it fixed here. For GIMP, what you do is, once you click 'Flatten Image', you select the newly created layer and click 'Add Layer Mask'. You then select 'Black (full transparency)' and that's it, it should work
Thanks so much for this. I had some converted RF to AMS mods for private racing and for some, the only thing that I disliked was that shine on the car especially on the track. Your method has solved this when I tried on some now I can't wait to redo all of them even if it will be a while before I get them done. Thanks for this simple but direct explanation.
In case anyone uses and struggles with the layer mask (like me) - once you've finished painting, open the layer properties and reduce the transparency down from 255 to 50. Save. (BUT save a backup first or you won't be able to see it to edit it anymore in the future!).
The reduced transparency works great, and solves the shiny issue in all but the lightest coloured skins, but always worth a go if your paint package doesn't let you (or you don't know how to) use alpha layers.