Euro Truck Simulator 2 Official News and Updates

Marcel vd Aa

AC Paint Guru
SCS software have launched the official website for Euro Truck Simulator 2:

Offcourse there is also news about a release date and system requirements.
The game will be available on the 19th of October from the above mentioned website. The system requirements are as follows:
Minimum System Requirements:
  • Operating system: Windows XP (SP3)/Vista/7
  • Processor Dual core CPU 2.4 GHz
  • 2 GB system memory
  • Dedicated graphics card with 256 MB memory (GeForce 7600 GT-class equivalent or better)
  • DirectX 9 compatible sound card
  • DirectX 9.0
  • 1.5 GB of free hard drive space
Recommended System Requirements:
  • Dual core CPU 3.0 GHz
  • 4 GB system memory
  • Dedicated graphics card with 1024 MB memory (GeForce GTS 450-class equivalent or better)
The game is also available on EA's distribution platform Origin.
Latest news form the SCS software blog:

Arts & Structures

The team at SCS Software is still very busy improving the game for a zero-day patch. Our volunteer testing corps are finding so many opportunities for improvements and fixes that each day since going "Gold" we have addressed a dozen or so issues; some of them bug fixes, some of them wish-list items. So when you unpack the game from the box or download it from the Internet on October 19th, make sure to update the game. The game that is shipping is not broken in any way, but the update will make it even more robust and add some extra polish.​
Many images and movies were already published from the game, either by us or by people who were included in the beta program, and it's hard to show you anything from a novel angle that would make it newsworthy for a blog post. So for today we thought we would show you a few special sights from the game - several landmarks which are dotting the game world and making places in the world recognizable to those who know them.​
Quite an effort was poured into our collection of art pieces and unique landmarks; it's always a tough balancing act when developing an open world game: how much to focus on the scale of the world, how much to invest onto details, should we instead spend more time on the vehicles, etc etc. We don't have design teams with 100-200 people headcount like the major game productions (Grand Theft Auto series games come to mind as an example of greatly executed games with incredible amount of content). The core art & design team on ETS2 was about 8 people for most of the production time of the game, and they had to share the load of building the map, populating it with objects, building all vehicles, and to come up with decent looking set of UI screens on top of it. Lots of work! (And lots of time as it turned out). Hopefully you'll find it worth it. ;-)​

Latest news from the SCS software blog:

The Power of Community #3

We have used the title "Power of Community" twice already on this blog, but it's very fitting to use it again.​
First time around, it was to in the case of a member of the truck sims fan community helping us find a publisher in Brazil. Trying alone, we were not lucky enough to identify any company interested in distribution of our games there. Fortunately, players of our games often know way more than we do, especially when it comes to local market conditions, so the recommendation to approach Tech Dealer was spot on. After releasing 3 games though them already, we have freshly signed ETS2 with them now, too.​
When we used the title again, it was to comment on the incredible uptake of crowd-sourced translation of Trucks & Trailers though GetLocalization. It was a great experience, too, we have since used again and again, most recently for Euro Truck Simulator 2. The game is at the moment fully translated into over 20 languages, and more are in the works. For one of the upcoming game updates, we hope to be ready with utf-8 support, being able to localize the game into even more languages. Our programmers are currently working on this, also inspired by the help of community and the chance to offer the game in native language to even more of our fans.​
Now for the third time we felt the title was needed, we have some interesting development in the truck brand licensing area!​
Since last week, we have received e-mails from three truck manufacturers inquiring about our game. It seems to have been the result of a group of our fans bombarding their facebook pages with a campaign to license their brand to ETS2 (or so we understand) - it was loud enough to attract their attention. We tried to approach all truck manufacturers over the past 3 years, and mostly it wasn't really a problem that we were refused. Actually it was the problem of not being noticed at all, not being able to reach the level of decision makers in the companies. Now it seems that where we have not succeeded, you guys managed to make them raise their ears and notice our game. Nothing is to be taken for granted, the discussions are at very early stages, but with a bit of luck there is a chance for 3 more vehicles in our game getting the proper name and brand in future ETS2 updates.​
Not everything works as a charm though. We have also been trying to use the power of the fan community to get noticed by Valve, the company behind Steam, on the Euro Truck Simulator 2 Greenlight campaign. Unfortunately so far this was not a success, the game is now lingering at #43 on Greenlight, actually losing a couple of places in the race since last week. Perhaps when the demo is out on October 19th, it will raise awareness of the game by so much that yet more votes will come. Others are way more lucky in this regard, Farming Simulator 2013 did not even have to go through Greenlight and was accepted to Steam with no problems (you can pre-order it already). Maybe we have picked the wrong simulation niche if there are so much more farmers than truck drivers? ;-)​
To end this post on a positive note again, let's take a look at a few more landmarks spicing up the world of ETS2!​

Calm weekend ahead of Storm?

We have been enjoying the the first calm weekend before the release; no longer under any pressure to push the game towards completion. We hope that you had a great weekend too, and that you are looking forward to the upcoming weekend so that you can spend some quality time with ETS2 :). Starting at midnight on Thursday, let's see if Euro Truck Simulator 2 can stir up the storm!

To reflect on this quieter period, here are a few historical landmarks that you may pass by on your journeys in the game. Soon enough, there will be so many great screenshots and movies published from the game by the fans that we will have hard time showing you something unique. We may have to think of ways to show you something that you cannot yet see in the initial release of the game!
Download is available since 15 minutes ;)
Grab the Demo here!
This Demo has the to patch version 1.1.1 included. You can buy the game to extend the demo to the full game.

The downloaded game has no time limit on the play time, however access to some of the game areas is limited until activated. Play free to see if you like the game, and to check whether it is compatible with your computer.
We are happy to confirm that the next major update of Euro Truck Simulator 2 is going to come with officially licensed DAF Trucks branding for the XF tractor.

The upcoming extensive game update is going to bring quite a lot changes and improvements, lots of tweaks to the map, to AI, to physics, to lights, translations into new languages, and more. We are currently in beta testing of these changes, but it's a really big batch of code, art, and design touches, and may take some time to polish (perhaps up to two weeks) before we hope to be in shape to release it.

Some screenshots of the Dafs


ETS2 patch 1.2.5

We have the patch up now, initially available through torrent before mirrors come online. Full game installer is going to follow probably only tomorrow, we have accelerated the whole release process to get the patch to you ASAP, and will have to catch up with the other files.
Go get the patch:​
Here is the short version of the change log:​
  • DAF - added as new licensed truck brand
  • added command line parameter -nodx9ex which disables extended DX9 interfaces for compatibility with Xfire
  • support for Unicode characters
  • support for Korean, Vietnamese and Chinese
  • enter your name in profile with non-ASCII characters
  • better automatic save/load system
  • fixes in registration plates for SK, NL, FR, I, S, BE, A
  • recreated lamps illumination of all trucks, trailers and AI vehicles
  • readjusted fatigue simulation
  • new gearboxes for each truck
  • adjusted steering
  • over two hundred indvidual map fixes and prettyfications, fixed weather areas, added new lamps to prefabs
  • several inaccessible roads removed from navigation system
  • a bus added as AI vehicle in traffic
  • improvements of AI handling on prefabs - speed, acceleration, and braking
  • decreased Valiant dashboard brightness
  • route advisor's "running line" corrected
  • added extra tier to progress history - progress is shown up to level 150 now
  • skill screen doesn't pop up on level up anymore if there are no skill points available
  • rain probability slider added to Options
  • truck braking intensity slider added to Options
  • subtle improvements in HDR tonemapping
Patches Patches

Yesterday's patch wasn't such a smooth ride as we had hoped, sorry. Your response was initially quite shocking for us as lot of problems were reported. In the end, we distilled the problems to a few core causes, and we have worked overnight to provide you with an updated patch as soon as possible. We apologize for the trouble, we were confident that the patch was mature and ready after extended testing, but we still missed some things.​
The lessons learned and suggestions for you:​
  • Let the patch finish! On some computers it may take up to 10 minutes for the patch to do its job, Windows may even claim that "application not responding" but in fact the patch is taking time to update all files. If you interrupt the patch before it's finished, you will end up with executable files and game data files out of sync, and the only fix will be a complete uninstall and re-install of the game.
  • The patch will fail and mess cracked or altered game files. The patch doesn't just plain copy new executable files or data pack files into the game's folder, it uses the existing files and only changes the inside sections of them which were changed. If your .exe's or .scs'es were in any way altered, the patch will fail, and fail silently - we never tested it against cracked game.
  • Make sure you have enough room on the hard-drive volume where your game is installed before you apply the patch. To be safe, you should have 4 GB of spare room on the hard drive for the patch to do all the changes. In the end you will end with about the same free space, the extra spare room is needed just for the patch operations.
  • The patch may have crashed for people using banned Product Keys, there was a bug in the code which should act "mercifully" on banned keys and only show up the Activation Screen again, but instead the game was crashing. Our mistake for not testing the patch with banned keys.
  • It seems that there may be some mods out there which affect the game save files in ways that make the new version of the game unable to read the save files. If you are using mods, make sure to make a backup of your "profile" folder so that you can safely revert things.
  • The ultimate reason that we need a new patch today is that there were incompatibilities with the patch and certain retail editions of the game, that was a problem we did not catch during testing, but should be fixed with this minor update today.
When things fail still for you and you are in doubt what to do, the solution is to uninstall the game and install a new complete fresh version of the game. Keep an eye on mod incompatibilities, and to avoid frustration of lost game progress back up your game profile.
Get the new patch from ETS2 Update page.​
Get the complete new version of the game from ETS2 Download Page.​
If you had no trouble with yesterday's 1.2.5 patch, there is no need to update again actually, functionally it's the same game. In fact even with the latest patch the game still identifies itself as version 1.2.5 as we haven't touched the game binary from 1.2.5 to​
Also please have patience with the new Asian languages support, the features necessary to make it work in the game are quite new and translations did not have much time to stabilize. Consider it the first step.​
Evolving ETS2

Seeing the initial success of Euro Truck Simulator 2 on the market, we are more and more ambitious in our plans to improve the game in the long term.

We are working on many improvements for the upcoming game updates, and today we'd like to show you a glimpse of some user interface touches that you can look forward to in the next patch: using other currencies when listing expenses and general company accounting than just Euro, and making the information supplied through Route Advisor a bit richer.

A New ETS2 Patch Almost Here

In a few days we should be ready to finally update Euro Truck Simulator 2 again. We are working on improving many parts of the game, we are definitely not just in maintenance mode. The development effort is substantial; we are committed to evolving the game for a long time. But things take time to get them done right, more than we would like for sure. Several extensive features which will not make it into this patch are already under development. Please have patience with us!

What to expect now?

First and foremost, the 1.3.x patch is bringing two more official truck brands into the game. Of course moders are doing fabulous job in this area already, but this is major news for us. We are proud to have official support from 6 of 7 biggest European truck brands. Down the line, this is going to have very important influence on the quality of our games, as well us perception of our games by the public and truck industry insiders alike. Far from all ETS2 players use mods, so having the real brands in the game "out of the box" is a welcome feature for the many thousands of players just using the standard game.

Second major development is addition of Product Key verification step to the activation process. It is no secret that in the recent weeks, a "key gen" has appeared which can fool the built-in Product Key check in many cases. On release, the game had no true "DRM" protection, it never contacted any database of valid keys to see if the Product Key is really issued and in good standing. All that the game did was check if the Key conformed to a complex mathematical formula. This protection step though was reverse-engineered, a key gen unleashed, and since then piracy is through the roof. It's not just casual piracy, it seems that several shady companies have made a business out of selling these fake product keys on the cheap, scamming customers by claims that these keys are valid. We had to do something about it, it was urgent as this was badly hurting both our pocket and our reputation. So instead of bringing you a new patch quickly, we had to concentrate on closing this hole and spend over a month of programmers' time implementing an extra Product Key verification step to the game. As of the new patch, everybody will be asked to re-enter their Product Key again, and this time the check will be more thorough, actually comparing the key with a database of valid keys. Any keys which are not genuine or are coming from stolen credit card purchases will be refused. We expect quite a storm of complaints as people will find out that the key they were using until now just fine was in fact invalid, but we simply must take this step to protect our business. Steam version of Euro Truck Simulator 2 can be activated by using genuine Product Keys issued for any other edition of the game, and seeing the activity on Steam it is already a clear indication of what to expect with so many people trying to use fake keys to register the game there.

The patch change-log has some 20 lines covering fixes and improvements not listed above, but we'll post this detailed list closer to release of the patch. For now, let us show you some of the visible changes and additions to the ETS2 truck fleet.

ETS2 Eastern European Expansion

We are happy to announce that we are working on the first official add-on for Euro Truck Simulator 2. This map expansion is centering on Eastern Europe with special focus on Poland, so we took the opportunity of a press-day taking place at our Polish publishing partner CDP to let the word know about it yesterday.

We have been working on the expansion for some time already, we have bits and pieces to show already, but there is still a lot of work left to complete the new part of the map.

Why go East for the first map expansion? With all respect to our truck sim games' fans across the globe, Polish fan community is one of the most active and most supportive. Cooperation between CDP and SCS in Poland is also exemplary. So we felt that this region is a great candidate for testing out if creating map expansions is going to become a viable business for SCS Software. It would be great if the market can prove that growing the world of Euro Truck Simulator 2 is not lost time for us.

Once ETS2 EEE is completed, we'll have to decide where to go next... Scandinavia? Rest of France with an option to go toward Spain? Italy? Balkans? Continue East towards Russia? We will have to try to come up with a method to understand the highest potential and set the priorities right...

Final note: This map add-on/DLC will not be free (we are pondering ~EUR 10 price point), but it's an optional expansion. Throughout the year 2013, we are going to keep improving the core game with free updates for everybody with fixes and many improvements, including for example all new trucks models, or new AI code. So while the 1.3.x patch is very near, stay tuned for further patches coming down the road. And some surprises on top of it all ;-).​

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