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I'm also quite surprised,too.LOL
This buzz like noise i've heard often,but i have never looked so closely to it as today.I know a little bit with buzzing in speakers and my first step was to cut off all electrical consumer that sharing the one and the same socket with the amplifier.My first thought was mass grind...I dont know how it is named in english.In german it means " Masseschleifen" and it happens when an electrical consumer have no earth...Well, but it did not bring anything.Via Usb hub i have connected 2 Arduino and i have cut the wire off,too.Without any result.Actually, I was going to program Simhub and my Arduinos, but now I wanted to get rid of the buzz and close Simhub.Et Voila...This buzz like noise stopped suddenly.

PS:Between the progamming i've played war thunder...No idea if that is of importance

And i have problems with my buttons and Simhub,Wotever.
I have momentary buttons.I want to map for every screen one button,but for example for "DisplayScreen_TimeScreen" will only change the screen during i push and hold the button.It looks like it only would working witch latching buttons.The command "GoToFirstScreen" will work fine.Is their a way to make more commands like that for my screens "GoToXY" or "GoToSecondScreen?
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I'm also quite surprised,too.LOL
This buzz like noise i've heard often,but i have never looked so closely to it as today.I know a little bit with buzzing in speakers and my first step was to cut off all electrical consumer that sharing the one and the same socket with the amplifier.My first thought was mass grind...I dont know how it is named in english.In german it means " Masseschleifen" and it happens when an electrical consumer have no earth...Well, but it did not bring anything.Via Usb hub i have connected 2 Arduino and i have cut the wire off,too.Without any result.Actually, I was going to program Simhub and my Arduinos, but now I wanted to get rid of the buzz and close Simhub.Et Voila...This buzz like noise stopped suddenly.

PS:Between the progamming i've played war thunder...No idea if that is of importance

And i have problems with my buttons and Simhub,Wotever.
I have momentary buttons.I want to map for every screen one button,but for example for "DisplayScreen_TimeScreen" will only change the screen during i push and hold the button.It looks like it only would working witch latching buttons.The command "GoToFirstScreen" will work fine.Is their a way to make more commands like that for my screens "GoToXY" or "GoToSecondScreen?

In fact for the sound problems, I only see two things, USB, could you try to simply unplug your arduino to see if the sound stops ? Or the audioplugin which gives the baudio bargraph, basiaclly it's an audio recorder which analyse the sound, and sometimes windows when recording a source also push it to the speakers, causing weird sound background. Could you try to disable this plugin in the settings ?

For the additionnal buttons, yes the don"t support "during" it's an a old known (and forgotten :whistling:) bug, i will look to solve it :D , i've created the ticket, i won't forget it this time :D
Ok, don't waste your time with this :( you are doing a really great job with simhub :thumbsup:
I thought it would be easier to implement by adding a checkbox like "idle" and "ingame", i.e. "Ingame 2,3,4" or so and map just another Button... :rolleyes:
Btw, i have not shown that yet:
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Hello Wotever,
Excellent product of yours (et français en plus !), really deserves to be better known, I stumbled on it by chance and it's a huge, high quality work !

Now I have a few questions, I am on ETS2 right now and designing my dashboard, I have a few issues:
- First could you use the telemetry sdk from Funbit, why did you choose that of nlhans? It seems as though it's not been updated since 2 years, some properties seem to be bugged, and the other (Funbit's) is much better documented...
- Telemetry for ETS2: could you add differential lock detection in the properties?
- Telemetry for ETS2: for the life of me, I can't understand the time format, nothing seems to work to display time correctly from the Datacore time property, I wonder if the number format is correct (large enough?) and what does it represent?
- Web display: "below optimal" on dial gauges does not display anything (at least on Chrome and Firefox which I am using).
- Web display: the blur ratio does not display at all (it works correctly on the client).

Sorry for a lot of questions, I hope you can help out on some. And please continue the good work! Merci.
Hello Wotever,
Excellent product of yours (et français en plus !), really deserves to be better known, I stumbled on it by chance and it's a huge, high quality work !

Now I have a few questions, I am on ETS2 right now and designing my dashboard, I have a few issues:
- First could you use the telemetry sdk from Funbit, why did you choose that of nlhans? It seems as though it's not been updated since 2 years, some properties seem to be bugged, and the other (Funbit's) is much better documented...
- Telemetry for ETS2: could you add differential lock detection in the properties?
- Telemetry for ETS2: for the life of me, I can't understand the time format, nothing seems to work to display time correctly from the Datacore time property, I wonder if the number format is correct (large enough?) and what does it represent?
- Web display: "below optimal" on dial gauges does not display anything (at least on Chrome and Firefox which I am using).
- Web display: the blur ratio does not display at all (it works correctly on the client).

Sorry for a lot of questions, I hope you can help out on some. And please continue the good work! Merci.

Hi ! I will take it in the order :D

- First could you use the telemetry sdk from Funbit, why did you choose that of nlhans? It seems as though it's not been updated since 2 years, some properties seem to be bugged, and the other (Funbit's) is much better documented...

Yep, I made the full comparison one by one between the both plugins data recently, there is only a few (very few) properties changes, also Funbit ones is also on the no update road with no changes for a long time too.
To come back to the initial question, Simhub already contains the code for the Funbit plugin, but i'm Facing this horrible deal of breaking all existing dash for a few new data, and leaving both would be really confusing.

- Telemetry for ETS2: could you add differential lock detection in the properties?

Hum if i'm not wrong the data is not available in the API, and the new SDK versions only give better compatibility for ATS, no new data channels around.

Telemetry for ETS2: for the life of me, I can't understand the time format, nothing seems to work to display time correctly from the Datacore time property, I wonder if the number format is correct (large enough?) and what does it represent?

It depends of the data, they are often given in seconds which means that you can use ncalc "secondstotimespan" to convert seconds to a more friendly format. But an exemple of the property you wan't to use would allow me a better answer ;)

- Web display: "below optimal" on dial gauges does not display anything (at least on Chrome and Firefox which I am using).

Would be interested by a sample dash, it should be working but the dials are a very specific case of the web engine and the implementation is really not trivial ;)

- Web display: the blur ratio does not display at all (it works correctly on the client).

Uh uh :D this one is a choice, maybe a little brutal, i agree. Blur is a perf killer, I did not added it by choice, it would make your dash unresponsive most of the time. Since the day one people used blur on desktop at the big price of performance. The fact is, than, now i want more to remove it from desktop than add it to web.

I hope I did not forgot any question :D
There is no doubt that is just super work ..sadly well beyond what I could produce, I am just thankful that there are cable people like yourself, that are not only willing to produce such an app, but then also sharing it with others.

I am experiencing some issues though, in AC and R3E it will often loose connection, if I Alt\tab out of the game and highlight your app with my mouse, it finds the connection again and we are away :) ...the app feels like it just goes to sleep lol. In AMS I just can not get it to work at all atm, but of course still trying ..
There is no doubt that is just super work ..sadly well beyond what I could produce, I am just thankful that there are cable people like yourself, that are not only willing to produce such an app, but then also sharing it with others.

I am experiencing some issues though, in AC and R3E it will often loose connection, if I Alt\tab out of the game and highlight your app with my mouse, it finds the connection again and we are away :) ...the app feels like it just goes to sleep lol. In AMS I just can not get it to work at all atm, but of course still trying ..
Could you give me a liitle more details ? what are you using ? arduino / dashstudio / dash studio web ?

What i see from the infos you gave is maybe a full cpu not leaving enough ressource for simhub ? You can enable the high process priority switch as a test

If you are using dashstudio, you can enable the "web engine" checkbox, this new rendering engine has proven to be more efficient than the legacy one.

Edit for AMS, you must install the plugin (follow the instructions using the bottom window button :


Also since last w10 update AMS is broken :
It took me 2 hours yesterday to figure what was damn happening.
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Thanks a lot Wotever, for such quick and detailed replies!

I understand about your telemetry choices. Coming back to the telemetry question for "time", this is the property I'm trying to use: DataCorePlugin.GameRawData.Time, which is supposed to give the in-game time (I'm not interested in real system time).The "secondstotimespan" gives a format which can be used to hh:mm but it is as if hh:mm were in microseconds or so... I tried playing with the left operand but still get hh:mm increasing way too fast. I am wondering whether the large number given by that property might be truncated if the variable type is incorrect in the code? Or maybe I still do not understand the format of the number returned by that function?

For the "below optimal" on web display of gauges, any one really, the "BelowOptimal" properties do not seem to be taken into account in the web engine (arc color is not displayed, they work in the Simhub client) whereas the "AboveOptimal" styles are. Apart from that dial gauges work very well in the web display!

Shame if we lose the blur... I can live without it but it adds a bit of realism to a photoshopped dashboard by not having too sharp superimposed images and texts...

I love the ETS2 map... Is this based on Mike Koch's work?
Thanks a lot Wotever, for such quick and detailed replies!

I understand about your telemetry choices. Coming back to the telemetry question for "time", this is the property I'm trying to use: DataCorePlugin.GameRawData.Time, which is supposed to give the in-game time (I'm not interested in real system time).The "secondstotimespan" gives a format which can be used to hh:mm but it is as if hh:mm were in microseconds or so... I tried playing with the left operand but still get hh:mm increasing way too fast. I am wondering whether the large number given by that property might be truncated if the variable type is incorrect in the code? Or maybe I still do not understand the format of the number returned by that function?

For the "below optimal" on web display of gauges, any one really, the "BelowOptimal" properties do not seem to be taken into account in the web engine (arc color is not displayed, they work in the Simhub client) whereas the "AboveOptimal" styles are. Apart from that dial gauges work very well in the web display!

Shame if we lose the blur... I can live without it but it adds a bit of realism to a photoshopped dashboard by not having too sharp superimposed images and texts...

I love the ETS2 map... Is this based on Mike Koch's work?

For the time i made the test too, and I could not convert it to ingame time, looks like indeed it's not seconds or such things at all, i will investigate further.

I will looks for the below optimal ;)

For the blur, I totally understand, the dilemma is cruel, here a little article with the explanation about performances troubles with blur :
It describe that a blur of 2, is 4 times more heavy than 1, etc ... but most dash i've seen uses values like 50 or sometimes 100 , i let you do the maths on how heavy it can be.

The map is indeed from the Mike Koch's work, i'm still hesitating to publish this version for some reasons:
  • I've not made the map by myself :D ... i hate that :D
  • Mike stated recently that there won't be any more updates on the map until there is a better way to capture them
  • And there are no maps available for ATS
In fact for the sound problems, I only see two things, USB, could you try to simply unplug your arduino to see if the sound stops ? Or the audioplugin which gives the baudio bargraph, basiaclly it's an audio recorder which analyse the sound, and sometimes windows when recording a source also push it to the speakers, causing weird sound background. Could you try to disable this plugin in the settings ?

For the additionnal buttons, yes the don"t support "during" it's an a old known (and forgotten :whistling:) bug, i will look to solve it :D , i've created the ticket, i won't forget it this time :D
Thank you very much again...Your support is very great.:thumbsup:I will look and hear in the evening or night then it is calmer and I can hear better.But i have yesterday unplugged all usb devices except for mouse and keyboard.To unplugged the Arduinos has not stopped the noise.I have closed Simhub and the noise was gone.:speechless: Later i try to disable the audio plugin and will do the same as yesterday and listen to what happens.
With the additionnal buttons i don't know if we mean the same...I understand unfortunately not everything in english.:( But i'll wait and see what you do.
Thanks Wotever for the resource, very interesting. I was just on a blur radius of 3 but it does make a nice visual difference... You might not want to change anything and just warn users of the potential impact of using it?

If you look at the web rendering, I just noticed a set of other differences with the simhub client:
- Gradient rectangle doesn't display (stays solid)
- Dial gauge "glass effect" is not rendered
- Dial gauges do not seem to "cover" layers underneath

Maps will probably be a pain... if users don't use vanilla maps on ETS2 (and who does?) maps will have to be generated for each case... could envision to do it for vanilla + promods but it may be a pain to update anyway with each version...
Thanks Wotever for the resource, very interesting. I was just on a blur radius of 3 but it does make a nice visual difference... You might not want to change anything and just warn users of the potential impact of using it?

If you look at the web rendering, I just noticed a set of other differences with the simhub client:
- Gradient rectangle doesn't display (stays solid)
- Dial gauge "glass effect" is not rendered
- Dial gauges do not seem to "cover" layers underneath

Maps will probably be a pain... if users don't use vanilla maps on ETS2 (and who does?) maps will have to be generated for each case... could envision to do it for vanilla + promods but it may be a pain to update anyway with each version...

Hum I will test gradients, for me it was working, but i may have missed something,

Glass effect is indeed missing, I was waiting for a full rewrite of the component, the dial is the most complex to reproduce in HTML and it still needs some work to get a perfect match on web (just solved the optimal ranges ;), it's this in less on the difference list :D , it will be OK for next release :D)

Dials not covering layers : I would be interested by an example (you can make a zip of the dash folder in DashTemplates folder), i use a lot of dash I've taken from users and mine and I've not seen a behavior like that.

I apologize for those little rendering errors, Web engine came afterwards and I had to rewrite all the rendering process, meaning condensate in a few weeks what I took months to write in desk mode :D. but fix after fix it becomes closer and closer :D

Edit : for gradients you may have used radial mode ?
Hi. I'm back and I think I've found the solution to my problems of my second monitor going black with fullscreen games. I'm telling in case anyone has the same issue.

With Assetto Corsa, in video options, disable fullscreen rendering.
With rFactor 2, use windowed borderless, instead of fullscreen.

I have not made tests of framerate, but apparently the performance is the same as with fullscreen and I have not noticed any tearing or other issues. Now my second monitor shows the idle screen and doesn't go black. The race screen appears when you are ready to go.

With Dirt Rally I think I've never had this problem. However, like with the other two when on fullscreen mode, sometimes the annoying message of "Windows has changed to the basic color scheme bla bla bla" pops up, which is unnaceptable. To fix this, just edit the shortcut to your exe and tick "disable visual themes" and/or "desktop composition" or whatever name it has in English.

Now that my problems are gone (well, rFactor 2 still refuses to communicate with Sim Commander 4 for body shaking...), I would like to introduce my custom made dashboard. But first, is there any option in Dash Studio to remove all the tags, borders etc so I can take a clean screenshot?
Hi. I'm back and I think I've found the solution to my problems of my second monitor going black with fullscreen games. I'm telling in case anyone has the same issue.

With Assetto Corsa, in video options, disable fullscreen rendering.
With rFactor 2, use windowed borderless, instead of fullscreen.

I have not made tests of framerate, but apparently the performance is the same as with fullscreen and I have not noticed any tearing or other issues. Now my second monitor shows the idle screen and doesn't go black. The race screen appears when you are ready to go.

With Dirt Rally I think I've never had this problem. However, like with the other two when on fullscreen mode, sometimes the annoying message of "Windows has changed to the basic color scheme bla bla bla" pops up, which is unnaceptable. To fix this, just edit the shortcut to your exe and tick "disable visual themes" and/or "desktop composition" or whatever name it has in English.

Now that my problems are gone (well, rFactor 2 still refuses to communicate with Sim Commander 4 for body shaking...), I would like to introduce my custom made dashboard. But first, is there any option in Dash Studio to remove all the tags, borders etc so I can take a clean screenshot?

You have a screenshot made automatically into the template folder :
Hey Wotever that's fine, it's excellent work and very, very active... thanks for the optimal range fix!

Have a look at this one (which I'm using):

You'll notice on the web renderer that (1) on the main screen the rectangulat gradient (not radial gradient, sorry!) is not showing behind the scania logo (it is solid black), and (2) for the two dials, the black rectangles which are supposed to be behind are not covered by the dials (it's small but you can notice it bottom left for RPM, bottom right for Speedo and top for RPM also). Not a big deal obviously but I thought I should mention it... it shows fine on the Simhub client.
Oh, that was easy. Well, here it is. I wanted it simple, with just the essential information, rally oriented (very big gear change indicator), but also usable for GT racing, etc. (lap, position...).

BTW, congratulations for the editor (Dash Studio). It's really fantastic! The only thing is that ctrl z (undo) is not working here.

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