F1 2010 F1 2010 and F1 2011 how to Run?

F1 2010 The Game (Codemasters)
I purchased the F1 Bundle few Weeks ago and installed the Games yesterday. But F1 2010 and F1 2011 won't start at my Windows 10 System.

Steam said F1 2010 and F1 2011 will work with Steam because GFWL are patched out but still it won't start! Any Suggestions for me how to fix? I wanna play this Games i paid for that if i can't start the Games i will go to the Steam Support and asking him to give my Money back for that 2 Games!!!
Codemasters...and the folks behind GFWL should have been forced to issue refunds to all who purchased the titles branded with this nonsense.
I purchased F1 2010 sometime after it was released and got very little time playing it before that split occurred.
It refused to start...even with Win8...all I ever got upon trying to launch in STEAM, was a notification of my serial key.
I wrote several times to Codies support... with zero replies on how to get it up and running.
Now, I just keep it as a reminder never to buy games from Codemaster or with any such bulls**t as GFWL injected.