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is there any way to use say one of those bar graph leds or I guess rgb to display pedal/brake inputs.
I used to have a symproject I think it was where you could light an led up to show if you were getting any brake drag and if you were hitting 100% throttle input.

You might have a look at "DataCorePlugin.GameData.NewData.Brake" and "DataCorePlugin.GameData.NewData.Throttle".
Bind these in the LED Layout Editor to the RGB-LEDs and you will see the pedal inputs as they are recognised by the game.
Hello, I need your help.
I have a problem with Dirt Rally. It worked before but after playing PC2, when I switched to Dirt Rally, Simhub freezes and no response. Since then, as soon as I launch Dirt rally or even just click the Dirt rally in Simhub main window, it freezes. I restarted several times but no change. No problem with PC2 and AC although...
Any suggestion, please?
Hello, I need your help.
I have a problem with Dirt Rally. It worked before but after playing PC2, when I switched to Dirt Rally, Simhub freezes and no response. Since then, as soon as I launch Dirt rally or even just click the Dirt rally in Simhub main window, it freezes. I restarted several times but no change. No problem with PC2 and AC although...
Any suggestion, please?
Hi ! Could you send me the log files ? they are available in C:\Program Files (x86)\SimHub\Logs after trying to switch.
If anyone can help. I have a problem with motors cutting out and the aduino UNO/Shield V2 not responding until I unplug the usb and reconnect it. I'm building the rumble motors setup with xbox 360 motors and testing 12V@1.5A & 5V@2A power supplies.

Using a multi-meter to monitor the motor outputs. Using only one motor to test. With the 12V supply I reduce the motor gain to only supply ~5V but if I move the test motor slider between 0-100% and then back-n-forth to say 90-20 a couple of times, the motor just stops. Simhub throws an error (access denied) and a few times has crashed. I do the same with the 5V & 12V supply limiting the output to 3V (based on 2AA batteries in xbox360) and the same thing happens. The amps only got to about 1-2, mostly it was around 0.8 - 1.x. I also enabled motor 2 at the same time, and set it to test level 50%, but no motor attached, same thing.

When I first tried the motor shield with a 12V 1200rpm computer fan it did not cut out and I tried it in game with speed effect. all good.
I was doing this with the sketch at PWM 1600, then 800. I don't really understand what this number does and how it effects the motors (except for whining with the fan)

  1. So what's the problem?
  2. Can the Shield/sketch limit the voltage output from 12V source to anything less the 12V?
  3. What is the max voltage the X360 motors can take? (nothing written on them, online says there are 12V & 5V versions) ? I don't want to destroy them and 12V seems like to much.
  4. Is each motor outout going to get 12V at the same time?
  5. What is "speedLevel":11 ? can this be adjusted and would it help ?
I appreciate, this is a lot to take in, so no rush.

SimHub V 6.5.4

Logs below
[2018-10-31 17:03:52,267] INFO - Switching device named SimHub Motors to speed level 11 on COM4
[2018-10-31 17:03:52,267] INFO - Switching device on port COM4 to speed level 11, 115200 bauds
[2018-10-31 17:03:52,770] INFO - Connected to device on COM4 named SimHub Motors
[2018-10-31 17:04:33,586] ERROR - First chance exception error System.UnauthorizedAccessException: Access to the port 'COM4' is denied.
   at System.IO.Ports.InternalResources.WinIOError(Int32 errorCode, String str)
[2018-10-31 17:04:34,118] ERROR - First chance exception error System.TimeoutException: The operation has timed out.
   at System.IO.Ports.SerialStream.ReadByte(Int32 timeout)
[2018-10-31 17:04:34,119] ERROR - First chance exception error System.TimeoutException: The operation has timed out.
   at System.IO.Ports.SerialStream.ReadByte(Int32 timeout)
   at System.IO.Ports.SerialStream.ReadByte()
   at System.IO.Ports.SerialPort.ReadByte()
   at SerialDash.FlowSerialPort.ReadIncomingDataLoop()
[2018-10-31 17:04:38,203] ERROR - First chance exception error System.TimeoutException: The operation has timed out.
   at System.IO.Ports.SerialStream.ReadByte(Int32 timeout)
[2018-10-31 17:04:38,204] ERROR - First chance exception error System.TimeoutException: The operation has timed out.
   at System.IO.Ports.SerialStream.ReadByte(Int32 timeout)
   at System.IO.Ports.SerialStream.ReadByte()
   at System.IO.Ports.SerialPort.ReadByte()
   at SerialDash.FlowSerialPort.ReadIncomingDataLoop()
I also get this error as well after the Access denied error.

[2018-10-31 16:57:24,067] ERROR - First chance exception error System.UnauthorizedAccessException: Access to the port 'COM4' is denied.
   at System.IO.Ports.InternalResources.WinIOError(Int32 errorCode, String str)
[2018-10-31 16:57:25,125] ERROR - First chance exception error MS.Internal.Xaml.Parser.GenericTypeNameParser+TypeNameParserException: Prefix 'Custom' does not map to a namespace.
   at MS.Internal.Xaml.Parser.GenericTypeNameParser.Callout_FoundName(String prefix, String name)

Also, unrelated I get Afterburner errors, even though afterburner plugin is disabled and I don't have it installed.

[2018-10-31 16:57:19,040] ERROR - First chance exception error System.ComponentModel.Win32Exception (0x80004005): The system cannot find the file specified
   at MSI.Afterburner.SharedMemory..ctor(String name, FileMapAccess accessLevel)
[2018-10-31 16:57:19,040] ERROR - First chance exception error MSI.Afterburner.Exceptions.SharedMemoryNotFound: Could not connect to MSI Afterburner 2.1 or later. ---> System.ComponentModel.Win32Exception: The system cannot find the file specified
   at MSI.Afterburner.SharedMemory..ctor(String name, FileMapAccess accessLevel)
   at MSI.Afterburner.HardwareMonitor.Connect()
   --- End of inner exception stack trace ---
   at MSI.Afterburner.HardwareMonitor.Connect()

2 Windows application log errors when simhub crashed.

Faulting application name: SimHubWPF.exe, version:, time stamp: 0x5b9aae89
Faulting module name: KERNELBASE.dll, version: 6.1.7601.24214, time stamp: 0x5b627020
Exception code: 0xe0434352
Fault offset: 0x0000c54f
Faulting process id: 0x2f48
Faulting application start time: 0x01d470f459279bfa
Faulting application path: C:\Program Files (x86)\SimHub\SimHubWPF.exe
Faulting module path: C:\Windows\syswow64\KERNELBASE.dll
Report Id: b5017e8f-dcea-11e8-9fca-a41731be3c98

Application: SimHubWPF.exe
Framework Version: v4.0.30319
Description: The process was terminated due to an unhandled exception.
Exception Info: System.ObjectDisposedException
   at System.Runtime.InteropServices.SafeHandle.DangerousAddRef(Boolean ByRef)
   at System.StubHelpers.StubHelpers.SafeHandleAddRef(System.Runtime.InteropServices.SafeHandle, Boolean ByRef)
   at Microsoft.Win32.UnsafeNativeMethods.GetOverlappedResult(Microsoft.Win32.SafeHandles.SafeFileHandle, System.Threading.NativeOverlapped*, Int32 ByRef, Boolean)
   at System.IO.Ports.SerialStream+EventLoopRunner.WaitForCommEvent()
   at System.Threading.ThreadHelper.ThreadStart_Context(System.Object)
   at System.Threading.ExecutionContext.RunInternal(System.Threading.ExecutionContext, System.Threading.ContextCallback, System.Object, Boolean)
   at System.Threading.ExecutionContext.Run(System.Threading.ExecutionContext, System.Threading.ContextCallback, System.Object, Boolean)
   at System.Threading.ExecutionContext.Run(System.Threading.ExecutionContext, System.Threading.ContextCallback, System.Object)
   at System.Threading.ThreadHelper.ThreadStart()
If anyone can help. I have a problem with motors cutting out and the aduino UNO/Shield V2 not responding until I unplug the usb and reconnect it. I'm building the rumble motors setup with xbox 360 motors and testing 12V@1.5A & 5V@2A power supplies.


Hi ! I will take from the easiest to the more complex :D

It looks like you have parasite or power source is droppping making the serial chip "failing", in this case Simhub will disconnect, but there was a bug in the .net framework (the development environment I use) where the whole application could shutdown when the serial port was failing or being disconnected (the System.ObjectDisposedException error of death) , after years of wait microsoft finally released a fix in april, and it will be enabled with next simhub version (if you are curious ;) : ), I waited for this fix for really long, and even when they finally fixed it, it took me a few months to find it :D

Concerning Afterburner, the plugin is enabled in the general setting and it will poll from time to time to see if data is available, but the technology behind it is a little archaic and requires to try to open data and see if it fails (which will leave these logs in debug mode), no worries here, it's just the effect of the debug mode tracing everything.

Concerning "speedlevel" it's the baud rate, I've renamed it for the next version to remove the mention of this simhub internal "naming' which has not much sense except for me, it's only the serial port speed (baud rate). 115200 is a safe and still fast value, no need to play with it, at best it would go slower if you reduce it, but in your case 115200 can't be an issue (pushing far above like 1Mb is another story :D)

Concerning the sketch voltage "cap", I've removed it (it used to exists in old legacy version of shakeit) but after a few years I've seen that these motors even powered at 12v would hold it with no troubles (they are rated technically for 3.5v approximately, but 12v make them much more responsive) : However you can still cap the whole output directly from simhub using the general power slider, it has the same effect that this deprecated setting :

Finally for the real problem, arduino disconnecting, I see multiple causes possible :
- USB hubs : they are hell ... avoid them
- Parasites or insufficient power source or cutting which are going back to the arduino and "kill" the serial chip, the sensibility of the chip will highly depend of the serial chip itself (CH340G, FTDI, ATMEGA ...) :
In this last case I see two solutions :
- This one using the power screw plug instead of the barrel jack, it will isolate power source from the arduino and so reduce parasites or voltage drops making the ship going mad : (you don't need to power the arduino in this way, the usb powering is sufficient)
- This one which is intended to solve motors parasites, but I've not seen anyone requiring that until now:

Finally, it could be a little sneaky, shorts ? When playing with motors they shakes (that's the objective :D) and could trigger a little short somewhere on the connection ? By experience some serial chips hardly recovers of voltage drops and require a proper disconnect/reconnect cycle to recover.

Ouf ! That was a long speech ! I hope it will help ;)
Hi ! Could you send me the log files ? they are available in C:\Program Files (x86)\SimHub\Logs after trying to switch.
Hi, below is the copy of the log after freezing.

[2018-10-31 13:42:49,660] INFO - Starting SimHub v6.5.6 (build time : 03/10/2018 08:31:38)
[2018-10-31 13:42:49,669] INFO - Administrator privileges : True
[2018-10-31 13:42:49,669] INFO - OS version : Microsoft Windows NT 6.2.9200.0
[2018-10-31 13:42:49,669] INFO - Donator License status : Licensed
[2018-10-31 13:42:49,669] INFO - Process priority : Normal
[2018-10-31 13:43:10,910] INFO - (Re)Starting AssettoCorsa Game Manager and plugin manager
[2018-10-31 13:43:12,008] INFO - AC Manager started
[2018-10-31 13:43:13,227] INFO - Starting Arduino in Single USB mode
[2018-10-31 13:43:13,326] INFO - Matrix custom font custommatrixfont8x8 loaded
[2018-10-31 13:43:13,625] INFO - Web suggested IP :
[2018-10-31 13:43:13,735] INFO - Web font-faces up to date
[2018-10-31 13:43:16,668] INFO - Found one device on COM4 named {
"ConnectedModel": "h",
"Features": "GNJP",
"ModulesCount": 1,
"DeviceName": "Arduino Dash",
"PortName": "COM4",
"HasBoost": 0,
"HasSpeedo": 0,
"IsBluetooth": false,
"HasTacho": 0,
"ExpandedFeatures": [
[2018-10-31 13:43:16,669] INFO - Switching device named Arduino Dash to speed level 11 on COM4
[2018-10-31 13:43:16,670] INFO - Switching device on port COM4 to speed level 11, 115200 bauds
[2018-10-31 13:43:17,025] INFO - USBD480 : Found 0 display(s)
[2018-10-31 13:43:17,175] INFO - Connected to device on COM4 named Arduino Dash
[2018-10-31 13:44:09,350] INFO - (Re)Starting CodemastersDirtRally Game Manager and plugin manager
[2018-10-31 13:44:09,350] INFO - Stopping old game manager
[2018-10-31 13:44:09,352] INFO - Stopping old plugin manager
Hi ! I will take from the easiest to the more complex :D

It looks like you have parasite or power source is droppping making the serial chip "failing", in this case Simhub will disconnect, but there was a bug in the .net framework (the development environment I use) where the whole application could shutdown when the serial port was failing or being disconnected (the System.ObjectDisposedException error of death) , after years of wait microsoft finally released a fix in april, and it will be enabled with next simhub version (if you are curious ;) : ), I waited for this fix for really long, and even when they finally fixed it, it took me a few months to find it :D

Concerning Afterburner, the plugin is enabled in the general setting and it will poll from time to time to see if data is available, but the technology behind it is a little archaic and requires to try to open data and see if it fails (which will leave these logs in debug mode), no worries here, it's just the effect of the debug mode tracing everything.

Concerning "speedlevel" it's the baud rate, I've renamed it for the next version to remove the mention of this simhub internal "naming' which has not much sense except for me, it's only the serial port speed (baud rate). 115200 is a safe and still fast value, no need to play with it, at best it would go slower if you reduce it, but in your case 115200 can't be an issue (pushing far above like 1Mb is another story :D)

Concerning the sketch voltage "cap", I've removed it (it used to exists in old legacy version of shakeit) but after a few years I've seen that these motors even powered at 12v would hold it with no troubles (they are rated technically for 3.5v approximately, but 12v make them much more responsive) : However you can still cap the whole output directly from simhub using the general power slider, it has the same effect that this deprecated setting :
View attachment 276393

Finally for the real problem, arduino disconnecting, I see multiple causes possible :
- USB hubs : they are hell ... avoid them
- Parasites or insufficient power source or cutting which are going back to the arduino and "kill" the serial chip, the sensibility of the chip will highly depend of the serial chip itself (CH340G, FTDI, ATMEGA ...) :
In this last case I see two solutions :
- This one using the power screw plug instead of the barrel jack, it will isolate power source from the arduino and so reduce parasites or voltage drops making the ship going mad : (you don't need to power the arduino in this way, the usb powering is sufficient)
- This one which is intended to solve motors parasites, but I've not seen anyone requiring that until now:

Finally, it could be a little sneaky, shorts ? When playing with motors they shakes (that's the objective :D) and could trigger a little short somewhere on the connection ? By experience some serial chips hardly recovers of voltage drops and require a proper disconnect/reconnect cycle to recover.

Ouf ! That was a long speech ! I hope it will help ;)

Thanks for your very quick detailed response.
I am using the screw terminal power with the jumper removed. No usb hubs direct to pc.
I'm following "If you would like to have the Arduino powered off of USB and the motors powered off of a DC power supply" from that article.
I'll try the capacitor fix, if i can get the motor open. and a different one, I have four of them.
So your saying these motors can handle 12V ?(obviously reduced life over time) BUT won't blowup instantly if I give them 100% motor power at 12V
Whotever, quick update.

My last test failed and then windows gave an error saying a usb device has malfunctioned etc.
Changed to a different (longer, 30cm to 1.2m) usb cable and different usb port and I could run the motors on 12V at 50% general power and 100% gain easily from motor test. up and down to 100% and constantly at 100% no problems. very strange.
So it looks like I can proceed with the rest of the build now, thanks.
Whotever, quick update.

My last test failed and then windows gave an error saying a usb device has malfunctioned etc.
Changed to a different (longer, 30cm to 1.2m) usb cable and different usb port and I could run the motors on 12V at 50% general power and 100% gain easily from motor test. up and down to 100% and constantly at 100% no problems. very strange.
So it looks like I can proceed with the rest of the build now, thanks.

In fact it doesn't surprise me much, nowadays cables quality is really random, that's why i'm always suspicious to cables/hubs, If one day you cut one of those cables even some of the most thick ones, the wires are often so thin ... it's not a surprise that they fails easily.
Hi, below is the copy of the log after freezing.

[2018-10-31 13:42:49,660] INFO - Starting SimHub v6.5.6 (build time : 03/10/2018 08:31:38)
[2018-10-31 13:42:49,669] INFO - Administrator privileges : True
[2018-10-31 13:42:49,669] INFO - OS version : Microsoft Windows NT 6.2.9200.0
[2018-10-31 13:42:49,669] INFO - Donator License status : Licensed
[2018-10-31 13:42:49,669] INFO - Process priority : Normal
[2018-10-31 13:43:10,910] INFO - (Re)Starting AssettoCorsa Game Manager and plugin manager
[2018-10-31 13:43:12,008] INFO - AC Manager started
[2018-10-31 13:43:13,227] INFO - Starting Arduino in Single USB mode
[2018-10-31 13:43:13,326] INFO - Matrix custom font custommatrixfont8x8 loaded
[2018-10-31 13:43:13,625] INFO - Web suggested IP :
[2018-10-31 13:43:13,735] INFO - Web font-faces up to date
[2018-10-31 13:43:16,668] INFO - Found one device on COM4 named {
"ConnectedModel": "h",
"Features": "GNJP",
"ModulesCount": 1,
"DeviceName": "Arduino Dash",
"PortName": "COM4",
"HasBoost": 0,
"HasSpeedo": 0,
"IsBluetooth": false,
"HasTacho": 0,
"ExpandedFeatures": [
[2018-10-31 13:43:16,669] INFO - Switching device named Arduino Dash to speed level 11 on COM4
[2018-10-31 13:43:16,670] INFO - Switching device on port COM4 to speed level 11, 115200 bauds
[2018-10-31 13:43:17,025] INFO - USBD480 : Found 0 display(s)
[2018-10-31 13:43:17,175] INFO - Connected to device on COM4 named Arduino Dash
[2018-10-31 13:44:09,350] INFO - (Re)Starting CodemastersDirtRally Game Manager and plugin manager
[2018-10-31 13:44:09,350] INFO - Stopping old game manager
[2018-10-31 13:44:09,352] INFO - Stopping old plugin manager

Seeing where it stops I would think hou have another app running listening to the 20777 port (assuming you have kept the default udp port) ant it will break simhub load process, could you check you don't have any other dashboard apps listening ?
Seeing where it stops I would think hou have another app running listening to the 20777 port (assuming you have kept the default udp port) ant it will break simhub load process, could you check you don't have any other dashboard apps listening ?
Indeed I have my simvibe using the same port. It's a bit strange because it worked fine before. I will try to change the port number and using the port forward function of simcommander setting. I'll let you know.
Indeed I have my simvibe using the same port. It's a bit strange because it worked fine before. I will try to change the port number and using the port forward function of simcommander setting. I'll let you know.
Unfortunately it changed nothing. I tried to put different port number, tried also without Simcommander app running, but no change. Always it freezes when I click Dirt rally in Simhub main game window.
I also uninstalled once and reinstalled the Simhub, but the result was same... I don't know if I needed to remove same remaining files from somewhere to clean up before reinstall.
Hello Wotever,
I have a question, regarding Arduino Nano V3 and MAX7219 display(s). They do give out life signals (888888 Displayed on full brightness) but when I connect them to the simhub software, they simply do not function properly. They start missing letters and numbers, flipping text, disconnecting and ultimately going back to only lighting up all LEDs. I did get them working once and they worked perfectly, but after the re-wiring I did, they simply refuse to work. I did reinstall SimHub and I did clear the memory on Arduino. I also got new MAX displays and re-soldered them on and the result is the same. So it shouldn't be hardware that's causing the issues.
Context for pictures: It should say: "Fri 09:27" "GPU: 47C" 20181102_104337-min.jpg


  • 20181102_104357-min.jpg
    494.3 KB · Views: 233
  • 20181102_104444-min.jpg
    598.5 KB · Views: 227
  • 20181102_104519-min.jpg
    588.9 KB · Views: 288
Unfortunately it changed nothing. I tried to put different port number, tried also without Simcommander app running, but no change. Always it freezes when I click Dirt rally in Simhub main game window.
I also uninstalled once and reinstalled the Simhub, but the result was same... I don't know if I needed to remove same remaining files from somewhere to clean up before reinstall.
To reset the whole settings you can delete the whole simhub folder (c:\Program Files (x86)\SimHub\)and reinstall (settings are preserved even when uninstalling),
However the cause of the bug would vanish and the chances to solve it definitely at the same time :D
Could you try just before doing a settings wipe to enable the debug mode inside simhub, then restart and try again ? The logs will be more verbose and hopefully we will see the reason :D.
Hello Wotever,
I have a question, regarding Arduino Nano V3 and MAX7219 display(s). They do give out life signals (888888 Displayed on full brightness) but when I connect them to the simhub software, they simply do not function properly. They start missing letters and numbers, flipping text, disconnecting and ultimately going back to only lighting up all LEDs. I did get them working once and they worked perfectly, but after the re-wiring I did, they simply refuse to work. I did reinstall SimHub and I did clear the memory on Arduino. I also got new MAX displays and re-soldered them on and the result is the same. So it shouldn't be hardware that's causing the issues.
Context for pictures: It should say: "Fri 09:27" "GPU: 47C" View attachment 276575

Hi ! few things I see :
I see really bad solder here :

And the wiring seems wrong, they should be cascaded like this (but maybe the picture does not shows it) :

A last thought, maybe you pushed baud rate a bit too far ? 115200 should be safe value :

Edit : even if the shematic I picked shows VCC and GND cascaded, you can still pick them from arduino, some boards have a huge voltage drop accross the modules, and keeping them wired from arduino is a good thing.

Edit #2 : After a second look these 3 solders looks really bad :(, Simhub sends data at high speed, and the hardware must have clean connections, all these solders can cause parasites, and break serial communications
Last edited:
Hi ! few things I see :
I see really bad solder here : View attachment 276580

And the wiring seems wrong, they should be cascaded like this (but maybe the picture does not shows it) :

A last thought, maybe you pushed baud rate a bit too far ? 115200 should be safe value :
View attachment 276581

Edit : even if the shematic I picked shows VCC and GND cascaded, you can still pick them from arduino, some boards have a huge voltage drop accross the modules, and keeping them wired from arduino is a good thing.

Edit #2 : After a second look these 3 solders looks really bad :(, Simhub sends data at high speed, and the hardware must have clean connections, all these solders can cause parasites, and break serial communications
View attachment 276582

Thank you for the very fast reply!
I will re-solder all the connections again and will see what happens! The serial speed is set to what you sent me, so that shouldn't be a problem. The wiring is done correctly, I used that exact same diagram to wire all the displays and triple checked and it's correct. Will try your suggestions and report back ASAP.
Thank you for the very fast reply!
I will re-solder all the connections again and will see what happens! The serial speed is set to what you sent me, so that shouldn't be a problem. The wiring is done correctly, I used that exact same diagram to wire all the displays and triple checked and it's correct. Will try your suggestions and report back ASAP.
I just found this excellent article, it could help you :
Also do not hesitate to check arduino soldering, I guess they have been done in a similar way.
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